Trystane frantically screens the scene after the fireball run its course and already thought there was nothing left for him to deal with, when he saw how Bridgette's blasts zoned in on the last survivor. With a long jump, Trystane throws himself into battle.
Action: two unarmed strikes Bonus: one unarmed strike @R1, hit 19 for 16 magical slashing and 1 lightning damage @R1, hit 35(!) for 21 magical slashing and 7 lightning damage @R1, hit 27 for 18 magical slashing and 5 lightning damage
Technically I posted Yurgojin before Trystane's action was posted so that could be ruled that Yurgojin didn't get his awesome sneak damage since nobody was next to R1...
Talorin holds up his holy symbol and prays. "Clear our way!" he asks. A speck of fire shoots forth and then grows into a large ball.
Fireball //1 sorcery point for empowered spell Damage: 2+2+3+4+2+5+6+4 +4+6+3 = (28 - 6 + 13) = 35 fire DEX Save DC 20 for half
//trying to get as many cultists and cult fanatics as possible in the AoE, see if we can wipe away the low level fodder
Bad news for the ritualists, they are all caught in the blast.
R1 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 9 legendary resistance if failed 10
R1 automatically saves due to Legendary Resistance (2/3 remaining) R1 takes half of 35 (17) fire damage. R1 (167/184) Then as a Legendary Action, Relentless Impaler will teleport next to Talorin R1-L1 targets Talorin, Spike Attack: 16 Damage: 13 piecing damage, speed halved on hit
Spike. Melee Weapon Attack:+11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage, and the target’s speed is halved until the start of the impaler’s next turn.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the impaler fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Fireball //1 sorcery point for empowered spell Damage: 2+2+3+4+2+5+6+4 +4+6+3 = (28 - 6 + 13) = 35 fire DEX Save DC 20 for half
Gustav CF2 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 12 Elisabeth CF3 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 5 CF4 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 15 CF5 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 5 CF6 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 5 CF7 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 6 CF8 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 10 C9 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 15 C-10 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 15 C-11 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 11 C-12 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 2 C-13 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 7 C-14 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 5 C-15 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 4
Technically I posted Yurgojin before Trystane's action was posted so that could be ruled that Yurgojin didn't get his awesome sneak damage since nobody was next to R1...
R1 may have teleported to any of us with their legendary actions (which Nathan said it would do), so they are probably near someone. And anyway, we posted mere seconds apart, these attacks must have happened simultaneously imho.
Bridgette spends her first turn trying to take out the Relentless Impaler. With her bonus action she casts hex on it. Then she tries to exterminate it with eldritch blast.
R1 takes 12, 16, 18, total 46 damage. R1 (121/184) Then as a Legendary Action, Relentless Impaler will teleport next to Bridgette R1-L2 targets Bridgette, Spike Attack: 19 Damage: 18 piecing damage, speed halved on hit
Yurgojin will fire up the flame tongue and rush towards R1
Attack 1: 30 to hit (crit), 28 piercing (rerolled one roll with feat) plus 12 fire damage and 46 sneak
Attack 2: 22 to hit, 7 piercing plus 3 fire
Yurgojin heads towards the dais, but circles back because of the teleporting monster (Bridgette is next to the monster) R1 takes 28, 12, 46, 7, 3, total 96 damage. R1 (25/184) Then as a Legendary Action, Relentless Impaler will teleport next to Yurgojin (but on the other side of him, so it looks really cool, he's getting spiked in the back!) R1-L3 targets Yurgojin, Spike Attack: 16 Damage: 15 piecing damage, speed halved on hit.
@R1, hit 19 for 16 magical slashing and 1 lightning damage @R1, hit 35(!) for 21 magical slashing and 7 lightning damage @R1, hit 27 for 18 magical slashing and 5 lightning damage
R1 takes 16, 1, 21, 7, 18, 5, total 68 damage and disappears. R1 (-43/184)
Bloodheart Stake. The impaler is magically bound to the ceremonial stake and the sacrificed corpse the ritual caster used to create it. If the impaler is reduced to 0 hit points, it disappears, then re-forms 1d8 hours later in the nearest unoccupied space to the stake and regains all its hit points. The impaler dies only if it is reduced to 0 hit points while either the ceremonial stake is removed from the sacrifice’s corpse or the impaler is on a different plane of existence from that corpse.
She says urgently, "Quickly, I have no time to explain, the presence of Strahd is upon us. Pledge yourself to me and to uphold the tenets of the Ulmist Inquisition, "
Purity of Body and Spirit, Preserve oneself from corruption, both physical and spiritual. Maintain personal purity to resist the taint of evil.
Vigilance Against the Supernatural, Constantly watch for signs of dark forces, including undead, fiends, and dark magic. Never let your guard down.
Eradicate Corruption, Eliminate all forms of supernatural corruption and those who wield dark powers. Mercy for the wicked is a doorway to greater evil.
Uncompromising Faith, Hold steadfast to the belief that righteousness and unwavering dedication will shield you from the forces of darkness.
Justice Through Fire and Steel, Enforce justice with decisive action. Punishment must be swift, and fire and steel are the tools by which corruption is purged.
The Greater Good Above All, Sacrifices must be made for the survival and protection of the greater community. The needs of the many outweigh the few.
No Tolerance for Heresy, Root out false doctrines, dangerous magics, and deceitful practices. Even doubt can be the first step toward corruption.
Secrecy and Discipline, Maintain secrecy in tactics and missions. The strength of the Inquisition lies in its careful planning and discretion.
Sacred Duty Over Personal Desire, Personal feelings and attachments must never interfere with the mission to protect the realm from darkness.
Eternal Watch, Evil is relentless, and so must be the Inquisition. There is no final victory, only eternal vigilance.
If you agree with these many tenets, then I dub thee deputized as a member of The Ulmist Inquisition.
You just have enough time to recover the rod and listen to Sarusanda with her plea to join the Inquisition before the Presence of Strahd manifests into physical form.
You stand at one end of an impossibly long wooden dining table in the hall of a stone keep. Gilded plates, cutlery, and goblets of blood-red wine are set for each member of your party.
At the other end of the table stands a tall, pale man. He wears regal, red garb, and his raven hair comes to a prominent widow’s peak. He smiles menacingly at you as he raises his goblet in a toast. “Welcome, my guests. May you find the eternal hospitality of Strahd von Zarovich to your liking. Should at any point you wish to leave, simply find me and ask.”
Strahd has blocked teleportation and other magical travel and begins to chase the party throughout the Death House for hours, all the while warping and changing the floorplan into an inescapable maze. Once the chasing has stopped, Strahd will confront the party as a whole.
"Sarusanda, I will permit you to flee this place,” he intones. “But only if you do so immediately, and you never return.”
He glances at the characters, then asks Sarusanda, “Do you know them?” If you took the Oath, Strahd will let you leave with Sarusanda. If you did not take the Oath, you can still lie to Strahd with a Deception DC 20 he will let you leave. If you did not become an Inquisitor or you can't beat a Deception DC 20, Strahd, Master of Death House will attack
Bridgette casts shield to avoid getting hit by the Impaler. Did this all happen soon enough for Bridgette to still have Armor of Agathys up from when she cast it right at the end of the last fight?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Bridgette casts shield to avoid getting hit by the Impaler. Did this all happen soon enough for Bridgette to still have Armor of Agathys up from when she cast it right at the end of the last fight?
(Anyone going for the offer of becoming an Ulmist Inquisition? Kinda feel like Yurgojin wouldn't but not sure he would try to deceive either and would prefer to kill what's been giving them trouble! Even though is probably not the best idea after 2 fights. Plus he's still very susceptible to being charmed!)
(OOC: I too am wondering if it would be in-character for Necyra to take up Sarusanda's offer. I'm thinking no, but then again, Necyra has a measly +2 on deception, so I'm leaning towards just saying yes. We've got the fourth piece, so technically our duty is done...let's skedaddle outta here!)
Necyra listened intently to Sarusanda's proposal, her eyes narrowing in thought. The Inquisitor's words resonated with her own beliefs, her own sense of justice. She had always strived to protect the innocent and to combat evil in all its forms. "I accept your offer," she said, her voice firm. "I will uphold the tenets of the Ulmist Inquisition."
Necyra, her heart pounding with adrenaline, stood her ground, her eyes locked on Strahd. The vampire's presence was overwhelming, his power palpable. She knew that they were in grave danger, but she would not be intimidated. She looked over to Sarusanda, awaiting her response of recognition, hoping for the best, but expecting the worse.
(I kinda feel like Trystane would be the kind of creature the inquisition, or at least some overly zealous inquisitors, would likely hunt. So it's a bit of a stretch for him to accept the tenets in good faith. He might just say he does to get out of a tight spot believing that lip-service will do, though that's about the extend of it. I also don't feel that Strahd is too much of a challenge. It's true that his Charm is the main concern but how many rounds is he likely to benefit from it?)
Trystane raises an eyebrow at Sarusanda’s impassioned plea, his expression a mix of skepticism and pragmatism. “Purity of body and spirit, vigilance, fire and steel—sounds noble enough,” he mutters, a wry smile tugging at his lips. “Though I reckon most of your Inquisition would rather hunt a creature like me than share ranks.” He shrugs, his claws flexing absently. “Still, if we’re all hired to fight the greatest evil in the world, maybe we’ve got more in common than I’d think. Fine, I’ll take your oath. Let’s finish this.” He wonders about their impending meeting with Strahd, his glowing eyes narrowing. “If it gets me one step closer to putting an end to this nightmare, I’ll pledge myself to your cause—at least for now."
When Strahd finally catches up with them, he wonders if they should not simply end him here. But then, would that be final? Most likely not, and it would be a challenge for sure, maybe even a risk. So for what? He waits for Sarusanda to acknowledge their involvement in the inquisition, or the contrary. Either way, Trystane is ready to take a stand or simply leave the place for good. After all, they already possess what they came for.
Fireball //1 sorcery point for empowered spell Damage: 2+2+3+4+2+5+6+4 +4+6+3 = (28 - 6 + 13) = 35 fire DEX Save DC 20 for half
Gustav CF2 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 12 Elisabeth CF3 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 5 CF4 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 15 CF5 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 5 CF6 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 5 CF7 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 6 CF8 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 10 C9 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 15 C-10 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 15 C-11 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 11 C-12 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 2 C-13 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 7 C-14 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 5 C-15 Dexterity Save DC 20 vs 4
Everybody dies?
[[ Surprised by that. The CFs had a 15% chance of saving. And so .85^7 ~= 32% chance of none of them succeeding. Would've expected at least one to save. ]]
When Sarusanda talks about the tenets of the Ulmist Inquisition he's intrigued. However though he sees the good in most of them, they feel a bit too uncompromising in other areas. Trystane's words are a good example of that. "Mercy for the wicked isn't a weakness." he says, "It's a strength to hope for the redemption of all those that can be redeemed. It's exactly what makes good, well, good!"
When Strahd makes his appearance he adds, "Though sometimes there are those that force your hand." He runs with the party until eventually gasping out, "Perhaps we could be a light to those villagers we met earlier?"
History: 7+5 = 12 //wondering how much lore Talorin might know about Strahd; moreso just wondering for possible personalized taunts he could try using.
[[ Surprised by that. The CFs had a 15% chance of saving. And so .85^7 ~= 32% chance of none of them succeeding. Would've expected at least one to save. ]]
I know right! Amazing luck, like shaking an etch a sketch. The empowered meta-magic didn't hurt either.
OOC: I think the party is leaning towards taking the oath. It has no in-game consequences, only RP implications that a morally gray character may have a "change of heart" or an Evil character might be incapable of taking such a wholesome oath. It's really up to you. As of this post, I'm going to describe how Strahd reluctantly lets the players go because of an oath of respect that he holds for the Ulmist Inquisition as an Organization and a Faction that he does not want to cross. I'm not sure that you have the ability to explore this in the game, but that's one out, that Strahd wants to fight you but he doesn't not want to anger the Ulmist Inquisition. Alternatively, if the party decides that they want to fight Strahd, then let me know, and I'll run this scene completely different. Many characters have already taken the oath and decided to avoid the fight. I'll give people a few (more) hours to chime in here OOC and in RP.
Yurgojin doesn't want to take the oath and can try to, with very little hope of success, deceive, but he also likes the idea of fighting but he's not a good judge of others resources.
Yurgojin doesn't want to take the oath and can try to, with very little hope of success, deceive, but he also likes the idea of fighting but he's not a good judge of others resources.
Strahd stands within reach, the air around him thick with an almost tangible dread. His eyes gleam like twin coals of smoldering hunger, a cruel smile curling on his lips as he tilts his head, predator to prey.
"I could tear your resolve apart like wet parchment," he purrs, his voice a velvet blade, "but alas, I have no desire to summon the tedious eyes of the Inquisition upon me once more. I can feel the quivering tension in your veins, your desperate bravado fighting to mask the fear. Ah, it’s intoxicating." His gaze sharpens, and for a fleeting moment, fangs gleam. "A taste of that exquisite blend of courage and terror might be worth shattering my restraint…"
A low chuckle reverberates through the chamber like distant thunder as a swirling portal of crimson mist unfurls behind him. His form begins to dissolve, an eerie smile the last to fade. His voice, now an icy whisper, coils around you.
"Consider yourselves fortunate. For now, I grant you the illusion of escape. But my invitation is eternal, my patience endless. Return to me when you're ready to discover how little your steel and spells mean in the face of true power. I eagerly await the taste of your inevitable despair."
And with that, the mist consumes him, leaving only the echo of his laughter, cold and merciless, lingering in the dark.
Once the characters have acquired the fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts and escaped Death House, they can travel to the western outskirts of Barovia without trouble. The characters easily find the portal to Sigil in the mist.
Next time Chapter 6 (Dragonlance) Update your character sheet for level 15 Feel free to retool your magic items and gear, once you have returned to Sigil Sanctuary. I'll prepare Chapter 6 and post this weekend.
Yurgojin will fire up the flame tongue and rush towards R1
Attack 1: 30 to hit (crit), 28 piercing (rerolled one roll with feat) plus 12 fire damage and 46 sneak
Attack 2: 22 to hit, 7 piercing plus 3 fire
Trystane frantically screens the scene after the fireball run its course and already thought there was nothing left for him to deal with, when he saw how Bridgette's blasts zoned in on the last survivor. With a long jump, Trystane throws himself into battle.
|| Myrla - Wood Elf Rogue - After the Fall || Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Taiga - Genasi Fighter - Looking for Group || Riyphou - Loxodon Druid - Secrets || Tez - Half Elf Artificer - Looking for Group || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Zelaerys - Halfling/Celestial Divine Soul - NWN || Kesili - Human/Dhampir Monk - Witchwood || Trystane (main/gestalt) - Gestalt Trollblood - DOOM ||
Technically I posted Yurgojin before Trystane's action was posted so that could be ruled that Yurgojin didn't get his awesome sneak damage since nobody was next to R1...
R1 automatically saves due to Legendary Resistance (2/3 remaining)
R1 takes half of 35 (17) fire damage. R1 (167/184)
Then as a Legendary Action, Relentless Impaler will teleport next to Talorin
R1-L1 targets Talorin, Spike Attack: 16 Damage: 13 piecing damage, speed halved on hit
Spike. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage, and the target’s speed is halved until the start of the impaler’s next turn.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the impaler fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Everybody dies?
