Whispering loud enough to be heard by his nearby companions but not loud enough to alert the kobolds Zarbyn asks, "Kobolds, and it looks like they're on the way in. Maybe there are some waiting outside. Should we look for another way out?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
"Y-yes, we should avoid a fight if we can." Lira has no desire to harm the enslaved kobolds, knowing they have no choice in their actions. Another way out... "Maybethe vines in the domed room? If we can get out through the dome without being spotted, we'll be able to see where any on the outside are and avoid them."
Lira tilts her head as she studies the tracks further. "Just two sets. Shareella sent dozens to cache 2...Scouts maybe? And it looks like they didn't come very far in," she remarks, "Maybe they saw the dead spider and realized we got here first, so decided to wait outside to ambush us?"
Relieved that the ordeal seems to be over, Lev moves to help them find the last necklace... but apparently he'd been staring at the body for a bit too long after Lira pulled the shackles off. Good grief, this whole thing just keeps getting... well he can't say worse but it isn't getting better. If anything it's just getting stranger, and he can't say he particularly likes that. As the others deal with retrieving the necklace from the pit trap, he stands in silence, one hand straying to the amulet on his neck. His brow is farrowed, mind racing until someone brings up the Kobolds--at which point he snaps back to attention and nods.
"Climbing out may be our only option if we wish to avoid conflict," he crosses his arms. He isn't too keen on fighting these kobolds either, especially if they are bewitched like Lira had been before they found her.
"The ambush sounds likely," he adds, eyeing the room ahead of them.
The question is... can they get to the room where the vines are without encountering the enemy?
As Lira and Zazi creep forward, Lira notes a bear claw trap cleverly hidden near dead body in the hallway. She can disarm it but it will make a loud snapping sound if she does so.
Moving near the dome entrance room, she does not see anyone hiding, more does Zazi who can even see those who are invisible. However, there are footprints from Kobolds here as well. The dead spider's carcass is still in the center of the room. The dome has been broken open from their early exploits, and there are certainly vines that could assist in climbing out.
At the other end of the room is the hallway and entrance door, but they are a bit out of her view from the eastern corridor she is in.
Lira will return to the others and relay what she saw, being sure to warn them of the bear trap's location. "There are probably more traps hidden around too. This kind will make a loud sound if I disarm it. The kobolds are probably hiding near the entrance, listening."
"We could try setting the one I saw off to lure them in, but who knows if there really are only two? And I'd...rather not hurt them if we have a choice."
"Let's try to climb up the vines and get out of here, leave the kobolds to waste their time." Now that they have what they've come for and have completed their test/trial Zarbyn wants to get out and if they can leave the kobolds behind then so much the better for it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Amdaeng moved forward avoiding the traps Lira pointed out and tried climbing the vines, she patted Ning and whispered " Hold on". Then boosting up to the platform and then beyond...
Perception ( Traps, handholds etc.)- 5
Stealth ( Avoid Kobold attention)- 12
Acrobatics ( Swinging to vantage points, bouldering etc.)- 21
Athletics- ( Pull ups, Muscle Through etc.)- 12
Step of the Wind. ( To jump up and between vines, boost up if Athletics won't cut it).
Amdaeng is able to get to the ledge up top without too much trouble. The humidity in the room however, makes it more difficult for Lira. Although she is very quiet, she is unable to climb the smooth vines on her first attempt. Some of the other party members will have difficulty climbing up as well. (Can make easier by tying knots, etc.) There is light outside so Amdaeng could take a peak and see if she sees anything.
Lira will try again, using her crampons for better grip for her feet against the wall as she slowly climbs. She deftly ties knots in the vines along the way to help herself and the others.
It’s almost a good idea but the crampons or metal blades for boots made to cut them rough and hold onto ice. Using them on the sides of the wall allows (advantage on athletics or strength check. )
Whispering loud enough to be heard by his nearby companions but not loud enough to alert the kobolds Zarbyn asks, "Kobolds, and it looks like they're on the way in. Maybe there are some waiting outside. Should we look for another way out?"
"Y-yes, we should avoid a fight if we can." Lira has no desire to harm the enslaved kobolds, knowing they have no choice in their actions. Another way out... "Maybe the vines in the domed room? If we can get out through the dome without being spotted, we'll be able to see where any on the outside are and avoid them."
(Tracks go in from the dome room, then leave back out. They did not advance past the pit trap)
Lira tilts her head as she studies the tracks further. "Just two sets. Shareella sent dozens to cache 2...Scouts maybe? And it looks like they didn't come very far in," she remarks, "Maybe they saw the dead spider and realized we got here first, so decided to wait outside to ambush us?"
Amdaeng nodded, " Makes sense. Lets try climbing out....can't hurt."
Relieved that the ordeal seems to be over, Lev moves to help them find the last necklace... but apparently he'd been staring at the body for a bit too long after Lira pulled the shackles off. Good grief, this whole thing just keeps getting... well he can't say worse but it isn't getting better. If anything it's just getting stranger, and he can't say he particularly likes that. As the others deal with retrieving the necklace from the pit trap, he stands in silence, one hand straying to the amulet on his neck. His brow is farrowed, mind racing until someone brings up the Kobolds--at which point he snaps back to attention and nods.
"Climbing out may be our only option if we wish to avoid conflict," he crosses his arms. He isn't too keen on fighting these kobolds either, especially if they are bewitched like Lira had been before they found her.
"The ambush sounds likely," he adds, eyeing the room ahead of them.
The question is... can they get to the room where the vines are without encountering the enemy?
Lira will stealthily move forward to look around the domed room for kobolds or other enemies.
Stealth: 13
(Perception roll for Lira please)
Lira Perception: 13 + 1 guidance= 14
As Lira and Zazi creep forward, Lira notes a bear claw trap cleverly hidden near dead body in the hallway. She can disarm it but it will make a loud snapping sound if she does so.
Moving near the dome entrance room, she does not see anyone hiding, more does Zazi who can even see those who are invisible. However, there are footprints from Kobolds here as well. The dead spider's carcass is still in the center of the room. The dome has been broken open from their early exploits, and there are certainly vines that could assist in climbing out.
At the other end of the room is the hallway and entrance door, but they are a bit out of her view from the eastern corridor she is in.
Lira will return to the others and relay what she saw, being sure to warn them of the bear trap's location. "There are probably more traps hidden around too. This kind will make a loud sound if I disarm it. The kobolds are probably hiding near the entrance, listening."
'We could take the kobolds.' Iólinder said, emboldened by their recent succes. 'Or do you think we could lure them into the trap?'
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
"We could try setting the one I saw off to lure them in, but who knows if there really are only two? And I'd...rather not hurt them if we have a choice."
"Let's try to climb up the vines and get out of here, leave the kobolds to waste their time." Now that they have what they've come for and have completed their test/trial Zarbyn wants to get out and if they can leave the kobolds behind then so much the better for it.
Amdaeng moved forward avoiding the traps Lira pointed out and tried climbing the vines, she patted Ning and whispered " Hold on". Then boosting up to the platform and then beyond...
Perception ( Traps, handholds etc.)- 5
Stealth ( Avoid Kobold attention)- 12
Acrobatics ( Swinging to vantage points, bouldering etc.)- 21
Athletics- ( Pull ups, Muscle Through etc.)- 12
Step of the Wind. ( To jump up and between vines, boost up if Athletics won't cut it).
Lira will follow Amdaeng.
Perception: 7 -.-
Stealth: 22
Acrobatics: 9
Athletics: 9
Amdaeng is able to get to the ledge up top without too much trouble. The humidity in the room however, makes it more difficult for Lira. Although she is very quiet, she is unable to climb the smooth vines on her first attempt. Some of the other party members will have difficulty climbing up as well.
(Can make easier by tying knots, etc.)
There is light outside so Amdaeng could take a peak and see if she sees anything.
Lira will try again, using her crampons for better grip for her feet against the wall as she slowly climbs. She deftly ties knots in the vines along the way to help herself and the others.
Sleight of hand for knots: 18
Athletics with advantage: 17
It’s almost a good idea but the crampons or metal blades for boots made to cut them rough and hold onto ice. Using them on the sides of the wall allows (advantage on athletics or strength check. )
Amdaeng gets to the top and creeps over to see if she can see any sign of kobolds outside the entrance....