The head of the woman attaches to the body. She is a beautiful Elvin woman with red flowing hair and a red dress. She is bound in handcuffs. She lies on the floor near the coffin and does not rise. Unlike the skeletal guards, this woman appears as what you imagine she looked like in life. Her body is still completely ethereal. The skeletal guards, now appearing quite real and solid, all turn as one, facing the scene on the dias. Then, as if given a command, all draw their scimitars as one.
Meanwhile, Zarbyn and Lira are able to push the coffin a few feet. There is a small cut-out under a portion of the coffin. Inside is a small chest, 2 feet long by one foot tall. A symbol of the dragon king is engraved on its surface. It is locked.
"I'll open this. Maybe go ahead and put the girl in the coffin? Once the mother becomes physical I'll get those handcuffs off too and she can join her daughter." Lira will hurry to unlock the chest, hoping it contains something that might help dissuade or defeat the skeletal guards.
"This might be the bone relic," Lira announces, purposely avoiding touching the bone or even the bag, "And a book in Elvish: Malbordus..." She remembers the story of Malbordus being in Storm's notes. She carefully picks up the book and opens it, hoping for some sort of clue or guidance within.
Investigation if needed for finding relevant info in book: two 8s with inspiration -.-
“Now do you see her?” Lev says, sounding a bit frustrated as he gestures to the body of the woman.
He covers his eyes with his free hand for a moment, then moves away from helping Zarbyn to instead attempt to unchain the woman… They might not have had much luck disarming the skeletons but he might as well try.
Unsure if this is his brightest idea, but right now it seems like getting on the ghost’s good side might be the best option if possible.
As he moves forward he suddenly registers what Lira said about the coffin. “No! No I don’t think putting them in there is a good idea at all.” He emphasizes those last words. “Clearly neither of them are going to be too fond of that coffin. If we are going to try moving them anyway we should get them out of this accursed place.” There is no way either of them are going to want eternal rest in that coffin.
The ghostly girl turns after attaching the head. Instead of returning to the pool of skulls, she now faces the well. (OOC: Intuition tells you that something else needs to happen here, right this moment, or the ritual will complete as it has many times before...Hint: Vydar...or someone else..., in-game time, 2 seconds!, no time for any other actions other than talking)
Vydar, feeling like questioning this scull is going nowhere, rushes over to the body of the red clad woman that just appeared. Standing over her, he looks over at the ghost girl. “This might not work but we are running out of options” he says to the group.
“Arvan Gurw!” he says loudly, eyes fixed on the ghostly child.
Noting that the others have located the bone relic, a second, less pleasant idea forms in his head. He doesn’t like the idea, but if this doesn’t work… he continues watching the ghost.
The ghostly girl floats to the well, and stands there for a moment, as if listening to something.
She then begins to lower the bucket attached to a string. You see an image of the bucket going down, although the physical bucket and rope have not moved at all. (Similar to the skulls still in the pool of water) it also makes no sound as it goes down to the water, nor is there a sound when the spectral bucket touches the freezing water below.
Then she turns the lever in reverse and the bucket comes back up. She appears to look inside. It contains only water.
She looks back up at someone unseen, and says "Arvan Gurw" (thirteen). (This is the answer the sultan wanted)
In the blink of an eye, the skeletal guards disintegrate into dust, their weapons and ancient armor clattering against the stone-tiled floor.
For a brief moment, an afterimage of a river of blood, or a red flowing dress (whatever your eyes interpreted), trailing down the center of the room, lingers before fading away.
The enchanting red-haired Nemset vanishes, her form dissolving until only her skeletal remains endure, resting on the dais beside the coffin.
And then, the ghostly girl... disappears into nothingness. Her skeleton, resting next to her mothers.
Whatever transpired in this place, whatever horrible events forced the girl's spirit to repeat this ritual endlessly, her curse and suffering have finally come to an end.
"I think that is the bone artifact we were seeking. Do we have everything else we came for?"
Zarbyn tries to remember anything he might of come across about Malbordus and magic.
Arcana: 4
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
In the meantime, Lira will set the book down and move to unlock the handcuffs on Nemset's skeletal form. It serves no practical purpose, but just feels right.
The rusty cuffs come off easily. The book looks to contain an elaborate ritual of some sort. It is extremely complex and difficult to understand. It is filled with extra handwritten notes, cross-outs, and additions of items and ingredients, almost like a person trying to perfect a recipe.
Iólinder watched as the others moved about getting into the coffin as well as moving it. When the clock nearly struck twelve, so to speak, and Vydar threw out a last ditch attempt to stop whatever was going on, Iólinder could do nothing more than observe, to watch and wait. When the girl and the skeletons disappeared, Iólinder let out a breath he did not know he was holding.
After he took a moment to gather himself, Iólinder noticed that the others had also found something: the bone relic they had been looking for and a book. He moved over to pick it up. Books had always been a comfort to him so it was only natural he gravitated to it after such a tense ordeal. He leafed through the pages for anything of peculiar interest.
Iólinder thinks a better environment and more time looking it over will help, but it appears to be a book handwritten with a number of strange rituals in them. It seems the person who wrote in the book tried a number of rituals using different ingredients, words, and different orders to obtain different results. The book also seems to be quite old. The pages are worn and the ink has lightened. This book is one-of-a-kind.
Seeing that they seem to be one Tua-Sou necklace short, Lira will look around the edges of the chamber more closely just in case one somehow got in here.
Perception: 8 -.-
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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The head of the woman attaches to the body. She is a beautiful Elvin woman with red flowing hair and a red dress. She is bound in handcuffs. She lies on the floor near the coffin and does not rise. Unlike the skeletal guards, this woman appears as what you imagine she looked like in life. Her body is still completely ethereal. The skeletal guards, now appearing quite real and solid, all turn as one, facing the scene on the dias. Then, as if given a command, all draw their scimitars as one.
Meanwhile, Zarbyn and Lira are able to push the coffin a few feet. There is a small cut-out under a portion of the coffin. Inside is a small chest, 2 feet long by one foot tall. A symbol of the dragon king is engraved on its surface. It is locked.
"I'll open this. Maybe go ahead and put the girl in the coffin? Once the mother becomes physical I'll get those handcuffs off too and she can join her daughter." Lira will hurry to unlock the chest, hoping it contains something that might help dissuade or defeat the skeletal guards.
Sleight of hand: 23
Inside are two things. A small bag with a bone of some sort inside, and a book. On the cover of the book is engraved: Malbordus (In Elvish)
"This might be the bone relic," Lira announces, purposely avoiding touching the bone or even the bag, "And a book in Elvish: Malbordus..." She remembers the story of Malbordus being in Storm's notes. She carefully picks up the book and opens it, hoping for some sort of clue or guidance within.
Investigation if needed for finding relevant info in book: two 8s with inspiration -.-
“Now do you see her?” Lev says, sounding a bit frustrated as he gestures to the body of the woman.
He covers his eyes with his free hand for a moment, then moves away from helping Zarbyn to instead attempt to unchain the woman… They might not have had much luck disarming the skeletons but he might as well try.
Unsure if this is his brightest idea, but right now it seems like getting on the ghost’s good side might be the best option if possible.
As he moves forward he suddenly registers what Lira said about the coffin.
“No! No I don’t think putting them in there is a good idea at all.” He emphasizes those last words. “Clearly neither of them are going to be too fond of that coffin. If we are going to try moving them anyway we should get them out of this accursed place.”
There is no way either of them are going to want eternal rest in that coffin.
Lira, hearing Lev's resolve, nods after a moment. "Yes, that makes more sense. No one should have to stay here."
The ghostly girl turns after attaching the head. Instead of returning to the pool of skulls, she now faces the well. (OOC: Intuition tells you that something else needs to happen here, right this moment, or the ritual will complete as it has many times before...Hint: Vydar...or someone else..., in-game time, 2 seconds!, no time for any other actions other than talking)
Vydar, feeling like questioning this scull is going nowhere, rushes over to the body of the red clad woman that just appeared. Standing over her, he looks over at the ghost girl. “This might not work but we are running out of options” he says to the group.
“Arvan Gurw!” he says loudly, eyes fixed on the ghostly child.
Noting that the others have located the bone relic, a second, less pleasant idea forms in his head. He doesn’t like the idea, but if this doesn’t work… he continues watching the ghost.
The ghostly girl floats to the well, and stands there for a moment, as if listening to something.
She then begins to lower the bucket attached to a string. You see an image of the bucket going down, although the physical bucket and rope have not moved at all. (Similar to the skulls still in the pool of water) it also makes no sound as it goes down to the water, nor is there a sound when the spectral bucket touches the freezing water below.
Then she turns the lever in reverse and the bucket comes back up. She appears to look inside. It contains only water.
She looks back up at someone unseen, and says "Arvan Gurw" (thirteen). (This is the answer the sultan wanted)
In the blink of an eye, the skeletal guards disintegrate into dust, their weapons and ancient armor clattering against the stone-tiled floor.
For a brief moment, an afterimage of a river of blood, or a red flowing dress (whatever your eyes interpreted), trailing down the center of the room, lingers before fading away.
The enchanting red-haired Nemset vanishes, her form dissolving until only her skeletal remains endure, resting on the dais beside the coffin.
And then, the ghostly girl... disappears into nothingness. Her skeleton, resting next to her mothers.
Whatever transpired in this place, whatever horrible events forced the girl's spirit to repeat this ritual endlessly, her curse and suffering have finally come to an end.
All is quiet in the throne room.
"I think that is the bone artifact we were seeking. Do we have everything else we came for?"
Zarbyn tries to remember anything he might of come across about Malbordus and magic.
Arcana: 4
"How many necklaces do we have? We were looking for five, right? I have one from the body on the spider ledge."
In the meantime, Lira will set the book down and move to unlock the handcuffs on Nemset's skeletal form. It serves no practical purpose, but just feels right.
Sleight of hand: 21
The rusty cuffs come off easily. The book looks to contain an elaborate ritual of some sort. It is extremely complex and difficult to understand. It is filled with extra handwritten notes, cross-outs, and additions of items and ingredients, almost like a person trying to perfect a recipe.
Iólinder watched as the others moved about getting into the coffin as well as moving it. When the clock nearly struck twelve, so to speak, and Vydar threw out a last ditch attempt to stop whatever was going on, Iólinder could do nothing more than observe, to watch and wait. When the girl and the skeletons disappeared, Iólinder let out a breath he did not know he was holding.
After he took a moment to gather himself, Iólinder noticed that the others had also found something: the bone relic they had been looking for and a book. He moved over to pick it up. Books had always been a comfort to him so it was only natural he gravitated to it after such a tense ordeal. He leafed through the pages for anything of peculiar interest.
Investigation check on the book if permitted: 7
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
Iólinder thinks a better environment and more time looking it over will help, but it appears to be a book handwritten with a number of strange rituals in them. It seems the person who wrote in the book tried a number of rituals using different ingredients, words, and different orders to obtain different results. The book also seems to be quite old. The pages are worn and the ink has lightened. This book is one-of-a-kind.
Amdaeng lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding, " Well done!! ".
She beams at the others, " That was amazing! Everyone.........well, almost at peace now!"
Her eyes were teared up as she systematically began hugging each of her companions with slightly annoyed mews from Ning during the embraces.
(OOC: Alright, waiting on next steps...)
Seeing that they seem to be one Tua-Sou necklace short, Lira will look around the edges of the chamber more closely just in case one somehow got in here.
Perception: 8 -.-