"aria? Would you or any of your friends have any idea as to where the star has fallen, and what hazards there may be?"
Richie looks hem over, weighing the options: "Also, will anyone be coming to look for you and your friends? Should there be any problems with you accompanying us to the site?"
(I thought we are out of combat. Sorry if I missed something.)
(I was asking if the princess would be able to have guards or such to take care of the prisoners. If not, then we may need a more permanent solution, because if they have knowingly attacked the princess and her friends, they may pose a dire threat in the future, with a more deadly force. She indicated no, so 6 offered to dispatch them; unless someone had an alternative suggestion? Or if 6 is going to incapacitate them to a point that they won't be able to even attempt to follow?)
((Unless I missed something we don't know their motives yet, they could be run of the mill bandits no? They definitely got beat and/or surrendered pretty quickly. I asked the one conscious bandit telepathically and was waiting on a head nod or response.))
As 6 goes to attack the downed (and/or surrendered) enemies, Zelthar takes a few steps back and calls for his familiar to steer clear as Sir Poe flies onto his shoulder. "An interesting approach... Could we not have just moved on or bound them?" He says in a confused tone. He stands closer to the conversation happening with the young ladies, covering his nose if any of the bodies begin to melt or burn away.
"aria? Would you or any of your friends have any idea as to where the star has fallen, and what hazards there may be?"
Richie looks hem over, weighing the options: "Also, will anyone be coming to look for you and your friends? Should there be any problems with you accompanying us to the site?"
Aria shifts a little nervously and kerrifeem answers "nobody knows we are out here." She grins looking at Aria "we just got the little pup out of her palace cage. She needed some air me and rellia could feel it."
Rellia whirls on kerrifeem "and then we got attacked! Because you couldn't be bothered to watch out from above!"
Kerrifeem grinds her teeth and growls "and you decided that we should check out the stupid star in the first place!"
"Ladies!" Klaes tries to step in between 6 and the young females. "Gentlemen!" He puts a hand on 6's shoulder. "Perhaps, there has been enough violence for today. What about we just tie them to a tree, and we be on our way?"
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Tymm struggles with 6’s attack on the unarmed combatants. In his mind they deserve the treatment but also admits that it’s not honorable to attack unarmed prisoners. Seeing Aria’s reaction is what tips the scales for him. Upon hearing Klaes’s suggestion, Tymm begins rounding up the unconscious enemies and looks for a tree or other sturdy object to secure them to.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kaelan Thornfell - Wildhunt Shifter Beast Barbarian - Horde of the Dragon Queen
Thom Stonebone - Duergar Monk-Way of Open Hand -Moon Light
Shelmo Sherrinford - Fairy Inquisitive Rogue - Vae Victus
the two who were unconcious are now screaming in pain and writhing on the ground as steam hisses off their melting bodies. the third who wasnt nocked out gets just barely out of the way of the acid spray he grabs his sword off the ground and aims it at the robot "get back you evil machine!"
aria looks at tymm then walks over and waves a hand on the two men, they fall back asleep quickly. she then helps pick them up.
kerrifeem growls at klaes "shut up human! you cannot order me around!" and with that takes flight floating above the trees. she aims a hand that glows violet at the last bandit and shouts "run!" he drops his sword and runs as fast as his feet will carry him.
Klaes takes a gold coin from his pant's pocket, starts to flip it on his knuckles, and then takes a deep breath. "Forgive the winged child, for she has much to learn." After a brief moment, Klaes tries to assist Tymm in tying the remaining bandit.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
"Forgive me, Princess Aria. I healed your friend, but without giving a thought to my words as to if we should have a more permanent solution to this problem, our companion 6 figured to dispatch them. I should have given more care to my words, especially around a Warforged."
He adds some additional healing to the sleeping bandits, before stumbling somewhat, having taxed his magic abilities during this encounter.
"Now, does anyone have an estimate as to where the star may be? Surely someone has heard something? Maybe you ladies have some idea? At least, which direction were you attempting to go, before your little...adventure?"
6 shuts down their acid cannon in response to Klaes suggestion
As you wish.
