"A large group for keeping watch. More evidence that something important will be found inside." Sampson says as he looks around at the battered and charred corpses.
"I think we should search these corpses for any useful information before we head in."
(I also vote we take a quick short rest to help a few of us get some hit points back!)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Exhaling as he refocused, Finn slowly descended the few feet separating him from the ground. "Nice!" he said, looking at the others approvingly. "Good to finally get with an efficient group!" Looking over the fallen, his eyes fell on the (apparently) leader hobgoblin. He walked over and tapped the creature's armor with his sword.
Exhaling as he refocused, Finn slowly descended the few feet separating him from the ground. "Nice!" he said, looking at the others approvingly. "Good to finally get with an efficient group!" Looking over the fallen, his eyes fell on the (apparently) leader hobgoblin. He walked over and tapped the creature's armor with his sword.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
If the group do a short rest, Zylborin will perform a Song of Rest. He sings a half comedic, half tale of woe about unrequited lovers torn away from each other by their families hatred of one another.
(Performance roll for fun: 21 )
// Anyone that rolls hot dice to regain health also regains 3 hit points
"I thank you Sam, your compliment honors me. I say I have never seen someone command the light like that before! It was like the Sun itself breaking the horizon and scattering the darkness."
He looks inspired. He reaches into his pack and pulls out a book, quill, and ink. He scribbles furiously, muttering things about a Pious Warrior of Light.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Dain gives the group a brief round of applause. “That’s what I like to see in a team. Some proper bloody efficiency. I think we’re gonna be gettin’ through this just fine. And don’t any of ya dare take grog off goblins. I’ll treat ya to a bit of the good stuff when the job’s done if ya keep this up.”
He’ll sit down to enjoy the bardic song and roll a hit die. Result: 13
Psalm whistles to himself as he wipes the gore off his rapier.
"Well, that was a refreshing little romp, now wasn't it?" He says, barely aware of the rest of the group's injuries.
Psalm bites his tongue and holds back his eagerness when the others decide to take a short rest. He spends the time checking the heavy doors for traps and carefully studying every detail he can see about the goblin captain.
When everyone is ready to go inside, he'll cast, Disguise Self to make himself look like the spitting image of the captain, complete with an arrow lodged in his neck. He turns to the others, gestures toward the arrow... pretends to rasp, like he can't speak, then regards the others with a smile. "Fun, right? This aught to give us a slight edge on whatever companions these dolts might have inside."
As it looks like we're taking the rest, Finn will roll one hit die, recovering 15 HP total.
And if no one else expresses interest, he'll shed his scale mail and start retrieving the captain's half-plate. He'll leave the greaves, and after using Mage Hand and some leveraging from his sword and a nearby rock, he manages to bend most of the plates into a tighter form suitable for his smaller frame. The armor still looks a bit big on him--but not much more so than the scale mail did.
"Fun, right? This aught to give us a slight edge on whatever companions these dolts might have inside."
"Again, I like your style! I'll have to have Dain treat you to an extra round of the good stuff when we get done!'The pirate smiled and laughed at his own joke as he finished his searching of the fallen.
Dain gives the trickster’s impression a hearty chuckle.
When he sees what Finn is doing with the armor, he immediately saunters over. “Oy! Ya can’t bend the metal with rocks; you’ll scratch it!” Whether his help is wanted or not, he assists with the armor modification, bending a plate into place with his bare hards and a bit of grunting.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Looking over the bodies the party is able to find the equipment, while not winning any masterwork competitions, is decently well made. These goblins were not merely scraping by. And in the purses they can muster 47 silver pieces.
On the captain the party is able to find some letters. Most of them appear to be written in goblin along with a map of the general area. Some of the marks on the map correspond with hunting traps they came across while coming to this location. He also bears another letter with Draconic writing
Draconic Writing
The writing is blunt and simple, using the kind of vocabulary you would with a novice to the language. It appears to be a checklist of people having gone in and out over the past tenday and the various duties and information. Scouting, hunting, logging, etc. Departure Time, Return Time, Task, People, Additional Comments.
The most recent entry is a hunting expedition that left about three hours ago. It has seven names. The additional comments, written in fluent Draconic, justify the expedition by saying the Milk Stool Beast and wyrm larvae are going through meat faster than before.
