This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Time stamp 10 pm
Dimly lit conditions.
Venfaen / Init 25 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 13 / PI 13 / PIN 12 / Conditions:
Pax / Init 18 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP19 / PI 11 / PIN14 / Conditions:
Piotr / Init 17/ no Active spells / Concentration / Passive info PP 14 / PI 10/ PIN 14 / Conditions:
Guard B / Init 16 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions: Dead Hex
Guard A / Init 11 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions: 1 hp
Guard C / Init 6 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions: soiled pants
Acolyte / Init 2 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions: Dead
MOVE:Venfaen moves up to 30 ft closes the distance to melee with Guard ; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: Two weapon fighting: Attack Dagger: 24 Damage: 1 (Piercing) ACTION: Attack Rapier+1 : 14 Damage: 12 (Magical Piercing)
End of turn!
Reaction: Opportunity attack if it presents itself or spells
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr keeps an arrow nocked and aimed at the guard as he approaches him. “You heard him - drop your weapons and on the ground! Or do you want to be a pin cushion?” Intimidation: 17
Pax. In both common and draconic ask guards who they were guarding and what was their business
suggest we search the robed guy for intelligence / maps/ magic. we can likely go in to the same building we saw them come out of to hind the bodies and search /interrogations
we should also move the family into same room so they are not outside by themselves.
Ven goes back to the guard after they all get inside the northern building they just came out of, "Ok. Here is the thing. We are going to find out one way or the other. Why risk you life for this? From the looks of it one punch and you are done. Why go that route? Do you think you boss gives a copper piece about you. Your just a tool to be thrown away. With us you'll at least live another day, If you play your cards right. How about it?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
The guard holds up his hands in frustration knowing he's been beat and his heart isn't in this fight.
We are members of the Cult of the Dragon and we are collecting loot “for the great hoard that will usher in the reign of the Queen of Dragons.” There is a clutch of dragon eggs under heavy guard in a cave at the camp.
"That's all I know I swear."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Once in the building, Piotr suggests to his companions taking items with regalia or symbols of the Cult, if there are such things, to potentially disguise themselves. To the guard, “Linan and her spear will make sure you are cooperative.
I use minor illusion to try and create a rough map of the area and ask the guard to describe where the cave is (also use message cantrip to linan telling her to just think her response of where this cave the guard mentions. And if he is telling the truth)
Once in the building, Piotr suggests to his companions taking items with regalia or symbols of the Cult, if there are such things, to potentially disguise themselves. To the guard, “Linan and her spear will make sure you are cooperative.
Piotr and the others gather up the outer wear for 2 guards and an acolyte for the three adventurers.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
I use minor illusion to try and create a rough map of the area and ask the guard to describe where the cave is (also use message cantrip to linan telling her to just think her response of where this cave the guard mentions. And if he is telling the truth)
"It's about 12 miles south of here, I think. That's all I know."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax “ want to get into our new outfits and walk everyone to the keep pretending they are our prisoners. The guard can walk next to me as he will be sure he will be first to die if he betrays us.”
Pax “ want to get into our new outfits and walk everyone to the keep pretending they are our prisoners. The guard can walk next to me as he will be sure he will be first to die if he betrays us.”
Ven says, "Well that'd get us killed from the archers at the keep walls. We could change back once we get to a building near the keep. We can use the buildings as cover from the keep as we get closer, then go in a building and change. We then make a dash to the keep. What do you think?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“Great idea, Ven. Let’s get close then take off the cult clothes before approaching the keep. Linan, you and your family will be as safe here as anywhere in this town - just keep that spear ready.”
“Great idea, Ven. Let’s get close then take off the cult clothes before approaching the keep. Linan, you and your family will be as safe here as anywhere in this town - just keep that spear ready.”
Ven says, "Sounds good to me." Linan says, "Nothing doing. We are coming with you as prisoners. These cultists are doing door to door searches. I'm getting my family to the keep. Cuth agrees too."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax “ ok once we get close and need to change back let’s keep the disguises. May need them later”
The disguises play out great. You make your way to the building near the river no problem. The number of cultists and mercs continue to grow. You manage to get changed back and keep you gear for future use. You bolt for the keep and as you get near the door the Dragon swoops down and kills 1 guard on the wall and injures 3 others. The door is still open as you bolt into the keep just as they close the door. You've made it to the keep.
The man who runs Greenest is Tarbaw Nighthill, a human male of sixty years. The guards take you to the keep building where the Nighthill is hold up during the Dragon's attack.
The right side of Nighthill’s face and head are bandaged, his right arm hangs in a sling, and his light blue tunic is stained with his own blood. He received these wounds during the early stages of the attack and hasn’t spared the time for more than cursory first aid.
Nighthill says, "You just made it through the gate and could almost have gotten killed by that blasted Dragon. Watch yourself. It will kill ya if it hits you with that lightning bolt. What you got here? Just what we're looking for. A prisoner to interrogate."
Time stamp 10 pm
Dimly lit conditions.
Venfaen / Init 25 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 13 / PI 13 / PIN 12 / Conditions:
Pax / Init 18 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP19 / PI 11 / PIN14 / Conditions:
Piotr / Init 17/ no Active spells / Concentration / Passive info PP 14 / PI 10/ PIN 14 / Conditions:
Guard B / Init 16 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions: Dead Hex
Guard A / Init 11 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions: 1 hp
Guard C / Init 6 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions: soiled pants
Acolyte / Init 2 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 12 / PI / PIN / Conditions: Dead
MOVE: Venfaen moves up to 30 ft closes the distance to melee with Guard ; (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: Two weapon fighting: Attack Dagger: 24 Damage: 1 (Piercing)
ACTION: Attack Rapier+1 : 14 Damage: 12 (Magical Piercing)
End of turn!
Reaction: Opportunity attack if it presents itself or spells
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax has init:
All dead except for the last guard.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax as bonus action transfers the hex to the last guard and saps his strength
the blast goes wide
pax yells to the guard “down on your knees and drop your weapon The next one will hit do not try to run magic is faster than feet”
To the group” maybe one of them can tell us what they know”
Piotr has init;
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Piotr keeps an arrow nocked and aimed at the guard as he approaches him. “You heard him - drop your weapons and on the ground! Or do you want to be a pin cushion?”
Intimidation: 17
Stolen treasure rolls
8 If roll is 1 -50 then roll 50gp stolen treasure value if any.
Ven secures the Guard who surrenders dropping its gear, "Your going to pay for this."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
So far you have recovered 90gp of loot.
You secure all the stolen property in your bags of holding. You gather the dead bodies and move them to a pile out of the way.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax. In both common and draconic ask guards who they were guarding and what was their business
suggest we search the robed guy for intelligence / maps/ magic.
we can likely go in to the same building we saw them come out of to hind the bodies and search /interrogations
we should also move the family into same room so they are not outside by themselves.
The Guard spitting up blood wipes his mouth with his sleeve says in common, "We don't know much. I am not talking to nobody."
Ven says to the others privately, "I can get him to talk or maybe one of you two have a talent for getting information too."
OOC - Since guidance is an option we can all use it freely unless those providing it are incapacitated. Just add it in..
Ven Persuasion: 19 VS. DC 12
Ven goes back to the guard after they all get inside the northern building they just came out of, "Ok. Here is the thing. We are going to find out one way or the other. Why risk you life for this? From the looks of it one punch and you are done. Why go that route? Do you think you boss gives a copper piece about you. Your just a tool to be thrown away. With us you'll at least live another day, If you play your cards right. How about it?"
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
The guard holds up his hands in frustration knowing he's been beat and his heart isn't in this fight.
"That's all I know I swear."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Once in the building, Piotr suggests to his companions taking items with regalia or symbols of the Cult, if there are such things, to potentially disguise themselves. To the guard, “Linan and her spear will make sure you are cooperative.
I use minor illusion to try and create a rough map of the area and ask the guard to describe where the cave is (also use message cantrip to linan telling her to just think her response of where this cave the guard mentions. And if he is telling the truth)
Piotr and the others gather up the outer wear for 2 guards and an acolyte for the three adventurers.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
"It's about 12 miles south of here, I think. That's all I know."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Pax “ want to get into our new outfits and walk everyone to the keep pretending they are our prisoners. The guard can walk next to me as he will be sure he will be first to die if he betrays us.”
Ven says, "Well that'd get us killed from the archers at the keep walls. We could change back once we get to a building near the keep. We can use the buildings as cover from the keep as we get closer, then go in a building and change. We then make a dash to the keep. What do you think?"
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“Great idea, Ven. Let’s get close then take off the cult clothes before approaching the keep. Linan, you and your family will be as safe here as anywhere in this town - just keep that spear ready.”
Pax “ ok once we get close and need to change back let’s keep the disguises. May need them later”
Ven says, "Sounds good to me." Linan says, "Nothing doing. We are coming with you as prisoners. These cultists are doing door to door searches. I'm getting my family to the keep. Cuth agrees too."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
The disguises play out great. You make your way to the building near the river no problem. The number of cultists and mercs continue to grow. You manage to get changed back and keep you gear for future use. You bolt for the keep and as you get near the door the Dragon swoops down and kills 1 guard on the wall and injures 3 others. The door is still open as you bolt into the keep just as they close the door. You've made it to the keep.
The man who runs Greenest is Tarbaw Nighthill, a human male of sixty years. The guards take you to the keep building where the Nighthill is hold up during the Dragon's attack.
The right side of Nighthill’s face and head are bandaged, his right arm hangs in a sling, and his light blue tunic is stained with his own blood. He received these wounds during the early stages of the attack and hasn’t spared the time for more than cursory first aid.
Nighthill says, "You just made it through the gate and could almost have gotten killed by that blasted Dragon. Watch yourself. It will kill ya if it hits you with that lightning bolt. What you got here? Just what we're looking for. A prisoner to interrogate."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;