" Listen to your to lady wife, M'lord."Putting his hand on Lando's shoulder, He looks him in the eyes "The light of the Flame guides us to our new destines. A new age waits for us, an age of Heroes" Roman's blue eyes are their usual intense blue, but this is the first time Lando notices the gold flecks in them.
The journey out of Schaffburg starts out auspiciously, with bright, sunny weather and a refreshing breeze. Within a couple of days' travel, there are notably more travelers on the road than there were farther east, many of them farmers with carts full of craft goods produced over the winter or shepherds driving flocks of sheep and goats to pasture. The new springtime lambs with their soft fluffy coats and dark inquisitive eyes bleat curiously at the strange-smelling man of the woods, then scamper back to their mothers.
Elena hails almost every passersby, hoping for some news, but it's mostly the same story---it was another hard winter, and everyone is still trying to recover from the civil war. Elena receives more than a few warnings, once people hear that they are foreigners headed for Todesfeld, not to touch the Drann River, or drink from it, or fish in it, or anything else. Later in the year there will be big markets there, but unless you have goods to sell it's not worth going. As for Drakkenheim... most travelers are quick to point out that it's because of Drakkenheim that the Drann River is ruined, but not one of them has ever been there, wants to go there, or thinks there is any worthwhile reason for anyone to go there.
Staying along the way in the various communities that are scattered around the main road, many families or Flamekeepers running hostels, chapels, or beds-and-breakfasts, are happy to let the two stay for a song (literally, in this case, and Elena gets a lot of practice in on her viol). Moksad receives two job offers for work on nearby farms, and Elena receives one marriage proposal, from an old farmer for his son to take over the family farm.
A week and a half or so into their journey, it begins to rain. Their progress slows as the hard packed dirt road turns into mud. Travelers again disappear from the road, and due to the slow pace they sometimes have to travel farther into the night to reach a place they can stay. Meals with a farmer's family and workers are not uncommon for their evenings. Elena is building up some nice callouses on her fingers from playing the viol, and she is careful to keep it wrapped and dry in the inclement weather.
One morning on the road, two travelers on horseback catch up the pair. They look rough and bedraggled, their worn woolen cloaks clinging uncomfortably to their bodies in the rain. But as they hail a greeting, Elena suddenly recognizes them. It's Jarlen and Ben, the two men she traveled with setting out from Leuchten.
Jarlen, tall and thin with a wispy beard, speaks up. "Well, hey, if it isn't little Elena again! I thought I recognized that mare. Found you a new traveling companion, I see." The way that Jarlen eyes Moksad, the druid can tell he's being sized up.
"It's good to see you again, Elena," Ben says, more politely. He is shorter and stockier than Jarlen, with lighter colored hair. "I'm glad to see you, we've got a favor to ask... we've run into some trouble, you see, we've had to beg charity from good farmwives half the way from Schaffburg, and we're going awfully hungry. I know we didn't discuss any rate for our protection when we accompanied you from Leuchten, but given the circumstances, I think a little compensation might be in order. If we could afford it of course, we'd never ask, but we're out of money, and still need to make it to Drannsmund."
"A hundred gold pieces wouldn't set you back too much, would it?" Jarlen says. "I'm sure your family sent you with plenty."
Elena brings Cassa to a stop. A protection racket, how original,she thinks. She gives them the same look over Jarlen gives Moksad and wonders how to resolve this situation. She could always ignore them and carry on her way but that run the risk of angering them and their reactions would be more belligerent and possibly violent. She could call their bluff. They are evenly matched, possibly more so since neither of them look like they possess magical abilities or anything more dangerous than knives, but that relies on Moksad’s commitment to their arrangement. So far he has proven to be an adequate, even fine traveling companion but that could change if things take a turn for the worse. From the corner of her eye, she sees the man moves his hands in a fashion that reminds her of those used by the particularly devout before touching her. Feeling whatever druidic magic Moksad cast flow through her, she finds instead another, more diplomatic option. “Gentlemen,” she says. “You have my sympathies for the hard times you have fallen upon. However, one hundred gold pieces is simply a sum that neither I nor my companion here have."She chooses to not mention that if they wanted compensation for protection, it should have been discussed at the beginning of their journey and not a few days after she parted their company."I’m simply a humble servant and my friend humbler still. However, let’s travel together until we reach an inn and you may stay the night there with a full belly at my expense.”As she speaks, she adjusts her traveling cloak in a way to clear the path for Fidelitas. She hopes it doesn't fall into violence, but she hopes to remind them that they will not find a meek target if it does.
