Once you take your seat, you look around at your surroundings. Other than being much bigger than it seems from the outside it looks like a tent, the walls are definitely the tent flaps you saw from the outside, a stage in front of them with the heavy red curtains still drawn even though everyone was now seated. The chairs themselves seemed simple enough, and they all seemed to be filled with the townsfolk.. but wait, something is off. You watch as your neighbors start nodding off. The one to your left even slips all the way to the floor and continues to sleep where he lands. Heads nod and you hear the buzz of snoring, but you feel wide awake.
Looking around a bit uneasy now, you see that you are not the only one that is awake. Five other people are looking around as you are, obviously confused and wondering what is going on. It is at this moment that the curtain finally raises and what you see beyond, takes your breath away.
It seems impossible, but it is as if the outside was now inside and you can’t even see the back of the stage, just what appears to be night in an unfamiliar woods. The elf that was distributing the drinks where you entered now walks elegantly upon the stage and looks out upon the audience. From her face, it appears that the sleeping audience, minus the six of you does not surprise her in the least.
“Welcome. I do hope the drinks were to your liking, just as I hope the show this evening is as well. It is the story of what happened to this town, not so long ago. Though, due to the circumstances, it seems to have been forgotten about and it needs to come forward… the past must be rectified.”
She backs up a bit and you can see behind her that the Lighthouse of Aeloria seems to have appeared while she welcomed you. She gestures to it, “It all starts here.” and she continues to tell you the story of the Pearl of Aeloria. Those of you that know anything about Eldershore, knows that it worships the goddess of the sea, Aeloria, but have not heard of this Pearl. As she tells the story, actors come and go of all different races assisting in the telling of the story, beautiful in its tragedy.
The story unfolds… according to legend the Pearl of Aeloria was a gift from the sea goddess to the first inhabitants of the town that was founded many centuries ago. The actors on stage, surround an almighty shadow which stretches out from the depths of the sea in the impossibly large stage. The Pearl was given to the village for saving her from a dark curse. It was a radiant gem said to possess the power to calm storms and ensure bountiful harvests from the sea. This gift made the village grow and grow until it became the flourishing center for the trade of sea life. It made Eldershore thrive beyond all belief. The Pearl was kept in the Lighthouse of Aeloria, a magnificent structure that guided ships safely to shore. As it is placed in the lighthouse onstage, it shines so brightly it causes you all to look away from the glare. When you dare look back, the village has grown to a thriving township.
Tragedy struck one fateful night, about 60 years ago, when the townsfolk gathered to celebrate the Festival of the Tides. Unbeknownst to them, a shadowy figure had infiltrated the town.. while the townspeople celebrated, he crept into the lighthouse and stole the Pearl of Aeloria, using dark magic to conceal his escape. On stage a dark robed figure takes the pearl and the darkness that follows is palpable, lightning strikes in the sky beyond the curtains. The moment the Pearl was removed, a fierce storm erupted, devastating the harbor and sinking several ships. The town was thrown into chaos, and the once-joyous festival turned into a night of despair.
In the days that followed, Eldershore struggled to recover. With the Pearl gone, storms became more frequent, and fishing yields dwindled. The townsfolk, heartbroken and desperate, attempted to send adventurers out to recover the pearl, or at the very least get information to help others recover it. These people either never came back, or came back a shadow of themselves. It got bad enough that all talk of the pearl ceased. The town learned to live without their blessing, getting food and other resources through trade rather than the sea. The storms.. they weathered, but the town continued to dwindle and get in worse and worse shape. Today most do not know the story of the Pearl or of Aeloria. All talk of it is now forbidden.
The production of the story ends, and all that stands upon the stage is the original elf, whose name you now know to be Madame Vespa. She looks sad, forlorn. Then for the first time, she looks at each of you individually, it is the first time she has acknowledged that the rest of the audience has slept through it all. “There is a sliver of hope. That night in the lighthouse a lone halfling was working. At the sounds of the sorcerer, the halfling hid and witnessed the theft. He is now the grandfather of someone here in town that you must find. She is young, of beautiful almond skin and dark hair, but the child knows the story and helps,” the elf smiles, “keep the townfolk clean.”
