"Well, aren't you the scholar, for a woodsman?"Ben chuckles. "Changes in the world? You don't have to look any farther than that blasted civil war that's just about torn Westemar apart. After the meteor hit Drakkenheim and killed the whole royal family, the King's siblings turned on each other like dogs fighting over scraps... and they say nobles are better than us common folk, no, I think they're even more poorly off, playing on a big field with high stakes, that would drive any man crazy. But their wars eat up the common man. Eat up the fodder for their warhorses. Eat up all the livestock before calving season, so we have nothing to replace it with. Burn down the fields. And then everyone's too poor to buy silk from Elyria and spices from Caspia, and we're out of a job. Get us a proper king back, before everyone in Westemar starves to death, that's what I say."
"I'm afraid good sir I wouldn't know anything about it. I know my simple farm stead, the community around me and I frankly had my head up in the clouds on some occasions people brought news into our land."
"I was however taught to look at information as a boon, to be open to new ideas, and to try to ascertain and disentangle causes from effects."
"For all I know, this wider war you speak of may be the symptom rather than the cause."
He will excitedly tell others that he and his Lord are on a Holy Pilgrimage to Westemar. They have been chosen to bring the light of the Flame to that shattered land.
Roman would be quite friendly and interacting with travelers. He would make an effort to avoid actual members of the Silver Order, but otherwise he would just keep telling others that Lando and him have been chosen to bring the light to Westemar.
I will use my deception skill to convince any and all people that I am still of Nobility, and am on a diplomatic mission to solve the issue of the broken crown in Westmar. Requiring resources like gold and food from the towns we pass through in the name of The Lord of House Spire.
As we make our way through town along the roads, we stop at know noble homes and township leaders, requesting an offering of Aid to assist us on the journey to make peace. Collecting enough resources to fill our horse sacks and giving any additional beyond that to the poor.
deception Check: 13+4=17
Lando, being the most combat trained member of their small group, uses his size and skill to intimidate any who would question his claims of nobility, intimidating those who may already know the truth, be it nobles who got word from house spire or the Silver Order who may recognize him
Using his intimidation, he scares off would be bandits and thugs from coming after the party during their travels. .
The three intrepid pilgrims decide to take the road, riding northeast on their valiant steeds. Lando has left his family and his heritage behind, and if it pains his heart, he makes no show of it whatsoever to his loving wife or his new vassal, his heart seemingly ablaze with nothing but the fervor of his quest.
That same night, as Roman sleeps, the dream returns to him... a blazing meteor, falling through the sky. The vast expanse of the Witherbleach Desert, the Pale Teeth mountains hazy on the horizon to the south, as the comet soars on its trajectory. The landscape beneath it shifts, and changes, and the falling star is now falling, falling rapidly, not over a desert but over a vast pine forest, the mountains to the south now tipped with snow. The feeling of terror in Roman's chest is palpable as the falling star grows larger, falling ever faster... and as it seems to strike, a blaze of fiery light burns up his whole dream vision, and he seems to hear a voice, musical, radiant.
No one wants the truth. All want lesser things. Power, control, money, influence, immortality. The seeds of darkness whisper a tantalizing promise to those who grasp after these, but as they reach, it is the truth that they lose. Fear not the respect of men and their blades. For none have the truth. Some seek it, more hide from it. It is truth that you will bring to them, to each soul cast in darkness. You will face trials, persecutions. The power I give you is not of this world... but it is the power of truth. Fear not the suffering, fear not the abjection. Stay on the path, and all will be revealed to you, my son...
The fiery light blazes hotter, and covers his whole body, burning in his chest, blazing out the tips of his fingers. He hears a rush of wind, as if from a powerful flap of wings, and feels himself light as a feather, lifting into the air... As his dream feet leave the ground, he startles awake, but although he is laying on the solid ground, the warm tingle in his chest has not gone away. It was a dream, but something in it wasn't a dream...
So the three continue, starting each day singing the praises of the Flame. Roman is still counting off his calendar, as all the monks do, and marks the holy days with a puff of incense during their morning prayer. Yvara has a beautiful singing voice that he takes full advantage of, teaching her to chant the hours. They usually end reading a passage from the Testament of the Falling Fire.
And they make many friends along the way. Westemar is ever on Roman's mind, and he speaks of the places of pilgrimage, of Westemar torn asunder by war. A few travelers along the way tell him that the bloody civil war that wracked Westemar after the meteor fell was over the unknown fate of King Ulrich IV and the royal family, all of whom were lost in the collision, and no one knows if they are alive. Several noble houses are still funding efforts to reclaim the city... a lost cause, maybe? Or are they missing the point of what this harbringer to Drakkenheim means? Earthly kingdoms will pass away, but the Flame is eternal.