Jarlen, watching Elena with an indulgent smile betrayed only by the spark of restless anxiety in his eyes, flits his gaze to Moksad as the druid intones his prayer. He shoots Ben a nervous glance.
"A hundred gold pieces is a lot, Jarlen," Ben says, uncomfortably. "We can't expect her to fund the rest of our trip."
"We're going to have to sell off the horses in Todesfeld," Jarlen mutters.
"Well, we'll do what we have to do," Ben replies. And he looks back at Elena. "We certainly don't want to take anything from you that you need for your own trip. I'd like to accept your offer, it would definitely help us out... and perhaps we could discuss our continued service, as we're in need of engagement, but um... I admit I'm a little worried about your new companion... I don't mean to be rude... he ah... hasn't gotten you under a spell or anything, does he?"Ben looks genuinely concerned and unsettled, and he glances at the sword on her hip before his gaze returns to her face.
Jarlen mumbles something about heathens. He does not look happy, but he looks resigned to his necessity.
Elena smiles in the disarming fashion that she worked on during her law school. "Exactly," she says. "He neither poses any harm towards me nor towards yourselves. Without cause, that is." She makes another deliberate motion with her cloak, this time concealing the hilt of Fidelitas. "Now, let's continue on our journey lest we waste daylight here."
"All right then,"Ben says. "Let's be on our way." The two men fall their horses into step with Cassa, and the group of four continues on their way down the road through the mud. Moksad keeps up excellently well with the horses, being lighter and not sinking so deep into the mire, although their splashes and struggles have him well-splattered.
"Summer would have been a more pleasant time to travel," Ben says to Elena, "but we really couldn't wait. We've talked about calling it off and taking on at one of the farms around here to help with spring ploughing and planting, and maybe we'll have to do that, but they really need us in Drannsmund. Still a few extra weeks probably won't change much."
After a few hours of this shared suffering, Jarlen offers Moksad to ride up on the back of his horse. "I'm sure you've had enough of this mud, and she's stocky, she can handle it." He holds out a friendly hand to the druid.
"Happily, good sir; I appreciate your generous offering." replied Moksad as climbed on to the horse and the party as it was resumed their lengthy journey.
Elena politely nods along to Ben’s comments, having forgotten why the two are after in Drannsmund. She actually forgot if what the relationship between Ben and Jarlen is exactly. Not sure if they look similar enough to be relatives. It sounds like the two are in a search for some quick gold but, having just talked them down from a fight, she scarcely wants to agitate them again. Instead, she asks, “What awaits you two in Drannsmund?” She remembers what the people had said about the Drann River and wonders what effects it had on the port city.
Jarlen pulls Moksad up behind him on his horse. Its a stocky sorrel roan mare with a long crimped mane and tail (tangled and splattered with mud), probably has some draft blood in it, a work horse requisitioned for the journey. It does seem to have a lot of stamina for slogging through the mud. Moksad has never been on a horse before, but he rapidly adjusts to her movement, even while she frequently trips and slips in the mud, hanging onto the back of Jarlen's saddle and balancing between the saddlebags. "No problem," Jarlen says. He sounds worn out.
"We've got relatives in Drannsmund," Ben says, riding next to Elena. "They've had a hard winter, couldn't hardly make any hay last year, so they had to butcher or sell off almost all their stock last fall, and they've got nothing this year to pay workers with. Seems like the yield has gotten less and less, year after year. I got a letter, my cousin and his family wanted to come out east here, but Hell, we're doing bad out here too. We don't own land, we lived in town. I used to haul imported goods to Todesfeld from Leuchten, but business has been so bad I can't make ends meet. This year I decided to bail. So I told my cousin to stay put with his family, and Jarlen and I would come out and help him. Sold off the wagon to fund the trip, but it ain't enough." He pauses. "Where are you headed, again?"
Although they both carry themselves with a similar demeanor and are similarly covered in mud, Elena continues to note that Ben and Jarlen really don't look related. Of course, they could be related by marriage, or only distantly. She realizes she doesn't know their family name either; they never told it to her.