At this moment, Madame Vespa bows deeply, steps back and the curtain falls. The people around you start waking up and as they come around, they start smiling and clapping like they have seen the best show in a long time. As you sit in your seat trying to absorb the events of the tent, the townsfolk start filing out, talking excitedly to one another. After a few minutes, the tent is empty, save for the six of you.
Mother Anachain spends the time it takes the crowd to disperse racking her memory. She has watched many children during her time in Eldershore - in effect being a volunteer babysitter for any who brought their children. She got to know those she watched and many of those they knew and played with at all. So she searches back and tries to think upon any Halfling children she knows and if they would match the description...
History? - 13
Once the crowd is dispersed Anachain remains seated and watching the others. It seems that they were selected for this task so she watches and looks over them and tries to recall if she had seen them before and what she knew of them...
Any who had roamed about town and listened to rumor and gossip were likely to have seen or heard of Mother Anachain. She's a bit of a local legend, but a quiet one. Many know little of the tragic story that brought her to Eldershore but most knew of the odd, quiet woman who sits by the chapel every day and tends to whatever children may be dropped off. She's surprisingly young, to those who have only heard of her, just in her mid 20s perhaps, but it is true she wears an old, torn and weathered wedding dress. She is scrawny yet toned, seemingly all bone and muscle. She's got a porcelain skeletal mask covering her face, a new addition for any who had walked by her before. She does not really seem the type to be going on an adventure... Yet for some reason she seems to have been chosen by the dwarf and the elf.
The large bearded and scarred half-orc in the back row slowly opens his hand, letting the blue liquid pour out on to the ground.
"Kulloda not trust elf and dwarf," he grumbles to himself.
He raises his muscular bulk up from the bench, easing the strain on the wood, adjusting the great sword at his belt, and the collection of weapons across his back and chest. He watches the people file out, wondering why they didn't find it odd to have slept through the whole performance.
When he sees the other five remaining, and eyes them up carefully, he says, a touch on the loud side "You all talk to dwarf too?"
Kulloda looks around for any sign of the dwarf.
"Dwarf never say what pay is. If no pay, Kulloda don't care about pearl."
Fable looks down at the remnants of her drink. How could these strangers know more about Eldershore than a born resident? The story made some sense, but it's hard to imagine such a gift had been given to them. It makes her wonder how her ancestors could have possibly helped Aeloria back then. 'She helps keep the townsfolk clean' One of the street sweepers or maybe she means on of the few guards?
History 19
She stands up and turns around to the others who remained awake. Her attention immediately goes to the loud orc. "Yes, today in fact. Pardon me for asking but who are you all." Her black and blue eyes scan the others. She recognizes one as Mother Anachain although she has a mask now, it's a tad odd seeing her there since Fable halfway saw she as a living statue. She doesn't immediately recognize the others. She takes another sip of her drink, waiting.
The half-orc opens his arms out wide in a gesture that looks very comfortable to him, something akin to what you might see in the middle of a ring from a confident gladiator.
"Kulloda," the half-orc says with a smile. The smile, its line broken up by his tusks, does not appear to reach all the way to his eyes. "Gladiator and enforcer of Xarathar."
Misa remains seated for a moment longer, savouring the last sip of her drink before setting the glass down with a soft clink. Rising gracefully, her long white hair flows over her shoulders, and her pale gold eyes, with their serpentine, slitted pupils, sweep across the group. Patches of glimmering white scales peak from beneath her dark green dress, barely visible against her unblemished ivory skin. She steps closer to the others, her voice low and silky as she chimes in."I must agree with our… large friend here. The matter of compensation seems to have been rather conveniently overlooked." Her lips curve into a faint, enigmatic smile as she shifts her gaze to the others."Still, I find myself rather intrigued by the circumstances."
