Shae steps forward, accepting the silver emblem from Arlayna with a nod. She listens intently to the mayor’s words, his laughter still echoing in her ears. The emblem feels cool in her hand, its dark design intriguing. After a moment, she meets the mayor’s gaze and speaks with measured calm. "Thank you for the trust you’ve shown in us, Mayor Haelviird, by offering this considerable upfront payment." It’s a trust that stands in stark contrast to the truth spell he had used to extract their intentions, she notes.
She waits until Kesh's questions have been answered, glancing at her companions before continuing. "We’ll need to stock up on supplies and equipment for the journey ahead. The Cragsmoot will be harsh, and we may be away from any civilized place for quite some time, especially if our path leads us into the Feywild as it was suggested."
Mayor Brodenbuck leans stands and straightens the worn black overcoat as he steps forward, "My generosity extends to those willing to aid my people, but should you betray it, I fear you'll not see the light of day past the pines surrounding our fair town. Things in this valley do not operate equally with what you may be acquainted with outside of it. We have now entered a contract of sorts ourselves, you see, and you are bound to fulfill your end of it. You are correct concerning the mountains - they are harsh and changing. Once you've ascended those heights, any attempt to mark your whereabouts will be lost to you. The stones themselves seem to wish one never to leave, hence why we do not venture far into them. The mines are as far as most common folk dare journey. The only one that I know of to do so regularly is Pik, the barkeep's son. He is...a different sort...but I'll give you opportunity to discover that for yourselves should you wish."He gives a knowing look to Arlayna and then turns to the hexblood.
Joy takes the amulet gratefully, feeling faint warmth from it that reminds her of the first rays of dawn. She listens to the constable's warnings attentively and then heads over to peer at the map in Geren's hands. There are a lot of landmarks that she finds intriguing, but she will wait to ask the innkeeper's son for details. The drawings' 'style' makes her wonder how old he is.
"Yes, and there is the matter of communicating our findings back to least while we remain in this realm. Do you have carrier pigeons perhaps, or another spell? I do have...something, but the range isn't great, and it would only work one way."Not to mention it is a bit gross. "Also, did any of our predecessors leave behind a journal or notes on their mission? Even if it doesn't seem to make sense, it may provide some insight. Fey are known for confusing their victims."
Persuasion (in case they do have a journal/notes but are withholding it): 21
"I fear you will be cut off once you climb much past the mines. Should your investigations lead you into the woods, you may return here if there is need, but once into the Cragsmoot, you'll likely not desire to return should you find your way back out. Arlayna will make her way to the river's edge at the base of the mountains at dusk every day in case you find your way there and require aid. I'm afraid all that was recovered from your predecessors is what you have been given. I wish we knew more. I wish we could do more."The mayor stares off silently for a moment before nodding to the elf and returning to his seat. "Now, if that is all, you should get some rest, have a meal and a pint of mead. It may be some time before you'll have that opportunity again."
Cut off from civilization, surrounded by unnatural bloodthirsty monsters, and bound to complete their contract? Well, the second part might yield information, but Geren still wouldn't be satisfied with his compensation unless he walked away from this with three usable secrets and enough trivia to fill out a week's worth of pub quizzes.
Still, if this stone works as the Mayor says it'll at least give them more of a chance.
"Very well, we'll be on our way."
Geren thinks of saying 'Hopefully we'll be the last adventurers you need to give that speech to,' but realizes that in all likelihood the Mayor would reply that another adventurer who'd never returned had said that before.
Kesh gives a low growl. There's still something he doesn't like about this, and he still suspects the Mayor is holding information back. There's a big piece of the deal he's not seeing. Something bad for business. A clause, a caveat, a loophole, something. Alas... he is being paid to deal with a problem, not eke out its origins. He dislikes the odds especially, but again there's little he can do for it, aside from preparing and gathering information.
Without another word, he turns on his heel, his tail sweeping the air around him, and strides out the door. Damn place. Now he especially regrets coming, and all the worse as he's going to follow through on his contract. It's as he said to the mayor: for all the others' bluster of innocents and righteous reason, they're all being paid handsomely -- as mercenaries typically are.
Shae listens carefully to the mayor and Arlayna, her expression composed and serious. When the mayor issues his warnings and suggestions, she gives a respectful nod, acknowledging his words with a solemn understanding. There’s no need for further discussion on that front—what has been said, has been understood.
As the group turns to leave the mayor’s hall, Shae takes a moment to address her companions. "We need to ensure we're properly equipped before we head into the mountains," she says, her voice steady but carrying a note of urgency. "The Cragsmoot is unforgiving, and we'll be cut off from any help once we ascend. Warm clothing, rations, climbing gear, and any protective charms we can find—whatever we might need to survive in those heights, we should gather it now."
Night has settled on the village of Jaekin and the few streets have grown quiet. Only the sounds of the caravans making their last preparations to hunker down for the night drift your way as you find the now dimly lit mercantile. The cracked wooden sign swings with the eerie breeze blowing in from the Ravenswood and reads 'Auntie Woodswallow's Merc.' You all enter the crowded and less-than-tidy shop noting that it appears either the patrons or the shopkeeper themself is far from concerned about the state of the goods inside. Several rows of low shelves line the long room and goods of various kinds are strewn about and piled up. You make your way to a counter stacked with logs and recieipts where a buxom middle-aged woman clad in a stained white tunic and leather apron is busy flipping through ledgers likely filled with the business of a caravan town. She looks up and a big smile spreads across the freckled face as she lays down the work she'd busied herself with and brushes a loose strand of thick grey hair back into the large bun atop her head. "Welcome! Welcome! I'd heard tell of some brave souls come to rid us of our oppressors. That must be you lot. Ye don't look like caravaners to Auntie Woodswallow. I take it yer lookin' to stock up to head up?" As she turns more fully to face you, you note her left eye has grown white with blindness. "Woodswallow's Mercantile has near anything you need for the right price. What can I help ya with?"
Joy looks around the shop, mentally cataloging anything and everything they might need for the journey ahead. She always has a hard time not buying too much when she's alone, let alone when there are others who might need to borrow something. "Let's do you recommend, Auntie? Any local favorites?"
Auntie Woodswallow scratches her messy bun thinking for a moment, "Ye've come into the mercantile without a thought fer what ya need? We git all sorts of travelin' folk in town, so it's hard to say what may be a favorite. If yer headed into the Cragsmoot, I'd reckon ye need plenty dry rations, somethin' to keep the elements out?" She leans forward a bit and whispers, "Some have tried me magic compass, but those come with a special price." She leans back against the wall and waves a hand at the shop, "Auntie Woodswallow's Mercantile has near anything ye might need though."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Geren focuses on the necromantic power that is his to command, channeling a portion of it into the bone dice he owns, which begin rattling his his hand on their own.
He tosses them onto a map of Jaekin that he's numbered. The first die is for the horizontal axis, the second for the vertical. He'd only do this once per location but it should show him where a good contact for what he wants to know is. Or at least who knows the most who'd be willing to tell.
Geren perks up when he hears Woodswallow talking about having a magic compass. He's always on the lookout for useful items.
"A special price? Considering the fact we're working to as you said liberate you from your oppressors and the likelihood that if we fail our valuables will be brought back I would hope you'd be willing to offer a discount. Or consider the use of it a loan. If it works as well as you say I'd be happy to pay for it to keep if it leads to our success. And do you have any other items that would be useful? Preferably magical ones."
OOC: If the Persuasion check would get advantage for the strength of argument use the higher of these. If not use the first one:
Kesh takes careful note of the supplies pertaining to cold weather and high altitude. This place is an utter wreck. It would be a disgrace, if he were still licensed, to step within. Regardless, he's not licensed anymore and this woman has supplies he needs. He lets himself grumble in the corner about aesthetics a moment longer before approaching. "Kesh requires materials as well. He seeks 50ft of rope, two cold-weather coats, 10 pitons, a spare rucksack, and a spare waterskin."
He considers drawing the "reward" of his, but refrains. It may yet be useful. Somehow.
Joy notices Geren rolling his dice on the map as she is debating asking about this 'magic compass' that Auntie apparently has. Is that some sort of game? Hm...more like a ritual; she feels a strange energy from it. Not exactly evil, but...odd, certainly different from her own divine rites. She is curious but decides to ask him about it later on, as he seems busy trying to secure them a good deal. Meanwhile she wanders about the shop, collecting her own purchases.
The woman turns her good eye toward Geren as she grins, "The compass requires more than just coin I'm afraid, but it could prove invaluable to you up in the peaks. The Murder Court have cast some strange magics there. Ones that wanna keep ye!" She nearly cackles as she reaches beneath the counter and retrieves a plain wooden box that looks quite worn. "I'll cut ye some deals, but ye've gotta do one for Auntie Woodswallow too, yes? There's two things ye'll need for the compass to work proper, and it'll git ye outta the Cragsmoot true every time. Down in the ruins of Oldtown is the other piece of the compass and a package somebudy dropped there that was intended to come here. Ain't had no brave souls bring the other piece back yet but a few have tried. That oaf boy of the innkeep is the only one that can go in and out of Oldtown unmolested...prolly cause he's too slow to know he oughtta be scared." She opens the small box on the counter to reveal a circular pewter navigating compass. The device clearly has a hollowed space in the center missing something. "Bring back the package and the eye of the compass, and the compass is yers to use until you've finished yer work here. Ye'll know the package when ye see it. We got ourselves a deal?"
Geren gets the sense that something is amiss with Auntie Woodswallow. Joy cuts her eyes to the rogue with a cautionary look. Something about the shopkeep's wording. The way she leaves out certain details but expects acceptance of this 'deal' seems to trigger some distant memory for the hexblood. Whether she can put her finger on exactly what it is will be left up to the players...
Auntie Woodswallow is not disclosing her full intentions, and you get the feeling that there may be more to this bargain than she is letting on.
Shae listens carefully as Auntie Woodswallow lays out her proposition, her keen eyes narrowing slightly at the shopkeeper’s mysterious smile. She has been around long enough to recognize when someone is withholding information, and the idea of venturing into the ruins of Oldtown for a piece of this compass does not sit well with her.
"That sounds like a tempting offer, Auntie," Shae begins, her tone polite but firm. "But as my companion has said, we'd need all the details before committing to anything. Our mission is already fraught with enough peril, and we can't afford to take on additional risks without knowing exactly what we're dealing with." She gives a pointed glance to the others, signaling her caution. "Perhaps you'd like to share more about what exactly awaits us in Oldtown? The boy from the inn might be unmolested, but I doubt we would be so lucky. Anyhow, we should ask him how he enters and leaves."
She pauses, letting the weight of her words sink in before adding, "In the meantime, we'll need to stock up on supplies for our journey. The Cragsmoot will be harsh, and we intend to be prepared. Alright, Auntie, I'll be needing the following supplies, Cold Weather Clothing (10 gp), Climber's Kit (25 gp), Rations for 20 days (10 gp), Two-Person Tent (2 gp), two Waterskins (1 gp), extra large Pouch (double normal pouch for the two waterskins, 1gp), Silk Rope, 100 feet (20 gp), Flint and Steel (1 gp), Healer's Kit (5 gp), Grappling Hook (2 gp), Hooded Lantern (5 gp), and 5 flasks of Oil (5 sp). How much will that all come to, then?" (80gp and 5 sp according to my count) Shae asks as she eyes the shopkeeper, ready to negotiate if necessary.
Auntie hems and haws a bit before huffing, "The package is sumthin I'd sent down to be delivered to my's personal. The last bunch like you to come through were s'posed to take it down to her and git the compass eye. They never came back and I'm hopin' Oldtown's where they got lost. Hence me package should still be there. Ask the boy, Pik, what's down there if ye can git him to talk. I ain't strayed down there for ages just heard tall tales. Plenty o' those around Jaekin to spare. Haunts and specters and what have you. I wouldn't doubt there'd be some ghosts left roamin' in that forsaken ground."She chuckles as she slides the box shut and back beneath the counter. "Tell ye what, I'll cut ye a ten percent discount on the other goods if ye'll agree to bring back the eye and the package."
Joy listens thoughtfully, certainly interested but not wanting to agree to anything too quickly. "Oldtown sounds like quite the dangerous place, but it might be a good area to get some idea of the Jaekin and their abilities. Can you mark its location on our map please, Auntie? In case we do decide to take you up on your offer." She pauses, tilting her head. "Oh, I remember the constable said she used live in Oldtown before it was overrun. What can you tell us about the history of that place?"
Shae listens carefully to Auntie Woodswallow's explanation, her eyes narrowing slightly as she considers the situation. The prospect of ghosts and lost adventurers doesn't phase her, but she knows better than to trust blindly in such a vague deal. Still, the promise of a discount and the potential value of the compass are too good to ignore entirely.
"Thank you for the offer, Auntie," Shae says smoothly, her voice steady and polite. "We'll do our best to locate both the package and the eye of the compass. If we find them, it could be beneficial for both of us." She gives a small, knowing smile, deliberately leaving her statement open-ended.
She turns to look at the rest of the group, making sure they understand her intent before turning back to Auntie Woodswallow. "We'll need you to mark Oldtown’s location on our map, as Joy mentioned. We need to be well-prepared for what lies ahead."
With that, Shae inclines her head slightly, a gesture of both acknowledgment and subtle negotiation. The implication is clear: they'll search for the items, but what happens after that will depend on what they find and how much it's worth to them. With this she counts 72 gold pieces, 4 silver pieces and 5 coppers, which is the amount she owes for the supplies including the ten percent discount, and offers the coins to Auntie, leaving the shopkeeper to decide if she accepts the terms set out so far.
The Dragonborn grumbles himself, forking over 23 gold, and... Gods, he hated that feeling, his pockets getting lighter. Rather than worry about what others are about, Kesh is more worried about what he'll be doing to prepare.
After a moment's thought, and plenty of apprehension, the Alchemist once more approaches the proprietor. He doubts it, but...
"Do you have anything for fighting fey or seeing through illusions?"
Geren's interest has been piqued by Auntie Woodswallow's attempt at a deal.
"If you want us to find your sister for this we'll need her name and physical description. Not that I'm agreeing, especially since it's not clear the compass is worth the potential danger. Specifics are a must, especially with the fey involved."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Mayor Brodenbuck leans stands and straightens the worn black overcoat as he steps forward, "My generosity extends to those willing to aid my people, but should you betray it, I fear you'll not see the light of day past the pines surrounding our fair town. Things in this valley do not operate equally with what you may be acquainted with outside of it. We have now entered a contract of sorts ourselves, you see, and you are bound to fulfill your end of it. You are correct concerning the mountains - they are harsh and changing. Once you've ascended those heights, any attempt to mark your whereabouts will be lost to you. The stones themselves seem to wish one never to leave, hence why we do not venture far into them. The mines are as far as most common folk dare journey. The only one that I know of to do so regularly is Pik, the barkeep's son. He is...a different sort...but I'll give you opportunity to discover that for yourselves should you wish." He gives a knowing look to Arlayna and then turns to the hexblood.
"I fear you will be cut off once you climb much past the mines. Should your investigations lead you into the woods, you may return here if there is need, but once into the Cragsmoot, you'll likely not desire to return should you find your way back out. Arlayna will make her way to the river's edge at the base of the mountains at dusk every day in case you find your way there and require aid. I'm afraid all that was recovered from your predecessors is what you have been given. I wish we knew more. I wish we could do more." The mayor stares off silently for a moment before nodding to the elf and returning to his seat. "Now, if that is all, you should get some rest, have a meal and a pint of mead. It may be some time before you'll have that opportunity again."
Murder Court Discord OOC | Phandelver Discord OOC
Cut off from civilization, surrounded by unnatural bloodthirsty monsters, and bound to complete their contract? Well, the second part might yield information, but Geren still wouldn't be satisfied with his compensation unless he walked away from this with three usable secrets and enough trivia to fill out a week's worth of pub quizzes.
Still, if this stone works as the Mayor says it'll at least give them more of a chance.
"Very well, we'll be on our way."
Geren thinks of saying 'Hopefully we'll be the last adventurers you need to give that speech to,' but realizes that in all likelihood the Mayor would reply that another adventurer who'd never returned had said that before.
Kesh gives a low growl. There's still something he doesn't like about this, and he still suspects the Mayor is holding information back. There's a big piece of the deal he's not seeing. Something bad for business. A clause, a caveat, a loophole, something. Alas... he is being paid to deal with a problem, not eke out its origins. He dislikes the odds especially, but again there's little he can do for it, aside from preparing and gathering information.
Without another word, he turns on his heel, his tail sweeping the air around him, and strides out the door. Damn place. Now he especially regrets coming, and all the worse as he's going to follow through on his contract. It's as he said to the mayor: for all the others' bluster of innocents and righteous reason, they're all being paid handsomely -- as mercenaries typically are.
Shae listens carefully to the mayor and Arlayna, her expression composed and serious. When the mayor issues his warnings and suggestions, she gives a respectful nod, acknowledging his words with a solemn understanding. There’s no need for further discussion on that front—what has been said, has been understood.
As the group turns to leave the mayor’s hall, Shae takes a moment to address her companions. "We need to ensure we're properly equipped before we head into the mountains," she says, her voice steady but carrying a note of urgency. "The Cragsmoot is unforgiving, and we'll be cut off from any help once we ascend. Warm clothing, rations, climbing gear, and any protective charms we can find—whatever we might need to survive in those heights, we should gather it now."
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Night has settled on the village of Jaekin and the few streets have grown quiet. Only the sounds of the caravans making their last preparations to hunker down for the night drift your way as you find the now dimly lit mercantile. The cracked wooden sign swings with the eerie breeze blowing in from the Ravenswood and reads 'Auntie Woodswallow's Merc.' You all enter the crowded and less-than-tidy shop noting that it appears either the patrons or the shopkeeper themself is far from concerned about the state of the goods inside. Several rows of low shelves line the long room and goods of various kinds are strewn about and piled up. You make your way to a counter stacked with logs and recieipts where a buxom middle-aged woman clad in a stained white tunic and leather apron is busy flipping through ledgers likely filled with the business of a caravan town. She looks up and a big smile spreads across the freckled face as she lays down the work she'd busied herself with and brushes a loose strand of thick grey hair back into the large bun atop her head. "Welcome! Welcome! I'd heard tell of some brave souls come to rid us of our oppressors. That must be you lot. Ye don't look like caravaners to Auntie Woodswallow. I take it yer lookin' to stock up to head up?" As she turns more fully to face you, you note her left eye has grown white with blindness. "Woodswallow's Mercantile has near anything you need for the right price. What can I help ya with?"
Murder Court Discord OOC | Phandelver Discord OOC
Joy looks around the shop, mentally cataloging anything and everything they might need for the journey ahead. She always has a hard time not buying too much when she's alone, let alone when there are others who might need to borrow something. "Let's do you recommend, Auntie? Any local favorites?"
Auntie Woodswallow scratches her messy bun thinking for a moment, "Ye've come into the mercantile without a thought fer what ya need? We git all sorts of travelin' folk in town, so it's hard to say what may be a favorite. If yer headed into the Cragsmoot, I'd reckon ye need plenty dry rations, somethin' to keep the elements out?" She leans forward a bit and whispers, "Some have tried me magic compass, but those come with a special price." She leans back against the wall and waves a hand at the shop, "Auntie Woodswallow's Mercantile has near anything ye might need though."
Murder Court Discord OOC | Phandelver Discord OOC
Geren focuses on the necromantic power that is his to command, channeling a portion of it into the bone dice he owns, which begin rattling his his hand on their own.
He tosses them onto a map of Jaekin that he's numbered. The first die is for the horizontal axis, the second for the vertical. He'd only do this once per location but it should show him where a good contact for what he wants to know is. Or at least who knows the most who'd be willing to tell.