Lando is in a fever pitch, and he takes these conversations to heart, speaking to all of the Crown of Westemar and the kingship, gathering donations, distributing them to the poor in the villages they pass through, and pledging the allegiance of House Spire to his holy endeavor. Yvara, without mentioning Lucretia Matthias, expounds her teaching at every opportunity, begging all passersby to surrender to the guidance of the Sacred Flame. She just barely refrains from speaking heresies, but her wording is clearly enough influenced by Lucretia's teachings, for those who are aware of it.
There is little opportunity for anyone to wonder about rumors of followers of Lucretia traveling Elyria and preaching, or followers of a disenfranchised noble's son seeking a last ditch and desperate line of influence, as the party's deliberate calling on manors of nobles and heads of villages takes these heads of society aback to such an extent that they have little protest to make. Surely these inspired individuals blazing with fervor and purpose are not the rumored madmen and heretics? Their impassioned calls for aid earn them quite a few donations of food, fodder for their horses, and spring flowers, although not a great amount of gold.
Three weeks of good weather see them quickly on their way towards Michael's Gate. Finally, one morning on their long journey, they see it, the great border town of Elyria, with its towering white walls, built on the east bank of the Vita River as it spills down from its headwaters in the Drakeclaw Mountains. Michael's Gate is also the bastion of the Silver Order, as the Order's holy crusades often take them beyond the borders of Elyria to neighboring nations in need. Both Lando and Roman have been raised on valiant tales of knights defending Michael's Gate against besieging armies and ferocious dragons.
In the north of the city sits a huge monastery, labyrinthed all around with cloisters, and bearing a tower taller than the cathedral's spires from which the long wingspans of griffons are visible even at this distance, flitting in and out between the tower and the nearby mountains.
Lando and Yvara on Elusive, and Roman on the guard's horse, pull up at the white gatehouse that guards the enormous drawbridge leading across the Vita River into Michael's Gate. Two paladin guards stand at the bridge entrance through the gatehouse, watching travelers and visitors as they stream in. Wagons from local farms clatter in filled with winter stores and new lambs and pigs to feed the city's population, workers and pilgrims entering the city to attend the daily services at the Cathedral of the Saint of Swords. And there are paladins, so many paladins. Dressed in the silver and gold livery of the Silver Order, they ride in from all over Elyria to the headquarters here.
Because Lando and Roman aren't the only ones headed for Westemar. They've heard plenty of rumors during their journey about the holy mission to Drakkenheim slowly mustering the Silver Order's forces. The call of the Divine Matriarch was heard throughout Elyria, and many paladins, nobles and commoners alike, are responding. Of course, Lando and Roman have both heard the decree---delerium is an abomination, and Westemar must be freed from its tainted grip. What is the Silver Order planning to do about it? Lando and Roman both realize they don't know.
The two paladin guards nod to Lando. They don't seem to have recognized him.
Moksad's village is just too remote... occasionally clan leaders spoke of the King, but they had no news of, or dealings with him, and while rumors of the civil war filtered into the Achtungwald, any details about it are quite a mystery to him.
"Well," Ben says, scratching his head, "the cause is pretty simple. Like I said, the whole royal family was killed, and so Westemar has no king. Just warring nobles. Some of the nobles are still funding expeditions to try and reclaim the city. I hear it's pretty bad. Whatever that meteor did, it did it all. It's a waste. Leave it to the vultures, I say."
"There's too much lost in the city that they want to get back for that to happen," Jarlen says. "You've been to Drakkenheim. You seen the Cathedral? And the castle? The relics and treasure stored there is... more than either of us have ever seen. And I hear buyers are paying top dollar for the shards of that crystal that came off the meteor. Who knows what it's good for, but someone's paying for it."
Men often fear what they know not. Delirium is unknown in nature but holds a great power. It is quite literally the catalyst that connects our souls to the flames of the universe.
Yvara my sweet, Silver star, my brave companion, fear not the unknown but seek to uncover the truth of its power. Then it can be used to aid us in our service to the fires that fall upon us.
SilverStar, tell me friend, what drives you. Before you met me, surely there was something that drove you to awake every morning and pursue life. My stewart Jerome, would always tell me I should deeply know those who travel with me. While we have a relatively calm moment, tell me about yourself.
There has been a twinkle in your eye as of late, it’s bright in the morning shortly after you wake. Does your body react to the kiss of the morning sun or is there a woman you yearn for in your dreams..?
Being a retainer to a Liberio noble house, Elena couldn’t disagree with Ben’s assessment of the nobility. House Giorgione has certainly done its fair share of misdeeds with no small help from her family. That being said, Liberio never tore itself apart when one person died, even the Consul. They simply elect a new one so score one for the Liberio model. Elena listens as the two men talk, particularly when they mention delerium. “Sounds like a lot of folks are heading over to Drakkenheim then despite the meteor,” she says with as much nonchalance as she can muster. She wonders if these two are considering joining them, given their monetary woes. She's grateful that Moksad only mentions their immediate step and not their overall goal. She is not quite ready to reveal that to anyone else.
