Perhaps traveling with the redhead wouldn't be as bad as he'd thought initially. At least she's pleasant, plus she didn't seem the least bit put off by the rather unwelcoming behavior of... well himself and the dark elf. As she makes her way out the door, he raises a hand in a nonchalant wave. Unfortunately he has no plans of seeing Narwhals. Not unless Natalie is going to be there.
Turning to Vydar he says, "Fine. Are we meeting here then?"
(It could occur to some of you that it’s night, your near a dock in a small town, the sailors seem, gruff and unfriendly, and a beautiful red headed woman just walked out alone…or. Not)
Lev's expression suddenly goes from tired to slightly disturbed when he realizes that he just watched Paevira walk out into the night by herself... in possibly the same direction that those drunks went, not to mention how many sailors are out there too. "We're meeting here. Don't make me look for you."He says abruptly before quickly snatching up his belongings. He steps quickly towards the door before looking to Amdaeng and Iolinder with that same serious expression as before. The girls both are likely capable of taking care of themselves, but that doesn't mean they should take unnecessary risks. His eyes move from Iolinder and Vydar to Amdaeng as if implying he's expecting at least one of them to make sure Amdaeng doesn't go out alone too. This glance is extremely brief however, as he quickly moves to accompany Paevira.
Once he catches up to her, he asks curtly without really looking at her, "I assume you have a room set up already. I'll accompany you to the inn."If it wasn't obvious, he just arrived in town prior to entering the tavern. Though he's doing a poor job at it, he's trying to make it sound like he just wants to know where a good place to stay is.
Vydar's face reddens with irritation at Lev's words. Tch. Why is he acting like he's in charge. "Yeah, obviously we are meeting here."He stops when the Black elf abruptly packs up his things, then makes eye contact with him before rushing out after Paevira. His jaw tightens again when he realizes the likely reason Lev followed her out. Vydar himself had been to annoyed with Lev to even consider the fact that a pretty elf woman just waltzed out into the night alone. Nera would have kicked him for failing to see that issue. Thinking about that only sours his mood. It only worsens when he guesses what that look Lev gave him was about.
He glances down at the black haired human with the calloused hands. Seeing them causes him to absentmindedly rub his own knuckles. A few small scars cross his hands, though clearly they are from years ago, back when all he had to fight with were his fists. He doesn't need to bloody his knuckles for fights any longer though. He has found other means of defense...and offense. Though that doesn't mean he's above punching someone if he feels the need.
He clears his throat, looking away from both of them and closing his eyes. "Do you two have lodging for the night? I still need to find a place so any suggestions would be appreciated."
Amdaeng nodded vaguely in response to the friendly overtures, then watched the others interactions with barely disguised interest.
She watches the two leave following an obviously fake treasure map? She screwed up her nose.....perhaps it was just an excuse to go for an evening walk together...she hadn't had much interaction with elves of any stripe.
She nodded to Vydar, " I don't.....I'm not sure Ms Storm knows I'm coming though.....this isn't really a planned trip as such and I only headed this way because an old teacher of mine suggested I climb a mountain under Ms Storms tutelage in order to clear my head somewhat."
" You want to split the cost of a room?"
She looks around the now somewhat more sparsely inhabited bar, " Anyone have any suggestions for a room for the night?"
Elaina overhears talk of rooms, “Hey folks, I have two rooms available. Each for 1 silver that can accommodate 3 if your”re friendly, or some folks sleep here in the common area, that’s 2 coppers.”
Lev heads outside. It’s pretty quiet as you move out and left. Seeing nothing, you’re about to head back in when your sharp ears pick up a bit of conversation. Turning to the right, you think you hear something like,
“You must have a death wish” it’s a woman’s voice, pretty far away.
13 for Thug perception. Paevira: you see one of the elfs walk out of the bar, he turns to your right (which would be left out of the bar)
The ugly half orc glares at you, surprised at your brashness, he pauses for a moment. Then, he regains his composure, as he realizes you’re outnumbered and begins to draw a sharp boning knife used to gut fish. You note that he also has a cleaver in his belt.