Her snakelike gaze lingers on her new companions, noting the blue drinks they hold, much like her own. "What a fascinating group we are. It’s not every day one finds themselves in such curious company. It does appear we’ve been specially chosen, don’t you think?"
She gives a small, graceful bow and introduces herself. "I’m Misa."
Togar lets his cup fall to the ground with a clang, he had finished his drink fully long ago, his beak clucking and smacking for a moment. His head swivels around, taking everyone in. He closes a book in his hands and puts away his pen, putting them securely in his pack. His eyes blink and he spreads his wings for a moment. He stands and leans against the back of the chair, assessing the others left in the room. “Hullo” the Owlin says simply at first. “My name is Togar. Were you… all interviewed, by a dwarf? You say we are all chosen, and I suspect we are. This pearl… fascinating! I, for one, would do this task for free. A mystery! I am so intrigued…”. He looks down at the cup, picking it up and looking at the liquid. “Quite a to-do to gather us all here, drug everyone else, put on such a show, just for us…. Did anyone see where our “hosts” went? And that mysterious clue, “Keep the townfolk clean.” - he looks at Fable in acknowledgement. “That will be the first thing to investigate. Who knew, a delivery of rugs could lead to such mayhem!” It is unclear, but it looks like the Owlin’s mouth is curled in a smile. He makes a strange clicking sound in his throat.
Mother Anachain nods in the affirmative when Kulloda if everyone talked to the dwarf and then listens to the others talk for a bit. Finally, during a quiet moment, she simply says "Children are at risk," before standing and moving over to the Half-Orc. "Are you not man enough to protect them?" She stands directly in front of the Kulloda, toe to toe so to speak, looking up at him defiantly despite his towering over her.
“Fable’s the name.” She gives a mock bow. “And I agree with Mr.Togar on the free service, even if it’s due to a sense of patriotism on my part.”
Fable holds back a laugh at Mother Anachain’s question. She leans back, crossing her arms and hiding her grin behind a pale hand. Fable looks to Kulloda to see his answer.
Kulloda looks at Mother Anachain, no humor or compassion apparent on his face.
”You want work for free go work for free. Kulloda not babywatcher. When Kulloda little get a long knife and fight animal. If not win, animal win and eat Kulloda. Kulloda survive with no help.” Kulloda says.
He looks around again for any sign of the dwarf or elf. Then he looks back at Mother Anachain.
Anachain sighs wearily and then slowly turns to face the Half-Orc once more. "You're still here?" she asks with a slight tilt of her head. "Shouldn't you be scurrying off to go find your guaranteed payday? We're going to put in actual work and earn what we make..."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
As he Half-Orc starts to move, Mother Anachain attempts to punch him in the face. "The name is Anachain. Mother Anachain if you're going to act like a child."
Kasizeth watches the performance enraptured, sitting in a quiet corner of the tent. After everyone files out save the others that remained awake, he stays seated, deeming it wise to try and gauge the group before he throws himself into the mix. He watches the strange lady dressed in a tattered dress attempt to pick a fight with the large orc, and smiles softly as she fails to goad him into a proper argument. When she winds up to throw the punch, he suddenly stands up straight. A brawl between the two of them now could possibly jeopardize Kasizeth's search for answers, which just wouldn't do at all.
He raises his simple wooden walking stick before bringing it down sharply on the ground. There's a moment where nothing happens, then ripples of green light spreads outwards from where it struck the soft earth.Where the waves hit Kulloda and Anachain around their ankles, spring flowers start to bloom. (Kasizeth casts Calm Emotions, I'm going to need a DC 14 Charisma save from both Kulloda and Anachain. On a failure, both become indifferent to every person currently in the room.)