Bushing scarlet, Roman fumbles over his words “A woman… yumm…. No M’lord. There is no one” coughing nervously. “My life in the abbey was much the same as any other monk, routine. My life was one of chores and prayer. As you know the Abbey of St. Oliver is a scriptorium, so much of my duties were around reproducing various religious texts of the Scared Flame. I was particularly good at the more ornate reproductions; I particularly liked the ones with the illuminations. That was most of time and the rest was spent in prayer. It was a simple life and satisfying life, and I would have been happy except for the dreams and the visions.”
Running his hand through his shaggy black curls. “You see M’Lord, for as long as I could remember I have had this dream. I dream of the meteor in an endless void, plunging through the sky and clouds and finally striking a city. I see terrible visions of monsters and darkness and finally a blinding light. I have had other visions but that one is the most common one. They haunt me and I feel them to be true. I feel that I am destined for something more”
With a rueful smile he continues “Some would say I am touched, like my mother. She was a Flamekeeper you know. The abbot tried to shelter me, but the rumors persisted. After all a mad and unwed Flamekeeper, who speaks of angels and great destinies is great fodder for gossip. And let me tell you, monks love to gossip”
Looking to Yvara “But since M’Lady brought the Testament of Falling Fire into my life, I have felt something call to me, pulling me to answers, to truth, to something greater than me, greater than all of us.” Shaking his head " I feel a purpose, an awakening within me."
“What of you M’Lord, how did you come to meet your Lady wife? It was quite the topic of gossip among the brothers when your engagement to her was learned""
Nudging his horse forward, past the gate guards. They trot down the crowded the streets of Michael's Gate. Roman head swivels around trying to take in the sights and sounds of the bustling city. Before this Roman's world was the Abbey and the small village nearby, never had he seen so many people and such tall buildings. The sights and sounds almost overwhelm him. Turning to Lando. "Where should we stay M'Lord." Looking around his eyes lingering on a group of Silver Order Paladins. "Maybe we can learn something of the Silver Orders plans. When the leaving, numbers, what route they are likely taking, that kind of information. I doubt they are keeping much secret. What do you think?
"It's folly," Ben says, almost vehemently for his normally laid back demeanor. "It's death to go to that city. Sure, maybe you'll strike it rich, and I hear people are, but how are you going to spend gold if you're dead?"
"Not to mention all the stories you hear about people turning into monsters," Jarlen says, glibly. "I don't know if I believe that, but there's some nasty poison there that's setting folks falling ill. Worse than that, nothing grows within a hundred miles of that city. Nothing! All the water is poisoned, nothing will grow in field or forest, animals die, and there's nothing for them to eat, anyway. It's a wasteland... who would want to go there? I wouldn't, not for all the gold in Westemar."
"We're ready to settle down and work the land," Ben says, "live like real folk again, not dependent on demand for goods we didn't make. And seems like we've got an opportunity now, if we can just make it to Drannsmund."
"Well, good sirs we do not stand in the way of your progress toward that goal, I hope-
Though I would be remiss if I did not remark my concern that those shards may be cursed in some way.
-While we did not have awareness of the political situation outside our community, we have noticed and fended off creatures with green crystal shards upon them.
I have not faced them directly, but an elder of my village whipped away a very strange dog with writhing octopus like limbs and indigo crystals; ending it's life.
*Pushes glasses up on face with closed eyes and a smirk* My sweet here is the one who introduced me to the teachings of Lucretia Mathias. When she caught my eye, she was working at my family lands near house Spire. Being one to flare up a conversation with such a damsel, I saw the passion in her eyes when she spoke of the falling fire. *Looks to Yvara with intensity* For weeks on end, I would pressure Jerome to have her specifically come back, there was a point where I saw the falling fire in her eye when we spoke. That's when I knew she was the one for me and would lead me to my destiny.
Our engagement and subsequent eloping was quite the talk. I never cared for noble politics unless it suited me, of course, my mother and father felt the backlash much more than I did.
*Looking around and spotting the silver order* I think it best we leave here as soon as possible, there will be more opportunities to learn of their goals and intentions, but we must not get beside ourselves. We too have a goal to accomplish. *places his hand on Roman and Yvara's chest* Can't you feel it? The call to the flame has been growing stronger by the day. *Nudges them to touch his chest* I can feel the warmth of the flame growing in me, I know you all can feel it too.
Let us be done with this place. Let's keep our heads down for now and continue pressing forward. We will be passing them and can listen in on this group in front of us, gathering information is key, but we shouldn't linger here too long. *As their steeds begin to walk past a group of the Silver Order Paladins, the three of them listen intently to see what they can discover*
" Agreed, we need to hit the road before they launch this crusade.." Spotting a group of monks at a table outside an alehouse. Their brown robes with white quills embordered on the sleeves denote them as scribes. "Perhaps if we are willing to spend a bit of gold, we can glean some information from them." Gesturing his head towards the scribes " An army of this size, travelling that far will need good logistics and monks love to gossip." Clasping his blue crystal amulet and place hand to his heart " Let the Flame guide me" (Casts Guidance).
