"No payment?" Halila says, perhaps a bit surprised. "That is very good to know. And we will look for you if we ever have need of your services."
"As I said, the multiverse brings enough suffering in a meaningless existence. We try to provide a balm to those most afflicted by the cruelties of the multiverse, especially those of the mind and spirit, but of the body as well." His speech does not come across as condescending, merely explanatory.
Tyriel squints at the orc, somewhat suspicious of the man's true intentions. If what he says is true, then he seems a good person, but if not... Tyriel shakes his head, this isn't the time to be so judgmental. There is a time for trust, even if it is wise to be wary. Besides, they don't really have any business with this ward, so what does it matter what the orc's intentions are? Either way, he still gives the man an inquisitive look.
"Yes," he says to Halila, still keeping his arms crossed over the front of his tattered gambeson.
Esta, standing nearer the back of the group, hides amongst the crowd of bodies, trying to make herself appear smaller to the orc. She leans slightly against the back of Zakhar as she adjusts her cloak and tries to not look as injured as she is. She stares at the orc whilst trying to determine if he is being truthful with his offer of help. Insight: 11
If Esta believes him to be telling the truth, she will step forward, and say "Well, actually, I'm not in the best of shape here. If you have the time, I'd appreciate a quick look over." If Esta doesn't believe him, she will remain in the background, keep a suspicious eye on the orc.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The orc seems to be pretty genuine. Not the cheeriest of sorts, but does seem true to want to help. "I can help with your mortal injuries, and am glad to provide some relief." The orc mutters a few mystic words and Esta can receive 9 hp.
Parisa chimes in again, "Oh yes! We should be on our way! Don't worry everyone, the members of the Bleak Cabal are, well, dour, but well meaning. Off we go then!" And Parisa begins prancing off in her slow trot again through the Hive ward. You are soon met with the...unique smell of greasy street food that comes down the way from what appears to a street market off down another alley, but Parisa ushers you on your current path. "If you want to taste some of flavors of the multiverse, can't go wrong at the Grease Pit down there. Just eh, watch your back, yeah? And coin purse." She laughed and headed on, ready to answer questions if needed, but otherwise guiding you all along one of the main streets. You eventually pass by a road that curves up to a chalk white tiered building at the top, which Parisa mentions is the Gatehouse, where the Bleak Cabal faction can be found, and down below a marketplace that is one of the more reputable places to find goods in the area.
After a little bit longer though the dilapidated buildings and fetid streetways begin to give way to a brighter atmosphere, a stark contrast to where you surfaced before, with magnificent buildings in pristine condition wait, towering over manicured gardens and well treated paths. "Ah here we are, the Clerk's Ward. This way to the Hall of Information, Records and Speakers."
OOC: Sorry for being late to post.. you can ignore the interaction with the ork if you want but I would want healed.
----seeing the orc-----
Sizzle stands by, looking the orc up and down as he offers his healing services to the group. The goblin isn't subtle as his head turns from the orc to focus on Tyriel instead. He doesn't say anything at first, but when the orc heals Esta without any hesitation, the goblin clears his throat.
"I could use a bit of healing if you are still offering." he says before scratching a few flakes of dried blood away from his mouth and nose. "You should finish healing the kid too!" He barks as he points a leather gloved finger towards Tyriel. "I patched him up a bit but we still gotta lot of daylight left... and who knows what kind of trouble he'll get into before we find a place to rest." He says with a sharp toothed grin.
----after leaving the orc-----
The goblins stomach grumbles as the smells from the grease pit fill his nostrils. "Smells like my kind of cooking.." The goblin says aloud as they continue to the Clerk's ward. "We'll have to stop there... and the market place too." Sizzle says as he begins to take in more and more of the sights Sigil has to offer. "This place seems quite a bit like Ravnica... Maybe I could start a branch of the Izzet league here in Sigil." he muses to himself as he walks.
Once within the Clerk's ward, he would look to the parisa and run his hand through his mowhawk. "How much longer till we reach the institute? I wanna make sure that once I leave this place... I won't turn around and wake up on a slab tomorrow when I wake up in the morning."
The orc is quite amenable to further requests for aid, offering soothing words for 6 to Sizzle and 8 to Tyriel if they wish.
Parisa just nods happily and bounds along as you continue through the shinier streets, where now you see onion shaped cabs being driven by wondrous beasts, like unicorns, and then you are at the steps of a gleaming, blue-domed building noted as the "Hall of Information". "I suggest you start here. They usually know just about anything about the city as well. And just over there," she points behind down a different street, "is the Hall of Records, if you need that. And the Institute of Intellectual Excellence, is..." she looked past the blue domed building, "...that way. Over in the Market Ward. But I know a shortcut! When you're ready, of course. So! What do you need?"
"I told you I'm not--"Tyriel grits his teeth, seething for a moment. "Rrrrr, fine,"he growls, allowing the orc to heal him, whilst also eyeing Sizzle.
"Thank you,"he says stiffly before eyeing his still ruined shirt and sighing. Then he shoots a flat look at the goblin, clearly thinking many things but not wanting to say them out loud. He does mutter almost unintelligibly, "Hmph, trouble... I can handle myself just fine..."
"I say we start at the Hall of Records," Tyriel says in an undertone, not really wanting Parisa to hear but trying not to sound like he doesn't want her to. He eyes his companions, "Judging by that teifling's words earlier, we aren't the first ones to come out of that morgue with... tattered memories. Perhaps we could find some record of previous times this has happened, and what others did in our situation."
Zakhar is a bit surprised when Esta leans on him, though he understands it and doesn't mind her using his shoulder to steady herself. She did seem quite hurt, he wordlessly offers farther support as they listen to the orc. After she inquires about and receives healing, he watches her as they start on their way to the Hall. Walking beside her, he determines that she seems far better off, though not fully healed. "Let me know if you need to stop and rest. You've gone through more than any of the rest of us it seems."
Following Parisa, he eyes the rest of the group. He's glad Sizzle and Tyriel accepted the orc's offer. This place doesn't seem incredibly dangerous, but it is just dangerous enough that traveling injured probably isn't the best idea.
He nods to Tyriel's words. That would be the best way to start probably, he for one can't think of any other things to research here.
Halila nods to Sizzle as he comments on the food of the Grease Pit. "It does smell enticing," she agrees.
When they get to the Hall of Information, she gives Tyriel skeptical look when he suggests starting at the Hall of Records. "Why are we paying Parisa if not for her advice? It seems like asking some questions first would be best. And anyway, we're already standing right here at the Hall of Information!"
"I'm thinking if that was the morgue we were in, the first question I have is how did we get there?" she continues.
Esta, after hearing the soothing words from the orc, feels her wounds close up and bruising dissipate. The throbbing in her arm seems to have ebbed away. "Oh my, thanks. I feel so much better." Esta states loudly, whilst swinging her arm back and forth, stretching it and testing her restored movement again.
Zakhar speaks, and realizing she may have leaned a bit too heavily, becomes a little sheepish, eyes darting to the floor "Err, yeah sorry about that. Needed to get my balance and you were the nearest thing... I'll be fine now, lets keep moving."
Esta follows the group and Parisa with the thought of sweet ale on her mind. The thought of finding out though how she wound up here does seem appealing, "Yeah, I would also like to know how we got here and if it's happened before. I would love to get back to my turf as fast as possible."
As you are standing around debating your plans, you can see job boards and notices around the front of the hall, people offering various services such touts (what Parisa is, that is, a city guide) and translators and such, sedan chairs as well ferrying people here and there, and then you are interrupted in your discussion by an earthy looking lady with long braided black hair, bright brown eyes and a flowery dress. She holds up a small, smooth but otherwise unremarkable stone.
"Please, I want to capture a new sensation! Will you help me? Fear, a primal emotion is what I desire today." She points to the various commoners that wander the streets and gestures with the stone. Parisa comments happily but quietly, "She wants you to help elicit that emotion so she can capture the experience. These Sensation Muses are not uncommon in Sigil, and sometimes carry various experiences around with them and use them in their performances."
(If you would like to help the muse, you can make an Intimidation check at a nearby commoner passerby)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Sizzle smiles when Tyriel is healed, and the goblin feels much better when his own wounds are healed. As they walked, the goblin reached into his bag and quickly pulled out a very small mechanical spider. The mechanical creature has needle like fangs and an abdomen like a spool of thread. As they stopped in frown of the Hall of Information, Sizzle would reach over and place the spider on Tyriel's acid damaged clothes. The small mechanical spider would then quickly skitter across the young assimar's clothing and begin mending the damage done by the ooze in the previous fight.
OOC: Rolling slight of hand to put the spider on him without him knowing... hoping to essentially fix his clothes without him seeing it happen! 18
"I agree that since we are here... we may as well check out this Hall of information." The goblin says with a grin as his eyes glance towards the small spider working to mend his companions shirt. "My legs need a rest anyway."
When Parisa mentions scaring the commoner's nearby, Sizzle gives a wicked grin. "I'll help... but Im not the most intimidating guy around... You sure we won't get in trouble for scaring folks?" he askes as he looks to the centaur and tilts his head.
(OOC: for some reason when I read about the different Halls I was picturing them in the same building lol. My mistake, not Tyriel's. I'll just go with it though...)
LOL I love the spider :'D. Rolling perception to see if Tyriel notices... 3 Awwww, I guess not.
Sizzle's spider goes unnoticed as Tyriel is wrapped up in his own mutterings. It isn't until they stop that he notices that his shirt is somehow fixed... he stares down at it for a moment, then frowns, looking at his hands, then back at his shirt. Perhaps this sudden confusion is why he apparently doesn't realize that the Hall of Records is a ways away and they are standing in front of the Hall of Information.
Tyriel grimaces as Halila states that they are already at the Hall of Information, perhaps he'd gotten ahead of himself, "Oh..." He looks down the street that the centaur had pointed out. He nearly says something else, but then decides against it.
He frowns even further when the woman with braids asks them to help her scare some random people. "Why in the cosmos would we do that? These people are just going about their daily business."He seems rather angry about this, "It isn't like they've volunteered to be used for your muse. Are you going to pay whoever gets the living daylights scared out of them?" He crosses his arms--a position he's unfortunately seemed to take to ever since waking up in that awful cooler.
He eyes the crowd. If there is someone who looks shady... maybe a pickpocket? Maybe then he'd be willing to help, but simply approaching someone with the intent to intimidate them is not something he is particularly keen on doing. He gives Sizzle a very disapproving glance when the goblin asks if they would get in trouble for scaring people.
Perception: 11 (just to see if there are any thieves around. If there is some sort of wrongdoer nearby he'd be perfectly willing to help scare them to death..)
Zakhar gives Esta a small smile, "It's fine, I didn't mind."
When Parisa explains what the woman on the street wants he hears the voice in his head...
"Come on! Do it! Do it! Scare someone! It'll be fun and I know you can!"
Zakhar's jaw tightens and his eye narrows. There's no way in heck he's going to scare some random person.
"Uuuuuuugggghhhh, you are so Booooorrring! Fine then, I haven't exercised my power in a while. heheheh."
Zakhar's eye widens, "What? No!" he says aloud. He puts a hand over his hidden right eye, and suddenly a loud voice booms over the square...
Intimidation: 22
(Cast minor illusion)
Zakhar looks completely shocked and horrified himself, before the emotions quickly shift to anger. "Why you-"He thinks at the entity, watching people in the streets panic.
"Hey hey hey! I've saved up enough energy to override you and I wasn't about to pass up the chance to sow a little chaos hahahaha!"
Halila looks at Zakhar, a bit surprised by his sudden outburst. She'd been about to approach the woman with the smooth stone once Parisa explained. Now, after a bit more hesitation, she still steps closer to the woman. "You are just going to..." She struggles to find the right words a moment. "Take the feeling of fear from some random person?" Her tone sounds a bit accusatory. "Maybe if you want the feeling of fear, you can be frightened."
She doesn't take any more action against her - Zakhar seems to have created enough commotion already. But she does look like she might.
Tyriel, the area here is too busy to see for sure if there is anything hinky going on, at least no notable pickpockets that you can see.
The muse looks at Sizzle and Halila and just laughs. "I'm not taking anything! I am merely preserving the...sensation!" She blinks as Zakhar suddenly bursts out, making quite a few people in the area stop in their tracks and look in your all's direction. One hedgehog looking creature though nearby jumps three feet in the air at the noise and then dashes off as quick as possible. The muse grins and claps, "Oh that was wonderful! Truly a marvelous demonstration! I could feel his terror for that moment! And now that feeling is here!"She holds up the small stone and offers it to your group. "For such a job well done, you may keep this stone." She will then briefly explain how it works before shuffling off into the crowds.
As an action, you or a willing creature you designate can touch the stone and experience the sensation as if it happened to the designated creature. The illusory experience is fleeting and harmless, however real it might feel in the moment.
Record Sensation. You can use your reaction to record a short sensation lasting no longer than 6 seconds experienced by a creature of your choice within 30 feet of yourself, infusing the essence of that experience into the stone. This replaces any sensation already stored within the stone.
Siphon Sensation. As a bonus action, you can draw on the stone’s magic to end the charmed or frightened condition on yourself, destroying the stone in the process.
"Well, quite an interesting little show," Halila says. "Perhaps we should go into the Hall?" She looks at Parisa. "How do we go about finding someone to answer our questions? Or ... do we just ask? How does it work?"
Esta glances up at the imposing structure of the Hall of Information, its grandiose facade reflecting the morning light. She hesitates, weighing her options. Is this truly the place they need to be? The air is thick with the scent of old parchment and ink, a testament to the knowledge housed within these walls.
Halila, ever the inquisitive one, engages Parisa in a flurry of questions. Esta stands slightly apart, her ears tuned to their conversation, but her mind is elsewhere. Her sharp eyes scan the bustling forecourt, noting the ebb and flow of people. Merchants haggle over prices, scholars rush past with stacks of books, and guards patrol with a watchful eye.
A sly smile tugs at the corner of her lips as she considers the potential coin she could… acquire. Her gaze flits from one potential mark to another—a wealthy merchant distracted by his wares, a scholar too engrossed in his notes to notice his bulging purse. If only it were darker, she muses, the shadows would be her ally.
But for now, she remains patient, biding her time. The thrill of the hunt is in the anticipation, after all. She listens to Halila and Parisa, ready to act when the moment is right, all the while plotting her next move in the back of her mind.
"Yeah, let's get moving. The sooner we figure out why we are here... the sooner we can get something to eat." The goblin grumbles as he marches towards the doors to the Hall of information.
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"As I said, the multiverse brings enough suffering in a meaningless existence. We try to provide a balm to those most afflicted by the cruelties of the multiverse, especially those of the mind and spirit, but of the body as well." His speech does not come across as condescending, merely explanatory.
"Hmm, well thank you for that," Halila says. She then looks to Parisa. "Should we be heading on?"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Insight: 15
Tyriel squints at the orc, somewhat suspicious of the man's true intentions. If what he says is true, then he seems a good person, but if not... Tyriel shakes his head, this isn't the time to be so judgmental. There is a time for trust, even if it is wise to be wary. Besides, they don't really have any business with this ward, so what does it matter what the orc's intentions are? Either way, he still gives the man an inquisitive look.
"Yes," he says to Halila, still keeping his arms crossed over the front of his tattered gambeson.
Esta, standing nearer the back of the group, hides amongst the crowd of bodies, trying to make herself appear smaller to the orc. She leans slightly against the back of Zakhar as she adjusts her cloak and tries to not look as injured as she is. She stares at the orc whilst trying to determine if he is being truthful with his offer of help.
Insight: 11
If Esta believes him to be telling the truth, she will step forward, and say "Well, actually, I'm not in the best of shape here. If you have the time, I'd appreciate a quick look over."
If Esta doesn't believe him, she will remain in the background, keep a suspicious eye on the orc.
The orc seems to be pretty genuine. Not the cheeriest of sorts, but does seem true to want to help. "I can help with your mortal injuries, and am glad to provide some relief." The orc mutters a few mystic words and Esta can receive 9 hp.
Parisa chimes in again, "Oh yes! We should be on our way! Don't worry everyone, the members of the Bleak Cabal are, well, dour, but well meaning. Off we go then!" And Parisa begins prancing off in her slow trot again through the Hive ward. You are soon met with the...unique smell of greasy street food that comes down the way from what appears to a street market off down another alley, but Parisa ushers you on your current path. "If you want to taste some of flavors of the multiverse, can't go wrong at the Grease Pit down there. Just eh, watch your back, yeah? And coin purse." She laughed and headed on, ready to answer questions if needed, but otherwise guiding you all along one of the main streets. You eventually pass by a road that curves up to a chalk white tiered building at the top, which Parisa mentions is the Gatehouse, where the Bleak Cabal faction can be found, and down below a marketplace that is one of the more reputable places to find goods in the area.
After a little bit longer though the dilapidated buildings and fetid streetways begin to give way to a brighter atmosphere, a stark contrast to where you surfaced before, with magnificent buildings in pristine condition wait, towering over manicured gardens and well treated paths. "Ah here we are, the Clerk's Ward. This way to the Hall of Information, Records and Speakers."
OOC: Sorry for being late to post.. you can ignore the interaction with the ork if you want but I would want healed.
----seeing the orc-----
Sizzle stands by, looking the orc up and down as he offers his healing services to the group. The goblin isn't subtle as his head turns from the orc to focus on Tyriel instead. He doesn't say anything at first, but when the orc heals Esta without any hesitation, the goblin clears his throat.
"I could use a bit of healing if you are still offering." he says before scratching a few flakes of dried blood away from his mouth and nose. "You should finish healing the kid too!" He barks as he points a leather gloved finger towards Tyriel. "I patched him up a bit but we still gotta lot of daylight left... and who knows what kind of trouble he'll get into before we find a place to rest." He says with a sharp toothed grin.
----after leaving the orc-----
The goblins stomach grumbles as the smells from the grease pit fill his nostrils. "Smells like my kind of cooking.." The goblin says aloud as they continue to the Clerk's ward. "We'll have to stop there... and the market place too." Sizzle says as he begins to take in more and more of the sights Sigil has to offer. "This place seems quite a bit like Ravnica... Maybe I could start a branch of the Izzet league here in Sigil." he muses to himself as he walks.
Once within the Clerk's ward, he would look to the parisa and run his hand through his mowhawk. "How much longer till we reach the institute? I wanna make sure that once I leave this place... I won't turn around and wake up on a slab tomorrow when I wake up in the morning."
The orc is quite amenable to further requests for aid, offering soothing words for 6 to Sizzle and 8 to Tyriel if they wish.
Parisa just nods happily and bounds along as you continue through the shinier streets, where now you see onion shaped cabs being driven by wondrous beasts, like unicorns, and then you are at the steps of a gleaming, blue-domed building noted as the "Hall of Information". "I suggest you start here. They usually know just about anything about the city as well. And just over there," she points behind down a different street, "is the Hall of Records, if you need that. And the Institute of Intellectual Excellence, is..." she looked past the blue domed building, "...that way. Over in the Market Ward. But I know a shortcut! When you're ready, of course. So! What do you need?"
"I told you I'm not--" Tyriel grits his teeth, seething for a moment. "Rrrrr, fine," he growls, allowing the orc to heal him, whilst also eyeing Sizzle.
"Thank you," he says stiffly before eyeing his still ruined shirt and sighing. Then he shoots a flat look at the goblin, clearly thinking many things but not wanting to say them out loud. He does mutter almost unintelligibly, "Hmph, trouble... I can handle myself just fine..."
"I say we start at the Hall of Records," Tyriel says in an undertone, not really wanting Parisa to hear but trying not to sound like he doesn't want her to. He eyes his companions, "Judging by that teifling's words earlier, we aren't the first ones to come out of that morgue with... tattered memories. Perhaps we could find some record of previous times this has happened, and what others did in our situation."
Zakhar is a bit surprised when Esta leans on him, though he understands it and doesn't mind her using his shoulder to steady herself. She did seem quite hurt, he wordlessly offers farther support as they listen to the orc. After she inquires about and receives healing, he watches her as they start on their way to the Hall. Walking beside her, he determines that she seems far better off, though not fully healed. "Let me know if you need to stop and rest. You've gone through more than any of the rest of us it seems."
Following Parisa, he eyes the rest of the group. He's glad Sizzle and Tyriel accepted the orc's offer. This place doesn't seem incredibly dangerous, but it is just dangerous enough that traveling injured probably isn't the best idea.
He nods to Tyriel's words. That would be the best way to start probably, he for one can't think of any other things to research here.
Halila nods to Sizzle as he comments on the food of the Grease Pit. "It does smell enticing," she agrees.
When they get to the Hall of Information, she gives Tyriel skeptical look when he suggests starting at the Hall of Records. "Why are we paying Parisa if not for her advice? It seems like asking some questions first would be best. And anyway, we're already standing right here at the Hall of Information!"
"I'm thinking if that was the morgue we were in, the first question I have is how did we get there?" she continues.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Esta, after hearing the soothing words from the orc, feels her wounds close up and bruising dissipate. The throbbing in her arm seems to have ebbed away. "Oh my, thanks. I feel so much better." Esta states loudly, whilst swinging her arm back and forth, stretching it and testing her restored movement again.
Zakhar speaks, and realizing she may have leaned a bit too heavily, becomes a little sheepish, eyes darting to the floor "Err, yeah sorry about that. Needed to get my balance and you were the nearest thing... I'll be fine now, lets keep moving."
Esta follows the group and Parisa with the thought of sweet ale on her mind. The thought of finding out though how she wound up here does seem appealing, "Yeah, I would also like to know how we got here and if it's happened before. I would love to get back to my turf as fast as possible."
As you are standing around debating your plans, you can see job boards and notices around the front of the hall, people offering various services such touts (what Parisa is, that is, a city guide) and translators and such, sedan chairs as well ferrying people here and there, and then you are interrupted in your discussion by an earthy looking lady with long braided black hair, bright brown eyes and a flowery dress. She holds up a small, smooth but otherwise unremarkable stone.
"Please, I want to capture a new sensation! Will you help me? Fear, a primal emotion is what I desire today." She points to the various commoners that wander the streets and gestures with the stone. Parisa comments happily but quietly, "She wants you to help elicit that emotion so she can capture the experience. These Sensation Muses are not uncommon in Sigil, and sometimes carry various experiences around with them and use them in their performances."
(If you would like to help the muse, you can make an Intimidation check at a nearby commoner passerby)
Sizzle smiles when Tyriel is healed, and the goblin feels much better when his own wounds are healed. As they walked, the goblin reached into his bag and quickly pulled out a very small mechanical spider. The mechanical creature has needle like fangs and an abdomen like a spool of thread. As they stopped in frown of the Hall of Information, Sizzle would reach over and place the spider on Tyriel's acid damaged clothes. The small mechanical spider would then quickly skitter across the young assimar's clothing and begin mending the damage done by the ooze in the previous fight.
OOC: Rolling slight of hand to put the spider on him without him knowing... hoping to essentially fix his clothes without him seeing it happen! 18
"I agree that since we are here... we may as well check out this Hall of information." The goblin says with a grin as his eyes glance towards the small spider working to mend his companions shirt. "My legs need a rest anyway."
When Parisa mentions scaring the commoner's nearby, Sizzle gives a wicked grin. "I'll help... but Im not the most intimidating guy around... You sure we won't get in trouble for scaring folks?" he askes as he looks to the centaur and tilts his head.
(OOC: for some reason when I read about the different Halls I was picturing them in the same building lol. My mistake, not Tyriel's. I'll just go with it though...)
LOL I love the spider :'D. Rolling perception to see if Tyriel notices... 3 Awwww, I guess not.
Sizzle's spider goes unnoticed as Tyriel is wrapped up in his own mutterings. It isn't until they stop that he notices that his shirt is somehow fixed... he stares down at it for a moment, then frowns, looking at his hands, then back at his shirt. Perhaps this sudden confusion is why he apparently doesn't realize that the Hall of Records is a ways away and they are standing in front of the Hall of Information.
Tyriel grimaces as Halila states that they are already at the Hall of Information, perhaps he'd gotten ahead of himself, "Oh..." He looks down the street that the centaur had pointed out. He nearly says something else, but then decides against it.
He frowns even further when the woman with braids asks them to help her scare some random people. "Why in the cosmos would we do that? These people are just going about their daily business." He seems rather angry about this, "It isn't like they've volunteered to be used for your muse. Are you going to pay whoever gets the living daylights scared out of them?" He crosses his arms--a position he's unfortunately seemed to take to ever since waking up in that awful cooler.
He eyes the crowd. If there is someone who looks shady... maybe a pickpocket? Maybe then he'd be willing to help, but simply approaching someone with the intent to intimidate them is not something he is particularly keen on doing. He gives Sizzle a very disapproving glance when the goblin asks if they would get in trouble for scaring people.
Perception: 11 (just to see if there are any thieves around. If there is some sort of wrongdoer nearby he'd be perfectly willing to help scare them to death..)
Zakhar gives Esta a small smile, "It's fine, I didn't mind."
When Parisa explains what the woman on the street wants he hears the voice in his head...
"Come on! Do it! Do it! Scare someone! It'll be fun and I know you can!"
Zakhar's jaw tightens and his eye narrows. There's no way in heck he's going to scare some random person.
"Uuuuuuugggghhhh, you are so Booooorrring! Fine then, I haven't exercised my power in a while. heheheh."
Zakhar's eye widens, "What? No!" he says aloud. He puts a hand over his hidden right eye, and suddenly a loud voice booms over the square...
Intimidation: 22
(Cast minor illusion)
Zakhar looks completely shocked and horrified himself, before the emotions quickly shift to anger. "Why you-" He thinks at the entity, watching people in the streets panic.
"Hey hey hey! I've saved up enough energy to override you and I wasn't about to pass up the chance to sow a little chaos hahahaha!"
Halila looks at Zakhar, a bit surprised by his sudden outburst. She'd been about to approach the woman with the smooth stone once Parisa explained. Now, after a bit more hesitation, she still steps closer to the woman. "You are just going to..." She struggles to find the right words a moment. "Take the feeling of fear from some random person?" Her tone sounds a bit accusatory. "Maybe if you want the feeling of fear, you can be frightened."
She doesn't take any more action against her - Zakhar seems to have created enough commotion already. But she does look like she might.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Tyriel, the area here is too busy to see for sure if there is anything hinky going on, at least no notable pickpockets that you can see.
The muse looks at Sizzle and Halila and just laughs. "I'm not taking anything! I am merely preserving the...sensation!" She blinks as Zakhar suddenly bursts out, making quite a few people in the area stop in their tracks and look in your all's direction. One hedgehog looking creature though nearby jumps three feet in the air at the noise and then dashes off as quick as possible. The muse grins and claps, "Oh that was wonderful! Truly a marvelous demonstration! I could feel his terror for that moment! And now that feeling is here!" She holds up the small stone and offers it to your group. "For such a job well done, you may keep this stone." She will then briefly explain how it works before shuffling off into the crowds.
Received 1 sensory stone.
As an action, you or a willing creature you designate can touch the stone and experience the sensation as if it happened to the designated creature. The illusory experience is fleeting and harmless, however real it might feel in the moment.
Record Sensation. You can use your reaction to record a short sensation lasting no longer than 6 seconds experienced by a creature of your choice within 30 feet of yourself, infusing the essence of that experience into the stone. This replaces any sensation already stored within the stone.
Siphon Sensation. As a bonus action, you can draw on the stone’s magic to end the charmed or frightened condition on yourself, destroying the stone in the process.
"Well, quite an interesting little show," Halila says. "Perhaps we should go into the Hall?" She looks at Parisa. "How do we go about finding someone to answer our questions? Or ... do we just ask? How does it work?"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Esta glances up at the imposing structure of the Hall of Information, its grandiose facade reflecting the morning light. She hesitates, weighing her options. Is this truly the place they need to be? The air is thick with the scent of old parchment and ink, a testament to the knowledge housed within these walls.
Halila, ever the inquisitive one, engages Parisa in a flurry of questions. Esta stands slightly apart, her ears tuned to their conversation, but her mind is elsewhere. Her sharp eyes scan the bustling forecourt, noting the ebb and flow of people. Merchants haggle over prices, scholars rush past with stacks of books, and guards patrol with a watchful eye.
A sly smile tugs at the corner of her lips as she considers the potential coin she could… acquire. Her gaze flits from one potential mark to another—a wealthy merchant distracted by his wares, a scholar too engrossed in his notes to notice his bulging purse. If only it were darker, she muses, the shadows would be her ally.
But for now, she remains patient, biding her time. The thrill of the hunt is in the anticipation, after all. She listens to Halila and Parisa, ready to act when the moment is right, all the while plotting her next move in the back of her mind.
"Yeah, let's get moving. The sooner we figure out why we are here... the sooner we can get something to eat." The goblin grumbles as he marches towards the doors to the Hall of information.