Ven moves out of the silence area to chat with Piotr and Pax, "I've heard of these creatures and by the growl I think They understood you Pax...They want the food is my guess. They understand Draconic but they can't speak."
Ven adds, "I still think even with food they'll guard those eggs regardless food or not. The Roper is ok as long as it's fed."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr stays outside of the silence zone to talk. “If we will need to fight the guardians whether we feed them or not, let’s keep the remaining deer for the Roper, then. Great job with the Sleep. We should also tie up and gag the kobalds - I don’t think killing them when they are sleeping is cool.”
We have a min on the sleep. So yea let’s tie up the kobolds and then figure out specific where the guards are in the room (eg how far from the farthest egg and see if we can start with that one and i can try to pursuade the guardians to stay put as we are inspecting them ) I can also cast major image of the the area around the eggs and when we take the eggs the major image kicks in to show eggs still in place (and lasts 10min so should be enough time to get eggs and get out again )
We have a min on the sleep. So yea let’s tie up the kobolds and then figure out specific where the guards are in the room (eg how far from the farthest egg and see if we can start with that one and i can try to pursuade the guardians to stay put as we are inspecting them ) I can also cast major image of the the area around the eggs and when we take the eggs the major image kicks in to show eggs still in place (and lasts 10min so should be enough time to get eggs and get out again )
Ven adds, "Yeah great job on Sleeping those kobolds. Tie em up and gag em too."
Ven helps Piotr and Pax tie up and gag the kobolds..
Ven adds, "The Gate to the lower level is open. Pax do you your stuff.We'll be up here for the moment until you give the all clear."
Pax...Roll persuasion with guidance and advantage please. vs DC 15..If you fail one other can try to persuade the guardians.
If you succeed then you each get an egg in your bags of holding come out and lock the gate with the kobolds inside with the guardians.
IF you fail it will be fights on.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax casts major image copying the floor layout including the eggs. And confidently starts talking to the two guardians in draconic telling them we appreciate them protecting the eggs and I just need to check how much longer till the eggs hatch. And I walk down the stairs telling imp to keep lookout for the guards moving
positioning myself with back twds the guards and walk the the egg furthest away and while my body separates the guards view I quickly cover the egg with a bag (imp is holding them and is invisible) and hand the full bag back to the imp stand up and tell the guards this egg looks like it is progressing nicely and move away so the guards can see the egg while I’m not near it. Then move and repeat with other eggs
once all eggs in bags and imp has them and still invisiable I tell the guards I’ll be leaving now and lock the gate and leave
at top of stairs we validate we can repeat our exit like we entered and we leave and I assume when back in a safe spot in forest climb out of bags and quickly head to the safety of the village while keeping out for pursuit
Pax casts major image copying the floor layout including the eggs. And confidently starts talking to the two guardians in draconic telling them we appreciate them protecting the eggs and I just need to check how much longer till the eggs hatch. And I walk down the stairs telling imp to keep lookout for the guards moving
positioning myself with back twds the guards and walk the the egg furthest away and while my body separates the guards view I quickly cover the egg with a bag (imp is holding them and is invisible) and hand the full bag back to the imp stand up and tell the guards this egg looks like it is progressing nicely and move away so the guards can see the egg while I’m not near it. Then move and repeat with other eggs
once all eggs in bags and imp has them and still invisiable I tell the guards I’ll be leaving now and lock the gate and leave
at top of stairs we validate we can repeat our exit like we entered and we leave and I assume when back in a safe spot in forest climb out of bags and quickly head to the safety of the village while keeping out for pursuit
major image should last ten min
holy crap nice roll. I was really planning on at least a bit of fighting through this cave. ugh.
Everything works out as planned.
Oustide as you get away from the plateau Ven says, "Excellent planning Pax and Piotr..Nice work. We should head for the city of Elturel on the River Chionthar.and their rendezvous with Leosin Erlanthar and Ontharr Frume. Unless you have other ideas?
I’m completely good with traveling to the city. Also have the imp fly high to see if we’re being perused (invisible)
let’s see what the monk is up to.
any chance two of you can travel in the bags with head out so you can breath? That way imp and I can carry bags and fly (say for about an hour) so we don’t leave any tracks … ((and I got real lucky on that roll ))
The group has to stop in Greenest on the way to Elturel.. Nighthill greets the you three as you come into Greenest, "Hail Heroes!....Wonderful to see you. I take it you succeeded in your tasks? Ah just before Leosin Erlanthar left town, he bought horses and riding gear for you. This should speed your journey to Elturel. I'd guess on horseback 200 mile would be 6 days ride. Be careful too it's untamed lands about too. Were you able to retrieve any of our towns possessions?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
"Sorry, but we were unable to retrieve the stolen goods. I expect some heads will be rolling soon at the camp due to the trouble we caused. Hopefully, you can take advantage of that confusion to seize what is rightfully yours. We are grateful for the assistance you and the town has provided us. We must be on to Elturel. No doubts our paths will cross again, and if you have not already retrieved the goods, we will see if we can help." Piotr is disappointed they couldn't do more but the eggs and the monk are more important.
Ooc didn’t we burry some loot after the kobold/cultist encounter?
“we’re sorry we were not able to recover more of the towns loot. The camp had been mostly Abandoned when we returned and your loot was most likely taken to the next hiding place the cultist have. “
"Sorry, but we were unable to retrieve the stolen goods. I expect some heads will be rolling soon at the camp due to the trouble we caused. Hopefully, you can take advantage of that confusion to seize what is rightfully yours. We are grateful for the assistance you and the town has provided us. We must be on to Elturel. No doubts our paths will cross again, and if you have not already retrieved the goods, we will see if we can help." Piotr is disappointed they couldn't do more but the eggs and the monk are more important.
Nighthill nods to Piotr, "Well, at least you did some trouble there then. There are a who lot of folks likely hoping you take out some of the leaders too. Rest up as you need and the horses will be ready for you."
Ooc didn’t we burry some loot after the kobold/cultist encounter?
“we’re sorry we were not able to recover more of the towns loot. The camp had been mostly Abandoned when we returned and your loot was most likely taken to the next hiding place the cultist have. “
OOC - I'll work it in that you gathered the items on the way back to Greenest.
Nighthill looks to Pax, "Thanks for the little bit you were able to get here and on the way to the camp. Certainly glad you did get a bit of it for us. Again, just rest and head out in the morning."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr decides to head Nighthill's advice and go to bed instead of to the tavern. He intends to see if there is anyone in the town that might have specialized equipment, such as Sending Stones to help with communication or a Quiver of Ehlonna since he remains fascinated with all things ranged.
I’ll look for things that can retain heat that can be piled around the eggs in the bag of holding. Maybe a large kettle or heating stones. Need enough for all three eggs. Also blankets
You are able to incubate the eggs in the bags of holding and they survive to be handed over to the authorities/harpers.
The three of you are brought to meet. The squire give you the measure of the man, "Ontharr Frume the Order of the Gauntlet at a tavern called A Pair of Black Antlers, you will find him to be a good-natured paladin of Torm, the god of heroics and bravery. He is a man of action who loves jokes and pranks, a stiff drink, and a friendly scuffle. Erlanthar will be there too."
Erlanthar finds a quiet moment to chat with you, "Uh, You can impress Frume with your prowess, your honesty, and your drive is in their long-term interest. You can make a positive impression on Frume by winning a few contests or sparring matches against his troopers or by telling entertaining tales of their exploits during the Greenest raid, in the raiders’ camp, and in the dragon caves."
Ven's harper pin draws attention from Erlanthar a fellow harper, but it is not acted on just yet.
Erlanthar’s organization is the Harpers. Characters might have heard of the older Harpers, but they’re unlikely to know much about the secretive group beyond what is generally rumored: that the Harpers are dedicated to furthering equality and justice and to keeping power out of the hands of those who don’t deserve it. Erlanthar explains that the Harpers are loosely organized; agents are allowed wide freedom of action.
Ontharr Frume represents the Order of the Gauntlet. His order shares many of the Harpers’ principles, but the two organizations are very different. The Order of the Gauntlet emphasizes faith, vigilance, and constant struggle against threats of evil. Many of its members are clerics and paladins, but the order welcomes anyone who shares its ideals. Discipline is key, and the order is distinctly more structured and hierarchical than the Harpers.
Ontharr Frume and Leosin Erlanthar, along with a handful of other concerned leaders and scholars along the Sword Coast, are in the early stages of organizing against the Cult of the Dragon.
The top concern of both groups is the Cult of the Dragon. In the past, the cult was more active to the east and it was focused on creating dracoliches. Its shift to the Sword Coast and new emphasis on living dragons and on Tiamat are cause for concern. The cult is on the move and it’s up to something big; the Order of the Gauntlet, the Harpers, and a third allied group known as the Emerald Enclave want to thwart the cult’s plans.
In this meeting, Frume and Erlanthar are offering the characters the chance to join their factions. At this early stage, there is no pay for members and there are no ranks. What they can offer is help and support from other members and allies, who are spread from Nashkel and Candlekeep in the south to Neverwinter and Mirabar in the north. The horses that Erlanthar arranged for the characters are just one small example of the aid the Harpers and the Order of the Gauntlet can provide.
Harpers can be recognized by the group’s symbol: a silver harp nestled between the horns of a crescent moon. Some people wear the symbol openly, and others keep it concealed. Erlanthar wears his as a medallion around his neck when he is certain that he’s not heading into a potential captive situation—sometimes openly and sometimes tucked away. Members of the Order of the Gauntlet wear their holy symbols openly. (Frume’s is the right-handed gauntlet of Torm.) The order’s universal symbol is a gauntlet grasping a sword by the blade. Frume wears such a symbol on a pendant around his neck, hidden below his flowing beard.
The two leaders say, "Would you like to join our groups? We may not have our differences but we are both focused on dealing with the Cult?"
Ven shows his harper's pin.
Everyone has a great time with the contest, drinking and tales of adventures. You impress Frume but he says, "I would have preferred the hatchery would have been destroyed."
Later you manage to hand over the eggs to Erlanther to be cared for at least initially.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“Frume understand that you would have preferred the hatchery destroyed. Maybe suggested orders should be more clear. Also with the hatchery still survived maybe something (or some people) that are more predisposed to good intentions move in. Nature does not like a vacuum… and likely the handful of cult member remaining will not be much of an impact on the global scale of this mobilization… it is not always wise to attempt to eradicate every ant…”
“If we are to continue harassing this dragon cult we will need more aid. What is your suggested next course of action? “
During the drinking, Piotr seeks to speak with Ven and Erlanthar about what it means to be a Harper. He has heard enough about them to know the basics - loose knit group of people trying to maintain balance - and is considering formally joining it, instead of just allying with it, but would like to make sure that such a membership would not constrain his wanderings.
To Frume, Piotr says, "Of course, we would have also liked to destroy the hatchery but delivering the news and the eggs were the most important needs at that time. Pax is right, others with better intentions should be able to step in to clean up what remains. Now, we must consider next steps. What do we know about the nearest cell of cultists?"
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OOC DM; I'm checking to see if you are aware of something.
Ven rolls
Ven Nature: 6
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Ven moves out of the silence area to chat with Piotr and Pax, "I've heard of these creatures and by the growl I think They understood you Pax...They want the food is my guess. They understand Draconic but they can't speak."
Ven adds, "I still think even with food they'll guard those eggs regardless food or not. The Roper is ok as long as it's fed."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr stays outside of the silence zone to talk. “If we will need to fight the guardians whether we feed them or not, let’s keep the remaining deer for the Roper, then. Great job with the Sleep. We should also tie up and gag the kobalds - I don’t think killing them when they are sleeping is cool.”
We can tie up the kobolds. Spell lasts 1 min
also I can try and pursuade the guards that were checking in the eggs and then I can cast major image to replace them.
We have a min on the sleep. So yea let’s tie up the kobolds and then figure out specific where the guards are in the room (eg how far from the farthest egg and see if we can start with that one and i can try to pursuade the guardians to stay put as we are inspecting them ) I can also cast major image of the the area around the eggs and when we take the eggs the major image kicks in to show eggs still in place (and lasts 10min so should be enough time to get eggs and get out again )
Ven nods, "Fantastic idea Pax...It might not be that easy, but worth a try..."
Ven adds, "Yeah great job on Sleeping those kobolds. Tie em up and gag em too."
Ven helps Piotr and Pax tie up and gag the kobolds..
Ven adds, "The Gate to the lower level is open. Pax do you your stuff.We'll be up here for the moment until you give the all clear."
Pax...Roll persuasion with guidance and advantage please. vs DC 15..If you fail one other can try to persuade the guardians.
If you succeed then you each get an egg in your bags of holding come out and lock the gate with the kobolds inside with the guardians.
IF you fail it will be fights on.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
(Ooc please confirm you can see that roll
19+7 +2 (guidance) so a 28 on the persuasion roll
Pax casts major image copying the floor layout including the eggs. And confidently starts talking to the two guardians in draconic telling them we appreciate them protecting the eggs and I just need to check how much longer till the eggs hatch.
And I walk down the stairs telling imp to keep lookout for the guards moving
positioning myself with back twds the guards and walk the the egg furthest away and while my body separates the guards view I quickly cover the egg with a bag (imp is holding them and is invisible) and hand the full bag back to the imp stand up and tell the guards this egg looks like it is progressing nicely and move away so the guards can see the egg while I’m not near it. Then move and repeat with other eggs
once all eggs in bags and imp has them and still invisiable I tell the guards I’ll be leaving now and lock the gate and leave
at top of stairs we validate we can repeat our exit like we entered and we leave and I assume when back in a safe spot in forest climb out of bags and quickly head to the safety of the village while keeping out for pursuit
major image should last ten min
holy crap nice roll. I was really planning on at least a bit of fighting through this cave. ugh.
Everything works out as planned.
Oustide as you get away from the plateau Ven says, "Excellent planning Pax and Piotr..Nice work. We should head for the city of Elturel on the River Chionthar.and their rendezvous with Leosin Erlanthar and Ontharr Frume. Unless you have other ideas?
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
I’m completely good with traveling to the city. Also have the imp fly high to see if we’re being perused (invisible)
let’s see what the monk is up to.
any chance two of you can travel in the bags with head out so you can breath? That way imp and I can carry bags and fly (say for about an hour) so we don’t leave any tracks … ((and I got real lucky on that roll ))
Ven nods to Pax, "Yeah I'm ok flying in the bag of holding with my head peeking out. How about you Piotr?"
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“Awesome job everyone! I can’t wait to celebrate in the tavern. I’ll buy the first round.”
The group has to stop in Greenest on the way to Elturel.. Nighthill greets the you three as you come into Greenest, "Hail Heroes!....Wonderful to see you. I take it you succeeded in your tasks? Ah just before Leosin Erlanthar left town, he bought horses and riding gear for you. This should speed your journey to Elturel. I'd guess on horseback 200 mile would be 6 days ride. Be careful too it's untamed lands about too. Were you able to retrieve any of our towns possessions?"
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
"Sorry, but we were unable to retrieve the stolen goods. I expect some heads will be rolling soon at the camp due to the trouble we caused. Hopefully, you can take advantage of that confusion to seize what is rightfully yours. We are grateful for the assistance you and the town has provided us. We must be on to Elturel. No doubts our paths will cross again, and if you have not already retrieved the goods, we will see if we can help." Piotr is disappointed they couldn't do more but the eggs and the monk are more important.
Ooc didn’t we burry some loot after the kobold/cultist encounter?
“we’re sorry we were not able to recover more of the towns loot. The camp had been mostly Abandoned when we returned and your loot was most likely taken to the next hiding place the cultist have. “
Nighthill nods to Piotr, "Well, at least you did some trouble there then. There are a who lot of folks likely hoping you take out some of the leaders too. Rest up as you need and the horses will be ready for you."
OOC - I'll work it in that you gathered the items on the way back to Greenest.
Nighthill looks to Pax, "Thanks for the little bit you were able to get here and on the way to the camp. Certainly glad you did get a bit of it for us. Again, just rest and head out in the morning."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr decides to head Nighthill's advice and go to bed instead of to the tavern. He intends to see if there is anyone in the town that might have specialized equipment, such as Sending Stones to help with communication or a Quiver of Ehlonna since he remains fascinated with all things ranged.
I’ll look for things that can retain heat that can be piled around the eggs in the bag of holding. Maybe a large kettle or heating stones. Need enough for all three eggs. Also blankets
You are able to incubate the eggs in the bags of holding and they survive to be handed over to the authorities/harpers.
The three of you are brought to meet. The squire give you the measure of the man, "Ontharr Frume the Order of the Gauntlet at a tavern called A Pair of Black Antlers, you will find him to be a good-natured paladin of Torm, the god of heroics and bravery. He is a man of action who loves jokes and pranks, a stiff drink, and a friendly scuffle. Erlanthar will be there too."
Erlanthar finds a quiet moment to chat with you, "Uh, You can impress Frume with your prowess, your honesty, and your drive is in their long-term interest. You can make a positive impression on Frume by winning a few contests or sparring matches against his troopers or by telling entertaining tales of their exploits during the Greenest raid, in the raiders’ camp, and in the dragon caves."
Ven's harper pin draws attention from Erlanthar a fellow harper, but it is not acted on just yet.
Erlanthar’s organization is the Harpers. Characters might have heard of the older Harpers, but they’re unlikely to know much about the secretive group beyond what is generally rumored: that the Harpers are dedicated to furthering equality and justice and to keeping power out of the hands of those who don’t deserve it. Erlanthar explains that the Harpers are loosely organized; agents are allowed wide freedom of action.
Ontharr Frume represents the Order of the Gauntlet. His order shares many of the Harpers’ principles, but the two organizations are very different. The Order of the Gauntlet emphasizes faith, vigilance, and constant struggle against threats of evil. Many of its members are clerics and paladins, but the order welcomes anyone who shares its ideals. Discipline is key, and the order is distinctly more structured and hierarchical than the Harpers.
Ontharr Frume and Leosin Erlanthar, along with a handful of other concerned leaders and scholars along the Sword Coast, are in the early stages of organizing against the Cult of the Dragon.
The top concern of both groups is the Cult of the Dragon. In the past, the cult was more active to the east and it was focused on creating dracoliches. Its shift to the Sword Coast and new emphasis on living dragons and on Tiamat are cause for concern. The cult is on the move and it’s up to something big; the Order of the Gauntlet, the Harpers, and a third allied group known as the Emerald Enclave want to thwart the cult’s plans.
In this meeting, Frume and Erlanthar are offering the characters the chance to join their factions. At this early stage, there is no pay for members and there are no ranks. What they can offer is help and support from other members and allies, who are spread from Nashkel and Candlekeep in the south to Neverwinter and Mirabar in the north. The horses that Erlanthar arranged for the characters are just one small example of the aid the Harpers and the Order of the Gauntlet can provide.
Harpers can be recognized by the group’s symbol: a silver harp nestled between the horns of a crescent moon. Some people wear the symbol openly, and others keep it concealed. Erlanthar wears his as a medallion around his neck when he is certain that he’s not heading into a potential captive situation—sometimes openly and sometimes tucked away. Members of the Order of the Gauntlet wear their holy symbols openly. (Frume’s is the right-handed gauntlet of Torm.) The order’s universal symbol is a gauntlet grasping a sword by the blade. Frume wears such a symbol on a pendant around his neck, hidden below his flowing beard.
The two leaders say, "Would you like to join our groups? We may not have our differences but we are both focused on dealing with the Cult?"
Ven shows his harper's pin.
Everyone has a great time with the contest, drinking and tales of adventures. You impress Frume but he says, "I would have preferred the hatchery would have been destroyed."
Later you manage to hand over the eggs to Erlanther to be cared for at least initially.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“Frume understand that you would have preferred the hatchery destroyed. Maybe suggested orders should be more clear. Also with the hatchery still survived maybe something (or some people) that are more predisposed to good intentions move in. Nature does not like a vacuum… and likely the handful of cult member remaining will not be much of an impact on the global scale of this mobilization… it is not always wise to attempt to eradicate every ant…”
“If we are to continue harassing this dragon cult we will need more aid. What is your suggested next course of action? “
During the drinking, Piotr seeks to speak with Ven and Erlanthar about what it means to be a Harper. He has heard enough about them to know the basics - loose knit group of people trying to maintain balance - and is considering formally joining it, instead of just allying with it, but would like to make sure that such a membership would not constrain his wanderings.
To Frume, Piotr says, "Of course, we would have also liked to destroy the hatchery but delivering the news and the eggs were the most important needs at that time. Pax is right, others with better intentions should be able to step in to clean up what remains. Now, we must consider next steps. What do we know about the nearest cell of cultists?"