You hear a whistling noise from above on the building you had marked earlier, no doubt, a warning of some sort.
The thug quickly looks over his shoulder, then back at you, but you sense some hesitation after he hears the whistle above.
Still facing the bar which is lit well by torches (100 feet away), you see another small stocky figure on the left of the building. (so Lev and one other), your not quite sure about those at the dock, but they are at least 50 feet away.
Elaina overhears talk of rooms, “Hey folks, I have two rooms available. Each for 1 silver that can accommodate 3 if your”re friendly, or some folks sleep here in the common area, that’s 2 coppers.”
Amdaeng nods, " Two rooms", she drops two gold into Elainas hand to cover the rooms and her meal and wine.
" None of you snore right?"
" So....where do I find the rooms?, she asked Elaina.
Part of her fancied she heard something from outside but she shrugged it off, everyone seemed quite capable, if they needed her they'd scream or call out or something she was sure.
Vydar hesitates for a moment unsure of how to answer that question. Used to traveling alone it caught him off guard. ...but it would save him money. He also notes that she purchased two rooms despite the fact that each houses three. Either she doesn't want to share a room with two men, or she's anticipating the return of one or both of the elves who left. Though he's not sure why she'd ask if either of them snore if either of those scenarios are the case. Shrugging, he approaches Elaina and pays her the 6 silver he owed for his meal, then he holds out another silver to Amdaeng.
"I don't have change so I'll just pay for one of the rooms." He says bluntly, "And I don't think I snore, but then again I don't usually have room mates."
(OOC: I'm assuming Lev paid for his meal when it was brought to him. Lol, he wouldn't have walked out without paying.)
Perception: 21
Hearing the less than friendly voice, Lev immediately turns in its direction. Part of him hoping to find Paevira, and the other part of him hoping that it's just some random thugs going at each other.
(everyone inside can make a perception check: Looking for a 14or higher, except Amdaeng (11) may as well roll initiative)
Honing in on the voices, Lev turns to his right and starts moving toward the sound (see treasure map).
The first thing you see 50 feet away toward the docks with some torch light and dark vision is the back of a huge figure. Maybe it’s the shadows from the torches, he’s big. Dark cloak, easily more than 6 feet, maybe 7 feet. Your heart leaps to your throat!
She’s in big trouble.
As you move forward, you see her, facing the thug , weapons drawn in both hands. As if time isn’t moving they face each other. Then, she strikes, behind her a row of houses opens up to the dock area.
As you move toward the sound, you see the small gangly figure of the grumpy chef,....Yursor coming from around the corner (kitchen exit). He still wears his apron, his hairy arms sticking out. He is also moving toward the fight. At first glance, he carries a mace, realize it is actually a huge wooden spoon (OOC: Inside joke). "How Dare You Hassle Our Customers!" The gangly chef yells quite loudly. "I'm going to pound your head in with my spoon!"
Paevira: The huge ugly man is quite surprised that you are so aggressive. Armed with only a small knife, he is ill prepared for you.
You stab him deeply with the rapier, stabbing upward toward his 7foot tall frame, drawing first blood as your sharp blade slices shoulder and cuts his face.
Then much to his surprise your dagger hits, close to his crown jewels. He does not look happy He wears no armor, and not unexpectedly, he is slow and somewhat clumsy.
Elaina thanks you for the payment. She hand over two keys. “Just through that back door, up the stairs. Yours or makes a pretty good breakfast, if you like. That’s on the house for my overnight guests.”
Lev sets his jaw, doing his best to contain his pounding heard as his mind jumps to conclusions. Steeling himself, he rushes forward with his glaive closing 30ft of the distance before thrusting his polearm forward to cover the remaining 10.
(If I'm interpreting this right this should place him 10ft from the thug and 5ft from Paevira)
Lev doesn't have any intention of letting this guy talk, he just wants this ended as soon as possible.
Perhaps traveling with the redhead wouldn't be as bad as he'd thought initially. At least she's pleasant, plus she didn't seem the least bit put off by the rather unwelcoming behavior of... well himself and the dark elf. As she makes her way out the door, he raises a hand in a nonchalant wave. Unfortunately he has no plans of seeing Narwhals. Not unless Natalie is going to be there.
