You smell old mold, fresh turned dirt, and rock dust. Your body aches a bit from the tumble. There is no light.
Those with darkvision can see that you have fallen into a chamber with vague paintings and alcoves. One side is completely choked with debris from the jungle the other is about 30 by 20 feet.
You notice a pair of hobgoblin feet sticking out of the pile of rocks and dirt.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Glink lands with a heavy thud, his armor absorbing most of the impact but leaving him momentarily winded.
"Well, that wasn't part of the plan," he mutters, his mind races, quickly assessing the situation.
Prism, his blown-glass bird companion, flutter down into the pit, its delicate form glinting in the dim light. Prism perches on Glink's shoulder, while Glink takes a deep breath, steadying himself. "Alright, team, let's see what we've gotten ourselves into this time." He begins to examine the pit's walls and floor, looking for any clues or exits.
Vodin who is a hobgoblin stands and checks himself for injuries. "Looks like I am unhurt though I did gain some new bruises." Upon seeing another hobgoblin, with his Darkvision, half buried under the debris, he hurries over to check the legs and he gives them a nudge with his feet to see if the other hobgoblin still lives. "Over here there looks to be another a hobgoblin down here."
OOC: YOU'RE the hobgoblin! =)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
The flare of the scorching ray shows Lang blow apart three small dolls in one of the alcoves. The burning dolls show a chamber about 30 feet wide and 20 feet deep. To the east there is a door and to the west, the pile of rocks and a stuck hobgoblin.
There are four small alcoves with figures of farmers working or warriors posing, one of the alcoves no longer has figures =)
The walls show native chultan people dressed in feathers doing everyday tasks - planting, harvesting, hunting, etc.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
You are able drag a coughing and dust covered Vodin free!
The walls are brightly painted but cracked with age and moisture. You can clearly see the small figurines now, they seem to be well made with decorations of real cloth and feathers.
The door to the east is decorated with celestial symbols with a large sun with a face in the middle. The eyes of the face are deep holes.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
Vodin has a hacking cough as he tries expelling all the dirt and dust, he inhaled upon being half buried. Seeing the dolls and sun on the door he wonders "Did we just crash into some kind of holy site. I don't think climbing out is an option unless we want to fight those undead giants" He moves to the door and examine the sun's eyeholes to see if there are any recessed mechanism or if something looks like it supposed to be fitted into the eyeholes.
Most of the figures are fully formed, arms, legs, and head, but there is a female farmer and a male warrior that have a single peg instead of formed legs.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
Glink grabs the 2 peg figures and attempts to insert the pegs into the eyeholes. If the holes are too high for his tiny gnome stature, he will simply use his flying speed to rise up to the appropriate height as his armoured feet emit an audible hissing sound.
Dex save 14 in log
You smell old mold, fresh turned dirt, and rock dust. Your body aches a bit from the tumble. There is no light.
Those with darkvision can see that you have fallen into a chamber with vague paintings and alcoves. One side is completely choked with debris from the jungle the other is about 30 by 20 feet.
You notice a pair of hobgoblin feet sticking out of the pile of rocks and dirt.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Semnande (who also possesses darkvision) gets to his feet and looks above them, scanning for signs of the undead who chased them into this sinkhole.
Another medical problem. Indefinite hiatus. Sorry, all.
pick the closest one, cast scroching ray, 25 to hit and 4 pt of fire damage
Glink lands with a heavy thud, his armor absorbing most of the impact but leaving him momentarily winded.
"Well, that wasn't part of the plan," he mutters, his mind races, quickly assessing the situation.
Prism, his blown-glass bird companion, flutter down into the pit, its delicate form glinting in the dim light. Prism perches on Glink's shoulder, while Glink takes a deep breath, steadying himself. "Alright, team, let's see what we've gotten ourselves into this time." He begins to examine the pit's walls and floor, looking for any clues or exits.
Perception 18
OOC: YOU'RE the hobgoblin! =)
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
The flare of the scorching ray shows Lang blow apart three small dolls in one of the alcoves. The burning dolls show a chamber about 30 feet wide and 20 feet deep. To the east there is a door and to the west, the pile of rocks and a stuck hobgoblin.
There are four small alcoves with figures of farmers working or warriors posing, one of the alcoves no longer has figures =)
The walls show native chultan people dressed in feathers doing everyday tasks - planting, harvesting, hunting, etc.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Vodin thrashes his legs attempting to free himself to no avail. There is a muffled yell from Vodin "Help! I am stuck. Get me out!"
Glink moves to Vodin and attempts to help him get free.
”You got this Bud,”
(Help Action and Guidance for 4 & Advantage on his escape attempt)
17 +2 =19 rolled in game log
Nib lights a torch and then helps others, including our new hobgoblin friend (?), get free from any remaining debris.
D&D since 1984
You are able drag a coughing and dust covered Vodin free!
The walls are brightly painted but cracked with age and moisture. You can clearly see the small figurines now, they seem to be well made with decorations of real cloth and feathers.
The door to the east is decorated with celestial symbols with a large sun with a face in the middle. The eyes of the face are deep holes.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Vodin has a hacking cough as he tries expelling all the dirt and dust, he inhaled upon being half buried. Seeing the dolls and sun on the door he wonders "Did we just crash into some kind of holy site. I don't think climbing out is an option unless we want to fight those undead giants" He moves to the door and examine the sun's eyeholes to see if there are any recessed mechanism or if something looks like it supposed to be fitted into the eyeholes.
Investigation Check
12 rolled in game log.
It looks like the sun face is a separate part from the rest of the door as if it might turn. Using your fingers doesn't work.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Vodin shares what he has learned "It looks like the sun can turn though it does not budge with my fingers. Does anyone have an idea"
Glink examines the figurines.
Investigation +Guidance 16
Most of the figures are fully formed, arms, legs, and head, but there is a female farmer and a male warrior that have a single peg instead of formed legs.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Glink grabs the 2 peg figures and attempts to insert the pegs into the eyeholes.
If the holes are too high for his tiny gnome stature, he will simply use his flying speed to rise up to the appropriate height as his armoured feet emit an audible hissing sound.
The figures fit perfectly into the holes with a *CLICK*
Using the figures as handles you turn the face upside down and the door opens. It is made of stone and 6 inches thick.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Nib asks "Ready?"
Nib opens the door
D&D since 1984