Leading Lando and Yvera over to the alehouse. He ties his horse up and approaches the table. "Flame be with you brothers. May we join you. It has been a long road and we could use a drink and some good company. A round for the table maybe? On us of course."
Investigation with advantage and Guidance: 13 + 4= 17
"That's another thing," Jarlen says, giving Moksad a wary eye. "Something's making folks ill, but if it's cursed stones, there's likely some magic involved. All I can say is that I hope that Academy is doing whatever they need to do to contain it. That's their job. And if they're not doing their job, then..." He shakes his head in disgust. Clearly disturbed hearing about dogs with tentacles and crystals wandering about. "Then we've all got bigger problems." He nudges his heels into the stocky mare's flanks and she picks up her pace through the mud.
"Really?"Ben says to Moksad. "You've seen things like that this far south? I mean, you've actually seen them? Not just hearsay?"
"That's what brought you out of the woods, I suppose," Jarlen mutters.
"I have other duties assigned to me; I am also visiting other Druidic sites for sacred tomes of knowledge among our people. Addressing and rooting out the aberrations in nature though are my primary and foremost concerns as much as I can attempt it, even if I am to die attempting. Even amongst us forested folk; a life well lived has to be earned. I am Marked amongst my people for this and I seek to address it as best as I can so my brethren may not need to to know the feared position among our people described as--
"Dark was the night... Cold was the ground."
" If I can earn myself ale and interesting new food and circumstances along the way, I will be most happy with how this journey turns."
Yvara has nothing but the most devoted smile for her zealous and affectionate husband. "My father was an acolyte of Lucretia's before she left on her pilgrimage. It was a crime of the Church to excommunicate her... the Flame has revealed the truth to Lucretia. They simply don't want to accept it. But we must help them to see the truth." She places her hand on her chest over Lando's. "The warmth burns in me brighter every day... more and more are feeling it. Feeling that the sign truly has come. Saint Tarna has returned to us, as she said she would, with a message for all souls who would be heroes to make the great sacrifice for the Flame. The darkness in the world is great, but we can be the ones to light the way. And you will be the brightest of them, my love." She lifts Lando's hand and kisses it reverently.
As the three pass the group of Silver Order paladins, they can hear them animatedly discussing Saint Vicent's Day, which marks the start of Hearthstone, about a week away. Especially popular among noble houses, it is usually celebrated, after the altar services at church around the braziar, by bringing out the last of the winter stores and cooking a great feast for all the poor families. Any and all wretched, poor, or hungry, are invited, and are often given places to sleep for the night in the manors. "It's not celebrated in the traditional way in Michael's Gate," one of them says, "or at least not on the usual scale."
Another adds, "Feels a little out of place at a mustering point, I'll admit. But it's appropriate. We're about to set off to succor the real poor---the people of Westemar afflicted by this plague. Hearthstone is a fitting season for it, and Saint Vicent's Day the perfect departure date."
As the group passes, another of the paladins looks up and salutes Lando. "Another brother-in-arms to join the crusade!" He grins, turning back to his fellows. "Saint Tarna would be proud. I've been watching men from all over Elyria stream into Michael's Gate the past few weeks. The Flamekeepers have been so busy blessing swords and horses there's hardly a spot to stand at the Cathedral of Swords."
Roman, having spotted his brother scriveners, leads his companions to the alehouse.
One of the monks, an older man, leans back and smiles at Roman, and seeing Lando, rises from his seat. "Flame be with you, brother. Traveled a long way have you? Your master is here for the Divine Matriarch's crusade, is he? Of course, we won't turn down your charity." The other two monks stand up from their seats as well, bowing. "I'm Brother Edbert, and these are Brothers Haduin and Maximus. We're travelers, ourselves, from the Lighthouse Abbey in Lucant's Vigil. What monastery do you call home?" The three monks hold out their vacated chairs for the newcomers. Custom dictates they will wait to be invited to sit back down in the presence of a noble. Brother Haduin throws an obviously curious glance at Yvara, who is distinctly not dressed as a noble wife would be in her grey penitential robes, and yet is seated behind Lando on his warhorse, making her position clear.
"But... you've seen them?" Ben still presses, incredulously. "Monsters?"
"Uh huh," Jarlen says, with an uncomfortable glance over his shoulder at Moksad. "That's an impressive quest. I guess you've lived a sheltered life, then. Have you ever heard of the Sacred Flame?"
"I have heard of the sacred flame as something that looks to compete with rather than share worship with our Gods, yes. I see it as one of them resembling our Sun, perhaps an odd interpretation thereof. Our elders have shared little news of other things, but yes I have heard of the sacred flame."
"We journey to Todesfeld I hear and then anything that runs afterwards. I am looking to understand the changes in this world and respond to them."
