Piotr targets the Queen Ant twice with his longbow (attack 24, damage 9 plus 4 damage for Colossus Slayer) (attack nat 20, crit damage 23) [ooc - he targets Great Ant D if the Queen is killed on the first arrow]
Dervish attacks great ant D first with his two-handed quarterstaff (attack 18, damage 8) then uses 1 Focus Point to do two unarmed strikes (attack 11, damage 1) (attack nat 20, damage 1)
MOVE:Jeybar stays put; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: Bardic inspiration to Poitr 3 of 4 Bardic points used. ACTION: Cast Fire Bolt, Target GaD Attack: 22 Damage: 15 (Fire damage) or half (7) End of turn! Reaction: Opportunity attack if it presents itself or spells
MOVE:SteelDog moves upto 40ft; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: ACTION: Attack Target: 16 Damage: 4 (Force-Empowered Rend damage 5ft range.) End of turn! Reaction • Deflect Attack. The defender imposes disadvantage on the attack roll of one creature it can see that is within 5 feet of it, provided the attack roll is against a creature other than the defender.
MOVE:Tiny dragon aka Homunculus Flies upto 30ft; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: ACTION: Attack Target: 10 Damage: 7 (Force Strike 30ft range. Force Damage) End of turn! Reactions Channel Magic. The homunculus delivers a spell you cast that has a range of touch. The homunculus must be within 120 feet of you.
Str check to break free. GaA 22 Str save DC 18
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
MOVE:Venfaen melee's Giant ant C ; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: Two weapon fighting Attack Rapier+1 GaC: 9 Damage: 10 (Magical Piercing) ACTION: Attack Rapier+1 GaA or GQA : 19 Damage: 13 (Magical Piercing) Damage: 6 (Sneak attack Piercing) Two other's attacking GaC End of turn! Reaction: Opportunity attack if it presents itself or spells
Spencer has init:
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr attacks twice with his longbow (attack 19 , damage 11) (attack 19, damage 11)
Dervish attacks with Poison Spray (attack 21, damage 3) before retreating 30’ towards Piotr.
Piotr kills the last Ant before Dervish attacks.
The guard is pretty shook up barely surviving the Ants saying, "You folks probably saved this caravan. I'll have my friends come get the bodies."
Everything is taken care of with the bodies and the shiekers swept out of the way so the Caravan can continue on. Your performance didn't go unnoticed by some of the caravan members. You are all thanked by the others. The cultist you figure out aren't as appreciative, but still thank you to look as if they are just other merchants.
5 days pass uneventful and they something is going on up ahead.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
after the dust settles from the ants and before the clock clicks down on day fives fun..
pull group aside “ here is what was salvaged from the earlier encounter. Seemed like the cultist has a decent stash of potions”. The Imp finds 4 potions of heroism, 2 healing potions and an Eldritch claw tatoo
New map with the current situation.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr targets the Queen Ant twice with his longbow (attack 24, damage 9 plus 4 damage for Colossus Slayer) (attack nat 20, crit damage 23) [ooc - he targets Great Ant D if the Queen is killed on the first arrow]
Dervish attacks great ant D first with his two-handed quarterstaff (attack 18, damage 8) then uses 1 Focus Point to do two unarmed strikes (attack 11, damage 1) (attack nat 20, damage 1)
Piotr 27 Piotr hits with boths attacks. It takes both attacks to bring the queen down but in the end both arrows drop the Queen Aunt.
Dervish 21 Dervish hits with the staff and one of the monk strikes doing 9 dmg total to GaD is critical.
Tiny 21
Jey 21
Steeldog 21
GaB 20 Injured
GaD 20 Critical
GaA 17 Restrained
GaC 17 Dead
Imp 14
Pax 14
Ven 12
Spencer 6
Guard A, B, C, D 3
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
MOVE: Jeybar stays put; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: Bardic inspiration to Poitr 3 of 4 Bardic points used.
ACTION: Cast Fire Bolt, Target GaD Attack: 22 Damage: 15 (Fire damage) or half (7) End of turn! Reaction: Opportunity attack if it presents itself or spells
MOVE: SteelDog moves upto 40ft; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
ACTION: Attack Target: 16 Damage: 4 (Force-Empowered Rend damage 5ft range.) End of turn! Reaction • Deflect Attack. The defender imposes disadvantage on the attack roll of one creature it can see that is within 5 feet of it, provided the attack roll is against a creature other than the defender.
MOVE: Tiny dragon aka Homunculus Flies upto 30ft; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
ACTION: Attack Target: 10 Damage: 7 (Force Strike 30ft range. Force Damage) End of turn! Reactions Channel Magic. The homunculus delivers a spell you cast that has a range of touch. The homunculus must be within 120 feet of you.
Str check to break free. GaA 22 Str save DC 18
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr 27 Piotr hits with boths attacks. It takes both attacks to bring the queen down but in the end both arrows drop the Queen Aunt.
Dervish 21 Dervish hits with the staff and one of the monk strikes doing 9 dmg total to GaD is critical.
Tiny 21 Tiny hits GaB for 4 dmg
Jey 21 Jey kills GaD with 15 dmg
Steeldog 21 Sd hits GaB for 7 dmg
GaB 20 Injured Moves to melee GB and GD. GaB bites GD for 9 dmg killing them. It then stings GB with poison 28dmg total killing them.
GaD 20 Dead
GaA 17 Dead
GaC 17 Restrained Uses action to break free but moves south in melee range
Imp 14
Pax 14
Ven 12
Spencer 6
Guard A, B dead, C dead, D dead, 3
GQA 2 dead
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Imp, Pax have init:
Then Ven and Spencer.
Guard A is the only guard still alive.
Giant ant B and C are the only Ants still active.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
17 to hit 10’damage
15 to hit 10 damage
pax on top of the wagon looks down and Eldritch blasts ant b twice
lets have the invisible imp search the cultist body for anything that could help us and or inform what the cultist are up to, contacts, etc
Piotr 27 Piotr hits with boths attacks. It takes both attacks to bring the queen down but in the end both arrows drop the Queen Aunt.
Dervish 21 Dervish hits with the staff and one of the monk strikes doing 9 dmg total to GaD is critical.
Tiny 21 Tiny hits GaB for 4 dmg
Jey 21 Jey kills GaD with 15 dmg
Steeldog 21 Sd hits GaB for 7 dmg
GaB 20 Injured Moves to melee GB and GD. GaB bites GD for 9 dmg killing them. It then stings GB with poison 28dmg total killing them.
GaD 20 Dead
GaA 17 Dead
GaC 17 Restrained Uses action to break free but moves south in melee range
Imp 14 The Imp finds 4 potions of heroism, 2 healing potions and an Eldritch claw tatoo.
Pax 14 Pax hits GaB for 20 damage. IT felt that.
Ven 12
Spencer 6
Guard A, B dead, C dead, D dead, 3
GQA 2 dead
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
MOVE: Venfaen melee's Giant ant C ; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: Two weapon fighting Attack Rapier+1 GaC: 9 Damage: 10 (Magical Piercing)
ACTION: Attack Rapier+1 GaA or GQA : 19 Damage: 13 (Magical Piercing) Damage: 6 (Sneak attack Piercing) Two other's attacking GaC End of turn! Reaction: Opportunity attack if it presents itself or spells
Spencer has init:
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Spencer takes two shots at ant C and assess the ants after his shot from atop the wagon Also looks around to see if any other dangers are near
to hit 26 5 damage
to hit 18 12 damage
Piotr 27 Piotr hits with boths attacks. It takes both attacks to bring the queen down but in the end both arrows drop the Queen Aunt.
Dervish 21 Dervish hits with the staff and one of the monk strikes doing 9 dmg total to GaD is critical.
Tiny 21 Tiny hits GaB for 4 dmg
Jey 21 Jey kills GaD with 15 dmg
Steeldog 21 Sd hits GaB for 7 dmg
GaB 20 Injured Moves to melee GB and GD. GaB bites GD for 9 dmg killing them. It then stings GB with poison 28dmg total killing them.
GaD 20 Dead
GaA 17 Dead
GaC 17 Restrained Uses action to break free but moves south in melee range
Imp 14 The Imp finds 4 poti
ons of heroism, 2 healing potions and an Eldritch claw tatoo.
Pax 14 Pax hits GaB for 20 damage. IT felt that.
Ven 12 Ven hits GaC with both attacks doing 29 dmg to it.
Spencer 6 Spencer follows up with 17 dmg to it also and GaC is hanging on by a thread of life.
Guard A, B dead, C dead, D dead, 3 Guard A the only guard still standing hits GaC and drops it, killing the beast.
GQA 2 dead
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Guard A is still in action doing ok. All monsters dead except GaB.
The Imp found a few things for the party to talk about with the Guard if they know about it.
Round 4 Turn 1 Piotr has Init
Then Dervish and then Jey's group.
Piotr 27
Dervish 21 dropped daggers now wielding a staff
Tiny 21
Jey 21
Steeldog 21
GaB 20 Bloodied
GaD 20 Dead
GaA 17 Dead
GaC 17 Dead
Imp 14 The Imp finds 4 potions of heroism, 2 healing potions and an Eldritch claw tatoo.
Pax 14
Ven 12
Spencer 6
Guard A, B dead, C dead, D dead, 3 Guard A the only guard still standing
GQA 2 dead
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Updated map for R4T1 Round4Turn1
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr attacks twice with his longbow (attack 19 , damage 11) (attack 19, damage 11)
Dervish attacks with Poison Spray (attack 21, damage 3) before retreating 30’ towards Piotr.
Piotr kills the last Ant before Dervish attacks.
The guard is pretty shook up barely surviving the Ants saying, "You folks probably saved this caravan. I'll have my friends come get the bodies."
Everything is taken care of with the bodies and the shiekers swept out of the way so the Caravan can continue on. Your performance didn't go unnoticed by some of the caravan members. You are all thanked by the others. The cultist you figure out aren't as appreciative, but still thank you to look as if they are just other merchants.
5 days pass uneventful and they something is going on up ahead.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
after the dust settles from the ants and before the clock clicks down on day fives fun..
pull group aside “ here is what was salvaged from the earlier encounter. Seemed like the cultist has a decent stash of potions”.
The Imp finds 4 potions of heroism, 2 healing potions and an Eldritch claw tatoo
Dervish nearly jumps in excitement when learning about the Eldritch claw tattoo. He would be thrilled with anything that helps his unarmed attacks.
Piotr smacks his head - oh yeah, we have potions we can use - he would be happy with either potion.
Ven says, "I am ok with whatever is left. Everyone pick one potion I suppose. I'm ok with making sure the folks that need it get to use it."
Jeybar says, "Yeah, I'm ok with whatever is left too. You folks pick first and Ven and I will get the last two. Perhaps next time we pick first then."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
PM sent
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;