"Come now, let's not tussle when we've only just met." He steps forward out of the darkness, revealing himself. He stands tall, dressed in long, mottled green robes. He carries no weapon, save the long stave in his hand, but on his back seems to be slung a round shield. His eyes are a startling shade of bright green, but other than that, he appears to be human. His hair is blond and pulled back into a messy tail, and underneath the drapes of his cloak you can see the glint of armor. He smiles at the group. "It seems I have missed introductions - I am Kasizeth."He turns to the orc, his face growing serious. "I ask that you kindly forgive the lady her misstep. I find that it is an unfortunate habit of many who have suffered hardship in the past to find the biggest member of a new group and lash out at them. It's to dissuade others from targeting them, you see. Unfortunately, it leaves you in a rather precarious position - fight back and win and it appears the big man is picking on those smaller than him, or refuse to fight back and either be left with bruises or drawn into a fight regardless. There is a third option - fight back and lose, but" He gives the orc a small, knowing smile "Well, I suspect that would be a small likelihood." He claps his hands. "Right, perhaps we can all still leave here friends, eh?"
Togar sets down his cup, stretches out his wings and buttons up his exquisitely woven sweater vest, flaps his wings a couple of times and launches into the air, turning quickly and landing with ease on the stage. His hands begin to weave in sync with each other, and he produces a small chair (Minor Conjuration), upon which he sits and looks back at where the audience was seated, taking in a different kind of play now. He reaches into his pack and puts an odd looking helmet on his head, saying out loud as if to himself, “My thinking cap.” And he looks back at all of you, focusing on Mother Anachain and Kulloda.
”Why are you two fighting? That makes no sense. Obviously, we were brought here together and given the same “blue drink” I imagine to hear this story and to unite us in our purpose and objective. So, if that is the case, the two of you need to cease and desist immediately! We need to get to know one another, help one another, if any of this is to work. Hmmm?” Togar’s head turns round looking for any sign of the dwarf or the elf, who may be able to shed more light on their quest.
As Kulloda looks behind the curtain, he sees no sign of anyone.
Just as Mother Anachain is about to sucker punch Kulloda, the elf enters the tent from the front and holds up her hand towards the two, "Please... there is no need for squabble. You have all been selected to assist us. Verdant Reach is in need of help, and we believe, you all are capable."
She looks down at the floor, seeing the blue drink that Kulloda spilled and looks up at him in surprise, "Well, that was just to help with the illusion, make the story a bit more immersive, but well.. that was the Howard's idea." she shrugs, "you still see the need we have."
Smiling up at the owlin on stage, "Now, you may like the stage and want to join our performers, but at the moment you are needed on the quest. Speaking of," she turns back to Kulloda, "I hear your demands of retribution, a monetary need. Well, I'm sure we can arrange something if you are successful."
Mother Anachain was wanting to shut down the big Half-Orc's tantrum down with a swift punch to the face but before she could act upon the thought a new presence joined them, the Elf who had been handing out drinks. Instead of making a first, Anachain instead inclines her head to the woman and listens to what she says. She rolls her eyes at the talking of money but this goes unseen thanks to her mask... The fools, she thinks. All the money in the world doesn't help when the horde crashes over your life and shatters and steals everything you ever help dear...
"The child," she says softly towards the Elf. "The Halfling girl. What is her name?"
Kulloda looks at the owlin, confused by his question about fighting.
"Who fighting?"
He had already forgotten about Mother Anachain. There were always those pretending to not want attention but then wearing something that's sole purpose was to attract attention. Almost as annoying as the whining about how deep and dark and sad they are.
He looks over at the cup and remains of blue liquid and shrugs.
Then he looks back to the elf.
"Retribution sound like revenge," Kulloda says. "Kulloda not want revenge. Just pay is okay. Seem fair."
He waits for the answer to the name of the halfling then asks "Where grandfather live?"
Ladies and Gentlemen...
please take your seats
...the show is about to begin
Looking around a bit uneasy now, you see that you are not the only one that is awake. Five other people are looking around as you are, obviously confused and wondering what is going on. It is at this moment that the curtain finally raises and what you see beyond, takes your breath away.
It seems impossible, but it is as if the outside was now inside and you can’t even see the back of the stage, just what appears to be night in an unfamiliar woods. The elf that was distributing the drinks where you entered now walks elegantly upon the stage and looks out upon the audience. From her face, it appears that the sleeping audience, minus the six of you does not surprise her in the least.
“Welcome. I do hope the drinks were to your liking, just as I hope the show this evening is as well. It is the story of what happened to this town, not so long ago. Though, due to the circumstances, it seems to have been forgotten about and it needs to come forward… the past must be rectified.”
She backs up a bit and you can see behind her that the Lighthouse of Aeloria seems to have appeared while she welcomed you. She gestures to it, “It all starts here.” and she continues to tell you the story of the Pearl of Aeloria. Those of you that know anything about Eldershore, knows that it worships the goddess of the sea, Aeloria, but have not heard of this Pearl. As she tells the story, actors come and go of all different races assisting in the telling of the story, beautiful in its tragedy.
The story unfolds… according to legend the Pearl of Aeloria was a gift from the sea goddess to the first inhabitants of the town that was founded many centuries ago. The actors on stage, surround an almighty shadow which stretches out from the depths of the sea in the impossibly large stage. The Pearl was given to the village for saving her from a dark curse. It was a radiant gem said to possess the power to calm storms and ensure bountiful harvests from the sea. This gift made the village grow and grow until it became the flourishing center for the trade of sea life. It made Eldershore thrive beyond all belief. The Pearl was kept in the Lighthouse of Aeloria, a magnificent structure that guided ships safely to shore. As it is placed in the lighthouse onstage, it shines so brightly it causes you all to look away from the glare. When you dare look back, the village has grown to a thriving township.
Tragedy struck one fateful night, about 60 years ago, when the townsfolk gathered to celebrate the Festival of the Tides. Unbeknownst to them, a shadowy figure had infiltrated the town.. while the townspeople celebrated, he crept into the lighthouse and stole the Pearl of Aeloria, using dark magic to conceal his escape. On stage a dark robed figure takes the pearl and the darkness that follows is palpable, lightning strikes in the sky beyond the curtains. The moment the Pearl was removed, a fierce storm erupted, devastating the harbor and sinking several ships. The town was thrown into chaos, and the once-joyous festival turned into a night of despair.
In the days that followed, Eldershore struggled to recover. With the Pearl gone, storms became more frequent, and fishing yields dwindled. The townsfolk, heartbroken and desperate, attempted to send adventurers out to recover the pearl, or at the very least get information to help others recover it. These people either never came back, or came back a shadow of themselves. It got bad enough that all talk of the pearl ceased. The town learned to live without their blessing, getting food and other resources through trade rather than the sea. The storms.. they weathered, but the town continued to dwindle and get in worse and worse shape. Today most do not know the story of the Pearl or of Aeloria. All talk of it is now forbidden.
The production of the story ends, and all that stands upon the stage is the original elf, whose name you now know to be Madame Vespa. She looks sad, forlorn. Then for the first time, she looks at each of you individually, it is the first time she has acknowledged that the rest of the audience has slept through it all. “There is a sliver of hope. That night in the lighthouse a lone halfling was working. At the sounds of the sorcerer, the halfling hid and witnessed the theft. He is now the grandfather of someone here in town that you must find. She is young, of beautiful almond skin and dark hair, but the child knows the story and helps,” the elf smiles, “keep the townfolk clean.”
At this moment, Madame Vespa bows deeply, steps back and the curtain falls. The people around you start waking up and as they come around, they start smiling and clapping like they have seen the best show in a long time. As you sit in your seat trying to absorb the events of the tent, the townsfolk start filing out, talking excitedly to one another. After a few minutes, the tent is empty, save for the six of you.
Mother Anachain spends the time it takes the crowd to disperse racking her memory. She has watched many children during her time in Eldershore - in effect being a volunteer babysitter for any who brought their children. She got to know those she watched and many of those they knew and played with at all. So she searches back and tries to think upon any Halfling children she knows and if they would match the description...
History? - 13
Once the crowd is dispersed Anachain remains seated and watching the others. It seems that they were selected for this task so she watches and looks over them and tries to recall if she had seen them before and what she knew of them...
Any who had roamed about town and listened to rumor and gossip were likely to have seen or heard of Mother Anachain. She's a bit of a local legend, but a quiet one. Many know little of the tragic story that brought her to Eldershore but most knew of the odd, quiet woman who sits by the chapel every day and tends to whatever children may be dropped off. She's surprisingly young, to those who have only heard of her, just in her mid 20s perhaps, but it is true she wears an old, torn and weathered wedding dress. She is scrawny yet toned, seemingly all bone and muscle. She's got a porcelain skeletal mask covering her face, a new addition for any who had walked by her before. She does not really seem the type to be going on an adventure... Yet for some reason she seems to have been chosen by the dwarf and the elf.
The large bearded and scarred half-orc in the back row slowly opens his hand, letting the blue liquid pour out on to the ground.
"Kulloda not trust elf and dwarf," he grumbles to himself.
He raises his muscular bulk up from the bench, easing the strain on the wood, adjusting the great sword at his belt, and the collection of weapons across his back and chest. He watches the people file out, wondering why they didn't find it odd to have slept through the whole performance.
When he sees the other five remaining, and eyes them up carefully, he says, a touch on the loud side "You all talk to dwarf too?"
Kulloda looks around for any sign of the dwarf.
"Dwarf never say what pay is. If no pay, Kulloda don't care about pearl."
Fable looks down at the remnants of her drink. How could these strangers know more about Eldershore than a born resident? The story made some sense, but it's hard to imagine such a gift had been given to them. It makes her wonder how her ancestors could have possibly helped Aeloria back then. 'She helps keep the townsfolk clean' One of the street sweepers or maybe she means on of the few guards?
History 19
She stands up and turns around to the others who remained awake. Her attention immediately goes to the loud orc. "Yes, today in fact. Pardon me for asking but who are you all." Her black and blue eyes scan the others. She recognizes one as Mother Anachain although she has a mask now, it's a tad odd seeing her there since Fable halfway saw she as a living statue. She doesn't immediately recognize the others. She takes another sip of her drink, waiting.
The half-orc opens his arms out wide in a gesture that looks very comfortable to him, something akin to what you might see in the middle of a ring from a confident gladiator.
"Kulloda," the half-orc says with a smile. The smile, its line broken up by his tusks, does not appear to reach all the way to his eyes. "Gladiator and enforcer of Xarathar."
He lowers his hands and shakes his head.
"Who you?"
Misa remains seated for a moment longer, savouring the last sip of her drink before setting the glass down with a soft clink. Rising gracefully, her long white hair flows over her shoulders, and her pale gold eyes, with their serpentine, slitted pupils, sweep across the group. Patches of glimmering white scales peak from beneath her dark green dress, barely visible against her unblemished ivory skin.
She steps closer to the others, her voice low and silky as she chimes in. "I must agree with our… large friend here. The matter of compensation seems to have been rather conveniently overlooked." Her lips curve into a faint, enigmatic smile as she shifts her gaze to the others. "Still, I find myself rather intrigued by the circumstances."
Her snakelike gaze lingers on her new companions, noting the blue drinks they hold, much like her own. "What a fascinating group we are. It’s not every day one finds themselves in such curious company. It does appear we’ve been specially chosen, don’t you think?"
She gives a small, graceful bow and introduces herself. "I’m Misa."
