Zarbyn whispers, "What now? Should we try and get closer, maybe signal the others somehow?" squinting, even though this won't help in the dark, Zarbyn tries to discern where the entrance would be located. "How are we supposed to get in?"
Iólinder frowned. For all his enthusiasm for the pincer manouevre he had failed to take into account signaling. To be fair the group had moved before any proper forming of a plan and he had not yet the feeling that they were already moving like a well trained unit but he could just about smack himself in the head for overseeing such a basic component.
He decided to try a different approach. One of his instructors used to say "A battle avoided is a battle won." Perhaps that could work here. Iólinder vaguely recalled that kobolds are a superstitious, cowardly lot so he figured it had a fair chance of succeeding.
'I'm going to try something.' Iólinder whispered to Zarbyn and Lev. 'With any luck, it will deter the kobolds and alert our companions.'
He touched the holy symbol hanging from his neck and cast a spell. He whispered a phrase but the sounds came not from his mouth but originated further in the air more closely to the kobolds.
'Turn back... Only death awaits those who enter... Turn back...'
While the voice filled the space near the kobolds, the voice itself was unmistakenly Iólinder's. He hoped that would suffice in alerting the others on the other side of the pyramid.
Casting Thaumaturgy to produce ominous whispers. Would it be possible to combine the "your voice booms up to three times as loud as normal" together with the casting for producing ominous whispers for more oomph? If not, just the whispers is okay.
Vydar swims under taking a very thorough look at the west side of the pyramid and the ground under the weater, confident that his vision will help him see any irregularities or underwater entrances. He has enough breath to also look at the north. The structure seems to have been built from the bottom of the crater, and the crater seems to have filled with water from the snow runoff. Perhaps some times of the year, the lake could be empty or even deeper than it is now. For now, the first two levels of stone are underwater. Unfortunately, he sees no underwater entrance/ or exit. The stones seem as solid as those above.
Between the Kobolds losing over 15 of their group, the stone pyramid guardian, the creepy dark pyramid, and the lightning, Iólinder's ploy seems to have some effect. From around the corner where both of Storms groups know the Kobolds to be, there seems to be a sudden panic. You hear yelling, stumbling
You hear one Kobold yell, "Its Myurr, he sees us and knows we are here!"
Another Kobold yells, "Fools, it's just a trick from the pyramid."
Then you hear a splash, someone just jumped back into the water.
If you're going to attack, the chaos and disorganization would provide good timing.
Each of you is on the first level of the pyramid, which goes all the way around at that elevation. You are uncertain what level the Kobolds are on until you round the corner. Vydar is underwater this round, and does not know what is happening above yet.
Zarbyn cannot see in total darkness so will rely on being led closer to either the pyramid or kobolds or both by Lev and/or Iolinder.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
(Zabryn and Amdaeng can see somewhat (will have disadvantage on attacks, and skill rolls). There are stars out and the night is clear. Some moonlight is visible in the nights sky.)
(ooc: is it possible to move around the base of the pyramid enough to see the kobolds? and if so, how far away would they be?)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
(ooc: Could Zarbyn get within range to cast Sleep on the kobolds? if so that is what he will do on his turn and here is my roll for the spell: 25 and if not then he just stays with Lev and Iolinder.)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Although Zarbyn can't see well, he does hear splashing in the water. He aims the spell there, and two targets (Kobolds) fall asleep.
Zarbyn sees several figures that wear cloaks, and several other enemies, he assumes Kobolds as well. The large one yells, "we are being attacked!"
The large Kobold (commander runs across the third level of the pyramid, spotting Zarbyn and throws two Javelins at him. Unfortunately, he misjudges the throws with the angle of elevation, missing both. Zarbyn looks up and perhaps due to the height difference, sees a rather imposing dragon man figure above him.
Paevira takes aim at him, seeing him attack. She is on shore and shots her crossbow. Unfortunately, her shot also misses due to range and the darkness.
------->Vydar is up, the one Kobold, Lev and Amdaeng (You can state your actions, including move and attack.)
Lev moves forward, knowing that Zarbyn can't see due to the darkness surrounding them. He grits his teeth as the javelins fly by, narrowly missing the human caster. Gripping his glaive, Lev stares down the draconic figure, eyes narrowing. If he's at all fazed by this, it's impossible to tell. The only thing that is clear is his determination to keep his companions out of harm's way.
Steeling himself, he jabs the glaive towards the draconic enemy, wordlessly cursing the fact that he'd hoped to avoid conflict if possible.
Noting what he sees, Vydar quickly re-surfaces near Amdaeng, hearing the sounds around him. It doesn't take long for him to figure out that they've engaged in combat with the Kobolds.
"There's no door down there, but I can say this structure has several levels. It goes down quite a ways."He says to Amdaeng as he wipes some hair out of his face and takes his spellbook back. "Sounds like we're fighting."
He moves around the pyramid enough to see the one remaining kobold and the cloaked Kobold. Raising a hand, he casts fire bolt at the cloaked Kobold.
(Perception for vydar, you are on the west side of the pyramid)
Perception: 20
Iólinder frowned. For all his enthusiasm for the pincer manouevre he had failed to take into account signaling. To be fair the group had moved before any proper forming of a plan and he had not yet the feeling that they were already moving like a well trained unit but he could just about smack himself in the head for overseeing such a basic component.
He decided to try a different approach. One of his instructors used to say "A battle avoided is a battle won." Perhaps that could work here. Iólinder vaguely recalled that kobolds are a superstitious, cowardly lot so he figured it had a fair chance of succeeding.
'I'm going to try something.' Iólinder whispered to Zarbyn and Lev. 'With any luck, it will deter the kobolds and alert our companions.'
He touched the holy symbol hanging from his neck and cast a spell. He whispered a phrase but the sounds came not from his mouth but originated further in the air more closely to the kobolds.
'Turn back... Only death awaits those who enter... Turn back...'
While the voice filled the space near the kobolds, the voice itself was unmistakenly Iólinder's. He hoped that would suffice in alerting the others on the other side of the pyramid.
Casting Thaumaturgy to produce ominous whispers. Would it be possible to combine the "your voice booms up to three times as loud as normal" together with the casting for producing ominous whispers for more oomph? If not, just the whispers is okay.
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
Iólinder (Roll intimidation)
Vydar swims under taking a very thorough look at the west side of the pyramid and the ground under the weater, confident that his vision will help him see any irregularities or underwater entrances. He has enough breath to also look at the north. The structure seems to have been built from the bottom of the crater, and the crater seems to have filled with water from the snow runoff. Perhaps some times of the year, the lake could be empty or even deeper than it is now. For now, the first two levels of stone are underwater. Unfortunately, he sees no underwater entrance/ or exit. The stones seem as solid as those above.
Considering it's a magical effect, do I roll Intimidation using my spellcasting modifier (Wisdom) or is it a straight Intimidation roll with Charisma?
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
(I like that, lets use Wisdom for this one!)
Okidoki, thanks.
Not proficient in Intimidation so this is a straight Wisdom roll for Iólinder: 20
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
Between the Kobolds losing over 15 of their group, the stone pyramid guardian, the creepy dark pyramid, and the lightning, Iólinder's ploy seems to have some effect. From around the corner where both of Storms groups know the Kobolds to be, there seems to be a sudden panic. You hear yelling, stumbling
You hear one Kobold yell, "Its Myurr, he sees us and knows we are here!"
Another Kobold yells, "Fools, it's just a trick from the pyramid."
Then you hear a splash, someone just jumped back into the water.
If you're going to attack, the chaos and disorganization would provide good timing.
Back to the top of Initiative:
Each of you is on the first level of the pyramid, which goes all the way around at that elevation. You are uncertain what level the Kobolds are on until you round the corner. Vydar is underwater this round, and does not know what is happening above yet.
------->Lev, Amdaeng, Zarbyn
Amdaeng elects to wait where she is waiting for Vydar to surface.
Zarbyn cannot see in total darkness so will rely on being led closer to either the pyramid or kobolds or both by Lev and/or Iolinder.
(Zabryn and Amdaeng can see somewhat (will have disadvantage on attacks, and skill rolls). There are stars out and the night is clear. Some moonlight is visible in the nights sky.)
(ooc: is it possible to move around the base of the pyramid enough to see the kobolds? and if so, how far away would they be?)
(Yes, each base is 60 feet, so she could sneak around for a peak)
(ooc: Could Zarbyn get within range to cast Sleep on the kobolds? if so that is what he will do on his turn and here is my roll for the spell: 25 and if not then he just stays with Lev and Iolinder.)
Although Zarbyn can't see well, he does hear splashing in the water. He aims the spell there, and two targets (Kobolds) fall asleep.
Zarbyn sees several figures that wear cloaks, and several other enemies, he assumes Kobolds as well. The large one yells, "we are being attacked!"
The large Kobold (commander runs across the third level of the pyramid, spotting Zarbyn and throws two Javelins at him. Unfortunately, he misjudges the throws with the angle of elevation, missing both. Zarbyn looks up and perhaps due to the height difference, sees a rather imposing dragon man figure above him.
Paevira takes aim at him, seeing him attack. She is on shore and shots her crossbow. Unfortunately, her shot also misses due to range and the darkness.
------->Vydar is up, the one Kobold, Lev and Amdaeng (You can state your actions, including move and attack.)
Lev moves forward, knowing that Zarbyn can't see due to the darkness surrounding them. He grits his teeth as the javelins fly by, narrowly missing the human caster. Gripping his glaive, Lev stares down the draconic figure, eyes narrowing. If he's at all fazed by this, it's impossible to tell. The only thing that is clear is his determination to keep his companions out of harm's way.
Steeling himself, he jabs the glaive towards the draconic enemy, wordlessly cursing the fact that he'd hoped to avoid conflict if possible.
Attack: 9
Damage: 10
Noting what he sees, Vydar quickly re-surfaces near Amdaeng, hearing the sounds around him. It doesn't take long for him to figure out that they've engaged in combat with the Kobolds.
"There's no door down there, but I can say this structure has several levels. It goes down quite a ways." He says to Amdaeng as he wipes some hair out of his face and takes his spellbook back. "Sounds like we're fighting."
He moves around the pyramid enough to see the one remaining kobold and the cloaked Kobold. Raising a hand, he casts fire bolt at the cloaked Kobold.
To hit: 20
Damage: 10
Lev moves to engage but is surprised by the kobolds awkward movement pattern. He won’t miss next time.
Vydar takes aim at a cloaked mobile and hits her with his blast. She steps back in pain; but, now has a new target.
Amdaeng rushes up trying to close with the cloaked kobold.
Movement. Action- Dash.
Bonus Action- 1 Ki- Patient Defense- Dodge.