Turning to Vydar he says, "Fine. Are we meeting here then?"
(It could occur to some of you that it’s night, your near a dock in a small town, the sailors seem, gruff and unfriendly, and a beautiful red headed woman just walked out alone…or. Not)
(OOC: "Facepalms")
Lev's expression suddenly goes from tired to slightly disturbed when he realizes that he just watched Paevira walk out into the night by herself... in possibly the same direction that those drunks went, not to mention how many sailors are out there too. "We're meeting here. Don't make me look for you." He says abruptly before quickly snatching up his belongings. He steps quickly towards the door before looking to Amdaeng and Iolinder with that same serious expression as before. The girls both are likely capable of taking care of themselves, but that doesn't mean they should take unnecessary risks. His eyes move from Iolinder and Vydar to Amdaeng as if implying he's expecting at least one of them to make sure Amdaeng doesn't go out alone too. This glance is extremely brief however, as he quickly moves to accompany Paevira.
Once he catches up to her, he asks curtly without really looking at her, "I assume you have a room set up already. I'll accompany you to the inn." If it wasn't obvious, he just arrived in town prior to entering the tavern. Though he's doing a poor job at it, he's trying to make it sound like he just wants to know where a good place to stay is.
Vydar's face reddens with irritation at Lev's words. Tch. Why is he acting like he's in charge. "Yeah, obviously we are meeting here." He stops when the Black elf abruptly packs up his things, then makes eye contact with him before rushing out after Paevira. His jaw tightens again when he realizes the likely reason Lev followed her out. Vydar himself had been to annoyed with Lev to even consider the fact that a pretty elf woman just waltzed out into the night alone. Nera would have kicked him for failing to see that issue. Thinking about that only sours his mood. It only worsens when he guesses what that look Lev gave him was about.
He glances down at the black haired human with the calloused hands. Seeing them causes him to absentmindedly rub his own knuckles. A few small scars cross his hands, though clearly they are from years ago, back when all he had to fight with were his fists. He doesn't need to bloody his knuckles for fights any longer though. He has found other means of defense...and offense. Though that doesn't mean he's above punching someone if he feels the need.
He clears his throat, looking away from both of them and closing his eyes. "Do you two have lodging for the night? I still need to find a place so any suggestions would be appreciated."
Lev leaves the bar, looking for the cheerful woman.
(Perception and initiative rolls. Just in case. Can do so on character sheet (D&dbeyond) and then put scores here, tx)
Paeviras init : 20
Amdaeng nodded vaguely in response to the friendly overtures, then watched the others interactions with barely disguised interest.
She watches the two leave following an obviously fake treasure map? She screwed up her nose.....perhaps it was just an excuse to go for an evening walk together...she hadn't had much interaction with elves of any stripe.
She nodded to Vydar, " I don't.....I'm not sure Ms Storm knows I'm coming though.....this isn't really a planned trip as such and I only headed this way because an old teacher of mine suggested I climb a mountain under Ms Storms tutelage in order to clear my head somewhat."
" You want to split the cost of a room?"
She looks around the now somewhat more sparsely inhabited bar, " Anyone have any suggestions for a room for the night?"
Perception: 4
Initiative: 11
( -_-)
Elaina overhears talk of rooms, “Hey folks, I have two rooms available. Each for 1 silver that can accommodate 3 if your”re friendly, or some folks sleep here in the common area, that’s 2 coppers.”
Lev heads outside. It’s pretty quiet as you move out and left. Seeing nothing, you’re about to head back in when your sharp ears pick up a bit of conversation. Turning to the right, you think you hear something like,
“You must have a death wish” it’s a woman’s voice, pretty far away.
(lev, second perception roll, advantage)
13 for Thug perception.
Paevira: you see one of the elfs walk out of the bar, he turns to your right (which would be left out of the bar)
The ugly half orc glares at you, surprised at your brashness, he pauses for a moment. Then, he regains his composure, as he realizes you’re outnumbered and begins to draw a sharp boning knife used to gut fish. You note that he also has a cleaver in his belt.
You hear a whistling noise from above on the building you had marked earlier, no doubt, a warning of some sort.
The thug quickly looks over his shoulder, then back at you, but you sense some hesitation after he hears the whistle above.
Still facing the bar which is lit well by torches (100 feet away), you see another small stocky figure on the left of the building. (so Lev and one other), your not quite sure about those at the dock, but they are at least 50 feet away.
Paevira will go on offense since this fellow doesn’t seem to get the hint.
she will move at an angle in order to put him between herself and the dude on the roof and try the old slash and stab
rapier- atk 24 dmg 10
dagger- atk 24 dmg 6
The slash to his face to distract from the dagger to the groin
Amdaeng nods, " Two rooms", she drops two gold into Elainas hand to cover the rooms and her meal and wine.
" None of you snore right?"
" So....where do I find the rooms?, she asked Elaina.
Part of her fancied she heard something from outside but she shrugged it off, everyone seemed quite capable, if they needed her they'd scream or call out or something she was sure.
Vydar hesitates for a moment unsure of how to answer that question. Used to traveling alone it caught him off guard. ...but it would save him money. He also notes that she purchased two rooms despite the fact that each houses three. Either she doesn't want to share a room with two men, or she's anticipating the return of one or both of the elves who left. Though he's not sure why she'd ask if either of them snore if either of those scenarios are the case. Shrugging, he approaches Elaina and pays her the 6 silver he owed for his meal, then he holds out another silver to Amdaeng.
"I don't have change so I'll just pay for one of the rooms." He says bluntly, "And I don't think I snore, but then again I don't usually have room mates."
(OOC: I'm assuming Lev paid for his meal when it was brought to him. Lol, he wouldn't have walked out without paying.)
Perception: 21
Hearing the less than friendly voice, Lev immediately turns in its direction. Part of him hoping to find Paevira, and the other part of him hoping that it's just some random thugs going at each other.
(everyone inside can make a perception check: Looking for a 14or higher, except Amdaeng (11) may as well roll initiative)
Honing in on the voices, Lev turns to his right and starts moving toward the sound (see treasure map).
The first thing you see 50 feet away toward the docks with some torch light and dark vision is the back of a huge figure. Maybe it’s the shadows from the torches, he’s big. Dark cloak, easily more than 6 feet, maybe 7 feet. Your heart leaps to your throat!
She’s in big trouble.
As you move forward, you see her, facing the thug , weapons drawn in both hands. As if time isn’t moving they face each other. Then, she strikes, behind her a row of houses opens up to the dock area.
As you move toward the sound, you see the small gangly figure of the grumpy chef,....Yursor coming from around the corner (kitchen exit). He still wears his apron, his hairy arms sticking out. He is also moving toward the fight. At first glance, he carries a mace, realize it is actually a huge wooden spoon (OOC: Inside joke).
"How Dare You Hassle Our Customers!" The gangly chef yells quite loudly. "I'm going to pound your head in with my spoon!"
Paevira: The huge ugly man is quite surprised that you are so aggressive. Armed with only a small knife, he is ill prepared for you.
You stab him deeply with the rapier, stabbing upward toward his 7foot tall frame, drawing first blood as your sharp blade slices shoulder and cuts his face.
Then much to his surprise your dagger hits, close to his crown jewels. He does not look happy He wears no armor, and not unexpectedly, he is slow and somewhat clumsy.
--->Lev (40 feet from the combat)
Bar: 50 feet from combat at doorway.
Elaina thanks you for the payment. She hand over two keys. “Just through that back door, up the stairs. Yours or makes a pretty good breakfast, if you like. That’s on the house for my overnight guests.”
Lev sets his jaw, doing his best to contain his pounding heard as his mind jumps to conclusions. Steeling himself, he rushes forward with his glaive closing 30ft of the distance before thrusting his polearm forward to cover the remaining 10.
(If I'm interpreting this right this should place him 10ft from the thug and 5ft from Paevira)
Lev doesn't have any intention of letting this guy talk, he just wants this ended as soon as possible.
To hit: 19 Damage: 8