Togar lets his cup fall to the ground with a clang, he had finished his drink fully long ago, his beak clucking and smacking for a moment. His head swivels around, taking everyone in. He closes a book in his hands and puts away his pen, putting them securely in his pack. His eyes blink and he spreads his wings for a moment. He stands and leans against the back of the chair, assessing the others left in the room. “Hullo” the Owlin says simply at first. “My name is Togar. Were you… all interviewed, by a dwarf? You say we are all chosen, and I suspect we are. This pearl… fascinating! I, for one, would do this task for free. A mystery! I am so intrigued…”. He looks down at the cup, picking it up and looking at the liquid. “Quite a to-do to gather us all here, drug everyone else, put on such a show, just for us…. Did anyone see where our “hosts” went? And that mysterious clue, “Keep the townfolk clean.” - he looks at Fable in acknowledgement. “That will be the first thing to investigate. Who knew, a delivery of rugs could lead to such mayhem!” It is unclear, but it looks like the Owlin’s mouth is curled in a smile. He makes a strange clicking sound in his throat.
Mother Anachain nods in the affirmative when Kulloda if everyone talked to the dwarf and then listens to the others talk for a bit. Finally, during a quiet moment, she simply says "Children are at risk," before standing and moving over to the Half-Orc. "Are you not man enough to protect them?" She stands directly in front of the Kulloda, toe to toe so to speak, looking up at him defiantly despite his towering over her.
“Fable’s the name.” She gives a mock bow. “And I agree with Mr.Togar on the free service, even if it’s due to a sense of patriotism on my part.”
Fable holds back a laugh at Mother Anachain’s question. She leans back, crossing her arms and hiding her grin behind a pale hand. Fable looks to Kulloda to see his answer.
Kulloda looks at Mother Anachain, no humor or compassion apparent on his face.
”You want work for free go work for free. Kulloda not babywatcher. When Kulloda little get a long knife and fight animal. If not win, animal win and eat Kulloda. Kulloda survive with no help.” Kulloda says.
He looks around again for any sign of the dwarf or elf. Then he looks back at Mother Anachain.
”Why you wear mask?”
"Coward," Mother Anachain says in reply to Kulloda. "I wear it so I will not be seen with you."
The woman then turns her back on the half-orc and looks to the others. "So, where do we begin?"
Kulloda’s body begins to shake and a rough intermittent grumble comes from his chest. After a moment the others realize this must be laughter.
”Mask woman think words hurt Kulloda? Words not hurt. Words just air.”
Anachain sighs wearily and then slowly turns to face the Half-Orc once more. "You're still here?" she asks with a slight tilt of her head. "Shouldn't you be scurrying off to go find your guaranteed payday? We're going to put in actual work and earn what we make..."
“Kulloda always works for pay. Mask lady say same thing but think special. Ha,” Kulloda says through more laughter.
He then moves over to look behind curtains and tent flaps.
”Elf lady? Dwarf?”
As he Half-Orc starts to move, Mother Anachain attempts to punch him in the face. "The name is Anachain. Mother Anachain if you're going to act like a child."Unarmed Fighting: Attack: 16 Damage: 11...
Kasizeth watches the performance enraptured, sitting in a quiet corner of the tent. After everyone files out save the others that remained awake, he stays seated, deeming it wise to try and gauge the group before he throws himself into the mix. He watches the strange lady dressed in a tattered dress attempt to pick a fight with the large orc, and smiles softly as she fails to goad him into a proper argument. When she winds up to throw the punch, he suddenly stands up straight. A brawl between the two of them now could possibly jeopardize Kasizeth's search for answers, which just wouldn't do at all.
He raises his simple wooden walking stick before bringing it down sharply on the ground. There's a moment where nothing happens, then ripples of green light spreads outwards from where it struck the soft earth. Where the waves hit Kulloda and Anachain around their ankles, spring flowers start to bloom. (Kasizeth casts Calm Emotions, I'm going to need a DC 14 Charisma save from both Kulloda and Anachain. On a failure, both become indifferent to every person currently in the room.)
"Come now, let's not tussle when we've only just met." He steps forward out of the darkness, revealing himself. He stands tall, dressed in long, mottled green robes. He carries no weapon, save the long stave in his hand, but on his back seems to be slung a round shield. His eyes are a startling shade of bright green, but other than that, he appears to be human. His hair is blond and pulled back into a messy tail, and underneath the drapes of his cloak you can see the glint of armor. He smiles at the group. "It seems I have missed introductions - I am Kasizeth." He turns to the orc, his face growing serious. "I ask that you kindly forgive the lady her misstep. I find that it is an unfortunate habit of many who have suffered hardship in the past to find the biggest member of a new group and lash out at them. It's to dissuade others from targeting them, you see. Unfortunately, it leaves you in a rather precarious position - fight back and win and it appears the big man is picking on those smaller than him, or refuse to fight back and either be left with bruises or drawn into a fight regardless. There is a third option - fight back and lose, but" He gives the orc a small, knowing smile "Well, I suspect that would be a small likelihood." He claps his hands. "Right, perhaps we can all still leave here friends, eh?"
“I will take responsibility for what I have done. [...] If must fall, I will rise each time a better man.” ― Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer.
Togar sets down his cup, stretches out his wings and buttons up his exquisitely woven sweater vest, flaps his wings a couple of times and launches into the air, turning quickly and landing with ease on the stage. His hands begin to weave in sync with each other, and he produces a small chair (Minor Conjuration), upon which he sits and looks back at where the audience was seated, taking in a different kind of play now. He reaches into his pack and puts an odd looking helmet on his head, saying out loud as if to himself, “My thinking cap.” And he looks back at all of you, focusing on Mother Anachain and Kulloda.
”Why are you two fighting? That makes no sense. Obviously, we were brought here together and given the same “blue drink” I imagine to hear this story and to unite us in our purpose and objective. So, if that is the case, the two of you need to cease and desist immediately! We need to get to know one another, help one another, if any of this is to work. Hmmm?” Togar’s head turns round looking for any sign of the dwarf or the elf, who may be able to shed more light on their quest.
As Kulloda looks behind the curtain, he sees no sign of anyone.
Just as Mother Anachain is about to sucker punch Kulloda, the elf enters the tent from the front and holds up her hand towards the two, "Please... there is no need for squabble. You have all been selected to assist us. Verdant Reach is in need of help, and we believe, you all are capable."
She looks down at the floor, seeing the blue drink that Kulloda spilled and looks up at him in surprise, "Well, that was just to help with the illusion, make the story a bit more immersive, but well.. that was the Howard's idea." she shrugs, "you still see the need we have."
Smiling up at the owlin on stage, "Now, you may like the stage and want to join our performers, but at the moment you are needed on the quest. Speaking of," she turns back to Kulloda, "I hear your demands of retribution, a monetary need. Well, I'm sure we can arrange something if you are successful."
Mother Anachain was wanting to shut down the big Half-Orc's tantrum down with a swift punch to the face but before she could act upon the thought a new presence joined them, the Elf who had been handing out drinks. Instead of making a first, Anachain instead inclines her head to the woman and listens to what she says. She rolls her eyes at the talking of money but this goes unseen thanks to her mask... The fools, she thinks. All the money in the world doesn't help when the horde crashes over your life and shatters and steals everything you ever help dear...
"The child," she says softly towards the Elf. "The Halfling girl. What is her name?"
Kulloda looks at the owlin, confused by his question about fighting.
"Who fighting?"
He had already forgotten about Mother Anachain. There were always those pretending to not want attention but then wearing something that's sole purpose was to attract attention. Almost as annoying as the whining about how deep and dark and sad they are.
He looks over at the cup and remains of blue liquid and shrugs.
Then he looks back to the elf.
"Retribution sound like revenge," Kulloda says. "Kulloda not want revenge. Just pay is okay. Seem fair."
He waits for the answer to the name of the halfling then asks "Where grandfather live?"