Eve of Ruin (Rhanloi's romp through the multiverse!)
Poll: Do you...
Poll: Do you...
Do you... - Single Choice
- Take the secret passage? 0%
- Go to the west into the bigger chamber? 100%
Ended Sep 23, 2024
You quickly make your way out of the graveyard with the timid woman, who tries to keep her sometimes annoying habit of making obscure and cryptic predictions or observations to a minimum! DC14 Insight:
You realize that something is bothering the sorcerer. If asked about what’s upsetting her, Sarcelle shares a vision that she had while scrying the multiverse. Sarcelle’s psychic explorations showed her a glimpse of a dreadful future. She saw the desiccated figure of a man levitating off the ground, gathering evil energy around himself in glowing wisps. The desiccated man then screamed and the energy exploded, causing something terrible to happen. This vision terrified Sarcelle and since then she has been unable to tap into her magical power.
She thanks you all for rescuing her and makes her way back home!
(Do you want to go back to the SE room that you didn't explore, or head west from C3 up the steps on the western wall that leads to a platform and a door? "To the west, stairs lead to a small balcony that overlooks the room from five feet above, with just enough room for a door painted with an eye.")
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
(Insight: 10, rolled in log) Zyl is probably getting frustrated a little bit at having to escort people in and out of the super creepy crypt underground thing, but she thinks we should check the SE room first, then the balcony.
Davis will ask her is she knows anything about the Harp as we escort her.
There is still a door next to the west of where we just rescued Sarcelle also. I'd say we may as well check that as its unlocked?
[Could up update the map and open the room with Sarcelle and the one to the SE where we found the gnome please? I dont remember if there where other exits there, easier to see on the map then find the descriptions. :) thanks!]
(Sorry...I dropped the ball on the map!! Here's an updated map with unexplored areas/doors marked by callout boxes. So...Door #1 - #2 - or #3?!!?)
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
(I guess #1 then since we're right there is my vote)
To door #1. Did she know anything about the harp?
Sarcelle Malinosh does not know anything about the harp...other than it looks quite valuable!
Re-entering the crypt, the group decides to finish checking the doors in the big chamber. The door opens to reveal a 15' x 10' storage room. Stone shelves in this room contain boxes and bags. A few crates are stacked against the wall. A quick investigation reveals supplies such as lantern oil, chains, and manacles. Among the supplies are two liquid-filled bottles labeled “Healing Use Only.”
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
(Vanizi Insight: 11)
"Does anyone need any of this stuff?" Vanizi asks as they look into the room. "Those 'Healing Use Only' bottles seem like they might be useful. Someone able to check them out?"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
"Useful, or poisoned" the paladin says "the convenient label makes me wonder. Does anyone have a way to detect poison by chance, before we taste them? Either way let's take them and go check out the door at the top of the stairs." [door 2]
"Katarina does not know much about poisons," the feline says with a sad shake of her head. "Sorry she cannot be more helpful in this situation."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
"Want me to take a drink of one? Can't be that bad, right? But otherwise, yeah I don't have any way to check them." Zyl shrugged and fluttered off with the others to check door #2.
Going up the steps to the small landing, you open the door to the west. This small room (20' x 10') appears to be a crossroads between different parts of the graveyard. Steep stairs descend from the east and west sides of this room, with stone doors at the tops of both sets of steps. Four bells of different sizes hang from leather cords affixed to the ceiling. This room must be set into the wall separating Neverdeath’s Main Graveyard and Pauper’s Graveyard, probably allowing passage between the two graveyards without venturing aboveground.
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
"Oh GREAT! Bells!? What in the Feywild do we need BELLS for!? Oooh I wanna ring someone's bell now!" Zyl sighed and turned around, fairy stomping back toward the last door (#3).
Davis looks at Zyl, a bit amused, and a bit confused with the little fairy.
"Where you going Zyl? Come ring a bell, your choice."
"Why! We want to attract attention? Fine. But if I get eaten by some nasty undead monstrosity because I rang the bell that signals its dinner time, I'm so haunting you forever." Zyl will stomp back and ring the first bell she can.
"Fair, and I believe you, but that isn't going to happen, at least not today" Davis says, with the confidence of a holy warrior of Lady Luck.
"I think what we need now is to ring a bell, and I whole heartedly believe you should ring it Zyl" and Davis stands there, a beacon of goodness, waiting, aware, confident.
"Whoa? Ring the bell?" Vanizi says when Davis tells Zyl to just do it. "Do we really want to do that? Searching about a bit more seems wiser." It may be too late by the time she realizes, so she doesn't physically try to stop the fairy from dong it.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Zyl flies up to a random bell and pulls the cord, producing a sonorous note that hangs in the air for a moment. You wait - poised for hordes of undead or swarms of sewer rats or a demonic invasion - and nothing happens...
(You can continue going west through the other door, or back to the one room you didn't explore.)
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
"There! I rang the bell. NOW can we go!? This place gives me the creeps" Zyl crossed her arms.