"I confess, I have not yet been in the city," Elena says. She tries her best to keep her voice even and calm as this is the moment to make a good impression with the Academy. If House Giorgione is able to obtain a contract with the Academy to extract delerium, it can be worth potentially thousands of gold, not to mention the prestige. "From what we were told, Emberwood Village is the starting point for any ventures into the city. We have heard rumours coming up here though, but it is difficult to separate hearsay from fact, more so now these days. I assure you, though, you will find me most capable." In a fashion that merely demonstrates nonchalance, she rests her hand on Fidelitas's hilt, wondering if River recognises it. She can't imagine Fidelitas is the only magical relic from the sorcerer kings' days.
"I'm sure I will,"River says. Her tone is cool, but politely interested. "Perhaps we can talk more. Do take your fill of Emberwood Village... there is much here not to be missed! Not only the wine." She winks. "As for delerium, why don't you bring me some? Just a fragment will do. Meet me on the northwestern side of the Drann River, at the old Eckerman Mill. It's just outside the city." Leaning back in her chair and taking another sip of her wine, River returns to reading her book.
Handing Karin the coins " Thank you. Smells delicious." Taking a drink from the mug of ale. "Very good." Looking up at her "Your first guess was correct, I am from the Monastery of St. Oliver in Elyria. I accompanied a young lordling and his wife who were heading here, and the Abbot of my order felt that I should see the world. We meet a few other travelerson the road, they are at the Red Lion. The place is a little much for me."
Breaking off a chunk of bread and scooping up some of the stew to his mouth. "Hmmmm been I awhile since I have had good home cooked meal." Wiping his mouth. " I have heard many stories and tales of Drakkenheim for many years, I have always felt something pulling me here. In many ways I have come for answers." Taking another bite of the stew. "Truely delicious. Young Emma told me of some kind of pilgrims at a Hendrix's farm. Do they come into town much?"
"You're more than welcome, good sir! Oh, from Elyria, ay? You've come a long way!" Karin smiles and then taps her chin, pondering. "Ah, the pilgrims," she says, musingly. "They really don't come into town, no, except to pass through. Every few days another contingent of them heads north across the bridge towards Drakkenheim. Barefoot and in the humblest peasant homespun, too!" She shakes her head. "I can't imagine they survive in there. I don't know why they all keep going, because I don't see many of them come back."
At another table near the fire, previously engaged with their own bowls of stew and mugs of ale, a group of five adventurers begin to glance curiously at Roman as he speaks.
"Faith is a powerful thing. It sustains us, strengthens us and emboldens us. Faith can overcome even the greatest of obstacles." Giving her a warm smile " But you are not interested in a sermon. I heard also that you rent out some of the cottages in tg village? I fear my friends will not be able to afford the prices at the Red Lion for the long term."
Seeing the group of adventurers showing intrest in him, Roman raises his tankard in salute and offers them a warm smile, taking in their appearances and equipment.
( Roman would like to insight them to get a read on anything about them. Insight: 14 -1=13. Forgot how bad Roman's stats are lol)
"I don't disagree with you," Karin says, "but it's a tall order to keep pilgrims safe in that city... if they're managing it, well, it's a miracle of the Flame, to be sure."She smiles. "Yes, I do rent out some cottages. They're small, just one room, but quite sufficient for most folks who don't have the gold for the Red Lion! They are each 2gp per night."
The oldest of the five adventurers is a smaller man with cropped, curly white hair and darker skin. He wears a splint mail tunic, old and worn but immaculately repaired. A longsword is belted on one side of his belt, and a shortsword on the other. A heavy crossbow and quiver of bolts is strapped to his back. He carries himself vigilantly, as if he has seen many battles and dangerous situations. He meets Roman's gaze directly and nods.
The youngest of them is a small, lean man with reddish hair and what looks like the chronic smudge of dirt and ash on his pale skin. Wearing studded leather armor, he bears a longbow and quiver, and a shortsword belted to his waist. He is intent on his food, as of one who has often gone without, and isn't paying any attention to Roman.
Two of the others are women, both probably middle-aged. One of them is wearing grey robes and is unarmed, only with a wool cloak and hood against the cold. The other, despite her appearance of age shown by her greying, braided brown hair, has golden eyes and a beautiful face, almost glamorous, and has an air about her that oddly reminds Roman of Elena and maybe even Lando. He realizes what it is when he sees the slight points on the tips of her ears. She has elven blood in her ancestry somewhere. She's wearing a chain shirt that she carries as if it's much lighter than it looks, and she is armed with a shortbow and a shortsword. Roman also sees a flute tucked into her belt. Both women smile in a friendly manner at Roman.
The final man is huge---easily over six feet tall. He is bald, and his skin is ruddy, with a scruff of dark brown beard unkempt. He wears only hide armor, and a prodigious wool cloak and hood, with the hood pushed back. A round wooden shield is strapped on his back over the cloak, crudely but lovingly painting with the symbol of the Sacred Flame, and an axe hangs at his belt. He smiles crookedly at Roman, and is the first of the group to speak up, raising his tankard of Ember ale. "Welcome, newcomer. So your Abbot sent you to see the world? What do you think of it so far?"
Looking to Karin, "My thanks Karin, prehaps my companions and I will take you up on one of those cottages, once they are done with their business at the Red Lion."
Turning to the adventurers and the big man he says "Bigger than my books could ever describe. It has been quite the adventure, it has been both wonderous and unsettling." He takes a swig from his mug "I have seen the setting sun turn the canals of Liberio to liquid gold. I have seen the destruction wought on the town of Todesfeld. But to be finally here, this close to the Drakkenheim is like nothing else." He tells them in between spoonful's of stew.
" Forgive me, I forget my manners. My name is Roman Silverstar of the abbey of St. Oliver. Who might you all be? You carry yourselves as adventurers, tell me have you been in the city? What is it like? I have heard so many stories." He takes another spoonful of the stew.
"Hi, River was it? Nice to make the acquaintance of such a societal well to do as yourself. I have seen that stuff stuck in the back of a dog my village elders had to kill. It grew tendrils and became violent. It seems to be quite possibly continuously harmful and very dangerously new. Now forgive me if I am out of turn: I am but a simple devoted druid of Arwyn and Danu who has been thrust into situations entirely new to me. Why would you commission my companion to find such crystals?" I will add I know not of what my elders had done with the crystals, though I believe they destroyed them.
Karin smiles and nods, and then hustles off to check on one of the other tables.
"Elyria's a long way to travel from," the older, white-haired man says, and slight frown lines cross his forehead. "There's certainly nothing else like Drakkenheim. Thank the Flame. I'm Tom Glorybluff of Todesfeld... I was there when Mannfred's men blasted the dam. We couldn't stop them in time. Hundreds died..."He sits back with a sigh and takes a swig of his ale.
The tall, bald man says, "I'm Terrowin Cleves of Heilig. We've been in the city all right. What's it like? It's terrible. Not for the faint of heart. You've got to watch your every step, and fight for your life. And, don't ever stay there too long... it'll make you sick with the delerium sickness that doesn't get better. But, plenty of folk have reason enough to risk their lives. It's a noble calling, in a way."
"I hope you're not thinking of taking up with those pilgrims at Hendrix farm that you were asking Ms. Altberg about," the woman in grey robes says. "I made that mistake and nearly paid for it with my life. Thank the Flame, I escaped before it was too late. Mirabelle Ashglade, formerly of Drakkenheim." She lifts her tankard as if toasting a greeting to the Elyrian monk.
The half-elven woman chuckles, her dark and glamorous eyes twinkling in the light of the fire on the hearth. A mysterious smile touches her lips that must have won her dozens of admirers when she was younger. "If you survive your first foray into Drakkenheim, youngster... then I'll tell you my name."
The young man with reddish hair doesn't speak, still hungrily shoveling stew into his mouth.
River looks back up from her book, raising her eyebrows, peering over her spectacles at Moksad. "That must have been terrible,"she says, sympathetically. "Well, nameless druid of Arwyn and Danu, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. Welcome to society, where, indeed, we are discreet about business that is not our own." She takes another sip of her wine, and goes back to reading.
Blushing at the half-elven women's smile. " I look forward to learning it one day, m'lady" Looking to Mirabelle " What do you mean it nearly cost you your life? Are they violent?" Idly fiddling with his own blue crystal amulet of the Scared Flame. " I only ask about them because of the rumors and stories I have heard." Finishing off his bowl of stew and bread, he pushes the bowl aside. " I remember reading the decree that excommunicated Lucretia Mathis. Abbot Perrien often spoke of how she could have been elected to the Divine seat. He could never understand what caused the change in her so much."
Looking at Tom " I am truly sorry for what happened to Todesfeld. It is always shameful when the citizens suffer because of the wars of nobles." Draining the last of his ale he sets down on the ale. He signals Karin for another.
" I have heard stories of the horrors that Delirium has caused. My companion Moksad has spoken of how his own village has been affected by small amounts of it. He often speaks of some of the local animals beening changed and mutating." He thanks Karin and hands her a few coins as she brings him another drink. " Is the crystal safe to handle if it is so dangerous?" Sipping his drink.
Mirabelle sighs. "They are not violent... they worship that stone. Lucretia Mathias is very charismatic, and what she speaks about sounds really good, it sounds REALLY good, but it's not true. She's being deceived. By a demon, or I don't know what, or by the magic of the delerium itself, but she is leading countless people looking for hope and meaning into the depths of something that they can never escape from. She teaches that the delerium is a sacred stone sent by the Flame... and the only path forward is to unite with it as the sacrament of this divine plan." She flinches noticeably. "Did I say they weren't violent? They are, but only... philosophically. They get people to risk not just their lives, but themselves, in the hopes of being part of it... and a lot of the pilgrims die. You haven't seen the horrors yourself that delerium does, but you've heard of them. How can anyone call that holy? The Divine Matriarch did the right thing in excommunicating that false prophet."
Tom smirks. "Nobles wouldn't have anyone to fight their wars for them if it weren't for the citizens, now would they? As good Mirabelle says... it's so easy to believe in a cause that ends up in nothing but destruction."
Terrowin speaks up. "It's not safe to handle it, Brother Roman. That's how you catch the contamination. That, and breathing the haze that it emanates where clusters of the stone are concentrated. That's one of the reasons, though not the only reason, that you've got to be careful in Drakkenheim. Stay too long breathing that, and you'll start to get sick, even if you never touch a stone. Adventurers going into the ruins don't stay too long, they get in and get out, and they use tongs, or heavy gloves, to pick the stuff up."
Sipping his second mug of ale. "I have heard of prospectors, harvesting and selling the crystals. Does your group do this? If the Delirium is so dangerous, it would seem foolish to assist in it's spread. Is there anyone trying to contain or limit its spread?" Sipping his ale " I know the Scared Flame doesn't hold the same sway in Westemar as it does in Elyria. Is the church doing anything about it?"
" Please excuse me, River was it, I can be a bit animalistic and aggressively impulsive from time to time when a hint of the Wild takes my attention. My name is Moksad, I have been accompanying Elena for some time now and I hope in spite of my aggressive approach we can in time be considered good friends and allies."
"No, we don't," Mirabelle says, with a frown. "Many do, but you are quite right, it's far too dangerous to help spread it, no matter if it's easy coin or not."
Tom nods. "There's plenty of other work that needs to be done. We didn't come here to get rich. We came here to do what's right."
Terrowin says, "Haven't you heard? The Divine Matriarch issued a call to crusade to Drakkenheim, and the Silver Order is mustering. They'll probably be here soon, actually, it was months ago that the decree was sent out. They've been on the march. I wouldn't be too sure that the Sacred Flame doesn't have sway in Westemar. I heard Baron Boris threw the gates of Leuchten wide open to the Silver Order's army. This war torn land is desperate for some help, and no one has done anything to quell the delerium trade. The Silver Order... they'll do something about it."
River looks up from her book again with a smile. "Why, it's nice to meet you, Moksad. I'm sure we will be. I look forward to seeing both of you again at the Mill, if you're still interested." She sets her wine glass down on an intricately carved wooden table sitting next to her chair, and adjusts her spectacles as she returns to reading her book.
Turning to Terrowin " I had heard, in fact when we passed through Michael's Gate we saw the Silver Order gathering their forces. They must not be too far behind us then." Looking to Tom " You say there is other kinds of work to be done? Could you elaborate? My companions and I could use the coin, from what I have seen so far the prices here will drain our resources rapidly."
"Clearing out monsters is a big one," Tom says. "There's an enormous amount of mutated critters and abominations of what they used to be, no one knows. Finding folks who haven't returned is another, though chances are slim you'll find them in good condition. Looking for and recovering old possessions or deeds... the city has been picked over what's easy access, but there's are things under lock and key that someone wants that there's a chance it hasn't been found or destroyed yet." Tom smiles grimly. "Really anything you can think of, if you can convince someone you've got the skills to do it... there are always people who want something done, but can't, for whatever reason, do it themselves."
Terrowin smiles happily. "Praise be to the Flame! Drakkenheim is in great need of the help of the Silver Order."
Draining the last of his ale "My thanks for the advice. It is good to know that there are other ways to earn some coin without dealing in Delirium. " Standing up from the table. " Thank you for the conversation and company. I would buy you a round but I am afraid I am low on funds. I will have to owe you a round. Safe travels my friends"He bows to Mirabelle and the Half-Elven Woman. "M'ladies." Turning he walks out of the Bark and Buzzard, as he leaves he says to Karin "Thank you for the delicious meal, I may be by with my companions for one of your cottages later." Stepping out on to the dirt streets of Emberwood Village.
As the remainder of the entourage is engaged in conversation in the parlor of the Red Lion Hotel, a loud, hearty knock can be heard at the green wooden double doors. A servant hurries to answer, and a few moments later, he comes back, standing smartly like a herald at the entrance to the parlor.
"Message from a Miss Emma Crowe for Lando of the House of Spire, his lady, and his entourage!" he calls out importantly. "Your companion, Brother Roman, wishes to inform you that he awaits you at the Bark and Buzzard. Shall I send a reply?"
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Elena Firavanti
"I confess, I have not yet been in the city," Elena says. She tries her best to keep her voice even and calm as this is the moment to make a good impression with the Academy. If House Giorgione is able to obtain a contract with the Academy to extract delerium, it can be worth potentially thousands of gold, not to mention the prestige. "From what we were told, Emberwood Village is the starting point for any ventures into the city. We have heard rumours coming up here though, but it is difficult to separate hearsay from fact, more so now these days. I assure you, though, you will find me most capable." In a fashion that merely demonstrates nonchalance, she rests her hand on Fidelitas's hilt, wondering if River recognises it. She can't imagine Fidelitas is the only magical relic from the sorcerer kings' days.
"I'm sure I will," River says. Her tone is cool, but politely interested. "Perhaps we can talk more. Do take your fill of Emberwood Village... there is much here not to be missed! Not only the wine." She winks. "As for delerium, why don't you bring me some? Just a fragment will do. Meet me on the northwestern side of the Drann River, at the old Eckerman Mill. It's just outside the city." Leaning back in her chair and taking another sip of her wine, River returns to reading her book.
Handing Karin the coins " Thank you. Smells delicious." Taking a drink from the mug of ale. "Very good." Looking up at her "Your first guess was correct, I am from the Monastery of St. Oliver in Elyria. I accompanied a young lordling and his wife who were heading here, and the Abbot of my order felt that I should see the world. We meet a few other travelerson the road, they are at the Red Lion. The place is a little much for me."
Breaking off a chunk of bread and scooping up some of the stew to his mouth. "Hmmmm been I awhile since I have had good home cooked meal." Wiping his mouth. " I have heard many stories and tales of Drakkenheim for many years, I have always felt something pulling me here. In many ways I have come for answers." Taking another bite of the stew. "Truely delicious. Young Emma told me of some kind of pilgrims at a Hendrix's farm. Do they come into town much?"
"You're more than welcome, good sir! Oh, from Elyria, ay? You've come a long way!" Karin smiles and then taps her chin, pondering. "Ah, the pilgrims," she says, musingly. "They really don't come into town, no, except to pass through. Every few days another contingent of them heads north across the bridge towards Drakkenheim. Barefoot and in the humblest peasant homespun, too!" She shakes her head. "I can't imagine they survive in there. I don't know why they all keep going, because I don't see many of them come back."
At another table near the fire, previously engaged with their own bowls of stew and mugs of ale, a group of five adventurers begin to glance curiously at Roman as he speaks.
Roman Silverstar
"Faith is a powerful thing. It sustains us, strengthens us and emboldens us. Faith can overcome even the greatest of obstacles." Giving her a warm smile " But you are not interested in a sermon. I heard also that you rent out some of the cottages in tg village? I fear my friends will not be able to afford the prices at the Red Lion for the long term."
Seeing the group of adventurers showing intrest in him, Roman raises his tankard in salute and offers them a warm smile, taking in their appearances and equipment.
( Roman would like to insight them to get a read on anything about them. Insight: 14 -1=13. Forgot how bad Roman's stats are lol)
"I don't disagree with you," Karin says, "but it's a tall order to keep pilgrims safe in that city... if they're managing it, well, it's a miracle of the Flame, to be sure." She smiles. "Yes, I do rent out some cottages. They're small, just one room, but quite sufficient for most folks who don't have the gold for the Red Lion! They are each 2gp per night."
The oldest of the five adventurers is a smaller man with cropped, curly white hair and darker skin. He wears a splint mail tunic, old and worn but immaculately repaired. A longsword is belted on one side of his belt, and a shortsword on the other. A heavy crossbow and quiver of bolts is strapped to his back. He carries himself vigilantly, as if he has seen many battles and dangerous situations. He meets Roman's gaze directly and nods.
The youngest of them is a small, lean man with reddish hair and what looks like the chronic smudge of dirt and ash on his pale skin. Wearing studded leather armor, he bears a longbow and quiver, and a shortsword belted to his waist. He is intent on his food, as of one who has often gone without, and isn't paying any attention to Roman.
Two of the others are women, both probably middle-aged. One of them is wearing grey robes and is unarmed, only with a wool cloak and hood against the cold. The other, despite her appearance of age shown by her greying, braided brown hair, has golden eyes and a beautiful face, almost glamorous, and has an air about her that oddly reminds Roman of Elena and maybe even Lando. He realizes what it is when he sees the slight points on the tips of her ears. She has elven blood in her ancestry somewhere. She's wearing a chain shirt that she carries as if it's much lighter than it looks, and she is armed with a shortbow and a shortsword. Roman also sees a flute tucked into her belt. Both women smile in a friendly manner at Roman.
The final man is huge---easily over six feet tall. He is bald, and his skin is ruddy, with a scruff of dark brown beard unkempt. He wears only hide armor, and a prodigious wool cloak and hood, with the hood pushed back. A round wooden shield is strapped on his back over the cloak, crudely but lovingly painting with the symbol of the Sacred Flame, and an axe hangs at his belt. He smiles crookedly at Roman, and is the first of the group to speak up, raising his tankard of Ember ale. "Welcome, newcomer. So your Abbot sent you to see the world? What do you think of it so far?"
Roman Silverstar
Looking to Karin, "My thanks Karin, prehaps my companions and I will take you up on one of those cottages, once they are done with their business at the Red Lion."
Turning to the adventurers and the big man he says "Bigger than my books could ever describe. It has been quite the adventure, it has been both wonderous and unsettling." He takes a swig from his mug "I have seen the setting sun turn the canals of Liberio to liquid gold. I have seen the destruction wought on the town of Todesfeld. But to be finally here, this close to the Drakkenheim is like nothing else." He tells them in between spoonful's of stew.
" Forgive me, I forget my manners. My name is Roman Silverstar of the abbey of St. Oliver. Who might you all be? You carry yourselves as adventurers, tell me have you been in the city? What is it like? I have heard so many stories." He takes another spoonful of the stew.
"Hi, River was it? Nice to make the acquaintance of such a societal well to do as yourself. I have seen that stuff stuck in the back of a dog my village elders had to kill. It grew tendrils and became violent. It seems to be quite possibly continuously harmful and very dangerously new. Now forgive me if I am out of turn: I am but a simple devoted druid of Arwyn and Danu who has been thrust into situations entirely new to me. Why would you commission my companion to find such crystals?" I will add I know not of what my elders had done with the crystals, though I believe they destroyed them.
Karin smiles and nods, and then hustles off to check on one of the other tables.
"Elyria's a long way to travel from," the older, white-haired man says, and slight frown lines cross his forehead. "There's certainly nothing else like Drakkenheim. Thank the Flame. I'm Tom Glorybluff of Todesfeld... I was there when Mannfred's men blasted the dam. We couldn't stop them in time. Hundreds died..." He sits back with a sigh and takes a swig of his ale.
The tall, bald man says, "I'm Terrowin Cleves of Heilig. We've been in the city all right. What's it like? It's terrible. Not for the faint of heart. You've got to watch your every step, and fight for your life. And, don't ever stay there too long... it'll make you sick with the delerium sickness that doesn't get better. But, plenty of folk have reason enough to risk their lives. It's a noble calling, in a way."
"I hope you're not thinking of taking up with those pilgrims at Hendrix farm that you were asking Ms. Altberg about," the woman in grey robes says. "I made that mistake and nearly paid for it with my life. Thank the Flame, I escaped before it was too late. Mirabelle Ashglade, formerly of Drakkenheim." She lifts her tankard as if toasting a greeting to the Elyrian monk.
The half-elven woman chuckles, her dark and glamorous eyes twinkling in the light of the fire on the hearth. A mysterious smile touches her lips that must have won her dozens of admirers when she was younger. "If you survive your first foray into Drakkenheim, youngster... then I'll tell you my name."
The young man with reddish hair doesn't speak, still hungrily shoveling stew into his mouth.
Elena and Moksad
River looks back up from her book, raising her eyebrows, peering over her spectacles at Moksad. "That must have been terrible," she says, sympathetically. "Well, nameless druid of Arwyn and Danu, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. Welcome to society, where, indeed, we are discreet about business that is not our own." She takes another sip of her wine, and goes back to reading.
Roman Silverstar
Blushing at the half-elven women's smile. " I look forward to learning it one day, m'lady" Looking to Mirabelle " What do you mean it nearly cost you your life? Are they violent?" Idly fiddling with his own blue crystal amulet of the Scared Flame. " I only ask about them because of the rumors and stories I have heard." Finishing off his bowl of stew and bread, he pushes the bowl aside. " I remember reading the decree that excommunicated Lucretia Mathis. Abbot Perrien often spoke of how she could have been elected to the Divine seat. He could never understand what caused the change in her so much."
Looking at Tom " I am truly sorry for what happened to Todesfeld. It is always shameful when the citizens suffer because of the wars of nobles." Draining the last of his ale he sets down on the ale. He signals Karin for another.
" I have heard stories of the horrors that Delirium has caused. My companion Moksad has spoken of how his own village has been affected by small amounts of it. He often speaks of some of the local animals beening changed and mutating." He thanks Karin and hands her a few coins as she brings him another drink. " Is the crystal safe to handle if it is so dangerous?" Sipping his drink.
Mirabelle sighs. "They are not violent... they worship that stone. Lucretia Mathias is very charismatic, and what she speaks about sounds really good, it sounds REALLY good, but it's not true. She's being deceived. By a demon, or I don't know what, or by the magic of the delerium itself, but she is leading countless people looking for hope and meaning into the depths of something that they can never escape from. She teaches that the delerium is a sacred stone sent by the Flame... and the only path forward is to unite with it as the sacrament of this divine plan." She flinches noticeably. "Did I say they weren't violent? They are, but only... philosophically. They get people to risk not just their lives, but themselves, in the hopes of being part of it... and a lot of the pilgrims die. You haven't seen the horrors yourself that delerium does, but you've heard of them. How can anyone call that holy? The Divine Matriarch did the right thing in excommunicating that false prophet."
Tom smirks. "Nobles wouldn't have anyone to fight their wars for them if it weren't for the citizens, now would they? As good Mirabelle says... it's so easy to believe in a cause that ends up in nothing but destruction."
Terrowin speaks up. "It's not safe to handle it, Brother Roman. That's how you catch the contamination. That, and breathing the haze that it emanates where clusters of the stone are concentrated. That's one of the reasons, though not the only reason, that you've got to be careful in Drakkenheim. Stay too long breathing that, and you'll start to get sick, even if you never touch a stone. Adventurers going into the ruins don't stay too long, they get in and get out, and they use tongs, or heavy gloves, to pick the stuff up."
Roman Silverstar
Sipping his second mug of ale. "I have heard of prospectors, harvesting and selling the crystals. Does your group do this? If the Delirium is so dangerous, it would seem foolish to assist in it's spread. Is there anyone trying to contain or limit its spread?" Sipping his ale " I know the Scared Flame doesn't hold the same sway in Westemar as it does in Elyria. Is the church doing anything about it?"
" Please excuse me, River was it, I can be a bit animalistic and aggressively impulsive from time to time when a hint of the Wild takes my attention. My name is Moksad, I have been accompanying Elena for some time now and I hope in spite of my aggressive approach we can in time be considered good friends and allies."
"No, we don't," Mirabelle says, with a frown. "Many do, but you are quite right, it's far too dangerous to help spread it, no matter if it's easy coin or not."
Tom nods. "There's plenty of other work that needs to be done. We didn't come here to get rich. We came here to do what's right."
Terrowin says, "Haven't you heard? The Divine Matriarch issued a call to crusade to Drakkenheim, and the Silver Order is mustering. They'll probably be here soon, actually, it was months ago that the decree was sent out. They've been on the march. I wouldn't be too sure that the Sacred Flame doesn't have sway in Westemar. I heard Baron Boris threw the gates of Leuchten wide open to the Silver Order's army. This war torn land is desperate for some help, and no one has done anything to quell the delerium trade. The Silver Order... they'll do something about it."
Elena and Moksad
River looks up from her book again with a smile. "Why, it's nice to meet you, Moksad. I'm sure we will be. I look forward to seeing both of you again at the Mill, if you're still interested." She sets her wine glass down on an intricately carved wooden table sitting next to her chair, and adjusts her spectacles as she returns to reading her book.
Roman Silverstar
Turning to Terrowin " I had heard, in fact when we passed through Michael's Gate we saw the Silver Order gathering their forces. They must not be too far behind us then." Looking to Tom " You say there is other kinds of work to be done? Could you elaborate? My companions and I could use the coin, from what I have seen so far the prices here will drain our resources rapidly."
"Clearing out monsters is a big one," Tom says. "There's an enormous amount of mutated critters and abominations of what they used to be, no one knows. Finding folks who haven't returned is another, though chances are slim you'll find them in good condition. Looking for and recovering old possessions or deeds... the city has been picked over what's easy access, but there's are things under lock and key that someone wants that there's a chance it hasn't been found or destroyed yet." Tom smiles grimly. "Really anything you can think of, if you can convince someone you've got the skills to do it... there are always people who want something done, but can't, for whatever reason, do it themselves."
Terrowin smiles happily. "Praise be to the Flame! Drakkenheim is in great need of the help of the Silver Order."
Roman Silverstar
Draining the last of his ale "My thanks for the advice. It is good to know that there are other ways to earn some coin without dealing in Delirium. " Standing up from the table. " Thank you for the conversation and company. I would buy you a round but I am afraid I am low on funds. I will have to owe you a round. Safe travels my friends"He bows to Mirabelle and the Half-Elven Woman. "M'ladies." Turning he walks out of the Bark and Buzzard, as he leaves he says to Karin "Thank you for the delicious meal, I may be by with my companions for one of your cottages later." Stepping out on to the dirt streets of Emberwood Village.
( What time of the day is it)
Lando, Elena, and Moksad
As the remainder of the entourage is engaged in conversation in the parlor of the Red Lion Hotel, a loud, hearty knock can be heard at the green wooden double doors. A servant hurries to answer, and a few moments later, he comes back, standing smartly like a herald at the entrance to the parlor.
"Message from a Miss Emma Crowe for Lando of the House of Spire, his lady, and his entourage!" he calls out importantly. "Your companion, Brother Roman, wishes to inform you that he awaits you at the Bark and Buzzard. Shall I send a reply?"