Elena and Moksad
"Well, aren't you the scholar, for a woodsman?" Ben chuckles. "Changes in the world? You don't have to look any farther than that blasted civil war that's just about torn Westemar apart. After the meteor hit Drakkenheim and killed the whole royal family, the King's siblings turned on each other like dogs fighting over scraps... and they say nobles are better than us common folk, no, I think they're even more poorly off, playing on a big field with high stakes, that would drive any man crazy. But their wars eat up the common man. Eat up the fodder for their warhorses. Eat up all the livestock before calving season, so we have nothing to replace it with. Burn down the fields. And then everyone's too poor to buy silk from Elyria and spices from Caspia, and we're out of a job. Get us a proper king back, before everyone in Westemar starves to death, that's what I say."
History check: 6+1=7
"I'm afraid good sir I wouldn't know anything about it. I know my simple farm stead, the community around me and I frankly had my head up in the clouds on some occasions people brought news into our land."
"I was however taught to look at information as a boon, to be open to new ideas, and to try to ascertain and disentangle causes from effects."
"For all I know, this wider war you speak of may be the symptom rather than the cause."
Roman Silverstar
Persuasion: 23 (game log)
He will excitedly tell others that he and his Lord are on a Holy Pilgrimage to Westemar. They have been chosen to bring the light of the Flame to that shattered land.
Roman would be quite friendly and interacting with travelers. He would make an effort to avoid actual members of the Silver Order, but otherwise he would just keep telling others that Lando and him have been chosen to bring the light to Westemar.
We will be taking the road
I will use my deception skill to convince any and all people that I am still of Nobility, and am on a diplomatic mission to solve the issue of the broken crown in Westmar. Requiring resources like gold and food from the towns we pass through in the name of The Lord of House Spire.
As we make our way through town along the roads, we stop at know noble homes and township leaders, requesting an offering of Aid to assist us on the journey to make peace. Collecting enough resources to fill our horse sacks and giving any additional beyond that to the poor.
deception Check: 13+4=17
Lando, being the most combat trained member of their small group, uses his size and skill to intimidate any who would question his claims of nobility, intimidating those who may already know the truth, be it nobles who got word from house spire or the Silver Order who may recognize him
Using his intimidation, he scares off would be bandits and thugs from coming after the party during their travels. .
intimidation check: 11+4=15
Lando and Roman
The three intrepid pilgrims decide to take the road, riding northeast on their valiant steeds. Lando has left his family and his heritage behind, and if it pains his heart, he makes no show of it whatsoever to his loving wife or his new vassal, his heart seemingly ablaze with nothing but the fervor of his quest.
That same night, as Roman sleeps, the dream returns to him... a blazing meteor, falling through the sky. The vast expanse of the Witherbleach Desert, the Pale Teeth mountains hazy on the horizon to the south, as the comet soars on its trajectory. The landscape beneath it shifts, and changes, and the falling star is now falling, falling rapidly, not over a desert but over a vast pine forest, the mountains to the south now tipped with snow. The feeling of terror in Roman's chest is palpable as the falling star grows larger, falling ever faster... and as it seems to strike, a blaze of fiery light burns up his whole dream vision, and he seems to hear a voice, musical, radiant.
No one wants the truth. All want lesser things. Power, control, money, influence, immortality. The seeds of darkness whisper a tantalizing promise to those who grasp after these, but as they reach, it is the truth that they lose. Fear not the respect of men and their blades. For none have the truth. Some seek it, more hide from it. It is truth that you will bring to them, to each soul cast in darkness. You will face trials, persecutions. The power I give you is not of this world... but it is the power of truth. Fear not the suffering, fear not the abjection. Stay on the path, and all will be revealed to you, my son...
The fiery light blazes hotter, and covers his whole body, burning in his chest, blazing out the tips of his fingers. He hears a rush of wind, as if from a powerful flap of wings, and feels himself light as a feather, lifting into the air... As his dream feet leave the ground, he startles awake, but although he is laying on the solid ground, the warm tingle in his chest has not gone away. It was a dream, but something in it wasn't a dream...
So the three continue, starting each day singing the praises of the Flame. Roman is still counting off his calendar, as all the monks do, and marks the holy days with a puff of incense during their morning prayer. Yvara has a beautiful singing voice that he takes full advantage of, teaching her to chant the hours. They usually end reading a passage from the Testament of the Falling Fire.
And they make many friends along the way. Westemar is ever on Roman's mind, and he speaks of the places of pilgrimage, of Westemar torn asunder by war. A few travelers along the way tell him that the bloody civil war that wracked Westemar after the meteor fell was over the unknown fate of King Ulrich IV and the royal family, all of whom were lost in the collision, and no one knows if they are alive. Several noble houses are still funding efforts to reclaim the city... a lost cause, maybe? Or are they missing the point of what this harbringer to Drakkenheim means? Earthly kingdoms will pass away, but the Flame is eternal.
