TAZZ will engage in conversation with the half-orc (if they are open to it) and will wait for the others to head up the stairs. He wants to see if anyone watches them go, or follows them before heading up himself.
Khessa comments with Elias on the interesting Animated Armor they examined together: "Incredible indeed! I had heard that animated servants could be created with magic - from simple invisible forces capable of carrying out simple tasks to terrible guardians brought back from the afterlife - but I had never seen one in person! How absurd, however, to always think of assigning these magical servants to war or surveillance tasks... can you imagine how many families could be fed, if an Animated Armor could be taught to farm? This magical worker could work continuously, without ever tiring, doing the work of three or four people by itself... and for entire generations, since I do not believe that these servants age".
As seemingly cheerful and carefree as she may seem, the blonde warrior stays close to the young mage, vigilant as they go up, just in case any 'complications' arise.
Confiding in Khessa quietly was we walk...oh by the gods what have I gotten myself into? Was that ok? He told us to play to our strengths and that's all I could come up with. Can you take the lead up here? Oh, and my apologies for suddenly walking away from in midconversation, I would absolutely love to set with and look through you book.
There's even one school of thought along the lines of a create undead variant spell that traps the soul, spirit of the recently deceased in the armor. he stops suddenly, you don't think that happened in this case do you? I don't want to end encased in a suit of armor for the rest of my un-life...
"I think you were great!" Khessa smiles "We needed an information. You found it. Do you know a better definition" she raises an eyebrow questioningly "of 'success'?"
"And thank you so much for your time!" Deep gratitude shines in the blonde warrior's blue eyes "I'm sure your help with the spellbook I'm trying to study will be invaluable!"
"But about 'taking the lead,'" the tall adventuress looks at the other puzzled "I don't think it would be a good idea for me to do that... You see, as you may have noticed, I talk a lot and gladly, but I often don't come across as convincing... When I talk to guys, they mostly just stare at me about at chest level for some reason I fail to understand and at the end of the conversation I get the impression that they haven't listened too intently. But even when I talk to girls I don't come across as too persuasive..."
"You, on the other hand," Khessa points out "immediately managed to make the guy below believe your story - so either you're more persuasive than me, or it's a good story. In either case, why not repeat it to Tarina, asking her to take a moment with us? Maybe adding that she won't regret the short time we'll take up with her? It should work..."
"As far as the Animated Armor is concerned," the blue eyed woman shivers for a moment "the idea of sacrificing someone's soul to create it is truly horrifying... A fate I would reserve maybe only for a drow slaver. No," she seemingly tries to convince herself (but she hastily notes the chilling hypothesis in her spellbook) "I don't think they did it that way. Also because it must not be a risk-free process... If the soul were to one day rebel, what would stop the Animated Armor from strangling its creator in his sleep as a 'thank you'?"
as Khessa is talking she'll notice my face flush a bright shade of red and I almost trip going up the steps...catching myself, I can't imagine why men, and women for that matter would be like that. Say, glancing over my shoulder, are any of the others coming up?
Khessa notices Elias' color change and thinks: 'Oh, what a modest boy... Look how he blushes just because I told him he was great... which was totally true, by the way!'
"Yes, they noticed us..." the blonde warrior answers the question "I thought they were coming right after me. Maybe they wanted to wait a moment so we would all be less conspicuous".
as Khessa is talking she'll notice my face flush a bright shade of red and I almost trip going up the steps...catching myself, I can't imagine why men, and women for that matter would be like that. Say, glancing over my shoulder, are any of the others coming up?
Raynoir tags alone quietly and follows upstairs with Elias.
[OOC: question, when asked to move token, DM is asking the character to actually do that themselves via the OOC chat / maps?, I may have this all wrong so apologies in advance :-)]
As long as Atlas doesn't notice anyone following the group he will head up with the rest. If he notices anyone following the group he will follow that person quietly and make sure they don't mean the party ill will.
While watching out for the party he will say to the bar keep, "40 years! That's quite the business feat. I'm sure it's been quite the mine cart ride complete with loads of ups and downs. Have any good tales come through this place in your time?"
Atlas is not intently listening to the barkeep, more trying to seem inconspicuous by making conversation while watching his companions backs. Though if the barkeep mentions something of value he will shift his focus reflexively.
[OOC: Yes, Angel_dePrime. The maps that GM has linked in the OOC chat you should be able to move the token he has made for you. Using a mobile device might be a little trick to move your token, but PC should work just fine.]
(OOC - @Raynoir – please just let us know if we can assist in any way.)
