Somehow you evade the Kobold group, but you certainly feel like they will follow you.
About 30 minutes into your journey, you witness an intriguing spectacle. Overhead, a group of turkey vultures soar in graceful circles, their presence usually signaling the proximity of a carcass. As you draw nearer, a macabre scene unfolds before you—numerous fallen goblins strewn across the landscape, their lifeless bodies telling a grim tale of battle or calamity. The air is thick with the scent of death, and the silence is punctuated only by the occasional rustle of feathers as the vultures swoop lower, ready to claim their grim feast. (Your group is about 200 yards away, the terrain is open plains with primitive road.
Lira covers her nose and mouth and warily moves forward to try to glean what happened from any prints on the ground, being careful not to disturb the feasting vultures.
Lira observes that the bodies have been moved off the road. Cult symbols are marked on their clothing, their bodies, and on various emblems. She counts around twenty in total. The wounds suggest the use of large-bladed weapons and spears. Tracks of what appear to be very large footprints, likely belonging to Toa-Suo, are visible, but there are no Toa-Suo bodies in sight.
"Well if they are Toa-Suo it doesn't look like they need any help."
Zarbyn stomps his feet in place, moving from one foot to the other to keep warm.
"We should hurry back and return the necklaces. Now that we have two of the artifacts we can expect both groups to eventually track us down."
Looking back the way they came Zarbyn squints and tries to see any signs of pursuit in the distance.
"Plus we still need to try and get the other two at caches 4 and 5."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
The symbols on the dead are indeed, Cult of the Dragon King.
(Zarbyn can make a perception check).
OOC: Here is a map of the area. Green is the path you have taken to go to cache 1, 2, 3. The cultists came from the North East.(orange). Likely, they came around Buckskin Mountain from the main trail to Silverton (Blue road). TheYellow is the Toa-Suo camp (30 minute walk). You can also see cache 3, 4, and 5 marked.
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
The group does not see pursuers but based on your last encounter, you are quite confident you will bump into them again. You are about 30 minutes walk to camp
The party makes it safely to camp. You come over a rise and see the camp up ahead. Several of the Toa-Suo come up the road to greet you including Baatar and Tseren. As they get closer you note blood, and damage to their clothing and leather armor. Baatar favors one leg as he walks. They were clearly involved in the battle.
"Hail, The Sh'torem return!" the usually quiet Baatar calls out loud enough for the party to hear as well as those in camp. They two men approach and look you over as they bring you to camp.
"Well done warriors" Tseren says.
Baatar places his arm on Lev's shoulder. "Come Sh'torem, Inauniq and Aisulu will want to speak with you."
"What's happened? We noticed a score of dead goblin corpses on the way here."
Zarbyn begins to dread the answer to his question as he fears the Toa-Suo village may of been attacked.
Twiggy looks at the over-sized pair that greet everyone, "Wow! They're really big and tall!"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Tseren shakes his head. "On my way back from the mountain, I spotted a large group of Goblins and a few half-giants, I think that is what you call them coming from the west. I was able to send my hawk to warm our people. We met them on the road. They were headed to the palace, mumbling something about stepping aside for followers of the dragon king. That Great and Powerful Myurr would seek vengeance on us and other cultist nonsense. We warned them to leave, saying they were not welcome in our lands, and they attacked. Although the battle was swift and we were victorious, we were not all unscathed." He looks at Baatar who shows worry on his face.
Lev seems to have been a bit out of it ever since they got to safety. The lull in the action gave his mind time to wander and... well everything just keeps stacking up. Seeing things, plus his suspicions about his near death experience, not to mention the glaive with his brother's name on it... it's just all... a bit too much.
That said, when Baatar puts an arm on his shoulder Lev actually flinches slightly, clearly having been lost in his own thoughts until the contact pulled him back to reality. Nodding he answers, "Of course."
He listens quietly as Zarbyn asks about the carnage they'd come across on their way back, staying utterly silent as Tseren explains what happened. His stoic demeanor falters only slightly when he notices the worried glance directed at Baatar.
Lira's eyes scan over Tseren and Baatar’s worn armor as she speaks, "It's more than just talk. They’re fanatics, and they won’t stop. But we’ll stand with you." Her words carry quiet resolve, though the lingering weight of their recent trials and the dangers ahead are clear in her voice. For now, she pushes her weariness aside and prepares herself for what the elders might ask of them next.
Vydar scrunches his nose when the group encounters the massacred goblins. It seems fairly obvious that the Tao-Suo were the ones responsible, since as far as he knows, they are the only people in the area capable of doing something like that.
He nods when Tseren explains what happened with the goblins, he'd figured as much. The Tao-Suo don't seem like they'd be easily ambushed. Though the worried look on Baatar's face is concerning. These people do seem rather superstitious, so perhaps he's worried that the goblin's words were more than mere threats. Either that, or they just fear an outright attack from the cult.
As they walk back to camp, he fingers the hilt of his new sword. It had been a while since he'd had much practice with a blade. Thinking about that brings back bittersweet memories.
Somehow you evade the Kobold group, but you certainly feel like they will follow you.
About 30 minutes into your journey, you witness an intriguing spectacle. Overhead, a group of turkey vultures soar in graceful circles, their presence usually signaling the proximity of a carcass. As you draw nearer, a macabre scene unfolds before you—numerous fallen goblins strewn across the landscape, their lifeless bodies telling a grim tale of battle or calamity. The air is thick with the scent of death, and the silence is punctuated only by the occasional rustle of feathers as the vultures swoop lower, ready to claim their grim feast. (Your group is about 200 yards away, the terrain is open plains with primitive road.
Lira covers her nose and mouth and warily moves forward to try to glean what happened from any prints on the ground, being careful not to disturb the feasting vultures.
Stealth: 15, Survival: 11
Lira observes that the bodies have been moved off the road. Cult symbols are marked on their clothing, their bodies, and on various emblems. She counts around twenty in total. The wounds suggest the use of large-bladed weapons and spears. Tracks of what appear to be very large footprints, likely belonging to Toa-Suo, are visible, but there are no Toa-Suo bodies in sight.
((Do the Toa-Suo prints head the same way we are going (towards the camp) or branch off?))
Are the cult symbols those of the cult of the dragon king?
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
"Well if they are Toa-Suo it doesn't look like they need any help."
Zarbyn stomps his feet in place, moving from one foot to the other to keep warm.
"We should hurry back and return the necklaces. Now that we have two of the artifacts we can expect both groups to eventually track us down."
Looking back the way they came Zarbyn squints and tries to see any signs of pursuit in the distance.
"Plus we still need to try and get the other two at caches 4 and 5."
The symbols on the dead are indeed, Cult of the Dragon King.
(Zarbyn can make a perception check).
OOC: Here is a map of the area. Green is the path you have taken to go to cache 1, 2, 3. The cultists came from the North East.(orange). Likely, they came around Buckskin Mountain from the main trail to Silverton (Blue road). The Yellow is the Toa-Suo camp (30 minute walk). You can also see cache 3, 4, and 5 marked.
Zarbyn's Perception: 9
The group does not see pursuers but based on your last encounter, you are quite confident you will bump into them again. You are about 30 minutes walk to camp
Amdaeng heads towards the camp....
Lira also heads towards the camp.
I think we are all heading to camp.
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
The party makes it safely to camp. You come over a rise and see the camp up ahead. Several of the Toa-Suo come up the road to greet you including Baatar and Tseren. As they get closer you note blood, and damage to their clothing and leather armor. Baatar favors one leg as he walks. They were clearly involved in the battle.
"Hail, The Sh'torem return!" the usually quiet Baatar calls out loud enough for the party to hear as well as those in camp. They two men approach and look you over as they bring you to camp.
"Well done warriors" Tseren says.
Baatar places his arm on Lev's shoulder. "Come Sh'torem, Inauniq and Aisulu will want to speak with you."
"What's happened? We noticed a score of dead goblin corpses on the way here."
Zarbyn begins to dread the answer to his question as he fears the Toa-Suo village may of been attacked.
Twiggy looks at the over-sized pair that greet everyone, "Wow! They're really big and tall!"
Tseren shakes his head. "On my way back from the mountain, I spotted a large group of Goblins and a few half-giants, I think that is what you call them coming from the west. I was able to send my hawk to warm our people. We met them on the road. They were headed to the palace, mumbling something about stepping aside for followers of the dragon king. That Great and Powerful Myurr would seek vengeance on us and other cultist nonsense. We warned them to leave, saying they were not welcome in our lands, and they attacked. Although the battle was swift and we were victorious, we were not all unscathed." He looks at Baatar who shows worry on his face.
Lev seems to have been a bit out of it ever since they got to safety. The lull in the action gave his mind time to wander and... well everything just keeps stacking up. Seeing things, plus his suspicions about his near death experience, not to mention the glaive with his brother's name on it... it's just all... a bit too much.
That said, when Baatar puts an arm on his shoulder Lev actually flinches slightly, clearly having been lost in his own thoughts until the contact pulled him back to reality. Nodding he answers, "Of course."
He listens quietly as Zarbyn asks about the carnage they'd come across on their way back, staying utterly silent as Tseren explains what happened. His stoic demeanor falters only slightly when he notices the worried glance directed at Baatar.
Lira's eyes scan over Tseren and Baatar’s worn armor as she speaks, "It's more than just talk. They’re fanatics, and they won’t stop. But we’ll stand with you." Her words carry quiet resolve, though the lingering weight of their recent trials and the dangers ahead are clear in her voice. For now, she pushes her weariness aside and prepares herself for what the elders might ask of them next.
Vydar scrunches his nose when the group encounters the massacred goblins. It seems fairly obvious that the Tao-Suo were the ones responsible, since as far as he knows, they are the only people in the area capable of doing something like that.
He nods when Tseren explains what happened with the goblins, he'd figured as much. The Tao-Suo don't seem like they'd be easily ambushed. Though the worried look on Baatar's face is concerning. These people do seem rather superstitious, so perhaps he's worried that the goblin's words were more than mere threats. Either that, or they just fear an outright attack from the cult.
As they walk back to camp, he fingers the hilt of his new sword. It had been a while since he'd had much practice with a blade. Thinking about that brings back bittersweet memories.
Amdaeng wasn't worried or concerned, all in all she was feeling confident both in their group and the Tao-Suo.
" Anything you need from us?", she queried looking around for some of the other Tao-Suo that had been present on the last night.
”we will take you to tell Inauniq and Aisulu of your warriors tasks.” You note that Nimka, usually with Baatar is nowhere to number seen.