[Do you think Psalm would recognize the Draconic asDraconic? Rolled an intelligence check of 5 so probably not... Lol]
Psalm turns to the others, looking at the clockwork critter. He speaks to them in a low voice."If we're about to have a tussle, probably best to either neutralize this thing first or make sure we're a good distance away."
He waggles his fingers "magically" . "Any of you spooky spellcasters have anything to help keep old tic-tock on his chain there?"
The words are hardly out of his mouth though before impatience gets the best of him and he hastens to add."You all think on that problem while I go scope things out, eh? Be back in two shakes."
With that he sneaks forward, trying to keep to the shadows, trying to get just close enough to put eyes on whoever's talking in the chamber beyond. If he's spotted, he'll make his sneaking look like shambling and play up the illusionary wound in his neck, indicating that he needs medical attention.
Stealth: 25
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
The pirate looked the others over, scrutinizing them, then shrugged. He doubted anyone in the group had strong enough magic to incapacitate or otherwise neutralize the construct without a fight--or without a racket, at the very least.
"Ideas?" he asked in a low voice. He considered conjuring an illusory barrier, but seemed to recall rumors that constructs and golems could usually see right through illusions. That would wind up being quite a waste of magic. "Whatever we decide, we should probably do it quick. I can just run back and distract the thing if need be."
[[ For recognizing a language as its type of language, I'm okay with you choosing how your character is with the info provided. Comparing to IRL, there's definitely languages we'll recognize as what they are or at least a similar family. Most people wouldn't mistake Spanish for Chinese for example. But it would be within a margin of error to confuse Spanish for Portuguese or Mandarin for Cantonese. ]]
[[ Been liking this group. ]]
As the others stay behind deciding what to do with the clockwork creature, Psalm approaches unnoticed. Darting from edge to edge, waiting for moments where no eyes are on him he gets glimpses into this next room. He's able to see a kobold carrying a staff and wearing a pointy hat, a mage of some sort. A minotaur walks around menacingly, snorting at unseen individuals further in. And a peculiarly tall kobold with a height of almost 5 feet carrying a silver greatsword at his side. A rattling of chains and additional voices can be heard.
Psalm scurries back, and whispers, "Bunch of weirdos in there..."detailing all that he saw and heard.
"Hobgoblins, Kobolds, Minotaurs and whatever that thing is over there..."He says, gesturing towards the construct, then quickly craning his neck toward the construct to add. "No offense."
Psalm, still looking like the goblin captain, cracks his neck in thought... "Sounds like they have prisoners. Besides that, I really can't make sense of what brought this motley crew together. Best thought I have is to convince them there's a great battle going on outside and they need to go provide reinforcements. Won't buy us much time, but perhaps we can whiddle down the numbers at least. Then, if we can pop loose the prisoners, perhaps we'll have some allies when the duped reinforcements return."
He looks to the others and shurgs his shoulders as if to say. "That's all I got. What do you think?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
"It's nay causing us any trouble as is, and it'd be a shame to ruin a work of that craftsmanship. Might be able to just leave our metal friend be," Dain says.
When Psalm returns with a report, his eyes shone brightly at the mention of a minotaur, but he's trying not to act too excited about that.
"That could work, that could work," Dain replies. "If it's just the three o' them, we could have you lead them out into an ambush instead of just splitting forces. Yer the trickster though, so I'll leave the choice to you."
By now Finn had his sword blade-down into the floor, and was leaning on the hilt. He nodded at Psalm's suggestion. "Ambushes are fun too," he said with a grin.
Psalm gives a thumbs up and motions for the others to hide and prepare for a potential ambush.
Once everyone is in the position they'd like, he cracks his neck and knuckles and whispers, "Alright then. Here goes everything..."then slips into character, keeping his hand near his rapier while rasping and hacking as he stumbles forward into the chamber, listing towards the west as he crosses into the room, hoping to get a better glance at what's producing the sound of these chains....
ROLLS (If needed):
Deception: 16
By the way, roughly how high are the ceilings here?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
As Psalm moves forward the chamber widens up and the stonework becomes much more refined than the previous tunnel. He's able to see more people in there. Additional kobolds, one of them seeming to be a cleric of sorts, a drow. But most notable are those chained on the edges. Scaly and deformed in appearance, he's not quite sure what they were at first. Goblins? Humans? Elves? It's tough to say. But they appear beastly in their mannerisms, one loosing a breath of poison at a kobold that barely jumps out of the way.
As he enters the tall kobold looks at Psalm a bit surprised at his entrance. He address the hobgoblin tiefling in Common, "What, Darz? Is Bharash back? The larvae getting more restless."
[[ Ceilings: In the orange-lined area, ~6ft. In the green-lined area, ~8ft.
Light Level: Bright
For deception checks, thinking rolls for this would be at disadvantage in this case. Figure it represents the voice not matching exactly, but then his charlatan background and disguise self are carrying it through that he can still pull off his expertise in deception. Sound fair? ]]
Where would you want to positions yourself at this time? Any preparations being made? Or just waiting for the ambush?
For deception checks, thinking rolls for this would be at disadvantage in this case. Figure it represents the voice not matching exactly, but then his charlatan background and disguise self are carrying it through that he can still pull off his expertise in deception. Sound fair?]]
Absolutely fair. That's why he's playing up the fake wound in his neck. Hacking and rasping like he can't speak. Wasn't sure if the captain would've spoken common and Psalm doesn't speak any of the languages these creatures speak. So, he's been pulling a Marcel Marceau act so far.
Realizing these... whatever they are... actually speak common to one and other, Psalm gestures wildly towards the direction he came from and coughs out a husky... "Battle... Outside... Need backup..."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
Finn moved close to the north wall of the corridor, then slowly floated in the air until he was almost lying on the ceiling, sword in hand and ready for action. Giving it a quick thought, he decided to cast another spell, a newer one he'd been dying to test out.... and then, with a grin, he promptly disappeared.
Finn will position himself against the wall up on/near the ceiling. He'll then cast Blink; I rolled the test for it on my character sheet, and with a 13, he vanishes into the Ethereal Plane until the start of his next turn.
[[ Zylborin trying to get to the other side sounds good with me. While it's technically within their line of sight, can treat Psalm coming in with his news as a form of cover that they'd focus on what the "hobgoblin" is saying as opposed to the background. ]]
"Attack?" says the tall kobold. He turns to one of the regular kobolds and barks out an order in Draconic to which the kobold begins scampering away towards the North of the map and around the West corner. "Who How many?"
[[ Will need deception paired with the response. ]]
As Zylborin moves around in the background Psalm can tell The Minotaur noticed something in the background. It grasps its axe, waiting for the hobgoblin's response.
[[ Please tell me if I've got any positioning incorrect. The new yellow lines are meant to show the extent of furthest extent of lighting coming from the chamber Psalm is in. So beyond them beyond darkness and within them dim/bright light.
Could I also have stealth rolls for Sampson/Finn/Dain? ]]
Statuses Dain: waiting to attack Zylborin: attempting to hide closer, Stealth 11 Finn: still has hex up and running, has blink up Sampson: produce flame is gone
Psalm/Hobgoblin registers that the minotaur is likely onto them. He coughs in response to the kobold's question, clutching at his "bloody" throat and gesturing as if to say a lot.
He pretends to force out the words... "They... keep... coming..." then slumps against the wall, pretending to brace himself against it... When, in actually, he's drawing one of his daggers, getting ready for a likely fight.
Deception: 28
Sleight of Hand (for the dagger draw): 24
How are those chained half-dragons acting? Do they seem feral? Are they responding to the conversation in any way? Looking hopeful? Angry?
Also... I really hope I haven't doomed all of us with this harebrained scheme. Lol
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
[Do you think Psalm would recognize the Draconic as Draconic? Rolled an intelligence check of 5 so probably not... Lol]
Psalm turns to the others, looking at the clockwork critter. He speaks to them in a low voice. "If we're about to have a tussle, probably best to either neutralize this thing first or make sure we're a good distance away."
He waggles his fingers "magically" . "Any of you spooky spellcasters have anything to help keep old tic-tock on his chain there?"
The words are hardly out of his mouth though before impatience gets the best of him and he hastens to add. "You all think on that problem while I go scope things out, eh? Be back in two shakes."
With that he sneaks forward, trying to keep to the shadows, trying to get just close enough to put eyes on whoever's talking in the chamber beyond. If he's spotted, he'll make his sneaking look like shambling and play up the illusionary wound in his neck, indicating that he needs medical attention.
Stealth: 25
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
The pirate looked the others over, scrutinizing them, then shrugged. He doubted anyone in the group had strong enough magic to incapacitate or otherwise neutralize the construct without a fight--or without a racket, at the very least.
"Ideas?" he asked in a low voice. He considered conjuring an illusory barrier, but seemed to recall rumors that constructs and golems could usually see right through illusions. That would wind up being quite a waste of magic. "Whatever we decide, we should probably do it quick. I can just run back and distract the thing if need be."
Nico - V. Human Swords Bard 6 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Wysp's Hidden Tower
Sterling - V. Human Art Bard 3 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Bards: Dragon Heist (w/ Mansion) - Jasper's [Pic] - Sterling's [Sigil]
Tooltips Post (2024 PHB updates)
>> New FOW threat & treasure tables: fow-advanced-threat-tables.pdf fow-advanced-treasure-table.pdf
"I could silence the machine, if we agree that would be worthwhile. It would keep it from hearing any orders or fighting." He says quietly.
[[ For recognizing a language as its type of language, I'm okay with you choosing how your character is with the info provided. Comparing to IRL, there's definitely languages we'll recognize as what they are or at least a similar family. Most people wouldn't mistake Spanish for Chinese for example. But it would be within a margin of error to confuse Spanish for Portuguese or Mandarin for Cantonese. ]]
[[ Been liking this group. ]]
As the others stay behind deciding what to do with the clockwork creature, Psalm approaches unnoticed. Darting from edge to edge, waiting for moments where no eyes are on him he gets glimpses into this next room. He's able to see a kobold carrying a staff and wearing a pointy hat, a mage of some sort. A minotaur walks around menacingly, snorting at unseen individuals further in. And a peculiarly tall kobold with a height of almost 5 feet carrying a silver greatsword at his side. A rattling of chains and additional voices can be heard.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Finn's eyes lit up. "That sounds perfect!" he replied in a low voice.
Nico - V. Human Swords Bard 6 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Wysp's Hidden Tower
Sterling - V. Human Art Bard 3 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Bards: Dragon Heist (w/ Mansion) - Jasper's [Pic] - Sterling's [Sigil]
Tooltips Post (2024 PHB updates)
>> New FOW threat & treasure tables: fow-advanced-threat-tables.pdf fow-advanced-treasure-table.pdf
Psalm scurries back, and whispers, "Bunch of weirdos in there..." detailing all that he saw and heard.
"Hobgoblins, Kobolds, Minotaurs and whatever that thing is over there..." He says, gesturing towards the construct, then quickly craning his neck toward the construct to add. "No offense."
Psalm, still looking like the goblin captain, cracks his neck in thought... "Sounds like they have prisoners. Besides that, I really can't make sense of what brought this motley crew together. Best thought I have is to convince them there's a great battle going on outside and they need to go provide reinforcements. Won't buy us much time, but perhaps we can whiddle down the numbers at least. Then, if we can pop loose the prisoners, perhaps we'll have some allies when the duped reinforcements return."
He looks to the others and shurgs his shoulders as if to say. "That's all I got. What do you think?"
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
"It's nay causing us any trouble as is, and it'd be a shame to ruin a work of that craftsmanship. Might be able to just leave our metal friend be," Dain says.
When Psalm returns with a report, his eyes shone brightly at the mention of a minotaur, but he's trying not to act too excited about that.
"That could work, that could work," Dain replies. "If it's just the three o' them, we could have you lead them out into an ambush instead of just splitting forces. Yer the trickster though, so I'll leave the choice to you."
"A fine plan in my mind." Sam whispers.
"And maybe they have some magic object controlling the machine we could take after defeating them." He adds.
By now Finn had his sword blade-down into the floor, and was leaning on the hilt. He nodded at Psalm's suggestion. "Ambushes are fun too," he said with a grin.
Nico - V. Human Swords Bard 6 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Wysp's Hidden Tower
Sterling - V. Human Art Bard 3 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Bards: Dragon Heist (w/ Mansion) - Jasper's [Pic] - Sterling's [Sigil]
Tooltips Post (2024 PHB updates)
>> New FOW threat & treasure tables: fow-advanced-threat-tables.pdf fow-advanced-treasure-table.pdf
Psalm gives a thumbs up and motions for the others to hide and prepare for a potential ambush.
Once everyone is in the position they'd like, he cracks his neck and knuckles and whispers, "Alright then. Here goes everything..." then slips into character, keeping his hand near his rapier while rasping and hacking as he stumbles forward into the chamber, listing towards the west as he crosses into the room, hoping to get a better glance at what's producing the sound of these chains....
ROLLS (If needed):
Deception: 16
By the way, roughly how high are the ceilings here?
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
As Psalm moves forward the chamber widens up and the stonework becomes much more refined than the previous tunnel. He's able to see more people in there. Additional kobolds, one of them seeming to be a cleric of sorts, a drow. But most notable are those chained on the edges. Scaly and deformed in appearance, he's not quite sure what they were at first. Goblins? Humans? Elves? It's tough to say. But they appear beastly in their mannerisms, one loosing a breath of poison at a kobold that barely jumps out of the way.
As he enters the tall kobold looks at Psalm a bit surprised at his entrance. He address the
hobgoblintiefling in Common, "What, Darz? Is Bharash back? The larvae getting more restless."[[
Ceilings: In the orange-lined area, ~6ft. In the green-lined area, ~8ft.
Light Level: Bright
For deception checks, thinking rolls for this would be at disadvantage in this case. Figure it represents the voice not matching exactly, but then his charlatan background and disguise self are carrying it through that he can still pull off his expertise in deception. Sound fair?
Where would you want to positions yourself at this time? Any preparations being made? Or just waiting for the ambush?
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
He'll whisper to the group," When they come in, I can try to cast this Faerie Fire spell to illuminate them and make them easier to hit."
If Zylborin thinks he won't be seen, he'd like to move over to the narrow corridor to the right. About 5 ft. in and hiding.
Stealth Check if needed: 11
Absolutely fair. That's why he's playing up the fake wound in his neck. Hacking and rasping like he can't speak. Wasn't sure if the captain would've spoken common and Psalm doesn't speak any of the languages these creatures speak. So, he's been pulling a Marcel Marceau act so far.
Realizing these... whatever they are... actually speak common to one and other, Psalm gestures wildly towards the direction he came from and coughs out a husky... "Battle... Outside... Need backup..."
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
Sam will also wait for the ambush attempt. He will dispel his produce flame spell to help conceal the team in the darkness.
Dain moves up a bit to be just around the corner if these creatures come running out, then waits for Psalm to lure them.
Finn moved close to the north wall of the corridor, then slowly floated in the air until he was almost lying on the ceiling, sword in hand and ready for action. Giving it a quick thought, he decided to cast another spell, a newer one he'd been dying to test out.... and then, with a grin, he promptly disappeared.
Nico - V. Human Swords Bard 6 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Wysp's Hidden Tower
Sterling - V. Human Art Bard 3 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Bards: Dragon Heist (w/ Mansion) - Jasper's [Pic] - Sterling's [Sigil]
Tooltips Post (2024 PHB updates)
>> New FOW threat & treasure tables: fow-advanced-threat-tables.pdf fow-advanced-treasure-table.pdf
[[ Zylborin trying to get to the other side sounds good with me. While it's technically within their line of sight, can treat Psalm coming in with his news as a form of cover that they'd focus on what the "hobgoblin" is saying as opposed to the background. ]]
"Attack?" says the tall kobold. He turns to one of the regular kobolds and barks out an order in Draconic to which the kobold begins scampering away towards the North of the map and around the West corner. "Who How many?"
[[ Will need deception paired with the response. ]]
As Zylborin moves around in the background Psalm can tell The Minotaur noticed something in the background. It grasps its axe, waiting for the hobgoblin's response.
Please tell me if I've got any positioning incorrect. The new yellow lines are meant to show the extent of furthest extent of lighting coming from the chamber Psalm is in. So beyond them beyond darkness and within them dim/bright light.
Could I also have stealth rolls for Sampson/Finn/Dain?
Dain: waiting to attack
Zylborin: attempting to hide closer, Stealth 11
Finn: still has hex up and running, has blink up
Sampson: produce flame is gone
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Stealth Check: 22
Psalm/Hobgoblin registers that the minotaur is likely onto them. He coughs in response to the kobold's question, clutching at his "bloody" throat and gesturing as if to say a lot.
He pretends to force out the words... "They... keep... coming..." then slumps against the wall, pretending to brace himself against it... When, in actually, he's drawing one of his daggers, getting ready for a likely fight.
Deception: 28
Sleight of Hand (for the dagger draw): 24
How are those chained half-dragons acting? Do they seem feral? Are they responding to the conversation in any way? Looking hopeful? Angry?
Also... I really hope I haven't doomed all of us with this harebrained scheme. Lol
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
(( Finn should be one more square "up" on the map, as he tried to also press against the wall as well as the ceiling. Stealth Check: 11 ))
Nico - V. Human Swords Bard 6 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Wysp's Hidden Tower
Sterling - V. Human Art Bard 3 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Bards: Dragon Heist (w/ Mansion) - Jasper's [Pic] - Sterling's [Sigil]
Tooltips Post (2024 PHB updates)
>> New FOW threat & treasure tables: fow-advanced-threat-tables.pdf fow-advanced-treasure-table.pdf