'Tomorrow then, Vydar.'Iólinder replied to the plans made. He counted himself fortuitous: he had not expected to have a lead so soon after arriving in town. But he was not one to complain. That only left the question of a place to stay for the night. Yet again his soon to be travel companions came through.
'I would be much obliged if I could share a room.'He said when arrangements were being made. 'I don't snore... I think.'Iólinder shrugged. 'Never had anyone complain about it so far but I am not the most reliable source on it.'
He looked to the door through which both Paevira and Lev left the tavern. 'Do you think they'll be all right?' Iólinder asked. There was a slight undertone of worry in his question. Lev looked like he could handle himself but Paevira seemed a bit... out there. Let alone the fact that a lady should not be traversing through unknown territory alone in the dark.
(It goes, in this order: Bar------Yursor------Lev------Thug---Paevira------???)
(A glaive gives you 10ft reach, so with full normal move, you are able to attack him from behind!, While you just saw Paevira viciously attack from the front)
You advance quickly and without stopping, impale the thug, then you pull it out and see blood pool on the ground. You note no resistance of armor. He is a huge half-orc, and falls to the ground, the life fading from his dark eyes.
(Waiting on Initiative rolls from the rest of the party....and...we are at Initiative 12)
Yursor, carrying a huge wooden spoon, runs right behind Lev, seeing the half-orc fall, he throws a meat cleaver at Paevira....no at a thug behind her. The cleaver flies past Paevira, 10 feet beyond to the thug behind her and hits (with disadvantage) 14 to hit, 10 damage. The villain looks to be at deaths door, but still stands, barely.
Taking one of the keys and leaving the other for the black haired woman, "You and I can share one then I guess. She can have the other--." He starts speaking to Iolinder, intending to make the decision of not sharing a room with Amdaeng to avoid any awkwardness. However the half-elf's question causes him to cut his sentence short. He looks at Iolinder, then at the door which currently holds the man's attention. That Lev guy had the look of a trained fighter, so he should be fine...though Vydar tells himself he could care less what happens to that jerk. The woman seemed competent, but anyone of small stature is far more susceptible to trouble than those gifted with strength.
"That Lev guy looked tough enough. They should be fine. I think the red head was going back to wherever she has a room..." He starts to respond. He really does not want to go after them. Whatever happens to those two shouldn't be his problem. However, the more he thinks about it the more that feeling that trouble is near prods his mind. It irritates him, but he knows it won't go away unless he does something.
His breath hisses through his teeth, then huffs, "I guess we could go check on them. If they don't have rooms they can stay in ours and pay us back later." If it was just Lev who went out, he would not be doing this.
Standing, he pocket's the key. He'd considered giving Iolinder the key before leaving, but Vydar was the one who paid for the rooms so he doesn't intend to risk getting locked out. Iolinder seems like a fine guy, but one can never be to careful.
Preparing to exit the tavern, he slings his scarf back around his neck, and rests one hand on his satchel. He sighs. Why is he even doing this? This shouldn't matter to him. If he doesn't find them after a few minutes of pointless wandering he'd going strait back to his room and getting a good night's rest. Whatever happens at least now he can say he tried.
(edited previous post to reflect what's happening.)
Vydar feels the hair on the back of his neck prickle at the sound of the yelling. Why did that bad feeling actually have to mean something? He sets his jaw.
Iólinder watched Vydar walk out the door. He was of half a mind to follow him, half a mind to stay in the tavern where it was warm and cozy. It was when he heard a voice, Yursor's voice, yelling from outside about pounding someone's head in with a spoon. Both intrigued with the odd threat and his priestly instincts kicking in upon hearing said threat made Iólinder walk out the door.
When outside Iólinder took one of his torches and lit it using his tinderbox. The torch provided warmth and, just as important, a source of light to illuminate the encroaching dark. 'Miss Paevira?' Iólinder cried into the night.
Iólinder Spots the ruckus ahead, the group about 30-40 feet ahead (1/2 move)
you see Yusor, Les, someone down, Paevira,——
(we’ll play Vydar at the door, no action, full action/move next round) we need Amdaeng, then continue except for Iólinder (40 feet away is party, maybe one enemy at 60 feet with a weapons handle sticking out of him, the blade inside his chest.
--->Amdaeng 5: As Amdaeng heads for the door through the kitchen, she also hears Yursor yelling: "How Dare You Hassle Our Customers!" , "I'm going to pound your head in with my spoon!" As you move toward the back door, you think you hear something moving above on the next building over
------>Amdaeng and Iólinder (1/2 move, and action)
As you figure something is going down outside, you spill out of the bar. Perspective: From right outside the bar: The rain has stopped, and it is a bit misty and damp. Its darkish but there are some street lights and most of you have Darkvision 60.
You quickly spot Lev, Yursor and Paevira about 40 feet away (route on the fake map). On the floor next to them is a huge half-orc, he's down. Paevira has two weapons out, Lev has a sharp-looking glaive, and Yursor, has a huge wooden spoon.
Behind Paevira is a bandit(STAR) (60 feet) with a cleaver in his chest. He's still up, but it looks like he is not long on this earth.
Amdaeng detected someone up above on the roof of the tavern or next building over. Paevira has marked someone up on the roof near her location.
Amdaeng and Iólinder who made perception/ moved early enough in the round who came outside can still act, but used half move getting to the door. (ranged attacks and half move is available still) Vydar didn't note much, then started to see companions hear something, and is at the door. low on taking full round to get to the door.
Because of your background of being an urchin, you tend to be wary of ambushes from many directions and have become good at finding things out of place. As you run out and scan the area with your superior Darkvision, you spot a figure crouched on the rooftop (?) south of P/L/Y on the map. He's about 50 feet away. They probably haven't seen him yet.
You see a mark on the roof of the bar. marked with a star
For the continuity of the story, we are at initiative 4, you may act before the bandit(s). Talking is free
Paevira will smile at the ugly part orcs quick demise and say, “ thank you friends for your quick action and aid. It seems curiosity has tried to kill the cat this evening. There is one on this roof..” she will point him out as she prepares to move under the eave of that building in case he has a crossbow or something.
Iólinder took quick stock of the situation and his reflexes from years of honing both his skills and his sense of justice kicked in.
'Stop right there, criminal scum!' He shouted at the figure on the roof Paevira pointed out as he took his crossbow and aimed it. 'Come down quietly and we can resolve this without further bloodshed.'
Action: Ready an action -> Attack the figure on the roof with a crossbow Trigger: if the figure does anything except come down peacefully Attack roll: 14 Damage roll: 7
Lev's eyes shoot upward and as soon as he catches sight of the criminal he suddenly disappears and then reappears behind the man on the roof. Once behind him, Lev attempts to grapple the man, using the haft of his glaive to put the thug in a choke hold.
Bonus action: Teleport (blessing of the raven queen)
Action: grapple
Athletics: 11
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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'Tomorrow then, Vydar.' Iólinder replied to the plans made. He counted himself fortuitous: he had not expected to have a lead so soon after arriving in town. But he was not one to complain. That only left the question of a place to stay for the night. Yet again his soon to be travel companions came through.
'I would be much obliged if I could share a room.' He said when arrangements were being made. 'I don't snore... I think.' Iólinder shrugged. 'Never had anyone complain about it so far but I am not the most reliable source on it.'
He looked to the door through which both Paevira and Lev left the tavern. 'Do you think they'll be all right?' Iólinder asked. There was a slight undertone of worry in his question. Lev looked like he could handle himself but Paevira seemed a bit... out there. Let alone the fact that a lady should not be traversing through unknown territory alone in the dark.
Perception check: 15
Initiative: 15
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
(It goes, in this order: Bar------Yursor------Lev------Thug---Paevira------???)
(A glaive gives you 10ft reach, so with full normal move, you are able to attack him from behind!, While you just saw Paevira viciously attack from the front)
You advance quickly and without stopping, impale the thug, then you pull it out and see blood pool on the ground. You note no resistance of armor.
He is a huge half-orc, and falls to the ground, the life fading from his dark eyes.
(Waiting on Initiative rolls from the rest of the party....and...we are at Initiative 12)
Yursor, carrying a huge wooden spoon, runs right behind Lev, seeing the half-orc fall, he throws a meat cleaver at Paevira....no at a thug behind her. The cleaver flies past Paevira, 10 feet beyond to the thug behind her and hits (with disadvantage) 14 to hit, 10 damage. The villain looks to be at deaths door, but still stands, barely.
Thug---Paevira------Thug (badly injured)-???Taking one of the keys and leaving the other for the black haired woman, "You and I can share one then I guess. She can have the other--." He starts speaking to Iolinder, intending to make the decision of not sharing a room with Amdaeng to avoid any awkwardness. However the half-elf's question causes him to cut his sentence short. He looks at Iolinder, then at the door which currently holds the man's attention. That Lev guy had the look of a trained fighter, so he should be fine...though Vydar tells himself he could care less what happens to that jerk. The woman seemed competent, but anyone of small stature is far more susceptible to trouble than those gifted with strength.
"That Lev guy looked tough enough. They should be fine. I think the red head was going back to wherever she has a room..." He starts to respond. He really does not want to go after them. Whatever happens to those two shouldn't be his problem. However, the more he thinks about it the more that feeling that trouble is near prods his mind. It irritates him, but he knows it won't go away unless he does something.
His breath hisses through his teeth, then huffs, "I guess we could go check on them. If they don't have rooms they can stay in ours and pay us back later." If it was just Lev who went out, he would not be doing this.
Standing, he pocket's the key. He'd considered giving Iolinder the key before leaving, but Vydar was the one who paid for the rooms so he doesn't intend to risk getting locked out. Iolinder seems like a fine guy, but one can never be to careful.
Preparing to exit the tavern, he slings his scarf back around his neck, and rests one hand on his satchel. He sighs. Why is he even doing this? This shouldn't matter to him. If he doesn't find them after a few minutes of pointless wandering he'd going strait back to his room and getting a good night's rest. Whatever happens at least now he can say he tried.
Perception: 10
Initiative: 21
Iólinder and (any who make perception roll hear clear yelling outside, definite trouble)
Iólinder clearly hears, Yursors voice, but not in the kitchen, outside: "I'm going to pound your head in with my spoon!"
(Vydar: near door inside, no action)
---->Iólinder (can act, half move to get out the door)
( paevira rolled a 20 for init in case that was missed)
(edited previous post to reflect what's happening.)
Vydar feels the hair on the back of his neck prickle at the sound of the yelling. Why did that bad feeling actually have to mean something? He sets his jaw.
(Awaiting my turn to move to the door.)
Iólinder watched Vydar walk out the door. He was of half a mind to follow him, half a mind to stay in the tavern where it was warm and cozy. It was when he heard a voice, Yursor's voice, yelling from outside about pounding someone's head in with a spoon. Both intrigued with the odd threat and his priestly instincts kicking in upon hearing said threat made Iólinder walk out the door.
When outside Iólinder took one of his torches and lit it using his tinderbox. The torch provided warmth and, just as important, a source of light to illuminate the encroaching dark. 'Miss Paevira?' Iólinder cried into the night.
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
(Yes, you stared it off nicely!)
Iólinder Spots the ruckus ahead, the group about 30-40 feet ahead (1/2 move)
you see Yusor, Les, someone down, Paevira,——
(we’ll play Vydar at the door, no action, full action/move next round) we need Amdaeng, then continue except for Iólinder (40 feet away is party, maybe one enemy at 60 feet with a weapons handle sticking out of him, the blade inside his chest.
Amdaeng Perception- 19
Amdaeng takes both keys then cocks her head and sprints out the back door.....
Initiative- 5
Vydar 21
Paevira 20
Yursor 20
Iolinder 15
Lev 13
--->Amdaeng 5: As Amdaeng heads for the door through the kitchen, she also hears Yursor yelling: "How Dare You Hassle Our Customers!" , "I'm going to pound your head in with my spoon!" As you move toward the back door, you think you hear something moving above on the next building over
------>Amdaeng and Iólinder (1/2 move, and action)
Bandits Initiative: 3
Big Half-orc Thug (Very dead)Bandit 1: (Almost dead)
As you figure something is going down outside, you spill out of the bar.
Perspective: From right outside the bar: The rain has stopped, and it is a bit misty and damp. Its darkish but there are some street lights and most of you have Darkvision 60.
You quickly spot Lev, Yursor and Paevira about 40 feet away (route on the fake map). On the floor next to them is a huge half-orc, he's down. Paevira has two weapons out, Lev has a sharp-looking glaive, and Yursor, has a huge wooden spoon.
Behind Paevira is a bandit(STAR) (60 feet) with a cleaver in his chest. He's still up, but it looks like he is not long on this earth.
Amdaeng detected someone up above on the roof of the tavern or next building over. Paevira has marked someone up on the roof near her location.
Amdaeng and Iólinder who made perception/ moved early enough in the round who came outside can still act, but used half move getting to the door. (ranged attacks and half move is available still) Vydar didn't note much, then started to see companions hear something, and is at the door. low on taking full round to get to the door.
Because of your background of being an urchin, you tend to be wary of ambushes from many directions and have become good at finding things out of place. As you run out and scan the area with your superior Darkvision, you spot a figure crouched on the rooftop (?) south of P/L/Y on the map. He's about 50 feet away. They probably haven't seen him yet.
You see a mark on the roof of the bar. marked with a star
For the continuity of the story, we are at initiative 4, you may act before the bandit(s). Talking is free
------>Amdaeng and Iólinder
Paevira will smile at the ugly part orcs quick demise and say, “ thank you friends for your quick action and aid. It seems curiosity has tried to kill the cat this evening. There is one on this roof..” she will point him out as she prepares to move under the eave of that building in case he has a crossbow or something.
From the rooftop above Paevira, Lev, and Yursor, you hear a man's voice say, "This ain't what I signed up for, I'm out! (he doesn't move until 3)
Iólinder took quick stock of the situation and his reflexes from years of honing both his skills and his sense of justice kicked in.
'Stop right there, criminal scum!' He shouted at the figure on the roof Paevira pointed out as he took his crossbow and aimed it. 'Come down quietly and we can resolve this without further bloodshed.'
Action: Ready an action -> Attack the figure on the roof with a crossbow
Trigger: if the figure does anything except come down peacefully
Attack roll: 14
Damage roll: 7
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
(OOC: 1-6 Runs, 7-10 stays)6
---->Amdaeng, then (?) guy on the roof will turn and run, and likely get hit
Amdaengs eyes flicked up to the roof and she started climbing looking for handholds to get up there.
Acrobatics- 8
Lev's eyes shoot upward and as soon as he catches sight of the criminal he suddenly disappears and then reappears behind the man on the roof. Once behind him, Lev attempts to grapple the man, using the haft of his glaive to put the thug in a choke hold.
Bonus action: Teleport (blessing of the raven queen)
Action: grapple
Athletics: 11