We ride forth. Done with these lands Am I. I shall forge a new legacy for the spire name in Westmar, land of the falling fire.
steady yourself Elusive, the journey will be vast but the reward bountiful.
Silverstar, will you pledge yourself to assist me in creating a new legacy, one we will share, where you will serve no other but thine self, and the falling fire. Pledge your allegiance to me and whatever spoils await us, yours will be a fair share. I can tell the twinkle in your eyes deems you for a greater purpose than a scribe, lets us find it together friend.
.“M’lord, I shall seek the Falling Fire with you. I don’t know what we will find when we arrive in Drakkenheim but I will stand with you.” Shaking Lando’s hand. “The Testament of the Falling Fire speaks to me. I feel something guiding me.” With a heavy sigh “All my life I have been plagued by visions and dreams; I dream of the day that brought the sacred charcoal to Drakkenheim and flash of what could be. Some say that I am touched, like my mother, but the Abbot took me under his wing. He taught me that the light of the Flame will reveal to us what is needed of us."
Biting his lips “On that note, I must insist that we take the road to Todesfeld and visiting St. Rosalind’s. I don’t know why but a few days ago when I was planning our route. And ….. I had a flash of the Grand Pyre in the Cathdreal. Something must happen there. I know it may sound crazy, but I believe I am being guided there. It still a long way to go before we need to decide, but I think that is the best course of action"
“But look” Gesturing toward the horizon and the beginning of the dawn “A new dawn, a new day lies before. The first day in our new lives.” Kicking his horse forward into a trot and looking over his shoulder at Lando and his wife. “Race you!” And he spurs his horse forward into a gallop, as the dawn breaks over a lonely windmill in the distant horizon.
You there!! Spire Guard. As your last act for your lord, bring me a sturdy steed for my companion, tell mother ill take this as our parting gift, and she shall hear no more from me until the songs of my glory reach the Spire door step.
Though the guard's face was full of regret when he spoke---like many of House Spire's retainers, his family had known Lando from a wee babe---the dawn of inspiration seems to break into his eyes as Lando's impassioned speech clearly touches the man.
Slowly, but resolutely, he swings the gate open. "May your deeds earn you back the favor of your birth,"he says. Looking up at Lando as he makes his last request, he nods, and gestures to the third guard, who had just ridden up on patrol. "Give him your horse. I'll fetch another and take your route." The guard dismounts, and hands the reins to Roman.
The road beyond the gate of the Spire lands stretches east and winds north, the glint of the rising sun on the Vita river. Destiny calls.
The journey through Elyria to the border town of Michael's Gate will take about three weeks if they take the road. The road hugs the foothills of the mountains and travels the edge of the forest, but it is well-graded and horses will have no trouble on it.
If they would like to buy passage on a ship for themselves and their steeds along the Vita River, the journey can be reduced to one week, and they will easily save the cost of rations and feed in the reduced travel time.
Will they take the road? Or the river? Will they be secretive about their mission, or will they talk to folks about it along the way? Will they stop in the towns and farmsteads to spread the good news and look for more pilgrims of the Falling Fire, and possibly risk the ire of the Silver Order also marching to the borders of Elyria to follow the Divine Matriarch's call to crusade? Or will they stop to do good deeds and bless the poor? Or will they find it prudent for any news not to reach back prematurely to House Spire, bereaved of its crown jewel?
(OOC: Please roll three skill checks of your choice and describe a situation you imagine that skill will help you with on your journey. You can choose who rolls each one, but don't roll more than three! Since you both have inspiration, you may use it for the skill checks if you wish.)
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Perception: 17 +5=22 Lookout for danger
Survival: 2+3=5 Look for makeshift items relating to food or that could set up shelter
(Guidance roll: 3 +5=8)
Nature: 8+1=9 Knowledge of plants and animals to supplement the former
(Guidance Roll: 4+9=13)
Moksad casts Guidance on Elena.
Elena can roll a d4 on and add it to an ability check of her choice. Can choose to add to all three checks.
Roman Silverstar
" Listen to your to lady wife, M'lord." Putting his hand on Lando's shoulder, He looks him in the eyes "The light of the Flame guides us to our new destines. A new age waits for us, an age of Heroes" Roman's blue eyes are their usual intense blue, but this is the first time Lando notices the gold flecks in them.
Elena and Moksad
The journey out of Schaffburg starts out auspiciously, with bright, sunny weather and a refreshing breeze. Within a couple of days' travel, there are notably more travelers on the road than there were farther east, many of them farmers with carts full of craft goods produced over the winter or shepherds driving flocks of sheep and goats to pasture. The new springtime lambs with their soft fluffy coats and dark inquisitive eyes bleat curiously at the strange-smelling man of the woods, then scamper back to their mothers.
Elena hails almost every passersby, hoping for some news, but it's mostly the same story---it was another hard winter, and everyone is still trying to recover from the civil war. Elena receives more than a few warnings, once people hear that they are foreigners headed for Todesfeld, not to touch the Drann River, or drink from it, or fish in it, or anything else. Later in the year there will be big markets there, but unless you have goods to sell it's not worth going. As for Drakkenheim... most travelers are quick to point out that it's because of Drakkenheim that the Drann River is ruined, but not one of them has ever been there, wants to go there, or thinks there is any worthwhile reason for anyone to go there.
Staying along the way in the various communities that are scattered around the main road, many families or Flamekeepers running hostels, chapels, or beds-and-breakfasts, are happy to let the two stay for a song (literally, in this case, and Elena gets a lot of practice in on her viol). Moksad receives two job offers for work on nearby farms, and Elena receives one marriage proposal, from an old farmer for his son to take over the family farm.
A week and a half or so into their journey, it begins to rain. Their progress slows as the hard packed dirt road turns into mud. Travelers again disappear from the road, and due to the slow pace they sometimes have to travel farther into the night to reach a place they can stay. Meals with a farmer's family and workers are not uncommon for their evenings. Elena is building up some nice callouses on her fingers from playing the viol, and she is careful to keep it wrapped and dry in the inclement weather.
One morning on the road, two travelers on horseback catch up the pair. They look rough and bedraggled, their worn woolen cloaks clinging uncomfortably to their bodies in the rain. But as they hail a greeting, Elena suddenly recognizes them. It's Jarlen and Ben, the two men she traveled with setting out from Leuchten.
Jarlen, tall and thin with a wispy beard, speaks up. "Well, hey, if it isn't little Elena again! I thought I recognized that mare. Found you a new traveling companion, I see." The way that Jarlen eyes Moksad, the druid can tell he's being sized up.
"It's good to see you again, Elena," Ben says, more politely. He is shorter and stockier than Jarlen, with lighter colored hair. "I'm glad to see you, we've got a favor to ask... we've run into some trouble, you see, we've had to beg charity from good farmwives half the way from Schaffburg, and we're going awfully hungry. I know we didn't discuss any rate for our protection when we accompanied you from Leuchten, but given the circumstances, I think a little compensation might be in order. If we could afford it of course, we'd never ask, but we're out of money, and still need to make it to Drannsmund."
"A hundred gold pieces wouldn't set you back too much, would it?" Jarlen says. "I'm sure your family sent you with plenty."
Moksad Casts Guidance on Elena.
Elena can add a roll of a D4 to any skill or ability check she makes in response to this encounter.
Elena Firavanti
Elena brings Cassa to a stop. A protection racket, how original, she thinks. She gives them the same look over Jarlen gives Moksad and wonders how to resolve this situation. She could always ignore them and carry on her way but that run the risk of angering them and their reactions would be more belligerent and possibly violent. She could call their bluff. They are evenly matched, possibly more so since neither of them look like they possess magical abilities or anything more dangerous than knives, but that relies on Moksad’s commitment to their arrangement. So far he has proven to be an adequate, even fine traveling companion but that could change if things take a turn for the worse. From the corner of her eye, she sees the man moves his hands in a fashion that reminds her of those used by the particularly devout before touching her. Feeling whatever druidic magic Moksad cast flow through her, she finds instead another, more diplomatic option. “Gentlemen,” she says. “You have my sympathies for the hard times you have fallen upon. However, one hundred gold pieces is simply a sum that neither I nor my companion here have." She chooses to not mention that if they wanted compensation for protection, it should have been discussed at the beginning of their journey and not a few days after she parted their company. "I’m simply a humble servant and my friend humbler still. However, let’s travel together until we reach an inn and you may stay the night there with a full belly at my expense.” As she speaks, she adjusts her traveling cloak in a way to clear the path for Fidelitas. She hopes it doesn't fall into violence, but she hopes to remind them that they will not find a meek target if it does.
Persuasion: 21+4 = 25 (rolled in game log)
(Edit to previous post)
Moksad in casting guidance after picking up what these men were laying down
put his hand briefly on Elena and whispered
"by the grace of what is holy, you have this in hand," - right before she persuaded them.
Making a small fist pumping gesture with the other hand as he pulls away, followed by a hand sign of Danu.
Elena and Moksad
Jarlen, watching Elena with an indulgent smile betrayed only by the spark of restless anxiety in his eyes, flits his gaze to Moksad as the druid intones his prayer. He shoots Ben a nervous glance.
"A hundred gold pieces is a lot, Jarlen," Ben says, uncomfortably. "We can't expect her to fund the rest of our trip."
"We're going to have to sell off the horses in Todesfeld," Jarlen mutters.
"Well, we'll do what we have to do," Ben replies. And he looks back at Elena. "We certainly don't want to take anything from you that you need for your own trip. I'd like to accept your offer, it would definitely help us out... and perhaps we could discuss our continued service, as we're in need of engagement, but um... I admit I'm a little worried about your new companion... I don't mean to be rude... he ah... hasn't gotten you under a spell or anything, does he?" Ben looks genuinely concerned and unsettled, and he glances at the sword on her hip before his gaze returns to her face.
Jarlen mumbles something about heathens. He does not look happy, but he looks resigned to his necessity.
"no fellas, just attempting to support your friend and mine in our time of need with the grace of those above and below us."
Elena Firavanti
Elena smiles in the disarming fashion that she worked on during her law school. "Exactly," she says. "He neither poses any harm towards me nor towards yourselves. Without cause, that is." She makes another deliberate motion with her cloak, this time concealing the hilt of Fidelitas. "Now, let's continue on our journey lest we waste daylight here."
"... And if the night shines upon us, I shall pray to her for our protection."
Elena and Moksad
"All right then," Ben says. "Let's be on our way." The two men fall their horses into step with Cassa, and the group of four continues on their way down the road through the mud. Moksad keeps up excellently well with the horses, being lighter and not sinking so deep into the mire, although their splashes and struggles have him well-splattered.
"Summer would have been a more pleasant time to travel," Ben says to Elena, "but we really couldn't wait. We've talked about calling it off and taking on at one of the farms around here to help with spring ploughing and planting, and maybe we'll have to do that, but they really need us in Drannsmund. Still a few extra weeks probably won't change much."
After a few hours of this shared suffering, Jarlen offers Moksad to ride up on the back of his horse. "I'm sure you've had enough of this mud, and she's stocky, she can handle it." He holds out a friendly hand to the druid.
"Happily, good sir; I appreciate your generous offering." replied Moksad as climbed on to the horse and the party as it was resumed their lengthy journey.
Elena Firavanti
Elena politely nods along to Ben’s comments, having forgotten why the two are after in Drannsmund. She actually forgot if what the relationship between Ben and Jarlen is exactly. Not sure if they look similar enough to be relatives. It sounds like the two are in a search for some quick gold but, having just talked them down from a fight, she scarcely wants to agitate them again. Instead, she asks, “What awaits you two in Drannsmund?” She remembers what the people had said about the Drann River and wonders what effects it had on the port city.
Elena and Moksad
Jarlen pulls Moksad up behind him on his horse. Its a stocky sorrel roan mare with a long crimped mane and tail (tangled and splattered with mud), probably has some draft blood in it, a work horse requisitioned for the journey. It does seem to have a lot of stamina for slogging through the mud. Moksad has never been on a horse before, but he rapidly adjusts to her movement, even while she frequently trips and slips in the mud, hanging onto the back of Jarlen's saddle and balancing between the saddlebags. "No problem," Jarlen says. He sounds worn out.
"We've got relatives in Drannsmund," Ben says, riding next to Elena. "They've had a hard winter, couldn't hardly make any hay last year, so they had to butcher or sell off almost all their stock last fall, and they've got nothing this year to pay workers with. Seems like the yield has gotten less and less, year after year. I got a letter, my cousin and his family wanted to come out east here, but Hell, we're doing bad out here too. We don't own land, we lived in town. I used to haul imported goods to Todesfeld from Leuchten, but business has been so bad I can't make ends meet. This year I decided to bail. So I told my cousin to stay put with his family, and Jarlen and I would come out and help him. Sold off the wagon to fund the trip, but it ain't enough." He pauses. "Where are you headed, again?"
Although they both carry themselves with a similar demeanor and are similarly covered in mud, Elena continues to note that Ben and Jarlen really don't look related. Of course, they could be related by marriage, or only distantly. She realizes she doesn't know their family name either; they never told it to her.
We ride forth. Done with these lands Am I. I shall forge a new legacy for the spire name in Westmar, land of the falling fire.
steady yourself Elusive, the journey will be vast but the reward bountiful.
Silverstar, will you pledge yourself to assist me in creating a new legacy, one we will share, where you will serve no other but thine self, and the falling fire. Pledge your allegiance to me and whatever spoils await us, yours will be a fair share. I can tell the twinkle in your eyes deems you for a greater purpose than a scribe, lets us find it together friend.
Roman Silverstar
.“M’lord, I shall seek the Falling Fire with you. I don’t know what we will find when we arrive in Drakkenheim but I will stand with you.” Shaking Lando’s hand. “The Testament of the Falling Fire speaks to me. I feel something guiding me.” With a heavy sigh “All my life I have been plagued by visions and dreams; I dream of the day that brought the sacred charcoal to Drakkenheim and flash of what could be. Some say that I am touched, like my mother, but the Abbot took me under his wing. He taught me that the light of the Flame will reveal to us what is needed of us."
Biting his lips “On that note, I must insist that we take the road to Todesfeld and visiting St. Rosalind’s. I don’t know why but a few days ago when I was planning our route. And ….. I had a flash of the Grand Pyre in the Cathdreal. Something must happen there. I know it may sound crazy, but I believe I am being guided there. It still a long way to go before we need to decide, but I think that is the best course of action"
“But look” Gesturing toward the horizon and the beginning of the dawn “A new dawn, a new day lies before. The first day in our new lives.” Kicking his horse forward into a trot and looking over his shoulder at Lando and his wife. “Race you!” And he spurs his horse forward into a gallop, as the dawn breaks over a lonely windmill in the distant horizon.
You there!! Spire Guard. As your last act for your lord, bring me a sturdy steed for my companion, tell mother ill take this as our parting gift, and she shall hear no more from me until the songs of my glory reach the Spire door step.
persuasion roll: 19+6 = 25.
Lando and Roman
Though the guard's face was full of regret when he spoke---like many of House Spire's retainers, his family had known Lando from a wee babe---the dawn of inspiration seems to break into his eyes as Lando's impassioned speech clearly touches the man.
Slowly, but resolutely, he swings the gate open. "May your deeds earn you back the favor of your birth," he says. Looking up at Lando as he makes his last request, he nods, and gestures to the third guard, who had just ridden up on patrol. "Give him your horse. I'll fetch another and take your route." The guard dismounts, and hands the reins to Roman.
The road beyond the gate of the Spire lands stretches east and winds north, the glint of the rising sun on the Vita river. Destiny calls.
Lando and Roman
The journey through Elyria to the border town of Michael's Gate will take about three weeks if they take the road. The road hugs the foothills of the mountains and travels the edge of the forest, but it is well-graded and horses will have no trouble on it.
If they would like to buy passage on a ship for themselves and their steeds along the Vita River, the journey can be reduced to one week, and they will easily save the cost of rations and feed in the reduced travel time.
Will they take the road? Or the river? Will they be secretive about their mission, or will they talk to folks about it along the way? Will they stop in the towns and farmsteads to spread the good news and look for more pilgrims of the Falling Fire, and possibly risk the ire of the Silver Order also marching to the borders of Elyria to follow the Divine Matriarch's call to crusade? Or will they stop to do good deeds and bless the poor? Or will they find it prudent for any news not to reach back prematurely to House Spire, bereaved of its crown jewel?
(OOC: Please roll three skill checks of your choice and describe a situation you imagine that skill will help you with on your journey. You can choose who rolls each one, but don't roll more than three! Since you both have inspiration, you may use it for the skill checks if you wish.)