Geren perks up when he hears Woodswallow talking about having a magic compass. He's always on the lookout for useful items.
"A special price? Considering the fact we're working to as you said liberate you from your oppressors and the likelihood that if we fail our valuables will be brought back I would hope you'd be willing to offer a discount. Or consider the use of it a loan. If it works as well as you say I'd be happy to pay for it to keep if it leads to our success. And do you have any other items that would be useful? Preferably magical ones."
OOC: If the Persuasion check would get advantage for the strength of argument use the higher of these. If not use the first one:
Kesh takes careful note of the supplies pertaining to cold weather and high altitude. This place is an utter wreck. It would be a disgrace, if he were still licensed, to step within. Regardless, he's not licensed anymore and this woman has supplies he needs. He lets himself grumble in the corner about aesthetics a moment longer before approaching. "Kesh requires materials as well. He seeks 50ft of rope, two cold-weather coats, 10 pitons, a spare rucksack, and a spare waterskin."
He considers drawing the "reward" of his, but refrains. It may yet be useful. Somehow.
Joy notices Geren rolling his dice on the map as she is debating asking about this 'magic compass' that Auntie apparently has. Is that some sort of game? Hm...more like a ritual; she feels a strange energy from it. Not exactly evil, but...odd, certainly different from her own divine rites. She is curious but decides to ask him about it later on, as he seems busy trying to secure them a good deal. Meanwhile she wanders about the shop, collecting her own purchases.
Buying: 10 Chalk (1 piece) 10 cp, Clothing, cold weather 10 gp, Crampons 2 gp, Grappling Hook 2 gp, 2 Flask 4 cp
The woman turns her good eye toward Geren as she grins, "The compass requires more than just coin I'm afraid, but it could prove invaluable to you up in the peaks. The Murder Court have cast some strange magics there. Ones that wanna keep ye!" She nearly cackles as she reaches beneath the counter and retrieves a plain wooden box that looks quite worn. "I'll cut ye some deals, but ye've gotta do one for Auntie Woodswallow too, yes? There's two things ye'll need for the compass to work proper, and it'll git ye outta the Cragsmoot true every time. Down in the ruins of Oldtown is the other piece of the compass and a package somebudy dropped there that was intended to come here. Ain't had no brave souls bring the other piece back yet but a few have tried. That oaf boy of the innkeep is the only one that can go in and out of Oldtown unmolested...prolly cause he's too slow to know he oughtta be scared." She opens the small box on the counter to reveal a circular pewter navigating compass. The device clearly has a hollowed space in the center missing something. "Bring back the package and the eye of the compass, and the compass is yers to use until you've finished yer work here. Ye'll know the package when ye see it. We got ourselves a deal?"
Murder Court Discord OOC | Phandelver Discord OOC
Geren holds up a hand.
"I hope you understand if I'm hesitant to agree to anything before hearing the full details."
Especially if it has anything to do with the fey. Geren tries to get a feeling for if Auntie Woodswallow is hiding something from him.
OOC: Insight check:
OOC: Rerolling the Insight check thanks to Joy aiding.
Geren gets the sense that something is amiss with Auntie Woodswallow. Joy cuts her eyes to the rogue with a cautionary look. Something about the shopkeep's wording. The way she leaves out certain details but expects acceptance of this 'deal' seems to trigger some distant memory for the hexblood. Whether she can put her finger on exactly what it is will be left up to the players...
Auntie Woodswallow is not disclosing her full intentions, and you get the feeling that there may be more to this bargain than she is letting on.
Murder Court Discord OOC | Phandelver Discord OOC
Shae listens carefully as Auntie Woodswallow lays out her proposition, her keen eyes narrowing slightly at the shopkeeper’s mysterious smile. She has been around long enough to recognize when someone is withholding information, and the idea of venturing into the ruins of Oldtown for a piece of this compass does not sit well with her.
"That sounds like a tempting offer, Auntie," Shae begins, her tone polite but firm. "But as my companion has said, we'd need all the details before committing to anything. Our mission is already fraught with enough peril, and we can't afford to take on additional risks without knowing exactly what we're dealing with." She gives a pointed glance to the others, signaling her caution. "Perhaps you'd like to share more about what exactly awaits us in Oldtown? The boy from the inn might be unmolested, but I doubt we would be so lucky. Anyhow, we should ask him how he enters and leaves."
She pauses, letting the weight of her words sink in before adding, "In the meantime, we'll need to stock up on supplies for our journey. The Cragsmoot will be harsh, and we intend to be prepared. Alright, Auntie, I'll be needing the following supplies, Cold Weather Clothing (10 gp), Climber's Kit (25 gp), Rations for 20 days (10 gp), Two-Person Tent (2 gp), two Waterskins (1 gp), extra large Pouch (double normal pouch for the two waterskins, 1gp), Silk Rope, 100 feet (20 gp), Flint and Steel (1 gp), Healer's Kit (5 gp), Grappling Hook (2 gp), Hooded Lantern (5 gp), and 5 flasks of Oil (5 sp). How much will that all come to, then?" (80gp and 5 sp according to my count) Shae asks as she eyes the shopkeeper, ready to negotiate if necessary.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Auntie hems and haws a bit before huffing, "The package is sumthin I'd sent down to be delivered to my's personal. The last bunch like you to come through were s'posed to take it down to her and git the compass eye. They never came back and I'm hopin' Oldtown's where they got lost. Hence me package should still be there. Ask the boy, Pik, what's down there if ye can git him to talk. I ain't strayed down there for ages just heard tall tales. Plenty o' those around Jaekin to spare. Haunts and specters and what have you. I wouldn't doubt there'd be some ghosts left roamin' in that forsaken ground." She chuckles as she slides the box shut and back beneath the counter. "Tell ye what, I'll cut ye a ten percent discount on the other goods if ye'll agree to bring back the eye and the package."
Murder Court Discord OOC | Phandelver Discord OOC
Joy listens thoughtfully, certainly interested but not wanting to agree to anything too quickly. "Oldtown sounds like quite the dangerous place, but it might be a good area to get some idea of the Jaekin and their abilities. Can you mark its location on our map please, Auntie? In case we do decide to take you up on your offer." She pauses, tilting her head. "Oh, I remember the constable said she used live in Oldtown before it was overrun. What can you tell us about the history of that place?"
Shae listens carefully to Auntie Woodswallow's explanation, her eyes narrowing slightly as she considers the situation. The prospect of ghosts and lost adventurers doesn't phase her, but she knows better than to trust blindly in such a vague deal. Still, the promise of a discount and the potential value of the compass are too good to ignore entirely.
"Thank you for the offer, Auntie," Shae says smoothly, her voice steady and polite. "We'll do our best to locate both the package and the eye of the compass. If we find them, it could be beneficial for both of us." She gives a small, knowing smile, deliberately leaving her statement open-ended.
She turns to look at the rest of the group, making sure they understand her intent before turning back to Auntie Woodswallow. "We'll need you to mark Oldtown’s location on our map, as Joy mentioned. We need to be well-prepared for what lies ahead."
With that, Shae inclines her head slightly, a gesture of both acknowledgment and subtle negotiation. The implication is clear: they'll search for the items, but what happens after that will depend on what they find and how much it's worth to them. With this she counts 72 gold pieces, 4 silver pieces and 5 coppers, which is the amount she owes for the supplies including the ten percent discount, and offers the coins to Auntie, leaving the shopkeeper to decide if she accepts the terms set out so far.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
The Dragonborn grumbles himself, forking over 23 gold, and... Gods, he hated that feeling, his pockets getting lighter. Rather than worry about what others are about, Kesh is more worried about what he'll be doing to prepare.
After a moment's thought, and plenty of apprehension, the Alchemist once more approaches the proprietor. He doubts it, but...
"Do you have anything for fighting fey or seeing through illusions?"
Geren's interest has been piqued by Auntie Woodswallow's attempt at a deal.
"If you want us to find your sister for this we'll need her name and physical description. Not that I'm agreeing, especially since it's not clear the compass is worth the potential danger. Specifics are a must, especially with the fey involved."