As TAZZAVUR approaches the Half-Orc, he will notice the smell before he gets close. The Dragonborn will know it as the smell of the sewers. When you ask, “This seat taken?” The Half-Orc simply responds, “No. Sit. How can I help you?” You will notice that this Half-Orc speaks in a very clear unaccented common tongue. The others at the table will rise and leave the tavern.
One will say, “Later Whaul.” The Half-Orc looks up nods and smiles.
Back at the bar, ELIAS is pondering the bartender’s unusual guard. The young Wizard will recall some things from back in Waterdeep.
ELIAS' recollection:
A spell that animates armor for instance. But that has a limited duration. It would need to be some combination of that spell will the ability to make the spell more permanent. Either way, Elias will ponder that to be very power magic, and cast by someone not much older than himself. That had to be some Wizard!
When KHESSA and ELIAS mostly finishes their conversation, they head on up the stairs. RAYNOIR follows a little behind them.
Earlier, ATLAS asks the barkeep about the tales. The bartender will look back with a grin, “Far too many to tell much less remember.” Since it was in his mind, the bartender then begins to recite an interesting tale about the Wizard that sold him the animated armor, someone by the name of Mord something. "Said he was from another world. Another world! Can you imagine that? "The barkeep recalls.
A bit later, the Rogue notices some of the party heading upstairs. He waits and when no one else appears to be following, he too goes up the stairs.
(Map updated!)
When ELIAS,KHESSA,RAYNOIR, and a little later ATLAS go upstairs you see lit lanterns hanging from the rafters in this large windowless room. Rugs cover the wooden floor. Patrons gathered around two large tables, eating and playing games of Baldur’s Bones. Though the table nearest the stairs is by far the busiest.
You will suddenly hear a roar from this nearest table, with someone calling out, “NOT AGAIN!” The one seated at the north end of the table rakes in the pot. You will notice she has the largest stack of coins with two of gold and electrum, and several stacks of silver pieces. You will even see a few rare platinum pieces around the stacks.
Whisper to my friends, here we go. approaches the nearest table and clears my throat loudly, raising my hand to cover my mouth, as I do I cast prestidigitation targeting the person to the right of the lady winning, making the sound of him passing gas. As I bring my hand back down cast it again with the scent pooh centered on that same person...
Mistress Tarina, I am Elias, is there someplace less "smelly" that we could talk concerning an acquisition?
“Well met,” the Half-Orc grins at TAZZAVUR. “Yes, Baldur’s Gate Public Works. I help to control the rat population,” he pauses,“I catch rats. They call me Whaul. You?”
When asked about interesting things going on in the city, he lets out a bellowing laugh, “You mean like a nearby city disappearing. Refugees outside the city looking for food and shelter clamoring to get in. Citizens inside clamoring to get out. And then there are the murders.”
And upstairs:
After the winning roll, two at the table nearest the stairs get up and head downstairs.
After ELIAS' performs his little tricks, the patron to the left of the Wizard's target, gets up, says something under this breath, and leaves the table. He goes to the other table.
The winning lady just shakes her head. You do not know this, but she is used to far worse smells. When ELIAS' ask his question, she looks at him, "By Umberlee, what are you talking about? I am not interested in buying or selling anything. Do you have coin? If so, sit and play."
Clearly the winning lady is Tarina. She wears a skintight sea-green studder leather outfit that fits from her neck to her foot. The outfit is adorned in a motif of various fish and seashells. It is quite stunning on the woman. A backpack is by her chair. A crossbow and a pan flute rest upon it. She wears both a short sword and a dagger.
"Now we are talking," TARINA says. "You ready to bet it all?" She looks directly at the Rogue.
Baldur’s Bones. Baldur’s Bones is a popular dice game in the taverns of Baldur’s Gate. Each player requires several six-sided dice. The rules are as follows:
Each player puts the agreed ante in the pot.
Each player rolls three dice. Play then proceeds clockwise around the table, with the host of the game going last.
On their turn, a player can choose to “stand” or “roll.” If the player stands, the next player can take a turn. A player who rolls takes an additional die and rolls it. If the total of their dice exceeds 21, they “bust” and are out of the game. Otherwise they can keep rolling additional dice until they either stand or break.
After everyone has had a turn, the highest point total (excluding players who busted) wins the game and takes the pot.
TAZZ orders an ale and pays a silver.
As the elf song finishes, so too TAZZ finishes his ale.
Wiping his mouth with the back of his scaled hand, he meets ELIAS’ eye and sees him motion to the stairs.
He’ll walk over to the half-orc, catching KHESSA’s eye and motioning to the stairs as he does.
Looking for an empty seat at the half-orc’s table he motions to it. “This seat taken?”
TAZZ will engage in conversation with the half-orc (if they are open to it) and will wait for the others to head up the stairs. He wants to see if anyone watches them go, or follows them before heading up himself.
(If you are heading upstairs, please move your token to the stairs.)
Atlas will also stay behind with Tazz and remain vigilant.
I'll thank the barkeep and head to the stairs
Khessa comments with Elias on the interesting Animated Armor they examined together: "Incredible indeed! I had heard that animated servants could be created with magic - from simple invisible forces capable of carrying out simple tasks to terrible guardians brought back from the afterlife - but I had never seen one in person! How absurd, however, to always think of assigning these magical servants to war or surveillance tasks... can you imagine how many families could be fed, if an Animated Armor could be taught to farm? This magical worker could work continuously, without ever tiring, doing the work of three or four people by itself... and for entire generations, since I do not believe that these servants age".
As seemingly cheerful and carefree as she may seem, the blonde warrior stays close to the young mage, vigilant as they go up, just in case any 'complications' arise.
Confiding in Khessa quietly was we walk...oh by the gods what have I gotten myself into? Was that ok? He told us to play to our strengths and that's all I could come up with. Can you take the lead up here? Oh, and my apologies for suddenly walking away from in midconversation, I would absolutely love to set with and look through you book.
and that's a great idea for the construct. There are a few different schools of thoughts on the creation of such creatures though.
There's even one school of thought along the lines of a create undead variant spell that traps the soul, spirit of the recently deceased in the armor. he stops suddenly, you don't think that happened in this case do you? I don't want to end encased in a suit of armor for the rest of my un-life...
"I think you were great!" Khessa smiles "We needed an information. You found it. Do you know a better definition" she raises an eyebrow questioningly "of 'success'?"
"And thank you so much for your time!" Deep gratitude shines in the blonde warrior's blue eyes "I'm sure your help with the spellbook I'm trying to study will be invaluable!"
"But about 'taking the lead,'" the tall adventuress looks at the other puzzled "I don't think it would be a good idea for me to do that... You see, as you may have noticed, I talk a lot and gladly, but I often don't come across as convincing... When I talk to guys, they mostly just stare at me about at chest level for some reason I fail to understand and at the end of the conversation I get the impression that they haven't listened too intently. But even when I talk to girls I don't come across as too persuasive..."
"You, on the other hand," Khessa points out "immediately managed to make the guy below believe your story - so either you're more persuasive than me, or it's a good story. In either case, why not repeat it to Tarina, asking her to take a moment with us? Maybe adding that she won't regret the short time we'll take up with her? It should work..."
"As far as the Animated Armor is concerned," the blue eyed woman shivers for a moment "the idea of sacrificing someone's soul to create it is truly horrifying... A fate I would reserve maybe only for a drow slaver. No," she seemingly tries to convince herself (but she hastily notes the chilling hypothesis in her spellbook) "I don't think they did it that way. Also because it must not be a risk-free process... If the soul were to one day rebel, what would stop the Animated Armor from strangling its creator in his sleep as a 'thank you'?"
as Khessa is talking she'll notice my face flush a bright shade of red and I almost trip going up the steps...catching myself, I can't imagine why men, and women for that matter would be like that. Say, glancing over my shoulder, are any of the others coming up?
Khessa notices Elias' color change and thinks: 'Oh, what a modest boy... Look how he blushes just because I told him he was great... which was totally true, by the way!'
"Yes, they noticed us..." the blonde warrior answers the question "I thought they were coming right after me. Maybe they wanted to wait a moment so we would all be less conspicuous".
Raynoir tags alone quietly and follows upstairs with Elias.
[OOC: question, when asked to move token, DM is asking the character to actually do that themselves via the OOC chat / maps?, I may have this all wrong so apologies in advance :-)]
As long as Atlas doesn't notice anyone following the group he will head up with the rest. If he notices anyone following the group he will follow that person quietly and make sure they don't mean the party ill will.
While watching out for the party he will say to the bar keep, "40 years! That's quite the business feat. I'm sure it's been quite the mine cart ride complete with loads of ups and downs. Have any good tales come through this place in your time?"
Atlas is not intently listening to the barkeep, more trying to seem inconspicuous by making conversation while watching his companions backs. Though if the barkeep mentions something of value he will shift his focus reflexively.
[OOC: Yes, Angel_dePrime. The maps that GM has linked in the OOC chat you should be able to move the token he has made for you. Using a mobile device might be a little trick to move your token, but PC should work just fine.]
(OOC - @Raynoir – please just let us know if we can assist in any way.)
As TAZZAVUR approaches the Half-Orc, he will notice the smell before he gets close. The Dragonborn will know it as the smell of the sewers. When you ask, “This seat taken?” The Half-Orc simply responds, “No. Sit. How can I help you?” You will notice that this Half-Orc speaks in a very clear unaccented common tongue. The others at the table will rise and leave the tavern.
One will say, “Later Whaul.” The Half-Orc looks up nods and smiles.
Back at the bar, ELIAS is pondering the bartender’s unusual guard. The young Wizard will recall some things from back in Waterdeep.
ELIAS' recollection:
A spell that animates armor for instance. But that has a limited duration. It would need to be some combination of that spell will the ability to make the spell more permanent. Either way, Elias will ponder that to be very power magic, and cast by someone not much older than himself. That had to be some Wizard!
When KHESSA and ELIAS mostly finishes their conversation, they head on up the stairs. RAYNOIR follows a little behind them.
Earlier, ATLAS asks the barkeep about the tales. The bartender will look back with a grin, “Far too many to tell much less remember.” Since it was in his mind, the bartender then begins to recite an interesting tale about the Wizard that sold him the animated armor, someone by the name of Mord something. "Said he was from another world. Another world! Can you imagine that? " The barkeep recalls.
A bit later, the Rogue notices some of the party heading upstairs. He waits and when no one else appears to be following, he too goes up the stairs.
(Map updated!)
When ELIAS, KHESSA, RAYNOIR, and a little later ATLAS go upstairs you see lit lanterns hanging from the rafters in this large windowless room. Rugs cover the wooden floor. Patrons gathered around two large tables, eating and playing games of Baldur’s Bones. Though the table nearest the stairs is by far the busiest.
You will suddenly hear a roar from this nearest table, with someone calling out, “NOT AGAIN!” The one seated at the north end of the table rakes in the pot. You will notice she has the largest stack of coins with two of gold and electrum, and several stacks of silver pieces. You will even see a few rare platinum pieces around the stacks.
TAZZAVUR ignores the smell, a battlefield can smell worse.
”Well met, I couldn’t help but notice you work for the city.”
He indicates the patch on the half-orc’s sleeve.
”Just arrived myself, so was wondering if there have been any interesting goings on in the city worth knowing about.”
Whisper to my friends, here we go. approaches the nearest table and clears my throat loudly, raising my hand to cover my mouth, as I do I cast prestidigitation targeting the person to the right of the lady winning, making the sound of him passing gas. As I bring my hand back down cast it again with the scent pooh centered on that same person...
Mistress Tarina, I am Elias, is there someplace less "smelly" that we could talk concerning an acquisition?
On the main level:
“Well met,” the Half-Orc grins at TAZZAVUR. “Yes, Baldur’s Gate Public Works. I help to control the rat population,” he pauses, “I catch rats. They call me Whaul. You?”
When asked about interesting things going on in the city, he lets out a bellowing laugh, “You mean like a nearby city disappearing. Refugees outside the city looking for food and shelter clamoring to get in. Citizens inside clamoring to get out. And then there are the murders.”
And upstairs:
After the winning roll, two at the table nearest the stairs get up and head downstairs.
After ELIAS' performs his little tricks, the patron to the left of the Wizard's target, gets up, says something under this breath, and leaves the table. He goes to the other table.
The winning lady just shakes her head. You do not know this, but she is used to far worse smells. When ELIAS' ask his question, she looks at him, "By Umberlee, what are you talking about? I am not interested in buying or selling anything. Do you have coin? If so, sit and play."
Clearly the winning lady is Tarina. She wears a skintight sea-green studder leather outfit that fits from her neck to her foot. The outfit is adorned in a motif of various fish and seashells. It is quite stunning on the woman. A backpack is by her chair. A crossbow and a pan flute rest upon it. She wears both a short sword and a dagger.
At that Atlas will take one of the seats next to her and lay 10 gold on the table.
"This enough for a hand? Maybe we have a little conversation with our game?"
"Now we are talking," TARINA says. "You ready to bet it all?" She looks directly at the Rogue.
Baldur’s Bones. Baldur’s Bones is a popular dice game in the taverns of Baldur’s Gate. Each player requires several six-sided dice. The rules are as follows:
"All 10, sure. As for the rest, (pats his coin pouch) we'll see how our conversation goes."
Atlas will push his 10 gold forward to bet on the round.
[OOC: Not sure how the game is played. Will need some guidance.]