One of the casters, a female Drow Mage, addresses him: "Your Earlship, perhaps we had forgotten to inform you, but when one of your casters cast silence, it causes those inside to be deafened. So the party probably missed some, or most of the conversation, especially when you weren't facing them. The fool probably was able to read your lips, at least on some parts...or the warforged, and relayed the information to the rest. Allow me and these here to correct this oversight. As your Earlship is most kind and capable, we are in possession of a Staff of Magi."
"I want this infuriating, although minutely entertaining bard bound, gagged, and shackled...hands and feet. Oh, and fit them all with a pair of dimension shackles, just to be safe."
After all the pcs are thoroughly secured, Aria speaks to their minds:
I'm so sorry my friends, but don't struggle, as I only have this one option, per day, for telepathic communication--I'm grateful no rumored mind flayer is with Tarth!--but that Ranger (and her image appears in their minds) is an associate of mine, I've worked with in the past. She will be able to free everyone once you arrive at the fortress. The fortress is also along the way to the Star, so we'll be getting our ride, although not in the manner I had planned. I beg you not to continue to struggle, or he will level the city with meteors, without a care for if he actually stops you, or not. You will be blamed for that, and you don't want to have to fight off being accused of such a tragedy...oh, and I'm sure when Angel frees you, you'll have a run of the armory, and can get some very nice upgrades...when we arrive, you must continue on to the star. It will help you overcome Tarth's evil.
After traveling for the entire day, and well into the night, they arrive at the fortress, each dumped in separate rooms, though not too far from each other, struggling to even move, while secured.
In the mild chaos, Rellia gets behind Richie, and slightly loosens his gag.
"I'm sorry...for should be able to remove this, not too long after we leave. I'm sure you're all smart...and the princess's ally should help..."
With that, the 3 are abandoned and forgotten, as the Earl's people hustle the 3 ladies to the chambers of his daughters.
After a bit of struggling, Richie is able to loosen his his surprise, he also notices that the rope binding him was slightly loosened, and he feels that if he works a little harder, he should be able to free himself of it, as well...he only wished he had paid more attention to his friend, Chris, a silver-haired human female thief, on the finer arts of of the drawbacks of being a cleric...even if a Twilight Cleric. The shackles...well, one issue at a time.
"Klaes...IDK what gods, goddess, spirits, or primordials favor you, but you must have several blessings. That Archmage Fallen Aasmir, I don't personally know him, but I've heard of him, and recognize those markings as Haniel Abyssgaze. He is at least at the 12th level. He has a few spells on him, and probably a few scrolls, that can be much more fatal that a time stop, and some can provide a very slow and agonizing death. I've heard rumors that he may somehow be aligned with Sul Khatesh..."
"This earl must want to stay in Aria's good graces, to maybe entice her to be more open to...'negotiations.' I think I should be able to free myself..." his voice trails off, as the sound of footsteps fall...
Unable to move but still able to note their surroundings, 6 records where the others are taken. Confident in their restraint of the warforged, the earls men don't bother with confinement for 6. Instead, 6 is left next to the keeps forge to be dealt with at a later time. It only takes a small amount of struggling for 6 to realize that only their ability to move has been affected by the electrical restraint and that their cognitive functions remain intact.
To put the down time to good use 6 begins to plot the groups escape should the opportunity arise. Although their vantage point is skewed due to the fact that when they were unceremoniously dumped they landed in such a way that their bucket shaped head is looking at the world sideways, their vision isn't obstructed allowing them to monitor the goings on about them. It also is fortunate, though unclear how it will be of use, that the forges articifer Smith is also quite verbose and a bit if a gossip. Her rantings heelp fill in some details about what is going on in this fifedom.
Angel's personal oath bound investigation had let her to the same Tavern where a not so inconspicuous group of adventures (?) were temporarily residing. The group had caught her attention. As she hid in a corner observing them. She felt somewhat odd watching them and in some way she was enjoying their interactions with each other. Almost caught off guard they suddenly begin to ready themselves and leave. There was something about them that she couldn't explain rationally that had caught her attention... there was something else going on here that she just couldn't explain. As they began to move out the tension amongst them was clearly evident. "What is going on?", Angel murmured. As they began to depart, Angel decided to follow, at a short distance, hiding in the shadows as she successful made it past the door and the group were not to far away from her, their departure was in no way secretive in its movements. When suddenly out of no where a magical portal opened up and a large group of adversaries decanted and surround them. Angel still in the shadows, she lowered herself to one knee to decrease any further chance of her been noticed, "This is not good, who has such power to command such a group", she said to herself. This was no haphazard magical ambush, this was well thought out and was precise in its intent. Seeing the the group been forced into the portal. Angel miraculously times her run into the diminishing portal and arrives behind all those who entered it. So occupied where attackers that no one noticed an additional 'attachee' had made it through. Quickly she moved to not be seen the scene around her was of chaos. A noble seemed to demand an explanation of what was taking place but even more terrifying for Angel was an ancient enemy of her kin a Drow was taking charge of the situation. Angel still remained hidden, her elven cloak keeping her hidden, and giving quiet thanks to Correllon ... undetected (for the moment) as she continued to observe and try and understand what is taking place around her she notices an Aasmir magic-user emerge from the shadows and stand next the nobleman his presence radiating power and menace. "What is going on here?"Angel says quietly, there are a group of woman she cannot see nor make out their heritage near where the nobleman stands. Obscured for the moment. The Drow and the Aasmir start to begin casting spells of binding on the helpless adventures? The Nobleman and his entourage (including the three woman) leave and the group are bound and held in thrall. Angel notices movement amongst those bound and realises some have somehow been able to loosen the ropes binding them. Looking around quickly Angel risks been seen and races towards the bound group and begins assisting getting them free.
"Shhhh, don't make any sounds, I am here to help, my name is Angel"
Angel is a minor royal elven princess. Her family is from the deep woods of Neverwinter. She has come of age and on a journey of self discovery. Her Father Lord gave her leave to visit another royal family where upon arrival found they had gone on an outing and had not returned. Angel's intuition aroused led her to investigate on her own and seek to understand what has taken place. Early suspicions seem to suggest a rival noble family has taken her friends and you seem bound to do something about it. Angel is determined to find her beloved friends.
Richie: Thank you, Angel. The princess let us know to expect you, although I was starting to worry. Rellia was able to loosen my gag and bonds, before being taken with Aria. If you would be so kind as to free us. I hope you were able to find the device, to remove the enchantment they've placed on our Warforged friend, 6? Also, let's not forget our blessed, and gutsy bard, Klause. Since you're still equipped, would you take point to the armory? Should be just a couple rooms over. I noticed it as we were brought here, and you should have passed it, along the way. We may not be able to free those three, now, but when we get the Star..."
Angel nods, "yes the device!" Angel had found such a thing left behind in the Tavern. She removes it from her pack and hands it to Richie as she continues to untie the ropes around the crew. Once all is done Angel prepares to take point.
The Elf Ranger finds a dark skinned human with an impeccable purple suit, and a black top hat, tilted to the side and snoring. "Ohhh, keting im happening?" He looks at the person helping him. "And who might you be? Where am I?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Richie uses the device to remove the enchantment from 6, so that 6 can return to proper form.
"Klause, this is the Ranger that Aria showed us, via her telepathic message. We're in the fortress of Earl Tarth Emberhand. As we're a little light on our traveling repertoire, we're going to be liberating our 'host's' armory. From there, I believe between Angel's Ranger experience, and the map 6 has, we should be able to make our way to the Star, and with it, we can free Rellia, Aria, and Kerrifeem."
With an imperceptible whir the restrictor blocking 6 from any type of movement powers down. 6 runs a quick check to make sure everything is in order before attempting to move. They first scans the area looking for threats. Inside the smithy the forge roars as the smith clangs away on some steel. Using the sound to cover their movement, 6 realigns their body parts to the proper configuration and sets off to find the rest. They had seen men taking what looked like the groups weapons and gear through a doorway next to the smith. 6 makes their way through the door looking for the place those items were taken.
Angel watches with wonder as 6 comes alive, "That is some ally and friend Richie!", once everyone is good to go Angel is positioned to assist and lead them to the armoury.
(Did they take Klaes Tarokka cards?) "I need to find my cane!!" Exclaims Klaes.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Angel leads the group to the armoury without issue. The armory is easily identifiable by the two guards posted on either side of the reinforced, barred, door.
Fortunately the hallway on the far side seems clear for now. 6 checks their data and recalls that patrols would pass by them on the half hour. Since they began this rescue/escape, 6 has calculated that the group has 15 mins (15 rounds) before another patrol passes by.
The guards are dressed in leather armor, and armed with short swords. The hallway is 10ft wide and the guards are 30 ft away. They haven't seen the party.
Both guards are pretty complacent, having taken for granted that their fellow comrades are trustworthy and that any outside threat would surely be called.out long before reaching the armory. Neither notices Angel make her way down the hall until it's too late.
(Angel gets a free round, then we'll roll initiative.)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Klaes is relieved that they did not find the well hidden deck of cards in his purple suite. He holds the deck, concentrates, then looks at the other guard. (He casts Dissonant Whispers WIS Save DC 13 on fail they take 15 psychic damage) Suddenly, the other guard hears spirits from their past reach out to them in discordant voices.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
The 2 guards, a male and female Grung, not happy to have the midnight watch over something as dull as watching the armory, are bored. They have only recently come into the employ of the Earl, and their thoughts are occupied with dreams of wealth and power that will come to those loyal to him, when one of his daughters gains access to the throne.
The female Grung, closer to Angel, is caught off guard, and her attempt to yell is changed into a gasp of pain from Angel's initial assault (11 hp - 6 = 5HP).
The male (WIS roll 3), has a sense of confusion, as he hears voices that he shouldn't be able to hear, causing him to ignore the intruders, his mind filled with good memories from the voices of the departed, and bad ones, including those related to the memories of them no longer being there (11 hp -8 = 3hp).
Already weakened from the initial assault, the Grung collapse in a moderate thud, their backs against the wall. Richie gets the keys to the door, and opens it up, leading the way inside.
"Hey, Kluase, catch!" Richie calls, as he tosses Klause his cane, "Let's see what all we can find in here."
The party explores the armory, looking for additional weapons, armory, and other items they can use. Right near the enterance, they each find a bag of holding. (passive perception 10).
"Wow. They really don't expect anyone to penetrate this far in. To leave something like this out...well, it's our gain."
"What are those fools doing?" The Earl Demands.
One of the casters, a female Drow Mage, addresses him: "Your Earlship, perhaps we had forgotten to inform you, but when one of your casters cast silence, it causes those inside to be deafened. So the party probably missed some, or most of the conversation, especially when you weren't facing them. The fool probably was able to read your lips, at least on some parts...or the warforged, and relayed the information to the rest. Allow me and these here to correct this oversight. As your Earlship is most kind and capable, we are in possession of a Staff of Magi."
"By the breaths of Chauntea: The Great Mother, goddess of agriculture and fertility, and Silvanus: The Oak Father, god of wild nature...I call forth a shield that stands among the scars. From east to west, and north to south, With this chant, I awaken the earth’s mouth...In unity I summon, with hearts aligned, Global invulnerability, for all who are kind. Let no harm seep through. In the name of protection, let the guardians begin...Barriers unseen in the fabric of fate, With forces transcendent, none shall lay waste. May we walk unscathed through the tempest and storm, With the blessing of the eternal, let my spirit transform...Globe of Invulnerability.
On the other side of the Earl Emberhand, a vicious looking Aasmir Archmage, most likely a fallen, chants his incantation: "Lady Mystra: In the murmurs of the cosmos, I beckon true, With a whisper of starlight and a flash of the blue, Pause the dance of the hands, as I alter fate’s flow, Turn the sands of time, halt the ebb that we know...Terminus pauses, as seconds unwind, Within this still moment, my will intertwined, To stretch the horizon, while time's breath I bend, Time, heed my call, let this moment transcend. Time Stop!"
A Tortle Druid, steps forth, and casts see invisibility.
"I want this infuriating, although minutely entertaining bard bound, gagged, and shackled...hands and feet. Oh, and fit them all with a pair of dimension shackles, just to be safe."
After all the pcs are thoroughly secured, Aria speaks to their minds:
I'm so sorry my friends, but don't struggle, as I only have this one option, per day, for telepathic communication--I'm grateful no rumored mind flayer is with Tarth!--but that Ranger (and her image appears in their minds) is an associate of mine, I've worked with in the past. She will be able to free everyone once you arrive at the fortress. The fortress is also along the way to the Star, so we'll be getting our ride, although not in the manner I had planned. I beg you not to continue to struggle, or he will level the city with meteors, without a care for if he actually stops you, or not. You will be blamed for that, and you don't want to have to fight off being accused of such a tragedy...oh, and I'm sure when Angel frees you, you'll have a run of the armory, and can get some very nice upgrades...when we arrive, you must continue on to the star. It will help you overcome Tarth's evil.
After traveling for the entire day, and well into the night, they arrive at the fortress, each dumped in separate rooms, though not too far from each other, struggling to even move, while secured.
In the mild chaos, Rellia gets behind Richie, and slightly loosens his gag.
"I'm sorry...for should be able to remove this, not too long after we leave. I'm sure you're all smart...and the princess's ally should help..."
With that, the 3 are abandoned and forgotten, as the Earl's people hustle the 3 ladies to the chambers of his daughters.
