Gaelan will put on his gloves and cast Create or Destroy Water in rain form to extinguish a 30 foot section of the boat so that rescuing the crew will be easier.
Eirikur operates a beat slower than the others, his mind reeling over the fact that he very nearly massacred a group of innocents yet again. Only this time, he can't blame it on illusions and tricks of the mind. He broods over this for the entire trip to the boat. Modoc leaps into action carrying people and asking questions, and Gaelan casts his rain spell. These actions together cleanse the fog from Eirikur's mind and he snaps to attention.
OOC: One of two paths depending on how far Modoc can get with his speed, carrying someone.
Path 1: If Modoc can make it back to the ship.
Eirikur accepts the person being carried from Modoc and immediately, his hands glow while the person is in his grasp.
OOC: Lay on Hands for 1 HP.
Path 2: If Modoc cannot make it back to the ship.
He too leaps aboard, making his way to Modoc to intercept. Eirikur skids to a halt on the rained decked. Just as he arrives, his glowing hands touch the person slung over Modoc's shoulder.
(Modoc is able to make it back to the ship. So Path1)
2 stumbles for the commandeered ship and point to the boiler room below the boiler deck "It happened so fast; I am not sure what I saw. The ghost rock started to glow, and it just exploded which caused a chain reaction"
The rain helps but the fire rages below decks as well.
Modoc will follow Gaelan and Henry in looking for more survivors, particularly if they next help shifting debris. Modoc is a little concerned that the ghost rock seemingly exploded on its own, but those are thoughts for a different time.
A crew member dies. There are still 6 injured crew members on the main deck.
Round 2
Several party members rush below decks and there is a smoke everywhere diminishing your sight lines to just 15 feet ahead of you
Since Henry does not need to breath then Gaelen and Modoc, please roll Con Sav DC 15 on fail you gain 1 level of exhaustion. In the event you stop before entering or figure a way to negate the effects of smoke then you need not roll Con Save.
A crew member dies. There are still 6 injured crew members on the main deck.
As the three head below deck, Eirikur will Lay on Hands for the next person he can see who is alive, but unable to carry themselves to the commandeered boat. Rousing the person to consciousness, Eirikur says, "To the rescue boat. It is magically protected from the fires. Wait for us to bring more injured."
He then grits his teeth looking toward the door below deck, where his friends had gone. Seeing all the bodies still before him, Eirikur continues his healing work.
Gaelan will put on his gloves and cast Create or Destroy Water in rain form to extinguish a 30 foot section of the boat so that rescuing the crew will be easier.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Eirikur operates a beat slower than the others, his mind reeling over the fact that he very nearly massacred a group of innocents yet again. Only this time, he can't blame it on illusions and tricks of the mind. He broods over this for the entire trip to the boat. Modoc leaps into action carrying people and asking questions, and Gaelan casts his rain spell. These actions together cleanse the fog from Eirikur's mind and he snaps to attention.
OOC: One of two paths depending on how far Modoc can get with his speed, carrying someone.
Path 1: If Modoc can make it back to the ship.
Eirikur accepts the person being carried from Modoc and immediately, his hands glow while the person is in his grasp.
OOC: Lay on Hands for 1 HP.
Path 2: If Modoc cannot make it back to the ship.
He too leaps aboard, making his way to Modoc to intercept. Eirikur skids to a halt on the rained decked. Just as he arrives, his glowing hands touch the person slung over Modoc's shoulder.
OOC: Lay on Hands for 1 HP.
DM mostly, Player occasionally | Session 0 form | He/Him/They/Them
Doctor/Published Scholar/Science and Healthcare Advocate/Critter/Trekkie/Gandalf with a Glock
Try DDB free: Free Rules (2024), premade PCs, adventures, one shots, encounters, SC, homebrew, more
Answers: physical books, purchases, and subbing.
Check out my life-changing
(Modoc is able to make it back to the ship. So Path1)
2 stumbles for the commandeered ship and point to the boiler room below the boiler deck "It happened so fast; I am not sure what I saw. The ghost rock started to glow, and it just exploded which caused a chain reaction"
The rain helps but the fire rages below decks as well.
Based on the image Modoc grabbed a person on the main deck
"Are there any other survivors inside?" Eirikur asks the person who just stumbled onto the commandeered ship.
DM mostly, Player occasionally | Session 0 form | He/Him/They/Them
Doctor/Published Scholar/Science and Healthcare Advocate/Critter/Trekkie/Gandalf with a Glock
Try DDB free: Free Rules (2024), premade PCs, adventures, one shots, encounters, SC, homebrew, more
Answers: physical books, purchases, and subbing.
Check out my life-changing
"Yes, there are more below decks" says the man as he is coughing and trying to get the smoke out of his lungs.
Gaelan goes below looking for survivors.
Perception check to find people 8
Medicine check to see if they are able to be saved 22
Healer's kit to stabilize those that need it.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
OOC: What I meant was, Medicine check to tell if the people were already dead or just unconscious.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Henry activates his armor's protection field and runs below decks, looking for trapped survivors.
Perception 17.
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Modoc will follow Gaelan and Henry in looking for more survivors, particularly if they next help shifting debris. Modoc is a little concerned that the ghost rock seemingly exploded on its own, but those are thoughts for a different time.
A crew member dies. There are still 6 injured crew members on the main deck.
Round 2
Several party members rush below decks and there is a smoke everywhere diminishing your sight lines to just 15 feet ahead of you
Since Henry does not need to breath then Gaelen and Modoc, please roll Con Sav DC 15 on fail you gain 1 level of exhaustion. In the event you stop before entering or figure a way to negate the effects of smoke then you need not roll Con Save.
Gaelen and Henry find a blown off leg and not too far away is the owner of the leg bleeding out.
Gaelen uses the healing kit to tie a torniquet around the bloody stump of the leg, but the man needs to be carried out.
The further you go the hotter it gets.
The options from what you can tell is the cargo room or the boiler room. Which way do you want to go?
As the three head below deck, Eirikur will Lay on Hands for the next person he can see who is alive, but unable to carry themselves to the commandeered boat. Rousing the person to consciousness, Eirikur says, "To the rescue boat. It is magically protected from the fires. Wait for us to bring more injured."
He then grits his teeth looking toward the door below deck, where his friends had gone. Seeing all the bodies still before him, Eirikur continues his healing work.
DM mostly, Player occasionally | Session 0 form | He/Him/They/Them
Doctor/Published Scholar/Science and Healthcare Advocate/Critter/Trekkie/Gandalf with a Glock
Try DDB free: Free Rules (2024), premade PCs, adventures, one shots, encounters, SC, homebrew, more
Answers: physical books, purchases, and subbing.
Check out my life-changing
Gaelan moves towards the cargo room.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Gaelen, please roll Con Save DC 15 on fail take a level of exhaustion. Someone also needs to carry out the 1-legged man.
Con save: 20
Unless one of the others moves to help the man, Modoc will pick up the one legged man and hurry him back to the boat.
Henry checks out the boiler room.
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
CON save 21
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale