The next entrance cut into the rock has an oaken door with iron reinforcement bands. It's locked. Runara takes out a large key and undoes it. It swings open easily to reveal a spacious library. Bookshelves line every wall with three free-standing shelves in the west corner of the room. In the east half is a table with two benches, writing implements, book stands and glass shielded lamps.
This is the library, please do not remove books from here, though if you wish you may copy a book or grimoire here. The Grimoires of Bahamut and the Golden Dragons are copies from those beneath the altar in the Temple. The library in the observatory is larger and has some early Books and Grimoires. Indeed in magical terms we have more Grimoire of Dragons here, than is in Candlekeep. Duplicates sell very well to wizards, it is how we make money for the other foodstuffs and clothing that we need. Tarak and Myla sell potions as well.
Of course, just remember to keep the door closed Trilaxa, you'll find new parchment in the draw under the table. Most of the tomes are in Draconic but feel free to translate. All the residents here can read and write Draconic.
Come now let's get you cleaned up and have a snooze before dinner, that yawn gives away your fatigue Shayla.
The highest point of the cloister is crowned by an open air Temple that overhangs the cliff, supported by arched stone struts anchored to the cliff face. The north wall of the Temple is carved directly into the rock, while the rest is open to the sea air. Heavy pillars mark the three open sides, supporting the roof. In the centre of of the Temple stands a stone statue of a kind looking old man with canaries perched on his hands, shoulders and head. A feeling of serenity suffuses the place.
Reitl take them down into the Clerics cloister and show them to the cells. Dinner is four hours away. Clean up and rest.
Still reminiscing about Tarak's words, Barakas keeps walking and tries to get closer to Trilaxa. As he gets close enough he touches her on the shoulder and says "You fight well for a human. Hope we can fight together in the future"
He takes a big swallow and spits on his hand, then extends it to shake her hand.
(Let's just say he is not the best at dealing with people and sometimes he might do stuff to check if other people are scared or disgusted by tieflings)
"Thank you again Runara, and Reitl." Theodor says gratefully. He bows and goes to clean himself up.
Theodor has a few things he would like to do.
First he will would like to try to remember if he heard anything while he was travelling along the coast, about missing ships in the last few months.
History Check: 17
Second he would like to ask a Kobold to accompany him to the library, or observatory library. His desire to read the Grimoires of Bahamut will have to wait. He searches for books, if there are any, about undead and undead curses. He will do that for about 3 hours.
Investigation: 10
Third he would like to find either Myla or Tarak and enquire about potions, Theodor is looking for a healing potion but would also like to know what else they offer.
Utterly exhausted, he will go to the dinner, looking forward to discussing life here on the isle with the Kobolds.
Veneer carefully slows down and is left behind by the kobolds. He enters stealth and walks slowly back to Mylas cell. She has pushed her bed against the back wall and has lined up her desk at the end of a long table. There are a lot of clockwork toys siting around, no doubt another income source. Of more interest is the bank of small glass potion bottles. As a rogue he can identify them as Alchemists Fire, Grease, and Acid Splash. There are so many potions that maybe she'd not miss the odd one or two.
History check: He remembers bits and pieces being whispered aboard ship, some sailors think that the island is jinxed. Reitl had said that another shipwreck had spawned more zombies but the troubles go back earlier than that. Reitl is the oldest kobold at the cloister, his silver scales faded white with old age, he tells you all he knows.
Ever since the violent death of a gold dragon on the rocky shoal on the north side of Stormwreck Isle, the bone strewn rocks have been the site of many shipwrecks through the centuries. One such shipwreck left a lasting mark on the island. About 40 years ago, a ship named the Compass Rose carrying passengers bound for the cloister, wrecked on the shoal, killing all aboard. To the horror of the cloisters residents, those who drowned found their way ashore as shambling zombies. Since the loss of that ship, each new shipwreck has brought a fresh wave of zombie sailors to the island's shore. Fortunately such wrecks are rare - or they were until recently. The latest happened only a month ago, and fresh zombies are making themselves a nuisance. Not long ago a harpy settled into the wreck of Compass Rose. With its magically entrancing voice, the harpy has been luring ships to crash on the shoal and feasting on unlucky survivors, those dead wash ashore as zombies.