After a bit of struggling, Richie is able to loosen his his surprise, he also notices that the rope binding him was slightly loosened, and he feels that if he works a little harder, he should be able to free himself of it, as well...he only wished he had paid more attention to his friend, Chris, a silver-haired human female thief, on the finer arts of of the drawbacks of being a cleric...even if a Twilight Cleric. The shackles...well, one issue at a time.
"Klaes...IDK what gods, goddess, spirits, or primordials favor you, but you must have several blessings. That Archmage Fallen Aasmir, I don't personally know him, but I've heard of him, and recognize those markings as Haniel Abyssgaze. He is at least at the 12th level. He has a few spells on him, and probably a few scrolls, that can be much more fatal that a time stop, and some can provide a very slow and agonizing death. I've heard rumors that he may somehow be aligned with Sul Khatesh..."
"This earl must want to stay in Aria's good graces, to maybe entice her to be more open to...'negotiations.' I think I should be able to free myself..." his voice trails off, as the sound of footsteps fall...
Unable to move but still able to note their surroundings, 6 records where the others are taken. Confident in their restraint of the warforged, the earls men don't bother with confinement for 6. Instead, 6 is left next to the keeps forge to be dealt with at a later time. It only takes a small amount of struggling for 6 to realize that only their ability to move has been affected by the electrical restraint and that their cognitive functions remain intact.
To put the down time to good use 6 begins to plot the groups escape should the opportunity arise. Although their vantage point is skewed due to the fact that when they were unceremoniously dumped they landed in such a way that their bucket shaped head is looking at the world sideways, their vision isn't obstructed allowing them to monitor the goings on about them. It also is fortunate, though unclear how it will be of use, that the forges articifer Smith is also quite verbose and a bit if a gossip. Her rantings heelp fill in some details about what is going on in this fifedom.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Angel's personal oath bound investigation had let her to the same Tavern where a not so inconspicuous group of adventures (?) were temporarily residing. The group had caught her attention. As she hid in a corner observing them. She felt somewhat odd watching them and in some way she was enjoying their interactions with each other. Almost caught off guard they suddenly begin to ready themselves and leave. There was something about them that she couldn't explain rationally that had caught her attention... there was something else going on here that she just couldn't explain. As they began to move out the tension amongst them was clearly evident. "What is going on?", Angel murmured. As they began to depart, Angel decided to follow, at a short distance, hiding in the shadows as she successful made it past the door and the group were not to far away from her, their departure was in no way secretive in its movements. When suddenly out of no where a magical portal opened up and a large group of adversaries decanted and surround them. Angel still in the shadows, she lowered herself to one knee to decrease any further chance of her been noticed, "This is not good, who has such power to command such a group", she said to herself. This was no haphazard magical ambush, this was well thought out and was precise in its intent. Seeing the the group been forced into the portal. Angel miraculously times her run into the diminishing portal and arrives behind all those who entered it. So occupied where attackers that no one noticed an additional 'attachee' had made it through. Quickly she moved to not be seen the scene around her was of chaos. A noble seemed to demand an explanation of what was taking place but even more terrifying for Angel was an ancient enemy of her kin a Drow was taking charge of the situation. Angel still remained hidden, her elven cloak keeping her hidden, and giving quiet thanks to Correllon ... undetected (for the moment) as she continued to observe and try and understand what is taking place around her she notices an Aasmir magic-user emerge from the shadows and stand next the nobleman his presence radiating power and menace. "What is going on here?" Angel says quietly, there are a group of woman she cannot see nor make out their heritage near where the nobleman stands. Obscured for the moment. The Drow and the Aasmir start to begin casting spells of binding on the helpless adventures? The Nobleman and his entourage (including the three woman) leave and the group are bound and held in thrall. Angel notices movement amongst those bound and realises some have somehow been able to loosen the ropes binding them. Looking around quickly Angel risks been seen and races towards the bound group and begins assisting getting them free.
"Shhhh, don't make any sounds, I am here to help, my name is Angel"
Richie: Thank you, Angel. The princess let us know to expect you, although I was starting to worry. Rellia was able to loosen my gag and bonds, before being taken with Aria. If you would be so kind as to free us. I hope you were able to find the device, to remove the enchantment they've placed on our Warforged friend, 6? Also, let's not forget our blessed, and gutsy bard, Klause. Since you're still equipped, would you take point to the armory? Should be just a couple rooms over. I noticed it as we were brought here, and you should have passed it, along the way. We may not be able to free those three, now, but when we get the Star..."
Angel nods, "yes the device!" Angel had found such a thing left behind in the Tavern. She removes it from her pack and hands it to Richie as she continues to untie the ropes around the crew. Once all is done Angel prepares to take point.
The Elf Ranger finds a dark skinned human with an impeccable purple suit, and a black top hat, tilted to the side and snoring. "Ohhh, keting im happening?" He looks at the person helping him. "And who might you be? Where am I?"
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Richie uses the device to remove the enchantment from 6, so that 6 can return to proper form.
"Klause, this is the Ranger that Aria showed us, via her telepathic message. We're in the fortress of Earl Tarth Emberhand. As we're a little light on our traveling repertoire, we're going to be liberating our 'host's' armory. From there, I believe between Angel's Ranger experience, and the map 6 has, we should be able to make our way to the Star, and with it, we can free Rellia, Aria, and Kerrifeem."
With an imperceptible whir the restrictor blocking 6 from any type of movement powers down. 6 runs a quick check to make sure everything is in order before attempting to move. They first scans the area looking for threats. Inside the smithy the forge roars as the smith clangs away on some steel. Using the sound to cover their movement, 6 realigns their body parts to the proper configuration and sets off to find the rest. They had seen men taking what looked like the groups weapons and gear through a doorway next to the smith. 6 makes their way through the door looking for the place those items were taken.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Angel watches with wonder as 6 comes alive, "That is some ally and friend Richie!", once everyone is good to go Angel is positioned to assist and lead them to the armoury.
(Did they take Klaes Tarokka cards?) "I need to find my cane!!" Exclaims Klaes.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Angel leads the group to the armoury without issue. The armory is easily identifiable by the two guards posted on either side of the reinforced, barred, door.
Fortunately the hallway on the far side seems clear for now. 6 checks their data and recalls that patrols would pass by them on the half hour. Since they began this rescue/escape, 6 has calculated that the group has 15 mins (15 rounds) before another patrol passes by.
The guards are dressed in leather armor, and armed with short swords. The hallway is 10ft wide and the guards are 30 ft away. They haven't seen the party.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Angel urges the group to hang back for the moment and sneaks as close as possible | 14 Stealth | and prepares for sneak attack.
(Rolled a nat 1 on their perception check)
Both guards are pretty complacent, having taken for granted that their fellow comrades are trustworthy and that any outside threat would surely be called.out long before reaching the armory. Neither notices Angel make her way down the hall until it's too late.
(Angel gets a free round, then we'll roll initiative.)
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Angel takes advantage of the situation:
Casts | Hunters Mark | and attacks with shortbow | 22 | Damage: 4 | Bonus: 1 Force Damage
Klaes is relieved that they did not find the well hidden deck of cards in his purple suite. He holds the deck, concentrates, then looks at the other guard. (He casts Dissonant Whispers WIS Save DC 13 on fail they take 15 psychic damage) Suddenly, the other guard hears spirits from their past reach out to them in discordant voices.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
(Shortbow or short sword?)
Initiative rolls
G1 7
G2 14
6 13
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
The 2 guards, a male and female Grung, not happy to have the midnight watch over something as dull as watching the armory, are bored. They have only recently come into the employ of the Earl, and their thoughts are occupied with dreams of wealth and power that will come to those loyal to him, when one of his daughters gains access to the throne.
The female Grung, closer to Angel, is caught off guard, and her attempt to yell is changed into a gasp of pain from Angel's initial assault (11 hp - 6 = 5HP).
The male (WIS roll 3), has a sense of confusion, as he hears voices that he shouldn't be able to hear, causing him to ignore the intruders, his mind filled with good memories from the voices of the departed, and bad ones, including those related to the memories of them no longer being there (11 hp -8 = 3hp).
Richie gets close enough, to make sure that he keeps his allies out of fire. The guards fail to fight off the effects (WIS save DC 13, failing at 12) as the Twilight Cleric intones his incantation Slumber's veil, descend and bind, Weary eyes and weary mind. By night's embrace and starry gleam, I cast you deep in peaceful dream. Night’s touch, so soft and light, Bring forth the realm of restful night. From consciousness, now gently part, As sleep enfolds each drowsy heart.
Already weakened from the initial assault, the Grung collapse in a moderate thud, their backs against the wall. Richie gets the keys to the door, and opens it up, leading the way inside.
"Hey, Kluase, catch!" Richie calls, as he tosses Klause his cane, "Let's see what all we can find in here."
The party explores the armory, looking for additional weapons, armory, and other items they can use. Right near the enterance, they each find a bag of holding. (passive perception 10).
"Wow. They really don't expect anyone to penetrate this far in. To leave something like this out...well, it's our gain."
Perception checks:
Richie: 6