As the party opens the doors, they glide rather smoothly, unveiling a dark corridor. Wooden beams line it at semi-regular intervals and the construction seems to contrast with the stone entrance, though they can catch glimpses of finer ruins mixed in with the more roughshod corridor. Not far beyond a solid rockface stops further forward progress and the corridor divides into two passages, one to the left and one to to the right. The ceiling is high enough, even if barely, for medium-sized creatures to stand comfortably or at a very slight crouch.
Status Notes Finn: Has ~7 hours of Hex, can swap it to a new target Psalm: Is disguised as the hobgoblin captain for ~1 hour
Zyl smirks at Finn's quip, he casts Mage Hand behind Finn and taps him on the shoulder then quickly dispells the hand.
Zylborin will translate the Draconic note and relay the information to everyone.
"What in the nine hells is a Milk Stool Beast? Sounds horrible, yet fascinating."
"If a hunting party is out at the moment, they shall return at one point. Not sure what we are walking into but I don't like the idea of being sandwiched between two potential enemy groups."
Inside beyond the doors, Sampson's observations are excellent. In the dim he's able to see that both the left and right appear to get decent usage from the group within. He also notices that the footprints on the right seem to be smaller like those of kobolds and goblins whereas the left passage tends to have larger tracks, like those of hobgoblins, dragonborn, and humans/elves.
In addition to the tracks he also hears metallic clinking and mechanical noises coming from the left.
"A large group for keeping watch. More evidence that something important will be found inside." Sampson says as he looks around at the battered and charred corpses.
"I think we should search these corpses for any useful information before we head in."
(I also vote we take a quick short rest to help a few of us get some hit points back!)
Exhaling as he refocused, Finn slowly descended the few feet separating him from the ground. "Nice!" he said, looking at the others approvingly. "Good to finally get with an efficient group!" Looking over the fallen, his eyes fell on the (apparently) leader hobgoblin. He walked over and tapped the creature's armor with his sword.
"Anyone need some half-plate?"
"Agreed. Info. Coin. Maybe even some rum?"
(( I'm all for the short rest while we search. Investigation Check: 12 ))
Nico - V. Human Swords Bard 6 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Wysp's Hidden Tower
Sterling - V. Human Art Bard 3 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Bards: Dragon Heist (w/ Mansion) - Jasper's [Pic] - Sterling's [Sigil]
Tooltips Post (2024 PHB updates)
>> New FOW threat & treasure tables: fow-advanced-threat-tables.pdf fow-advanced-treasure-table.pdf
Sam chuckles, "Ah, rum would be a miracle find among these creatures. I fear they drink nothing better than grog."
If the group do a short rest, Zylborin will perform a Song of Rest. He sings a half comedic, half tale of woe about unrequited lovers torn away from each other by their families hatred of one another.
(Performance roll for fun: 21 )
// Anyone that rolls hot dice to regain health also regains 3 hit points
"I will watch the entrance while you all search." As he does so, he listens intently to the song being played and feels his soothing benefits.
"Your playing is truly arcane. I have only heard tales of bards, never seen one in action."
"I thank you Sam, your compliment honors me. I say I have never seen someone command the light like that before! It was like the Sun itself breaking the horizon and scattering the darkness."
He looks inspired. He reaches into his pack and pulls out a book, quill, and ink. He scribbles furiously, muttering things about a Pious Warrior of Light.
Dain gives the group a brief round of applause. “That’s what I like to see in a team. Some proper bloody efficiency. I think we’re gonna be gettin’ through this just fine. And don’t any of ya dare take grog off goblins. I’ll treat ya to a bit of the good stuff when the job’s done if ya keep this up.”
He’ll sit down to enjoy the bardic song and roll a hit die. Result: 13
Psalm whistles to himself as he wipes the gore off his rapier.
"Well, that was a refreshing little romp, now wasn't it?" He says, barely aware of the rest of the group's injuries.
Psalm bites his tongue and holds back his eagerness when the others decide to take a short rest. He spends the time checking the heavy doors for traps and carefully studying every detail he can see about the goblin captain.
When everyone is ready to go inside, he'll cast, Disguise Self to make himself look like the spitting image of the captain, complete with an arrow lodged in his neck. He turns to the others, gestures toward the arrow... pretends to rasp, like he can't speak, then regards the others with a smile. "Fun, right? This aught to give us a slight edge on whatever companions these dolts might have inside."
Investigation: 13
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
"Again, I like your style! I'll have to have Dain treat you to an extra round of the good stuff when we get done!' The pirate smiled and laughed at his own joke as he finished his searching of the fallen.
Nico - V. Human Swords Bard 6 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Wysp's Hidden Tower
Sterling - V. Human Art Bard 3 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Bards: Dragon Heist (w/ Mansion) - Jasper's [Pic] - Sterling's [Sigil]
Tooltips Post (2024 PHB updates)
>> New FOW threat & treasure tables: fow-advanced-threat-tables.pdf fow-advanced-treasure-table.pdf
Dain gives the trickster’s impression a hearty chuckle.
When he sees what Finn is doing with the armor, he immediately saunters over. “Oy! Ya can’t bend the metal with rocks; you’ll scratch it!” Whether his help is wanted or not, he assists with the armor modification, bending a plate into place with his bare hards and a bit of grunting.
Finn raised an eyebrow at the assist, but then smiled and worked with the clearly-stronger barbarian.
"You're a good fellow, Dain," he chuckled when they were finished. "I don't care what Zyl says about you!"
The accompanying wink towards the bard provided the punchline to the tease as the warlock finished adjusting his armor.
(( Unless we find something noteworthy among the searching, Finn will be ready to proceed. ))
Nico - V. Human Swords Bard 6 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Wysp's Hidden Tower
Sterling - V. Human Art Bard 3 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Bards: Dragon Heist (w/ Mansion) - Jasper's [Pic] - Sterling's [Sigil]
Tooltips Post (2024 PHB updates)
>> New FOW threat & treasure tables: fow-advanced-threat-tables.pdf fow-advanced-treasure-table.pdf
(I am also good to get going!)
Looking over the bodies the party is able to find the equipment, while not winning any masterwork competitions, is decently well made. These goblins were not merely scraping by. And in the purses they can muster 47 silver pieces.
On the captain the party is able to find some letters. Most of them appear to be written in goblin along with a map of the general area. Some of the marks on the map correspond with hunting traps they came across while coming to this location. He also bears another letter with Draconic writing
Draconic Writing
The writing is blunt and simple, using the kind of vocabulary you would with a novice to the language. It appears to be a checklist of people having gone in and out over the past tenday and the various duties and information. Scouting, hunting, logging, etc. Departure Time, Return Time, Task, People, Additional Comments.
The most recent entry is a hunting expedition that left about three hours ago. It has seven names. The additional comments, written in fluent Draconic, justify the expedition by saying the Milk Stool Beast and wyrm larvae are going through meat faster than before.
As the party opens the doors, they glide rather smoothly, unveiling a dark corridor. Wooden beams line it at semi-regular intervals and the construction seems to contrast with the stone entrance, though they can catch glimpses of finer ruins mixed in with the more roughshod corridor. Not far beyond a solid rockface stops further forward progress and the corridor divides into two passages, one to the left and one to to the right. The ceiling is high enough, even if barely, for medium-sized creatures to stand comfortably or at a very slight crouch.
Status Notes
Finn: Has ~7 hours of Hex, can swap it to a new target
Psalm: Is disguised as the hobgoblin captain for ~1 hour
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Sam will examine the paths for clues about which one has been used most often. He will also take note of the potency of the smells.
[[ Could I get a survival roll? ]]
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Zyl smirks at Finn's quip, he casts Mage Hand behind Finn and taps him on the shoulder then quickly dispells the hand.
Zylborin will translate the Draconic note and relay the information to everyone.
"What in the nine hells is a Milk Stool Beast? Sounds horrible, yet fascinating."
"If a hunting party is out at the moment, they shall return at one point. Not sure what we are walking into but I don't like the idea of being sandwiched between two potential enemy groups."
“Then the simplest solution is to take the path the hunting party did, so that we can get the drop on them first. How’s it looking Sam? Can you tell?”
As Sam completes his investigation, Psalm will practice his Goblin Captain performance.
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
Inside beyond the doors, Sampson's observations are excellent. In the dim he's able to see that both the left and right appear to get decent usage from the group within. He also notices that the footprints on the right seem to be smaller like those of kobolds and goblins whereas the left passage tends to have larger tracks, like those of hobgoblins, dragonborn, and humans/elves.
In addition to the tracks he also hears metallic clinking and mechanical noises coming from the left.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi