Eve of Ruin (Rhanloi's romp through the multiverse!)
Poll: Do you...
Poll: Do you...
Do you... - Single Choice
- Take the secret passage? 0%
- Go to the west into the bigger chamber? 100%
Ended Sep 23, 2024
(I'm trying to use Maps! Check out the Campaign page and let me know if it works for you =)
The towering stone mausoleums in Neverdeath Graveyard cluster near the wall separating the Main Graveyard from the Pauper’s Graveyard to the west. Hallix Mausoleum is a squat, unassuming granite block in the shadow of larger monuments to the west and south. Its metal double door on the north side of the building bears a rusty broken chain and a padlock that hangs off the door.
The doors (and ground before the doors) have no apparent traps. If you decide to open the doors:
The well-oiled door opens noiselessly. The interior of this 20'x20' crypt is dusty, with numerous tracks leading to a descending staircase in the dim light at the rear of the room (south side). Against the east and west walls rest six stone coffins, three on each side. A stone slab engraved with a name, birth year, and death year covers each coffin. These members of the Hallix family died forty years ago, after Mount Hotenow erupted.
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
If nobody beats her to it, Vanizi would open up the doors and take a look inside. "Well, certainly signs of traffic. I'll guess that they must be fairly fresh." She takes a step in, trying to stay out of the main path of the tracks in case one of the others wants to investigate it more closely. For her part, she glances over the six coffins here, trying to catch any unusual signs with any of them. (Perception: 24)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Zyl, in fact, did not particularly wait for the rest of the group to follow, but hippity hopped and fluttered her way across the city and to the graveyard, humming to herself until they arrived, then made a bit of a scrunchy face. "Ugh, dead things again. When I get my house it's going to be dead things proof." She fluttered on in though, flying over the tracks and up to each coffin to see if they were all still intact and if so, then headed for the staircase down. "Lots of tracks looks like. Down this way I think. I don't like it though." She plopped her feet down gently at the top of the staircase, facing back into the room.
(Perception if needed: 6, rolled in log. She's still thinking about her new house! :D)
Davis too will enter and take a lay of the land.
Investigation: 16
Vanizi goes straight through the chamber to the steps leading down in the back. Zyl is checking out the coffins, while Davis is inside looking around, too. The lids to the stone coffins are all on top, but not perfectly centered. You can't see inside, but anyone with a decent passive perception (or OCD tendencies) will notice they are a bit crooked! There are no lights other that what streams in from outside, and the area at the bottom of the steps is pitch'll need a light source or darkvision to move on.
(What's next? Please put your tokens in the room on the map.)
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
A Snow White fox with big green eyes padded along loyally at Vesta’s side. Big fluffy tail swaying as they trot along with an air of playful confidence and genuine pride being seen with their companion. Having been welcomed to come along on Vesta’s adventures, she’s been able to ground herself in a sense of familiarity, a possible bond and things to do.
However some things truly don’t change. Nose down, bum up, big fluffy tail at attention, the little fox still veered away from Vesta from time to time, sniffing out new to her smells, sticking her nose places she maybe shouldn’t. Soft prrt sounds would escape her when something would catch her attention, make her happy, or if someone looked at her. The most constant sound though, was her incessant huffing, with the occasional sneeze when she’s get something up in her nose that tickles it. Any time she got a bit carried away and ‘her person’ got ahead, she’d eventually scurry trot to catch up
There were many times the fox came back with trinkets, items, odds and ends. If it was anything she knew Vesta would like, she’d drop it at her feet or even just sneak it into her pockets or bag. Sometimes, when it was something the little fox really liked, she’d hoard it for herself. Other times, more times than she’d probably admit, she’d come back with, or riding, an animal friend. A couple kept coming back and would eventually stay.

So it wasn’t an entire surprise when Vesta lead the way in to the inn that the white fox got distracted. She’d be guilty of sniffing and snorting her way around in her usual survey to sift through scents. Ping! There was one she even recognized! And they were with Vesta! Immediately she’d lock on it and navigate her way to it. Prrt. She’d come to find Zyl! There was an excited wiggle and sway of their tail. The fairy was with Vesta and a few others. Since the fox couldn’t reach Zyl as she hovered, she’d opt to weave her way through the new peoples legs. She’d familiarize herself with them and their scents, rubbing against them, leaving fox glitter in her wake. Once satisfied, she pads over to Vesta and tries for uppies to sit in her lap for the discussion. It’s one of the best ways for her to pay attention, having realized she should be present for the conversation when a map comes out.
But, the fox got too comfy. She’d rest her chin on the table and was just too happy to be included a pack again, she dozed, purring, missing her chance to ask her question! But maybe she may get the chance to try again later. It might be a weird one to some, but those who knew her, would get why. She was inclined to ask if there were any items belonging to the missing people that she could use, or at least get a good huff of, to be able to try to track for, or confirm, the missing people they will be searching for.
The moment Vesta moves to go, the little fox does too.
Prrts and purrs eventually grow into soft hums as the group heads down into the Mausoleum. The fox’s silhouette now grows to their half-elven form. Pointed ears, pink hair, freckled nose, soft blush and dimpled smile. Celeste hums a soft lullaby to herself. Her skin begins to shimmer like the night sky and her body becomes luminous; her joints glimmer like stars, and glowing lines connect them as on a star chart. A spectral bow manifests in her hand.
“The coffins are crooked.” Celeste notes before turning her nose to the air and sniffing about. She sifts through the smells she expects, for ones that she may recognize as threats, for ones they’re searching for, and/or simply curious smells.
Passive Perception: 19
Casted her Starry Form: Archer
just an unstable unicorn.
Katarina just shrugs and goes along with everyone else... if we need a marching order, it looks like Zyle is probably in front, so Katarina can take the vanguard in case something tries to attack from behind.
"Just point Katarina in the right direction and she will be happy to break whatever needs breaking," the feline says with a smile, doing her best to hide the fact that, in reality, this place is giving her the creeps.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Standing at the top of the stair leading down, Vanizi turns back just in time to see the half-elf appear from where the fox vanished. "Crooked?" she repeats. "Is that bad?" She looks to the others for guidance. "Well, do we head down where the tracks go, or should we figure out why these coffin lids are crooked?" She seems unconcerned about it herself.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Davis will call on his Divine Sense to determine if he can detect undead in the crypts.
Davis taps into his divine sense and can feel the evil presence of 5 undead creatures - but not inside the stone coffins. He feels their presence from the dark area down the steps!
(At this point, assuming Davis alerts you all to the undead presence he detects, everyone roll for Initiative and post your first action!)
DM Rolls:
Undead Init: 22
Undead 1 Stealth: 14 w/adv: 21
Undead 2 Stealth: 20 w/adv: 22
Undead 3 Stealth: 9 w/adv: 22
Undead 4 Stealth: 8 w/adv: 14
Undead 5 Stealth: 5 w/adv: 12
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
Katarina Initiative: 21
(I'll figure out her first turn soon)
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
(Vanizi Initiative: 17)
Once she hears of the presence of undead from Davis, Vanizi would hold her ground at the top of the stair and peer down trying to spot anything she can.
(OOC - Sorry, I'm not really sure what to do for a turn since we don't have any information.)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Well, your paladin says he detected 5 undead creatures somewhere down in the dark beyond the steps to the south. Vanizi, at the top of the stone stairs descending from the Hallix Mausoleum, can see a large subterranean chamber with stone coffins sitting on sturdy shelves (because she has darkvision.) Because of the angle she can't determine the exact size of the chamber or any creatures. Three members of your party can't see any details in the darkness. So, you are still exploring in an uncertain and potentially hostile environment - so what do you do? I will use the initiative to help keep track of who is doing what when and where. =)
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
Davis Initiative 13.
"Probably should have handled this already, but we'll need a light source. Vanizi, could you cast light on my shield? I'm going to assume ill be in the middle of things, so may as well be the light source?"
Assuming he get's lit up, Davis will draw his sword, raise his shield and start heading down the stairs with a purpose, unless someone throws out a different plan before he gets there.
"I am a light source."
Starry Form: While in your starry form, you retain your game statistics, but your body becomes luminous; your joints glimmer like stars, and glowing lines connect them as on a star chart. This form sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
Initiative: 17
just an unstable unicorn.
Vanizi nods as Davis moves alongside her. "Of course." She casts Light on his shield as requested. "I see more coffins down there, but not sure how big the chamber is. Don't see any creatures yet either."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
"Thanks! Five skeletons, shouldn't be a problem for this crew" he says smiling, something he didn't do five years ago. "Shall we?" and down the stairs he goes, trying not to stare at the fox turned elf turned into night sky. There is a story behind that one!
Katarina will draw her sword... which, conveniently, is a crystal longsword. She'll go ahead and use the option to cause the sword to shed bright light in a 30-ft radius, since having lots of light is apparently important right now.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Initiative - 12
Vesta did not like the look of this mausoleum. Even before Davis alerted them to the presence of undead, she felt uneasy here in the gloom. Celeste transforming into her starry form did make her feel a bit better though. As long as she was here with friends, they could overcome anything that waited for them down in the darkness. She gives Celeste a smile and a nod as she unslings her staff from her back and holds it forward in a defensive posture.
"Let's do this," she agrees and follows Davis and the others, although she keeps to the back of the group. Even with Mage Armor, she is not built to take blows directly.
Extended Signature
Characters: Bryony Alderleaf - Lvl. 4 Halfling Rogue (The Shattered Obelisk) ♦ Vesta Trevelyan - Lvl. 10 Half-Elf Sorcerer (Eve of Ruin) ♦ Ada Kendrick - Lvl. 4 Aasimar Paladin (Curse of Strahd) ♦ Selene Albion - Lvl. 12 Human Ranger (In-Person Homebrew Campaign) ♦ Phaerdra Tor'viir - Lvl. 3 Drow Wizard (Exandria Sandbox Campaign)
Marching order: Davis :: Vanizi :: Celeste :: Zylynne :: Vesta :: Katarina
Init order: Katarina(21) :: Vanizi(17) :: Undead(15) :: Davis(13) :: Celeste(13) :: Zylynne(9-DM rolled for player in log) :: Vesta(7)
Davis and Vanizi lead the party down steep stone steps, at least 30 feet underground, into a large, 30'x30' chamber. Part of the west wall has collapsed, creating an opening into another chamber. Hidden around the chamber are five pale, desiccated warriors wearing wicked-looking armor, who spring out and attack as soon as Vanizi and Davis reach the bottom of the steps! (updated map)
Round 1:
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?