Investigation: Theodor needs a little help and he approaches the human woman reading in the library asking about the undead problem. She says to check the books stacked at the end of the table near the higher seat reserved for kobolds. Myla has been studying the undead in order to eradicate them quicker. There is even a tome written by a Thayan wizard on necromancy. He finds out that raising zombies could be caused by a cursed talisman or amulet, and that they can reanimate if so. He remembers the zombies on the beach and their resistance to dying. The best ways of killing them are sacred flames, smite and fire damage, along with cutting their head off. Also destroying the talisman or necklace that was charmed.
Theodor wanders back down to the kitchen, to see Tarak adding lamb to the stew, along with some herbs and spices, it smells delicious.
Depends on what you're after. I specialize in healing potions but I've run into a supply issue. The mushrooms that I need are grown by the nearby Myconid colony and I can no longer reach them, there is an octopus in the way. I've got a couple of lesser healing potions left from my last order.
Trilaxa /Varnoth
The human woman stood up and placed the book she was studying to one side. She has a toned body, cropped black hair, and her light brown skin bares many scars - one of which runs across the left eye, which is milky and blind. An elegant prosthetic made from wood and metal made by Myla replaces her right leg below the knee.
I'm Varnoth be welcome here. So you are after the Observatory? It's problematic at the moment as it has become a blue dragons lair. Enjoy the Grimoires here first. During it's heyday the clifftop observatory was a marvel of magical innovation. Adorned with gorgeous stained glass windows and marble spires, the obervatory's towers stood high above the churning sea on seperate islets, linked by shimmering bridges of magical energy. But the observatory was wrecked during a dragon battle centuries before and now it lies in ruins except for the Arcane library. The magical lighthouse still sends it's warning to ships passing at night. I've only seen it from a distance. The books and scrolls there are older than the building.
The young woman does some stretches and relaxation exercises. Not very interested in books, she cleans off the rest of the gunk from the beach and awaits dinner.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
After it's interaction with Trilaxa, he joins Shayla while awaiting for dinner. During that period, he takes a moment to check for any hidden passages or rooms that Runara and the remaining people didn't show. Either as ways out of the temple or secret rooms.
There were no secret passages, Barakas checked the map again, all was as described. He also saw the bee colony in the vegetable garden, maybe the drink here was mead.
The dinner bell rang at a pitch that you could hear throughout the cloister. It summoned all the inhabitants to a rich meal. A hearty bowl of lamb stew served with sharp cheese and fresh bread. The meal was accompanied by a rich dry mead. There was plenty for all.
Krack had no idea that the place was going to be predominantly kobolds. He will happily interact with as many as possible, trading stories with any who are willing.
He would also inquire as to getting a robe for himself. He has never had a robe before, and is quite taken with these. If they are only for members of the order, he will accept that.
"Do dragons ever visit the shrine?" he'll ask, taking a bite of of the cheese.
"Oh this looks delicious!" she makes a sign of reverence to Raei before eating. Between mouthfuls she says, "The head of my order says I should learn to control my temper and also to ask the gods for forgiveness for my earlier life...adventures. You know, gain some discipline and stuff.
The next entrance cut into the rock has an oaken door with iron reinforcement bands. It's locked. Runara takes out a large key and undoes it. It swings open easily to reveal a spacious library. Bookshelves line every wall with three free-standing shelves in the west corner of the room. In the east half is a table with two benches, writing implements, book stands and glass shielded lamps.
This is the library, please do not remove books from here, though if you wish you may copy a book or grimoire here. The Grimoires of Bahamut and the Golden Dragons are copies from those beneath the altar in the Temple. The library in the observatory is larger and has some early Books and Grimoires. Indeed in magical terms we have more Grimoire of Dragons here, than is in Candlekeep. Duplicates sell very well to wizards, it is how we make money for the other foodstuffs and clothing that we need. Tarak and Myla sell potions as well.