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
R1 may have teleported to any of us with their legendary actions (which Nathan said it would do), so they are probably near someone. And anyway, we posted mere seconds apart, these attacks must have happened simultaneously imho.
|| Myrla - Wood Elf Rogue - After the Fall || Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Taiga - Genasi Fighter - Looking for Group || Riyphou - Loxodon Druid - Secrets || Tez - Half Elf Artificer - Looking for Group || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Zelaerys - Halfling/Celestial Divine Soul - NWN || Kesili - Human/Dhampir Monk - Witchwood || Trystane (main/gestalt) - Gestalt Trollblood - DOOM ||
R1 takes 12, 16, 18, total 46 damage. R1 (121/184)
Then as a Legendary Action, Relentless Impaler will teleport next to Bridgette
R1-L2 targets Bridgette, Spike Attack: 19 Damage: 18 piecing damage, speed halved on hit
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Yurgojin heads towards the dais, but circles back because of the teleporting monster (Bridgette is next to the monster)
R1 takes 28, 12, 46, 7, 3, total 96 damage. R1 (25/184)
Then as a Legendary Action, Relentless Impaler will teleport next to Yurgojin (but on the other side of him, so it looks really cool, he's getting spiked in the back!)
R1-L3 targets Yurgojin, Spike Attack: 16 Damage: 15 piecing damage, speed halved on hit.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
R1 takes 16, 1, 21, 7, 18, 5, total 68 damage and disappears. R1 (-43/184)
Bloodheart Stake. The impaler is magically bound to the ceremonial stake and the sacrificed corpse the ritual caster used to create it. If the impaler is reduced to 0 hit points, it disappears, then re-forms 1d8 hours later in the nearest unoccupied space to the stake and regains all its hit points. The impaler dies only if it is reduced to 0 hit points while either the ceremonial stake is removed from the sacrifice’s corpse or the impaler is on a different plane of existence from that corpse.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Sarusanda appears out of the shadows and helps you climb up to recover the fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts
She says urgently, "Quickly, I have no time to explain, the presence of Strahd is upon us. Pledge yourself to me and to uphold the tenets of the Ulmist Inquisition, "
Purity of Body and Spirit, Preserve oneself from corruption, both physical and spiritual. Maintain personal purity to resist the taint of evil.
Vigilance Against the Supernatural, Constantly watch for signs of dark forces, including undead, fiends, and dark magic. Never let your guard down.
Eradicate Corruption, Eliminate all forms of supernatural corruption and those who wield dark powers. Mercy for the wicked is a doorway to greater evil.
Uncompromising Faith, Hold steadfast to the belief that righteousness and unwavering dedication will shield you from the forces of darkness.
Justice Through Fire and Steel, Enforce justice with decisive action. Punishment must be swift, and fire and steel are the tools by which corruption is purged.
The Greater Good Above All, Sacrifices must be made for the survival and protection of the greater community. The needs of the many outweigh the few.
No Tolerance for Heresy, Root out false doctrines, dangerous magics, and deceitful practices. Even doubt can be the first step toward corruption.
Secrecy and Discipline, Maintain secrecy in tactics and missions. The strength of the Inquisition lies in its careful planning and discretion.
Sacred Duty Over Personal Desire, Personal feelings and attachments must never interfere with the mission to protect the realm from darkness.
Eternal Watch, Evil is relentless, and so must be the Inquisition. There is no final victory, only eternal vigilance.
If you agree with these many tenets, then I dub thee deputized as a member of The Ulmist Inquisition.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
You just have enough time to recover the rod and listen to Sarusanda with her plea to join the Inquisition before the Presence of Strahd manifests into physical form.
You stand at one end of an impossibly long wooden dining table in the hall of a stone keep. Gilded plates, cutlery, and goblets of blood-red wine are set for each member of your party.
At the other end of the table stands a tall, pale man. He wears regal, red garb, and his raven hair comes to a prominent widow’s peak. He smiles menacingly at you as he raises his goblet in a toast. “Welcome, my guests. May you find the eternal hospitality of Strahd von Zarovich to your liking. Should at any point you wish to leave, simply find me and ask.”
Strahd has blocked teleportation and other magical travel and begins to chase the party throughout the Death House for hours, all the while warping and changing the floorplan into an inescapable maze. Once the chasing has stopped, Strahd will confront the party as a whole.
"Sarusanda, I will permit you to flee this place,” he intones. “But only if you do so immediately, and you never return.”
He glances at the characters, then asks Sarusanda, “Do you know them?” If you took the Oath, Strahd will let you leave with Sarusanda. If you did not take the Oath, you can still lie to Strahd with a Deception DC 20 he will let you leave. If you did not become an Inquisitor or you can't beat a Deception DC 20, Strahd, Master of Death House will attack
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Bridgette casts shield to avoid getting hit by the Impaler. Did this all happen soon enough for Bridgette to still have Armor of Agathys up from when she cast it right at the end of the last fight?
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Yes. AoA is still up
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
(Anyone going for the offer of becoming an Ulmist Inquisition? Kinda feel like Yurgojin wouldn't but not sure he would try to deceive either and would prefer to kill what's been giving them trouble! Even though is probably not the best idea after 2 fights. Plus he's still very susceptible to being charmed!)
(OOC: I too am wondering if it would be in-character for Necyra to take up Sarusanda's offer. I'm thinking no, but then again, Necyra has a measly +2 on deception, so I'm leaning towards just saying yes. We've got the fourth piece, so technically our duty is done...let's skedaddle outta here!)
Necyra listened intently to Sarusanda's proposal, her eyes narrowing in thought. The Inquisitor's words resonated with her own beliefs, her own sense of justice. She had always strived to protect the innocent and to combat evil in all its forms. "I accept your offer," she said, her voice firm. "I will uphold the tenets of the Ulmist Inquisition."
Necyra, her heart pounding with adrenaline, stood her ground, her eyes locked on Strahd. The vampire's presence was overwhelming, his power palpable. She knew that they were in grave danger, but she would not be intimidated. She looked over to Sarusanda, awaiting her response of recognition, hoping for the best, but expecting the worse.
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
(I kinda feel like Trystane would be the kind of creature the inquisition, or at least some overly zealous inquisitors, would likely hunt. So it's a bit of a stretch for him to accept the tenets in good faith. He might just say he does to get out of a tight spot believing that lip-service will do, though that's about the extend of it. I also don't feel that Strahd is too much of a challenge. It's true that his Charm is the main concern but how many rounds is he likely to benefit from it?)
Trystane raises an eyebrow at Sarusanda’s impassioned plea, his expression a mix of skepticism and pragmatism. “Purity of body and spirit, vigilance, fire and steel—sounds noble enough,” he mutters, a wry smile tugging at his lips. “Though I reckon most of your Inquisition would rather hunt a creature like me than share ranks.” He shrugs, his claws flexing absently. “Still, if we’re all hired to fight the greatest evil in the world, maybe we’ve got more in common than I’d think. Fine, I’ll take your oath. Let’s finish this.” He wonders about their impending meeting with Strahd, his glowing eyes narrowing. “If it gets me one step closer to putting an end to this nightmare, I’ll pledge myself to your cause—at least for now."
When Strahd finally catches up with them, he wonders if they should not simply end him here. But then, would that be final? Most likely not, and it would be a challenge for sure, maybe even a risk. So for what? He waits for Sarusanda to acknowledge their involvement in the inquisition, or the contrary. Either way, Trystane is ready to take a stand or simply leave the place for good. After all, they already possess what they came for.
|| Myrla - Wood Elf Rogue - After the Fall || Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Taiga - Genasi Fighter - Looking for Group || Riyphou - Loxodon Druid - Secrets || Tez - Half Elf Artificer - Looking for Group || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Zelaerys - Halfling/Celestial Divine Soul - NWN || Kesili - Human/Dhampir Monk - Witchwood || Trystane (main/gestalt) - Gestalt Trollblood - DOOM ||
[[ Surprised by that. The CFs had a 15% chance of saving. And so .85^7 ~= 32% chance of none of them succeeding. Would've expected at least one to save. ]]
When Sarusanda talks about the tenets of the Ulmist Inquisition he's intrigued. However though he sees the good in most of them, they feel a bit too uncompromising in other areas. Trystane's words are a good example of that. "Mercy for the wicked isn't a weakness." he says, "It's a strength to hope for the redemption of all those that can be redeemed. It's exactly what makes good, well, good!"
When Strahd makes his appearance he adds, "Though sometimes there are those that force your hand." He runs with the party until eventually gasping out, "Perhaps we could be a light to those villagers we met earlier?"
History: 7+5 = 12
//wondering how much lore Talorin might know about Strahd; moreso just wondering for possible personalized taunts he could try using.
Initiative: 10+1 = 11
//if needed
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Beneath the Mountain | Let's Test Monsters!
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 44, 1/3/25, Yellow Light
I know right! Amazing luck, like shaking an etch a sketch. The empowered meta-magic didn't hurt either.
OOC: I think the party is leaning towards taking the oath. It has no in-game consequences, only RP implications that a morally gray character may have a "change of heart" or an Evil character might be incapable of taking such a wholesome oath. It's really up to you. As of this post, I'm going to describe how Strahd reluctantly lets the players go because of an oath of respect that he holds for the Ulmist Inquisition as an Organization and a Faction that he does not want to cross. I'm not sure that you have the ability to explore this in the game, but that's one out, that Strahd wants to fight you but he doesn't not want to anger the Ulmist Inquisition. Alternatively, if the party decides that they want to fight Strahd, then let me know, and I'll run this scene completely different. Many characters have already taken the oath and decided to avoid the fight. I'll give people a few (more) hours to chime in here OOC and in RP.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Yurgojin doesn't want to take the oath and can try to, with very little hope of success, deceive, but he also likes the idea of fighting but he's not a good judge of others resources.
Strahd stands within reach, the air around him thick with an almost tangible dread. His eyes gleam like twin coals of smoldering hunger, a cruel smile curling on his lips as he tilts his head, predator to prey.
"I could tear your resolve apart like wet parchment," he purrs, his voice a velvet blade, "but alas, I have no desire to summon the tedious eyes of the Inquisition upon me once more. I can feel the quivering tension in your veins, your desperate bravado fighting to mask the fear. Ah, it’s intoxicating." His gaze sharpens, and for a fleeting moment, fangs gleam. "A taste of that exquisite blend of courage and terror might be worth shattering my restraint…"
A low chuckle reverberates through the chamber like distant thunder as a swirling portal of crimson mist unfurls behind him. His form begins to dissolve, an eerie smile the last to fade. His voice, now an icy whisper, coils around you.
"Consider yourselves fortunate. For now, I grant you the illusion of escape. But my invitation is eternal, my patience endless. Return to me when you're ready to discover how little your steel and spells mean in the face of true power. I eagerly await the taste of your inevitable despair."
And with that, the mist consumes him, leaving only the echo of his laughter, cold and merciless, lingering in the dark.
Once the characters have acquired the fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts and escaped Death House, they can travel to the western outskirts of Barovia without trouble. The characters easily find the portal to Sigil in the mist.
Next time Chapter 6 (Dragonlance)
Update your character sheet for level 15
Feel free to retool your magic items and gear, once you have returned to Sigil Sanctuary.
I'll prepare Chapter 6 and post this weekend.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)