Also. My familiar can be invisible and try to investigate the ones that seem the most promising Ie. Try to see who they talk to and say while in the ‘privacy’ of their own home
There doesn't seem to be anyone that you can tell, that is working with the Cultist. If anything they are trying to just blend in with the other merchants mixing up their wagons in different spots throughout the caravans as they prepare to depart.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
The caravan leaving Baldur’s Gate contains the three wagons of the Cult of the Dragon plus 4 more. It won't be hard to pick out the cultist wagons.
Only the following merchants are going.
Achreny Ulyeltin (Male Human Merchant).
Beyd Sechepol (Male Half-Elf Merchant).
Lasfelro the Silent (Male Human Merchant).
There is a family apparently riding with Beyd Sechepol and a Diplomat with Achreney. A Cultist guard is with each of the 3 cultist wagons. There are 11 cloak travelers walking with with various wagons. You all get hired on as body guards for Lasfelro the Silent. You meet Jeybar Appar a Gnome that has a Steel Defender with him that was hired on as a bodyguard as is Dervish.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr approaches Jeybar and introduces himself in gnomish. He approaches Dervish and introduces himself in dwarfish. It was one of the rare times he appreciated the hard hours he had spent learning those languages. Piotr was pleased to have some additional short-folk around - they usually shared a similar perspective on life and the big-folk so he usually sought out their company.
Dervish looked side-eye at the dwarfish-speaking halfling. From previous experience as a caravan guard, he knew that he might be having to kill this new person or he might become close friends. It was usually best to prepare for the worst while hoping for someone to drink with in the meantime. Upon the completion of the introduction, Dervish switched to common, "Well met, friend of dwarfs, or at least, scholar of dwarfs. Where came you upon that knowledge of our language? And why is such a person working in this caravan?"
Piotr response was guarded but welcoming, "Thank you for your patience with my imperfect skills. I studied your language in the libraries of my home in the hopes I might one day use it when needed. I do not know if now is the time of need, but I have joined this caravan for coins and knowledge."
Jeybar nods to Piotr and Dervish along with Ven who's hanging around. Ven says in common, "Nice to meet some new folks." Unsure of their affiliation to any merchants or cults he adds, "Looks like Lasfelro the Silent wants to be well protected. Geez they have a gargoyle too. Makes no difference to me though."
Jeybar responds in common as he looks around for any one that might be listening in or watching, feeling it's all clear, "I work for the order of the gauntlet. We think there is some cultist mixed in here. I'm trying to find out where they're taking some loot too and any plans possibly. Frume said to be on the look out for some others."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr “Frume was speaking of us.We are also searching for cultists and treasures.”
Dervish “You fools. Speak quietly and safely. But there is safety in numbers. We can do this together.”
Jeybar nods to Dervish whispering, "Good point my new friends. While we work as bodyguards we can gather information as we travel. Maybe try to be covert about it too."
Ven nods in agreement with Jeybar, "I'd agree with that too Jeybar. This trip may have dangers yet identified from highway robbers to larger threats."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr suggests they split up to reconnoiter and meet again in two nights to compare notes.
Since you are hired on as bodyguards you'll have to coordinate being absent from your employer. You can work out a rotation of duties for the day and use your breaks to do some investigations.
Day 1 of travels it's raining...Piotr needs to roll an Insight check.
Piotr catches a cultist watching him, noting who Piotr talks to, when Piotr eats, and where he sleeps. Piotr gets the feeling that maybe the cultist spotted him in the fight with the half dragon and Greenest.
End of Day 1 traveling in the rain and lightning. Everyone preps for evening watches and bodyguard duty.
Night time activities yields just the basic information of which wagons are the cultist as the 6 of ya are on alert with Piotr possible being made.
The night goes uneventful except the rain and occasional lightning, the rain is making it a little muddy. Everyone enjoys breakfast and the caravan is packed up for travel.
The day is uneventful again and Piotr catches a glimpse of his curious cultist watching him. The cultist is none the wiser though. The caravan stops for Night 2.
Another uneventful night and you wake to some concerns.
Pax near the end of his watch notices something and starts alerting the rest of you.
The mushrooms are growing so fast on the rain-soaked ground that a person can almost see them getting bigger. They were the size of champagne corks when first noticed; within an hour, they grow six inches tall, and a foot tall an hour later. Their growth slows down after that, but by then, most people in the caravan are certain that all is doomed.
After two days and nights of rain, lightning, and strange whistling sounds on the wind, characters awaken to see that the surrounding countryside is blanketed with fungus. It grows everywhere, including on the road. When anyone steps on a mushroom (it’s nearly impossible not to), it emits a puff of black spores and a moan of pain. These tiny shriekers sprout from an immense mycelium that has spread beneath the area from shallow caves.
Piotr catches a cultist watching him, noting who Piotr talks to, when Piotr eats, and where he sleeps. Piotr gets the feeling that maybe the cultist spotted him in the fight with the half dragon and Greenest.
End of Day 1 traveling in the rain and lightning. Everyone preps for evening watches and bodyguard duty.
Night time activities yields just the basic information of which wagons are the cultist as the 6 of ya are on alert with Piotr possible being made.
The night goes uneventful except the rain and occasional lightning, the rain is making it a little muddy. Everyone enjoys breakfast and the caravan is packed up for travel.
The day is uneventful again and Piotr catches a glimpse of his curious cultist watching him. The cultist is none the wiser though. The caravan stops for Night 2.
Another uneventful night and you wake to some concerns.
Pax near the end of his watch notices something and starts alerting the rest of you.
The mushrooms are growing so fast on the rain-soaked ground that a person can almost see them getting bigger. They were the size of champagne corks when first noticed; within an hour, they grow six inches tall, and a foot tall an hour later. Their growth slows down after that, but by then, most people in the caravan are certain that all is doomed.
After two days and nights of rain, lightning, and strange whistling sounds on the wind, characters awaken to see that the surrounding countryside is blanketed with fungus. It grows everywhere, including on the road. When anyone steps on a mushroom (it’s nearly impossible not to), it emits a puff of black spores and a moan of pain. These tiny shriekers sprout from an immense mycelium that has spread beneath the area from shallow caves.
Pax, Dervish and Jeybar all know what the creatures are. They are tiny shriekers, Harmless but growing fast. They'll need to have someone move them out of the way of the caravan. You estimate it to take an hour maybe 2 to clear a path.. There will be lots of shieking going on. Pax and his familiar spot more trouble too. Big trouble.
Roll for Init
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr catches a cultist watching him, noting who Piotr talks to, when Piotr eats, and where he sleeps. Piotr gets the feeling that maybe the cultist spotted him in the fight with the half dragon and Greenest.
End of Day 1 traveling in the rain and lightning. Everyone preps for evening watches and bodyguard duty.
Night time activities yields just the basic information of which wagons are the cultist as the 6 of ya are on alert with Piotr possible being made.
The night goes uneventful except the rain and occasional lightning, the rain is making it a little muddy. Everyone enjoys breakfast and the caravan is packed up for travel.
The day is uneventful again and Piotr catches a glimpse of his curious cultist watching him. The cultist is none the wiser though. The caravan stops for Night 2.
Another uneventful night and you wake to some concerns.
Pax near the end of his watch notices something and starts alerting the rest of you.
The mushrooms are growing so fast on the rain-soaked ground that a person can almost see them getting bigger. They were the size of champagne corks when first noticed; within an hour, they grow six inches tall, and a foot tall an hour later. Their growth slows down after that, but by then, most people in the caravan are certain that all is doomed.
After two days and nights of rain, lightning, and strange whistling sounds on the wind, characters awaken to see that the surrounding countryside is blanketed with fungus. It grows everywhere, including on the road. When anyone steps on a mushroom (it’s nearly impossible not to), it emits a puff of black spores and a moan of pain. These tiny shriekers sprout from an immense mycelium that has spread beneath the area from shallow caves.
Ven hollers to the caravan, "Get a path clear for the Caravan and get people moving slowly along he path. We're going to deal with the Giant Ants. Now everyone."
4 cultist guards show up one of them being the one Piotr noted was keeping an eye on him.
Its you 6 and the 4 guards against the 3 giant ants. That you can see for now.
The other 8 cultist guards start clearing the area in front of the caravan. It's noisy as all get out with the shriekers sounding cries of alarm as guards get close to them to move them out of the way.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
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There doesn't seem to be anyone that you can tell, that is working with the Cultist. If anything they are trying to just blend in with the other merchants mixing up their wagons in different spots throughout the caravans as they prepare to depart.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
So which ones do we want my familiar to look after?
Can we at least identify where some of their boxes of treasure are located or where the main bad guy is?
Lasfelro the Silent - the one with the gargoyle and no one knows what he is transporting - would be my vote.
Rezmir slipped away in the middle of the night it seems as you don't see any sign of them now as the caravans get loaded and positioned.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Correction on Caravan structure;
The caravan leaving Baldur’s Gate contains the three wagons of the Cult of the Dragon plus 4 more. It won't be hard to pick out the cultist wagons.
Only the following merchants are going.
Achreny Ulyeltin (Male Human Merchant).
Beyd Sechepol (Male Half-Elf Merchant).
Lasfelro the Silent (Male Human Merchant).
There is a family apparently riding with Beyd Sechepol and a Diplomat with Achreney. A Cultist guard is with each of the 3 cultist wagons. There are 11 cloak travelers walking with with various wagons. You all get hired on as body guards for Lasfelro the Silent. You meet Jeybar Appar a Gnome that has a Steel Defender with him that was hired on as a bodyguard as is Dervish.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr approaches Jeybar and introduces himself in gnomish. He approaches Dervish and introduces himself in dwarfish. It was one of the rare times he appreciated the hard hours he had spent learning those languages. Piotr was pleased to have some additional short-folk around - they usually shared a similar perspective on life and the big-folk so he usually sought out their company.
Dervish looked side-eye at the dwarfish-speaking halfling. From previous experience as a caravan guard, he knew that he might be having to kill this new person or he might become close friends. It was usually best to prepare for the worst while hoping for someone to drink with in the meantime. Upon the completion of the introduction, Dervish switched to common, "Well met, friend of dwarfs, or at least, scholar of dwarfs. Where came you upon that knowledge of our language? And why is such a person working in this caravan?"
Piotr response was guarded but welcoming, "Thank you for your patience with my imperfect skills. I studied your language in the libraries of my home in the hopes I might one day use it when needed. I do not know if now is the time of need, but I have joined this caravan for coins and knowledge."
Jeybar nods to Piotr and Dervish along with Ven who's hanging around. Ven says in common, "Nice to meet some new folks." Unsure of their affiliation to any merchants or cults he adds, "Looks like Lasfelro the Silent wants to be well protected. Geez they have a gargoyle too. Makes no difference to me though."
Jeybar responds in common as he looks around for any one that might be listening in or watching, feeling it's all clear, "I work for the order of the gauntlet. We think there is some cultist mixed in here. I'm trying to find out where they're taking some loot too and any plans possibly. Frume said to be on the look out for some others."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr “Frume was speaking of us.We are also searching for cultists and treasures.”
Dervish “You fools. Speak quietly and safely. But there is safety in numbers. We can do this together.”
Jeybar nods to Dervish whispering, "Good point my new friends. While we work as bodyguards we can gather information as we travel. Maybe try to be covert about it too."
Ven nods in agreement with Jeybar, "I'd agree with that too Jeybar. This trip may have dangers yet identified from highway robbers to larger threats."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr suggests they split up to reconnoiter and meet again in two nights to compare notes.
Since you are hired on as bodyguards you'll have to coordinate being absent from your employer. You can work out a rotation of duties for the day and use your breaks to do some investigations.
Day 1 of travels it's raining...Piotr needs to roll an Insight check.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr insight 21
Piotr catches a cultist watching him, noting who Piotr talks to, when Piotr eats, and where he sleeps. Piotr gets the feeling that maybe the cultist spotted him in the fight with the half dragon and Greenest.
End of Day 1 traveling in the rain and lightning. Everyone preps for evening watches and bodyguard duty.
Night time activities yields just the basic information of which wagons are the cultist as the 6 of ya are on alert with Piotr possible being made.
The night goes uneventful except the rain and occasional lightning, the rain is making it a little muddy. Everyone enjoys breakfast and the caravan is packed up for travel.
The day is uneventful again and Piotr catches a glimpse of his curious cultist watching him. The cultist is none the wiser though. The caravan stops for Night 2.
Another uneventful night and you wake to some concerns.
Pax near the end of his watch notices something and starts alerting the rest of you.
The mushrooms are growing so fast on the rain-soaked ground that a person can almost see them getting bigger. They were the size of champagne corks when first noticed; within an hour, they grow six inches tall, and a foot tall an hour later. Their growth slows down after that, but by then, most people in the caravan are certain that all is doomed.
After two days and nights of rain, lightning, and strange whistling sounds on the wind, characters awaken to see that the surrounding countryside is blanketed with fungus. It grows everywhere, including on the road. When anyone steps on a mushroom (it’s nearly impossible not to), it emits a puff of black spores and a moan of pain. These tiny shriekers sprout from an immense mycelium that has spread beneath the area from shallow caves.
Roll a Nature check please.
Ven Nature: 18
Jeybar Nature: 11
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax nature 17
spencer nature 8
also spencer is natural explorer under dark if it help
Piotr 9
Dervish 16
Pax, Dervish and Jeybar all know what the creatures are. They are tiny shriekers, Harmless but growing fast. They'll need to have someone move them out of the way of the caravan. You estimate it to take an hour maybe 2 to clear a path.. There will be lots of shieking going on. Pax and his familiar spot more trouble too. Big trouble.
Roll for Init
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Spencer is not in the game unless you add them to the campaign.
See PM..
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Ven hollers to the caravan, "Get a path clear for the Caravan and get people moving slowly along he path. We're going to deal with the Giant Ants. Now everyone."
4 cultist guards show up one of them being the one Piotr noted was keeping an eye on him.
Its you 6 and the 4 guards against the 3 giant ants. That you can see for now.
The other 8 cultist guards start clearing the area in front of the caravan. It's noisy as all get out with the shriekers sounding cries of alarm as guards get close to them to move them out of the way.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;