Trilaxa's eyes go wide and a bit more clarity crosses her face. "May you do me the honour of letting me research in here tonight?"
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Of course, just remember to keep the door closed Trilaxa, you'll find new parchment in the draw under the table. Most of the tomes are in Draconic but feel free to translate. All the residents here can read and write Draconic.
The trip by boat was not the most comfortable and Shayla was looking forward to a good nights rest.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Come now let's get you cleaned up and have a snooze before dinner, that yawn gives away your fatigue Shayla.
The highest point of the cloister is crowned by an open air Temple that overhangs the cliff, supported by arched stone struts anchored to the cliff face. The north wall of the Temple is carved directly into the rock, while the rest is open to the sea air. Heavy pillars mark the three open sides, supporting the roof. In the centre of of the Temple stands a stone statue of a kind looking old man with canaries perched on his hands, shoulders and head. A feeling of serenity suffuses the place.
Reitl take them down into the Clerics cloister and show them to the cells. Dinner is four hours away. Clean up and rest.
Still reminiscing about Tarak's words, Barakas keeps walking and tries to get closer to Trilaxa. As he gets close enough he touches her on the shoulder and says "You fight well for a human. Hope we can fight together in the future"
He takes a big swallow and spits on his hand, then extends it to shake her hand.
(Let's just say he is not the best at dealing with people and sometimes he might do stuff to check if other people are scared or disgusted by tieflings)
watching the others chat and make conversation. he decides to slip away and find his own secrets. heading for the tinkerers workshop.
stealth: 18
(currently cant get into character, i will roll here)
wishing to live.
whispering on wind.
falling through sky.
feeling i died.
"Thank you again Runara, and Reitl." Theodor says gratefully. He bows and goes to clean himself up.
Theodor has a few things he would like to do.
First he will would like to try to remember if he heard anything while he was travelling along the coast, about missing ships in the last few months.
History Check: 17
Second he would like to ask a Kobold to accompany him to the library, or observatory library. His desire to read the Grimoires of Bahamut will have to wait. He searches for books, if there are any, about undead and undead curses. He will do that for about 3 hours.
Investigation: 10
Third he would like to find either Myla or Tarak and enquire about potions, Theodor is looking for a healing potion but would also like to know what else they offer.
Utterly exhausted, he will go to the dinner, looking forward to discussing life here on the isle with the Kobolds.
Veneer carefully slows down and is left behind by the kobolds. He enters stealth and walks slowly back to Mylas cell. She has pushed her bed against the back wall and has lined up her desk at the end of a long table. There are a lot of clockwork toys siting around, no doubt another income source. Of more interest is the bank of small glass potion bottles. As a rogue he can identify them as Alchemists Fire, Grease, and Acid Splash. There are so many potions that maybe she'd not miss the odd one or two.
History check: He remembers bits and pieces being whispered aboard ship, some sailors think that the island is jinxed. Reitl had said that another shipwreck had spawned more zombies but the troubles go back earlier than that. Reitl is the oldest kobold at the cloister, his silver scales faded white with old age, he tells you all he knows.
Ever since the violent death of a gold dragon on the rocky shoal on the north side of Stormwreck Isle, the bone strewn rocks have been the site of many shipwrecks through the centuries. One such shipwreck left a lasting mark on the island. About 40 years ago, a ship named the Compass Rose carrying passengers bound for the cloister, wrecked on the shoal, killing all aboard. To the horror of the cloisters residents, those who drowned found their way ashore as shambling zombies. Since the loss of that ship, each new shipwreck has brought a fresh wave of zombie sailors to the island's shore. Fortunately such wrecks are rare - or they were until recently. The latest happened only a month ago, and fresh zombies are making themselves a nuisance. Not long ago a harpy settled into the wreck of Compass Rose. With its magically entrancing voice, the harpy has been luring ships to crash on the shoal and feasting on unlucky survivors, those dead wash ashore as zombies.
Investigation: Theodor needs a little help and he approaches the human woman reading in the library asking about the undead problem. She says to check the books stacked at the end of the table near the higher seat reserved for kobolds. Myla has been studying the undead in order to eradicate them quicker. There is even a tome written by a Thayan wizard on necromancy. He finds out that raising zombies could be caused by a cursed talisman or amulet, and that they can reanimate if so. He remembers the zombies on the beach and their resistance to dying. The best ways of killing them are sacred flames, smite and fire damage, along with cutting their head off. Also destroying the talisman or necklace that was charmed.
Theodor wanders back down to the kitchen, to see Tarak adding lamb to the stew, along with some herbs and spices, it smells delicious.
"How can I help you?" asks Tarak
"Evening, it's Tarak isn't it? I'm Theodor."
Theodor offers his hand to shake.
Theodor stares at the stew, "I've got to say, that stew smells incredible."
Theodor snaps out of his stare, remembers the other reason he came here.
"I was told you may have some potions to sell?"
Before leaving the library, Trilaxa says to Runara in draconic, "I will respect your customs."
Trilaxa spits in her hand and returns the shake. "Battle forms the oddest bonds." in Infernal to Barakas.
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Trilaxa will return to the library and attempt to research the Clifftop Observatory. Investigation: 26
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Theodor / Tarak
Depends on what you're after. I specialize in healing potions but I've run into a supply issue. The mushrooms that I need are grown by the nearby Myconid colony and I can no longer reach them, there is an octopus in the way. I've got a couple of lesser healing potions left from my last order.
Trilaxa /Varnoth
The human woman stood up and placed the book she was studying to one side. She has a toned body, cropped black hair, and her light brown skin bares many scars - one of which runs across the left eye, which is milky and blind. An elegant prosthetic made from wood and metal made by Myla replaces her right leg below the knee.
I'm Varnoth be welcome here. So you are after the Observatory? It's problematic at the moment as it has become a blue dragons lair. Enjoy the Grimoires here first. During it's heyday the clifftop observatory was a marvel of magical innovation. Adorned with gorgeous stained glass windows and marble spires, the obervatory's towers stood high above the churning sea on seperate islets, linked by shimmering bridges of magical energy. But the observatory was wrecked during a dragon battle centuries before and now it lies in ruins except for the Arcane library. The magical lighthouse still sends it's warning to ships passing at night. I've only seen it from a distance. The books and scrolls there are older than the building.
The young woman does some stretches and relaxation exercises. Not very interested in books, she cleans off the rest of the gunk from the beach and awaits dinner.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
After it's interaction with Trilaxa, he joins Shayla while awaiting for dinner. During that period, he takes a moment to check for any hidden passages or rooms that Runara and the remaining people didn't show. Either as ways out of the temple or secret rooms.
Investigation: 14
There were no secret passages, Barakas checked the map again, all was as described. He also saw the bee colony in the vegetable garden, maybe the drink here was mead.
The dinner bell rang at a pitch that you could hear throughout the cloister. It summoned all the inhabitants to a rich meal. A hearty bowl of lamb stew served with sharp cheese and fresh bread. The meal was accompanied by a rich dry mead. There was plenty for all.
Krack had no idea that the place was going to be predominantly kobolds. He will happily interact with as many as possible, trading stories with any who are willing.
He would also inquire as to getting a robe for himself. He has never had a robe before, and is quite taken with these. If they are only for members of the order, he will accept that.
"Do dragons ever visit the shrine?" he'll ask, taking a bite of of the cheese.
Barakas dives into his plate and his cup as if haven't eaten in a good time. He then starts asking "So, what brings you all here?"
"Oh this looks delicious!" she makes a sign of reverence to Raei before eating. Between mouthfuls she says, "The head of my order says I should learn to control my temper and also to ask the gods for forgiveness for my earlier life...adventures. You know, gain some discipline and stuff.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale