Dervish applies the Eldrich Claw tattoo (however that is possible) and Piotr takes a heroism potion. "Great job finding these. Thank you," Piotr says to the imp. "And it would certainly be fair for you to get first pick next time," he says to Ven and Jeybar.
Dervish applies the Eldrich Claw tattoo (however that is possible) and Piotr takes a heroism potion. "Great job finding these. Thank you," Piotr says to the imp. "And it would certainly be fair for you to get first pick next time," he says to Ven and Jeybar.
PM sent to Bill
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Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Ven hands out the remaining potions, "Here Pax, for your imp a healing potion, that leaves 3 heroism potions. Pax and Spencer and Jeybar get the rest of the Heroism potions. Are we all set folks. Lets help get us going through the mushrooms."
Eventually the roadway is cleared from the shriekers and the mounts settle down a bit with some cotton stuffed in there ears and wax in the humanoids to muffle the sound. The travel a bit soggy from the rain although just a mist now as the first night closes in. The next 5 nights are uneventful thankfully. Nothing comes of the cultist who died in the fight. 3 guards are assigned to a wagon each. The other five mingle in and out of wagons as traveling guards for the entire caravan.
Day 5 comes along and late afternoon the imp tells Pax, "Trouble 240 ft ahead. The caravan doesn't notice it just yet. Pax, Ven and Piotr get ahead and halt the caravan at about 200ft."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ok folks....You've had 5 long rests so you rested and you can have your spells setup..You all have Heroic inspiration too.
The caravan sees a fight happening ahead. A freight wagon is stranded on the road, its draft animals dead. A merchant (noble) and three guards are sheltered under the wagon, with crates dragged between the wheels for cover. They are plentifully supplied with crossbows and bolts, but there are 4 Hobgolins that look better equipped and 4 Hobgoblin that aren't as well equipped assailing them seem.
Base rolls for History and insight. You can help each other to get advantage (I'll have Ven and Jeybar help each other), as you look over the seen before you get spotted and things start to happen.
Everyone can roll init too....You can have your pets separate or grouped with you for ease.
OOC History check was DC 15 and Insight Check was DC 20.
I think one of you in each group pass the history..These are Urshani hobgoblins, recognizable because they adorn themselves with wolf furs, paint worg heads onto their shields, and incorporate other wolf parts and icons in their armor and clothing.
The caravan is 200 ft away from the closest enemy. The caravan is around a turn off map 140ft out or sight. There is a couple hours until sundown so it's 4 PM ish.
None of the other members of the caravan are looking to help you with this one.
OOC - you huddled at the bottom left of the map but you are really off map. PM sent
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Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax says “both Spencer and I can hit them from here. Can anyone else? We may want to coordinate attacks so we try to take single ones quicker I’m guessing the better looking ones are more experienced “
also need to consider this is a diversion so at least Spencer and i need to stay with wagon if you can’t attack from here at range”
”also in watching them attack. I think they are just waiting till sundown. “
ask imp to fly higher (invisible) to keep eye out for any ambush against us…
Piotr raises his bow in his left hand and says, "They are well in my range, as well. Happy to shoot with Pax and Spencer at a distance while others sneak closer. I agree that the better dressed ones are likely more experienced, so suggest we target them at range first."
Dervish adds, "I can move closer to provide additional support to those under attack. No need for all of them to die."
“ pax as imp to go with the party that is. Icing closer and then tell me when you all are ready for us to attack at range. Maybe the hobgoblins will move twds us and you all can surprise attack “
Ooc imp and I can communicate as long as we are on the same plan of existence
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ven says, "I'm pretty sneaky so I'm ok sneaking up. It'll take me 12 seconds to get by he big tree in the southwest area there."
Jeybar adds, "I'm not real sneaky and Steeldog is with me. Tiny is sneaking but not invisible. I can fly him so he stays out of sight flying from tree to tree to get in place with Ven. I'll try to sneak. If it looks like I'll be a noise bucket, I'll walk the road and take my chances."
Jeybar Stealth: 21 Advantage as the Hobgoblins are focused on the Noble and Guards by the wagon.
Ven Stealth: 28 Advantage as the Hobgoblins are focused on the Noble and Guards by the wagon.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Jeybar says, "Steeldog is a bit more of a noise maker unfortunately. I'll have it 80 ft behind us for noise reduction..On our surprise I'll have him dash up to us."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
This is a visual in case you can't get to the map link.
The three at the bottom of the screen are 140ft off the map and 200ft to closest target Hobgoblin D (HD). All the others are under the tree at the bottom left of the map or perched on a limb in the tree watching everything. Pax has 240ft range..Piotr and Spencer have 150ft range so disadvantage on 200ft to HD. Piotr and Spencer can move to be 90ft away off map so you are 150 ft to HD.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
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Dervish applies the Eldrich Claw tattoo (however that is possible) and Piotr takes a heroism potion. "Great job finding these. Thank you," Piotr says to the imp. "And it would certainly be fair for you to get first pick next time," he says to Ven and Jeybar.
PM sent to Bill
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Ven hands out the remaining potions, "Here Pax, for your imp a healing potion, that leaves 3 heroism potions. Pax and Spencer and Jeybar get the rest of the Heroism potions. Are we all set folks. Lets help get us going through the mushrooms."
Eventually the roadway is cleared from the shriekers and the mounts settle down a bit with some cotton stuffed in there ears and wax in the humanoids to muffle the sound. The travel a bit soggy from the rain although just a mist now as the first night closes in. The next 5 nights are uneventful thankfully. Nothing comes of the cultist who died in the fight. 3 guards are assigned to a wagon each. The other five mingle in and out of wagons as traveling guards for the entire caravan.
Day 5 comes along and late afternoon the imp tells Pax, "Trouble 240 ft ahead. The caravan doesn't notice it just yet. Pax, Ven and Piotr get ahead and halt the caravan at about 200ft."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Ok folks....You've had 5 long rests so you rested and you can have your spells setup..You all have Heroic inspiration too.
The caravan sees a fight happening ahead. A freight wagon is stranded on the road, its draft animals dead. A merchant (noble) and three guards are sheltered under the wagon, with crates dragged between the wheels for cover. They are plentifully supplied with crossbows and bolts, but there are 4 Hobgolins that look better equipped and 4 Hobgoblin that aren't as well equipped assailing them seem.
Base rolls for History and insight. You can help each other to get advantage (I'll have Ven and Jeybar help each other), as you look over the seen before you get spotted and things start to happen.
Everyone can roll init too....You can have your pets separate or grouped with you for ease.
Jeybar History: 28
Ven Insight: 19
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Jeybar Initiative: 12
Ven Initiative: 19
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Spencers history - 19, insight 22
Pax History 18, insight 25
Init Spencer: 23
Pax: 12
Dervish initiative 13, history 14, insight 11
Piotr initiative 28, history 17, insight 10
OOC History check was DC 15 and Insight Check was DC 20.
I think one of you in each group pass the history.. These are Urshani hobgoblins, recognizable because they adorn themselves with wolf furs, paint worg heads onto their shields, and incorporate other wolf parts and icons in their armor and clothing.
The caravan is 200 ft away from the closest enemy. The caravan is around a turn off map 140ft out or sight. There is a couple hours until sundown so it's 4 PM ish.
None of the other members of the caravan are looking to help you with this one.
OOC - you huddled at the bottom left of the map but you are really off map. PM sent
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax says “both Spencer and I can hit them from here. Can anyone else? We may want to coordinate attacks so we try to take single ones quicker I’m guessing the better looking ones are more experienced “
also need to consider this is a diversion so at least Spencer and i need to stay with wagon if you can’t attack from here at range”
”also in watching them attack. I think they are just waiting till sundown. “
ask imp to fly higher (invisible) to keep eye out for any ambush against us…
Piotr raises his bow in his left hand and says, "They are well in my range, as well. Happy to shoot with Pax and Spencer at a distance while others sneak closer. I agree that the better dressed ones are likely more experienced, so suggest we target them at range first."
Dervish adds, "I can move closer to provide additional support to those under attack. No need for all of them to die."
(Really need a name for imp until then)
“ pax as imp to go with the party that is. Icing closer and then tell me when you all are ready for us to attack at range. Maybe the hobgoblins will move twds us and you all can surprise attack “
Ooc imp and I can communicate as long as we are on the same plan of existence
Ven says, "I'm pretty sneaky so I'm ok sneaking up. It'll take me 12 seconds to get by he big tree in the southwest area there."
Jeybar adds, "I'm not real sneaky and Steeldog is with me. Tiny is sneaking but not invisible. I can fly him so he stays out of sight flying from tree to tree to get in place with Ven. I'll try to sneak. If it looks like I'll be a noise bucket, I'll walk the road and take my chances."
Jeybar Stealth: 21 Advantage as the Hobgoblins are focused on the Noble and Guards by the wagon.
Ven Stealth: 28 Advantage as the Hobgoblins are focused on the Noble and Guards by the wagon.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Steeldog Stealth: 7 Save stuff on adv.
Tiny I'm going to give an auto pass to get to the tree for being tiny.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Jeybar says, "Steeldog is a bit more of a noise maker unfortunately. I'll have it 80 ft behind us for noise reduction..On our surprise I'll have him dash up to us."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“just give the imp a thumbs up when your in place then the three of us will unleash volley of arrows “
Dervish joins the stealthy group (Stealth 24) to move closer to the group being attacked.
Piotr prepares an arrow and waits for the signal to start firing.
Both pax and Spencer wait for the signal from the imp
the imp flys near the group moving twds the hobgoblins
OOC - everyone and steeldog beat their passive perception...and they are focused on the noble and guards so the group of
Ven, Jeybar, Steeldog, Tiny dragon and Dervish get to the tree no problem and Signal the Imp they are set.
Init list is
Piotr 28
Spencer 23
HCC 22
Ven 20
HA 19
HCA 18
HD 17
Dervish 13
Pac, Imp, Jeybar, Tiny, Steeldog 12
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr has init and Spencer is next The signal is given.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
This is a visual in case you can't get to the map link.
The three at the bottom of the screen are 140ft off the map and 200ft to closest target Hobgoblin D (HD). All the others are under the tree at the bottom left of the map or perched on a limb in the tree watching everything. Pax has 240ft range..Piotr and Spencer have 150ft range so disadvantage on 200ft to HD. Piotr and Spencer can move to be 90ft away off map so you are 150 ft to HD.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;