Lando is in a fever pitch, and he takes these conversations to heart, speaking to all of the Crown of Westemar and the kingship, gathering donations, distributing them to the poor in the villages they pass through, and pledging the allegiance of House Spire to his holy endeavor. Yvara, without mentioning Lucretia Matthias, expounds her teaching at every opportunity, begging all passersby to surrender to the guidance of the Sacred Flame. She just barely refrains from speaking heresies, but her wording is clearly enough influenced by Lucretia's teachings, for those who are aware of it.
There is little opportunity for anyone to wonder about rumors of followers of Lucretia traveling Elyria and preaching, or followers of a disenfranchised noble's son seeking a last ditch and desperate line of influence, as the party's deliberate calling on manors of nobles and heads of villages takes these heads of society aback to such an extent that they have little protest to make. Surely these inspired individuals blazing with fervor and purpose are not the rumored madmen and heretics? Their impassioned calls for aid earn them quite a few donations of food, fodder for their horses, and spring flowers, although not a great amount of gold.
Three weeks of good weather see them quickly on their way towards Michael's Gate. Finally, one morning on their long journey, they see it, the great border town of Elyria, with its towering white walls, built on the east bank of the Vita River as it spills down from its headwaters in the Drakeclaw Mountains. Michael's Gate is also the bastion of the Silver Order, as the Order's holy crusades often take them beyond the borders of Elyria to neighboring nations in need. Both Lando and Roman have been raised on valiant tales of knights defending Michael's Gate against besieging armies and ferocious dragons.
In the north of the city sits a huge monastery, labyrinthed all around with cloisters, and bearing a tower taller than the cathedral's spires from which the long wingspans of griffons are visible even at this distance, flitting in and out between the tower and the nearby mountains.
Lando and Yvara on Elusive, and Roman on the guard's horse, pull up at the white gatehouse that guards the enormous drawbridge leading across the Vita River into Michael's Gate. Two paladin guards stand at the bridge entrance through the gatehouse, watching travelers and visitors as they stream in. Wagons from local farms clatter in filled with winter stores and new lambs and pigs to feed the city's population, workers and pilgrims entering the city to attend the daily services at the Cathedral of the Saint of Swords. And there are paladins, so many paladins. Dressed in the silver and gold livery of the Silver Order, they ride in from all over Elyria to the headquarters here.
Because Lando and Roman aren't the only ones headed for Westemar. They've heard plenty of rumors during their journey about the holy mission to Drakkenheim slowly mustering the Silver Order's forces. The call of the Divine Matriarch was heard throughout Elyria, and many paladins, nobles and commoners alike, are responding. Of course, Lando and Roman have both heard the decree---delerium is an abomination, and Westemar must be freed from its tainted grip. What is the Silver Order planning to do about it? Lando and Roman both realize they don't know.
The two paladin guards nod to Lando. They don't seem to have recognized him.
Elena and Moksad
Moksad's village is just too remote... occasionally clan leaders spoke of the King, but they had no news of, or dealings with him, and while rumors of the civil war filtered into the Achtungwald, any details about it are quite a mystery to him.
"Well," Ben says, scratching his head, "the cause is pretty simple. Like I said, the whole royal family was killed, and so Westemar has no king. Just warring nobles. Some of the nobles are still funding expeditions to try and reclaim the city. I hear it's pretty bad. Whatever that meteor did, it did it all. It's a waste. Leave it to the vultures, I say."
"There's too much lost in the city that they want to get back for that to happen," Jarlen says. "You've been to Drakkenheim. You seen the Cathedral? And the castle? The relics and treasure stored there is... more than either of us have ever seen. And I hear buyers are paying top dollar for the shards of that crystal that came off the meteor. Who knows what it's good for, but someone's paying for it."
Men often fear what they know not. Delirium is unknown in nature but holds a great power. It is quite literally the catalyst that connects our souls to the flames of the universe.
Yvara my sweet, Silver star, my brave companion, fear not the unknown but seek to uncover the truth of its power. Then it can be used to aid us in our service to the fires that fall upon us.
SilverStar, tell me friend, what drives you. Before you met me, surely there was something that drove you to awake every morning and pursue life. My stewart Jerome, would always tell me I should deeply know those who travel with me. While we have a relatively calm moment, tell me about yourself.
There has been a twinkle in your eye as of late, it’s bright in the morning shortly after you wake. Does your body react to the kiss of the morning sun or is there a woman you yearn for in your dreams..?
Elena Firavanti
Being a retainer to a Liberio noble house, Elena couldn’t disagree with Ben’s assessment of the nobility. House Giorgione has certainly done its fair share of misdeeds with no small help from her family. That being said, Liberio never tore itself apart when one person died, even the Consul. They simply elect a new one so score one for the Liberio model. Elena listens as the two men talk, particularly when they mention delerium. “Sounds like a lot of folks are heading over to Drakkenheim then despite the meteor,” she says with as much nonchalance as she can muster. She wonders if these two are considering joining them, given their monetary woes. She's grateful that Moksad only mentions their immediate step and not their overall goal. She is not quite ready to reveal that to anyone else.
Roman Silverstar
Bushing scarlet, Roman fumbles over his words “A woman… yumm…. No M’lord. There is no one” coughing nervously. “My life in the abbey was much the same as any other monk, routine. My life was one of chores and prayer. As you know the Abbey of St. Oliver is a scriptorium, so much of my duties were around reproducing various religious texts of the Scared Flame. I was particularly good at the more ornate reproductions; I particularly liked the ones with the illuminations. That was most of time and the rest was spent in prayer. It was a simple life and satisfying life, and I would have been happy except for the dreams and the visions.”
Running his hand through his shaggy black curls. “You see M’Lord, for as long as I could remember I have had this dream. I dream of the meteor in an endless void, plunging through the sky and clouds and finally striking a city. I see terrible visions of monsters and darkness and finally a blinding light. I have had other visions but that one is the most common one. They haunt me and I feel them to be true. I feel that I am destined for something more”
With a rueful smile he continues “Some would say I am touched, like my mother. She was a Flamekeeper you know. The abbot tried to shelter me, but the rumors persisted. After all a mad and unwed Flamekeeper, who speaks of angels and great destinies is great fodder for gossip. And let me tell you, monks love to gossip”
Looking to Yvara “But since M’Lady brought the Testament of Falling Fire into my life, I have felt something call to me, pulling me to answers, to truth, to something greater than me, greater than all of us.” Shaking his head " I feel a purpose, an awakening within me."
“What of you M’Lord, how did you come to meet your Lady wife? It was quite the topic of gossip among the brothers when your engagement to her was learned""
Roman Siilverstar
Nudging his horse forward, past the gate guards. They trot down the crowded the streets of Michael's Gate. Roman head swivels around trying to take in the sights and sounds of the bustling city. Before this Roman's world was the Abbey and the small village nearby, never had he seen so many people and such tall buildings. The sights and sounds almost overwhelm him. Turning to Lando. "Where should we stay M'Lord." Looking around his eyes lingering on a group of Silver Order Paladins. "Maybe we can learn something of the Silver Orders plans. When the leaving, numbers, what route they are likely taking, that kind of information. I doubt they are keeping much secret. What do you think?
Elena and Moksad
"It's folly," Ben says, almost vehemently for his normally laid back demeanor. "It's death to go to that city. Sure, maybe you'll strike it rich, and I hear people are, but how are you going to spend gold if you're dead?"
"Not to mention all the stories you hear about people turning into monsters," Jarlen says, glibly. "I don't know if I believe that, but there's some nasty poison there that's setting folks falling ill. Worse than that, nothing grows within a hundred miles of that city. Nothing! All the water is poisoned, nothing will grow in field or forest, animals die, and there's nothing for them to eat, anyway. It's a wasteland... who would want to go there? I wouldn't, not for all the gold in Westemar."
"We're ready to settle down and work the land," Ben says, "live like real folk again, not dependent on demand for goods we didn't make. And seems like we've got an opportunity now, if we can just make it to Drannsmund."
"Well, good sirs we do not stand in the way of your progress toward that goal, I hope-
Though I would be remiss if I did not remark my concern that those shards may be cursed in some way.
-While we did not have awareness of the political situation outside our community, we have noticed and fended off creatures with green crystal shards upon them.
I have not faced them directly, but an elder of my village whipped away a very strange dog with writhing octopus like limbs and indigo crystals; ending it's life.
I was able to observe where I stood."
*Pushes glasses up on face with closed eyes and a smirk* My sweet here is the one who introduced me to the teachings of Lucretia Mathias. When she caught my eye, she was working at my family lands near house Spire. Being one to flare up a conversation with such a damsel, I saw the passion in her eyes when she spoke of the falling fire. *Looks to Yvara with intensity* For weeks on end, I would pressure Jerome to have her specifically come back, there was a point where I saw the falling fire in her eye when we spoke. That's when I knew she was the one for me and would lead me to my destiny.
Our engagement and subsequent eloping was quite the talk. I never cared for noble politics unless it suited me, of course, my mother and father felt the backlash much more than I did.
*Looking around and spotting the silver order* I think it best we leave here as soon as possible, there will be more opportunities to learn of their goals and intentions, but we must not get beside ourselves. We too have a goal to accomplish. *places his hand on Roman and Yvara's chest* Can't you feel it? The call to the flame has been growing stronger by the day. *Nudges them to touch his chest* I can feel the warmth of the flame growing in me, I know you all can feel it too.
Let us be done with this place. Let's keep our heads down for now and continue pressing forward. We will be passing them and can listen in on this group in front of us, gathering information is key, but we shouldn't linger here too long. *As their steeds begin to walk past a group of the Silver Order Paladins, the three of them listen intently to see what they can discover*
Investigation check: 16 -1 = 15. (Rolled In-App)
Roman Silverstar
" Agreed, we need to hit the road before they launch this crusade.." Spotting a group of monks at a table outside an alehouse. Their brown robes with white quills embordered on the sleeves denote them as scribes. "Perhaps if we are willing to spend a bit of gold, we can glean some information from them." Gesturing his head towards the scribes " An army of this size, travelling that far will need good logistics and monks love to gossip." Clasping his blue crystal amulet and place hand to his heart " Let the Flame guide me" (Casts Guidance).
Leading Lando and Yvera over to the alehouse. He ties his horse up and approaches the table. "Flame be with you brothers. May we join you. It has been a long road and we could use a drink and some good company. A round for the table maybe? On us of course."
Investigation with advantage and Guidance: 13 + 4= 17
Elena and Moksad
"That's another thing," Jarlen says, giving Moksad a wary eye. "Something's making folks ill, but if it's cursed stones, there's likely some magic involved. All I can say is that I hope that Academy is doing whatever they need to do to contain it. That's their job. And if they're not doing their job, then..." He shakes his head in disgust. Clearly disturbed hearing about dogs with tentacles and crystals wandering about. "Then we've all got bigger problems." He nudges his heels into the stocky mare's flanks and she picks up her pace through the mud.
"Really?" Ben says to Moksad. "You've seen things like that this far south? I mean, you've actually seen them? Not just hearsay?"
"That's what brought you out of the woods, I suppose," Jarlen mutters.
"I have other duties assigned to me; I am also visiting other Druidic sites for sacred tomes of knowledge among our people. Addressing and rooting out the aberrations in nature though are my primary and foremost concerns as much as I can attempt it, even if I am to die attempting. Even amongst us forested folk; a life well lived has to be earned. I am Marked amongst my people for this and I seek to address it as best as I can so my brethren may not need to to know the feared position among our people described as--
"Dark was the night... Cold was the ground."
" If I can earn myself ale and interesting new food and circumstances along the way, I will be most happy with how this journey turns."
Lando and Roman
Yvara has nothing but the most devoted smile for her zealous and affectionate husband. "My father was an acolyte of Lucretia's before she left on her pilgrimage. It was a crime of the Church to excommunicate her... the Flame has revealed the truth to Lucretia. They simply don't want to accept it. But we must help them to see the truth." She places her hand on her chest over Lando's. "The warmth burns in me brighter every day... more and more are feeling it. Feeling that the sign truly has come. Saint Tarna has returned to us, as she said she would, with a message for all souls who would be heroes to make the great sacrifice for the Flame. The darkness in the world is great, but we can be the ones to light the way. And you will be the brightest of them, my love." She lifts Lando's hand and kisses it reverently.
As the three pass the group of Silver Order paladins, they can hear them animatedly discussing Saint Vicent's Day, which marks the start of Hearthstone, about a week away. Especially popular among noble houses, it is usually celebrated, after the altar services at church around the braziar, by bringing out the last of the winter stores and cooking a great feast for all the poor families. Any and all wretched, poor, or hungry, are invited, and are often given places to sleep for the night in the manors. "It's not celebrated in the traditional way in Michael's Gate," one of them says, "or at least not on the usual scale."
Another adds, "Feels a little out of place at a mustering point, I'll admit. But it's appropriate. We're about to set off to succor the real poor---the people of Westemar afflicted by this plague. Hearthstone is a fitting season for it, and Saint Vicent's Day the perfect departure date."
As the group passes, another of the paladins looks up and salutes Lando. "Another brother-in-arms to join the crusade!" He grins, turning back to his fellows. "Saint Tarna would be proud. I've been watching men from all over Elyria stream into Michael's Gate the past few weeks. The Flamekeepers have been so busy blessing swords and horses there's hardly a spot to stand at the Cathedral of Swords."
Roman, having spotted his brother scriveners, leads his companions to the alehouse.
One of the monks, an older man, leans back and smiles at Roman, and seeing Lando, rises from his seat. "Flame be with you, brother. Traveled a long way have you? Your master is here for the Divine Matriarch's crusade, is he? Of course, we won't turn down your charity." The other two monks stand up from their seats as well, bowing. "I'm Brother Edbert, and these are Brothers Haduin and Maximus. We're travelers, ourselves, from the Lighthouse Abbey in Lucant's Vigil. What monastery do you call home?" The three monks hold out their vacated chairs for the newcomers. Custom dictates they will wait to be invited to sit back down in the presence of a noble. Brother Haduin throws an obviously curious glance at Yvara, who is distinctly not dressed as a noble wife would be in her grey penitential robes, and yet is seated behind Lando on his warhorse, making her position clear.
Elena and Moksad
"But... you've seen them?" Ben still presses, incredulously. "Monsters?"
"Uh huh," Jarlen says, with an uncomfortable glance over his shoulder at Moksad. "That's an impressive quest. I guess you've lived a sheltered life, then. Have you ever heard of the Sacred Flame?"
"I have heard of the sacred flame as something that looks to compete with rather than share worship with our Gods, yes. I see it as one of them resembling our Sun, perhaps an odd interpretation thereof. Our elders have shared little news of other things, but yes I have heard of the sacred flame."
Religion roll: 18+1=19