As soon as people start to rush to aid and restrain the men, 6 lowers their arm and returns to a sentry posture. Seeing the situation is in hand 6 turns away in their staccato style of movement and starts to walk down the road in the direction of the star guided by the map copied from Terry.
After aria helps tymm as much as she can, which isn't very much, she turns to Richie. "Last I saw the star had fallen in the glass-sand desert. Maybe a couple days walk. If our steeds hadn't bolted when the bandits attacked we might have gotten there faster. But it shan't be far. And there is a town just before the desert. We can rest up there. I know I am tired from using so much for the healing of rellia and these men"
Rellia turns away from kerrifeem who stays hovering above everyone. She looks around and suddenly asks "what interest do you have in the star? What would you all want with a hunk of rock from the heavens?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"When at first you don't succeed. Try and try again" Story of my life.
Nicknamed 'doppleganger' by AnnoyedCecealia. given title: that guy! by drummer. lol XD
wishing to live. whispering wind. falling through sky. knowing i died. falling. dying... slowly......
30 ft down the road 6 lets out a loud whistle. While 6s torso remains orientated in the direction they were walking, Their head, which resembles an upside down wooden bucket, spins around to face the opposite direction. An iris spins closed and open with a "shhhhhek" type rubbing sound The "eye" regards the stragglers. A small tube protruding from the top of 6's head emits a long puff of steam that accompanies a second whistle. The mechanists holds this position of passive aggressive impatience until the others begin to follow as they talk. 6's head swivels back to face the same direction as their torso and the staccato walk starts up again.
Tymm will follow 6. His posture is a little odd. His neck is very stiff and facing straight ahead without much movement, like he’s trying not to look at something/some one. But at the same time there is a noticeable spring in his step as he goes to catch up to 6
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kaelan Thornfell - Wildhunt Shifter Beast Barbarian - Horde of the Dragon Queen
Thom Stonebone - Duergar Monk-Way of Open Hand -Moon Light
Shelmo Sherrinford - Fairy Inquisitive Rogue - Vae Victus
Richie takes one last look at the battlefield. He thinks of how much has happened in such a short time, and wonders about those that have been tied up, and left behind, as well as the one who fled. Turning at the sounds 6 makes, begins to follow.
This Terry is interested in the star, as is 6. What's so important about it? Serra, or any of her spiritual guides has remained silent, since we came upon these women. Are the incidental, or vital?
I wonder about this Rellia. Most elves have a less than pleasant view of Shade elves, even if one is just of the faintest part. Some are just as inclined to turn a Shade to that imposter, claiming to be Serra reincarnate. Kerrifeem seems to have a disinterest, no, hatred, for humans, at least, those who aren't her friends. So many people, both here in this little group, and on the larger game board. I need to proceed with care, in both this mission, and in my own goals to rescue my sons.
Klaes holds on to his top hat. "I'm coming!" He runs to follow 6.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
The three girls exchange glances, then run to catch up.
Aria calls "wait for us!"
The rest of the walk they stay quiet.
After a short time the road evens out and the trees on either side become more sporadic and less heavy. It begins to get hotter, and more sandy. Then, klaes, Richie, and zelthar begin to feel a thrum, like the air is charged and set to blow, filled with energy they get reguvinated. Each of you regains a spell slot.
A small town seems to appear ahead as you crest a small hill. People milling about. Aria says as you walk into the it "welcome to duneston. The town just on the edge of the desert. I've never been here by Ive heard they have 'delicious' scorpions" she shudders.
Kerrifeem, who landed a while back and continued on foot, laughs at her friends disgust. "Oh c'mon! Scorpion isn't that bad. It just tastes like. Like. Something chewy, with a spicy after taste. Really good! Promise"
People glance up at you as you enter the town. Then a man in a tall turbin and long white flowing robes greets you "welcome travelers! To our humble town! May I as where you are going? And if you plan to stay the night? We have comfortable rooms. And we comfortable prices. I'm sure you will all find satisfactory accomodations. I am tenor. The chief proprietor here!"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"When at first you don't succeed. Try and try again" Story of my life.
Nicknamed 'doppleganger' by AnnoyedCecealia. given title: that guy! by drummer. lol XD
wishing to live. whispering wind. falling through sky. knowing i died. falling. dying... slowly......
As the women catch up, he periodically casts glances at them, as they make their way to a town. He's not sure, but thinks Aria and Tymm may be taking note of each other. If he wasn't also watching to make sure there wasn't an ambush, he'd be sure. They may be trying to avoid 6, without avoiding 6. He mentally sighs to himself, as it's not really that important.
Richie suddenly feels rejuvenated, having exerted a little more than he had planned, in his first encounter with this new party, and relieved. He'll have to remember to be more careful of his use of magic, for now.
For a desert town, I really hope they don't serve scorpion. I'd much rather have Keema, Tikka, or maybe Machboos, if they have them.
"Greetings, Tenor. These women are on a journey of seeking something new and exciting. We are, at present, serving as their escort. What do you have to offer for food and drink, as well as lodgings? Also, what is the local news, and any gossip of note?"
"Greetings my Good Man. Klaes Ashford, at your services." Klaes introduces himself with a low bow. "We shall need a couple of your rooms, but the first order of business, what is the menu for tonight?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Needing no sleep or sustenance, 6 has no desire to stop. But the machanist understands that they will need support to succefully locate and retrieve the star. Maintaining the parties wellbeing aligns with that goal so 6 remains silent during the negotiations. During which 6 watches for any signs of danger or threat to the mission.
"aria? Would you or any of your friends have any idea as to where the star has fallen, and what hazards there may be?"
Richie looks hem over, weighing the options: "Also, will anyone be coming to look for you and your friends? Should there be any problems with you accompanying us to the site?"
(I was asking if the princess would be able to have guards or such to take care of the prisoners. If not, then we may need a more permanent solution, because if they have knowingly attacked the princess and her friends, they may pose a dire threat in the future, with a more deadly force. She indicated no, so 6 offered to dispatch them; unless someone had an alternative suggestion? Or if 6 is going to incapacitate them to a point that they won't be able to even attempt to follow?)
((Unless I missed something we don't know their motives yet, they could be run of the mill bandits no? They definitely got beat and/or surrendered pretty quickly. I asked the one conscious bandit telepathically and was waiting on a head nod or response.))
As 6 goes to attack the downed (and/or surrendered) enemies, Zelthar takes a few steps back and calls for his familiar to steer clear as Sir Poe flies onto his shoulder. "An interesting approach... Could we not have just moved on or bound them?" He says in a confused tone. He stands closer to the conversation happening with the young ladies, covering his nose if any of the bodies begin to melt or burn away.
The two unconcious bandits are easily hit by the liquid and scream waking up quickly
The third tries to dodge yelling out "we surrender stop!!" 18
Aria yells at 6 "stop it! They have surrendered why must you further further then?"
Kerrifeem laughs at the bandits screams "yes! Burn the fools!"
Rellia grinds her teeth and stares at 6 with burning hatred.
"When at first you don't succeed. Try and try again" Story of my life.
Nicknamed 'doppleganger' by AnnoyedCecealia. given title: that guy! by drummer. lol XD
wishing to live.
whispering wind.
falling through sky.
knowing i died.
Aria shifts a little nervously and kerrifeem answers "nobody knows we are out here." She grins looking at Aria "we just got the little pup out of her palace cage. She needed some air me and rellia could feel it."
Rellia whirls on kerrifeem "and then we got attacked! Because you couldn't be bothered to watch out from above!"
Kerrifeem grinds her teeth and growls "and you decided that we should check out the stupid star in the first place!"
Aria shrinks back from her two friends fight.
"When at first you don't succeed. Try and try again" Story of my life.
Nicknamed 'doppleganger' by AnnoyedCecealia. given title: that guy! by drummer. lol XD
wishing to live.
whispering wind.
falling through sky.
knowing i died.
"Ladies!" Klaes tries to step in between 6 and the young females. "Gentlemen!" He puts a hand on 6's shoulder. "Perhaps, there has been enough violence for today. What about we just tie them to a tree, and we be on our way?"
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Tymm struggles with 6’s attack on the unarmed combatants. In his mind they deserve the treatment but also admits that it’s not honorable to attack unarmed prisoners. Seeing Aria’s reaction is what tips the scales for him. Upon hearing Klaes’s suggestion, Tymm begins rounding up the unconscious enemies and looks for a tree or other sturdy object to secure them to.
Kaelan Thornfell - Wildhunt Shifter Beast Barbarian - Horde of the Dragon Queen
Thom Stonebone - Duergar Monk-Way of Open Hand - Moon Light
Shelmo Sherrinford - Fairy Inquisitive Rogue - Vae Victus
Solstice Nightchill - Winter Eladrin Hunter Ranger - The Yawning Portal
Galdric Vaxpurr - Shadar-Kai Vengeance Paladin - Crown of The Oathbreaker
the two who were unconcious are now screaming in pain and writhing on the ground as steam hisses off their melting bodies. the third who wasnt nocked out gets just barely out of the way of the acid spray he grabs his sword off the ground and aims it at the robot "get back you evil machine!"
aria looks at tymm then walks over and waves a hand on the two men, they fall back asleep quickly. she then helps pick them up.
kerrifeem growls at klaes "shut up human! you cannot order me around!" and with that takes flight floating above the trees. she aims a hand that glows violet at the last bandit and shouts "run!" he drops his sword and runs as fast as his feet will carry him.
"When at first you don't succeed. Try and try again" Story of my life.
Nicknamed 'doppleganger' by AnnoyedCecealia. given title: that guy! by drummer. lol XD
wishing to live.
whispering wind.
falling through sky.
knowing i died.
Klaes takes a gold coin from his pant's pocket, starts to flip it on his knuckles, and then takes a deep breath. "Forgive the winged child, for she has much to learn." After a brief moment, Klaes tries to assist Tymm in tying the remaining bandit.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
"Forgive me, Princess Aria. I healed your friend, but without giving a thought to my words as to if we should have a more permanent solution to this problem, our companion 6 figured to dispatch them. I should have given more care to my words, especially around a Warforged."
He adds some additional healing to the sleeping bandits, before stumbling somewhat, having taxed his magic abilities during this encounter.
"Now, does anyone have an estimate as to where the star may be? Surely someone has heard something? Maybe you ladies have some idea? At least, which direction were you attempting to go, before your little...adventure?"
6 shuts down their acid cannon in response to Klaes suggestion
As you wish.
As soon as people start to rush to aid and restrain the men, 6 lowers their arm and returns to a sentry posture. Seeing the situation is in hand 6 turns away in their staccato style of movement and starts to walk down the road in the direction of the star guided by the map copied from Terry.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
After aria helps tymm as much as she can, which isn't very much, she turns to Richie. "Last I saw the star had fallen in the glass-sand desert. Maybe a couple days walk. If our steeds hadn't bolted when the bandits attacked we might have gotten there faster. But it shan't be far. And there is a town just before the desert. We can rest up there. I know I am tired from using so much for the healing of rellia and these men"
Rellia turns away from kerrifeem who stays hovering above everyone. She looks around and suddenly asks "what interest do you have in the star? What would you all want with a hunk of rock from the heavens?"
"When at first you don't succeed. Try and try again" Story of my life.
Nicknamed 'doppleganger' by AnnoyedCecealia. given title: that guy! by drummer. lol XD
wishing to live.
whispering wind.
falling through sky.
knowing i died.
30 ft down the road 6 lets out a loud whistle. While 6s torso remains orientated in the direction they were walking, Their head, which resembles an upside down wooden bucket, spins around to face the opposite direction. An iris spins closed and open with a "shhhhhek" type rubbing sound The "eye" regards the stragglers. A small tube protruding from the top of 6's head emits a long puff of steam that accompanies a second whistle. The mechanists holds this position of passive aggressive impatience until the others begin to follow as they talk. 6's head swivels back to face the same direction as their torso and the staccato walk starts up again.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Tymm will follow 6. His posture is a little odd. His neck is very stiff and facing straight ahead without much movement, like he’s trying not to look at something/some one. But at the same time there is a noticeable spring in his step as he goes to catch up to 6
Kaelan Thornfell - Wildhunt Shifter Beast Barbarian - Horde of the Dragon Queen
Thom Stonebone - Duergar Monk-Way of Open Hand - Moon Light
Shelmo Sherrinford - Fairy Inquisitive Rogue - Vae Victus
Solstice Nightchill - Winter Eladrin Hunter Ranger - The Yawning Portal
Galdric Vaxpurr - Shadar-Kai Vengeance Paladin - Crown of The Oathbreaker
Richie takes one last look at the battlefield. He thinks of how much has happened in such a short time, and wonders about those that have been tied up, and left behind, as well as the one who fled. Turning at the sounds 6 makes, begins to follow.
This Terry is interested in the star, as is 6. What's so important about it? Serra, or any of her spiritual guides has remained silent, since we came upon these women. Are the incidental, or vital?
I wonder about this Rellia. Most elves have a less than pleasant view of Shade elves, even if one is just of the faintest part. Some are just as inclined to turn a Shade to that imposter, claiming to be Serra reincarnate. Kerrifeem seems to have a disinterest, no, hatred, for humans, at least, those who aren't her friends. So many people, both here in this little group, and on the larger game board. I need to proceed with care, in both this mission, and in my own goals to rescue my sons.
Klaes holds on to his top hat. "I'm coming!" He runs to follow 6.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
The three girls exchange glances, then run to catch up.
Aria calls "wait for us!"
The rest of the walk they stay quiet.
After a short time the road evens out and the trees on either side become more sporadic and less heavy. It begins to get hotter, and more sandy. Then, klaes, Richie, and zelthar begin to feel a thrum, like the air is charged and set to blow, filled with energy they get reguvinated. Each of you regains a spell slot.
A small town seems to appear ahead as you crest a small hill. People milling about. Aria says as you walk into the it "welcome to duneston. The town just on the edge of the desert. I've never been here by Ive heard they have 'delicious' scorpions" she shudders.
Kerrifeem, who landed a while back and continued on foot, laughs at her friends disgust. "Oh c'mon! Scorpion isn't that bad. It just tastes like. Like. Something chewy, with a spicy after taste. Really good! Promise"
People glance up at you as you enter the town. Then a man in a tall turbin and long white flowing robes greets you "welcome travelers! To our humble town! May I as where you are going? And if you plan to stay the night? We have comfortable rooms. And we comfortable prices. I'm sure you will all find satisfactory accomodations. I am tenor. The chief proprietor here!"
"When at first you don't succeed. Try and try again" Story of my life.
Nicknamed 'doppleganger' by AnnoyedCecealia. given title: that guy! by drummer. lol XD
wishing to live.
whispering wind.
falling through sky.
knowing i died.
As the women catch up, he periodically casts glances at them, as they make their way to a town. He's not sure, but thinks Aria and Tymm may be taking note of each other. If he wasn't also watching to make sure there wasn't an ambush, he'd be sure. They may be trying to avoid 6, without avoiding 6. He mentally sighs to himself, as it's not really that important.
Richie suddenly feels rejuvenated, having exerted a little more than he had planned, in his first encounter with this new party, and relieved. He'll have to remember to be more careful of his use of magic, for now.
For a desert town, I really hope they don't serve scorpion. I'd much rather have Keema, Tikka, or maybe Machboos, if they have them.
"Greetings, Tenor. These women are on a journey of seeking something new and exciting. We are, at present, serving as their escort. What do you have to offer for food and drink, as well as lodgings? Also, what is the local news, and any gossip of note?"
"Greetings my Good Man. Klaes Ashford, at your services." Klaes introduces himself with a low bow. "We shall need a couple of your rooms, but the first order of business, what is the menu for tonight?"
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Needing no sleep or sustenance, 6 has no desire to stop. But the machanist understands that they will need support to succefully locate and retrieve the star. Maintaining the parties wellbeing aligns with that goal so 6 remains silent during the negotiations. During which 6 watches for any signs of danger or threat to the mission.
(Perception: 14+4 =18)
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider