Zakhar only half listens to the chirping centuar as they walk towards the Hall of Records...then he hears her says something about teleporting to the outer planes. That would be perfect, he could go home....well back to the camp anyway. Though he doesn't know how all of that works. It sounds as if he'd have to teleport out, then try to find a way to teleport again to his specific plane.
"Aaaa, don't worry about it! It's not gonna hurt you to take a break from your work is it? You could use some adventure!" The voice chimes in.
"I don't need adventure, not with your incessant voice in my head."He growls back.
"Aaa, you flatter me."
Zakhar sighs aloud.
He waits for Parsia to answer Halila's question, he to is curious as to why the portal would be in a building housing records rather than the city hall or something like that. Perhaps it's purely a status thing the Fated (whoever they are) have going on.
He glances at Sizzle as the goblin waltzes up to the other important looking goblin and once again just spills out everything that happened to them. Sigh. What would happen if for some reason whatever happened to them makes the civilians or the higher ups consider them to be dangerous? Caution should always be taken.
"Caution Shmaution. You need to live a little."
Zakhar ignores the comment and continues looking for wherever the death certificates are. (Unless they need to stand in line for that.)
"What exactly is Ysgard?" Halila asks Parisa as they walk. "And why would there be a portal for that inside the Hall of Records?" She does want to figure out what happened to her - how she got here. The more time she's had to think it about though, she really had no reason to get back to Keraveza. So maybe she could find somewhere new!
Parisa just laughs a little. "There are doors all over the place if you know where to look. But not always open. This one though is always open. Ysgard is one of the Outer Planes, of course. But the portal itself is down in the underground campus. No one usually goes there unless invited by the Fated. So don't worry, won't have to worry about that right now!"
(DC 15 history check)
Ysgard is a rugged realm of soaring mountains, deep fjords, and windswept battlefields, with summers that are long and hot, and winters that are wickedly cold and unforgiving. Its continents float above oceans of volcanic rock, below which are icy caverns so enormous as to hold entire kingdoms of giants, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and other beings. Heroes come to Ysgard to test their mettle not only against the plane itself, but also against giants, dragons, and other terrible creatures that thunder across Ysgard’s vast terrain.
Halila thinks for a bit and does seem to recall some old drunken guy at a bar once upon a time talking about Ysgard. "Oh yea, place with mountains. Lots of heros fighting or something?" she recalls. "I'm sure those Fated aren't likely to be inviting us to go there any time soon. Not that it seemed like a place I'd want to be in."
Hearing the bit about getting in line, she also follows Sizzle and takes up a spot behind the goblin. As they're waiting, she tries to watch what happens with the clerks and espeically those little hourglasses.
Tyriel draws a blank on whatever this Ysgard is, not that he really cares all that much. It isn't home so why would it matter to him? Then again, he doubts he could get back home via portal anyways. So where does that leave him?
"So, shall we stand in line?"Tyriel huffs, moving to claim a spot before the line gets even longer. If the group decides they don't want to wait, then he'll leave, but for now better to jump in and start making progress.
As you all settle into the line--(insert favorite joke/gripe about standing in line at a government agency or something)--let's have you all make either Perception or Insight checks while you slowly shuffle your way through the line.
Tyriel and Halila, you notice a couple things as you're standing in the interminably long line: The hourglasses the workers have on them seem to be more ornamental than functional. Perhaps they are merely symbols of their faction more than actual time pieces. You would also notice though that the people standing in line either have a stack of papers in their hands, or are nervously patting themselves, as if checking to make sure something is still on them. The longer you wait in the line, the more the foreboding thought creeps into your mind: this is a bureaucratic nightmare.
Halila turns to the others as she waits. "You don't suppose that there's some sort of required forms just to talk to these people do you?" She glances about to see if there might be signs with instructions anywhere nearby. "I'd hate to be turned away after waiting."
Esta’s eyes dart around, catching the subtle signs of anxiety from people clutching their documents. Her mind races, contemplating the possible outcomes of standing in that line.
With a quiet determination, Esta takes a step forward, observing the extravagant agents and noting the hourglasses, the stacks of papers, and the nervous patrons—this was a game, and she wasn't sure she wanted to play.
Spotting a nearby queued folk, she approaches them quietly, her expression shifting to that of a charming, vulnerable young girl in need of assistance. "Excuse me,"she whispers, her eyes wide and pleading. "What do we need to be seen?"
Zakhar sighs. He'd zoned out for a moment there. He can't disagree with the voice this time. At this point he's lost track of how long they've been standing there.
"Huh?" He blinks when Halila speaks. They might need something to be seen? He looks around, noting that a few other people seem to be restless. He hadn't thought about needing paperwork for this. "I hope it's not some sort of identification...or even a recommendation."He says quietly then sighs, "This could very well have been a waste of time."
Tyriel grits his teeth, "If we waited for nothing..."His eyes search for Parisa, she should have told them if they need any paperwork or recommendations to get inside. That's what they paid for right?
If she is still around he'll wave her down and ask sternly, "If we needed papers or something to be seen, you would have told us. Right?" He stares hard at her, clearly if there is something she didn't tell them... something she left out that resulted in them wasting time, he's goin to be very very mad.
If she is not around, Tyriel will address the person in front of them, staring up at them in annoyance yet doing his best to appear polite as he asks, "Excuse me, I can't help but notice everyone seems to be checking themselves... like they want to make sure they haven't forgotten something. I'm new here, so I was wondering if you could tell me whether or not I need a recommendation or some sort of paperwork to get admitted here... I really hope I haven't been standing in line for nothing."
Halila, it's a large room of people standing in line. Super exciting. But there is a sizeable stand a ways down, with dozens of cubby holes in it each with stacks of papers inside. Every now and then someone walks by and pulls out a paper or two before getting in line.
Esta the people have a fair mix of expressions and emotions, though none seem particularly happy. When you walk over to a kindly looking tiefling lady she looks down at you with a look of confusion. "What do you mean? Anyone can put in their requests. Why wouldn't they see you?"
Tyriel, you don't see Parisa immediately, though perhaps she is just waiting outside, knowing that this could take a while. But you can get the attention of a tall elf figure in front of you, with bright white hair and silvery pale complexion. He turns back and also gives a bit of a raised brow. "Recommendation? They let anyone in the front here. The only place you'd need assistance getting to would be the stacks down in the basement. But if you put in the right request it is not unheard of."
Sizzle, as you're standing around with your group here, perhaps watching their interactions, you get a nagging feeling: this feels a lot like the Orzhov Syndicate, just, without all the creepy spirits hanging around all the time.
Sizzle looks around grumbling under his breath. "I don't like this place... we made a donation... so they already got something from me.. now they owe me... papers or no papers... they should be able to answer a simple question or two" The goblin mumbles to himself as he is reminded of the Orzhov Syndicate back in Ravnica. He doesn't really believe the words he is saying however. "this place reminds me a bit of home... if it is anything like the Orzhov Syndicate... I wouldn't be to quick to make any deals with them."
Halila keeps to her spot in line, going the paperwork won't be needed. But aa time passes waiting, she mentions to the others. "Maybe someone should check on those papers to see if maybe we need one? I'll keep place in the line."
Anyone is welcome to search the papers as the rest of you stand in line. It's slow but it does move. If all goes as it has so far, you can probably expect to be seen in a half hour or less.
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Sizzle throws his hands up in the air and shouts. "DAMN IT! I hate this place!" He growls before stomping to the end of the line.
Zakhar history check: 13 (With advantage)
Zakhar only half listens to the chirping centuar as they walk towards the Hall of Records...then he hears her says something about teleporting to the outer planes. That would be perfect, he could go home....well back to the camp anyway. Though he doesn't know how all of that works. It sounds as if he'd have to teleport out, then try to find a way to teleport again to his specific plane.
"Aaaa, don't worry about it! It's not gonna hurt you to take a break from your work is it? You could use some adventure!" The voice chimes in.
"I don't need adventure, not with your incessant voice in my head." He growls back.
"Aaa, you flatter me."
Zakhar sighs aloud.
He waits for Parsia to answer Halila's question, he to is curious as to why the portal would be in a building housing records rather than the city hall or something like that. Perhaps it's purely a status thing the Fated (whoever they are) have going on.
He glances at Sizzle as the goblin waltzes up to the other important looking goblin and once again just spills out everything that happened to them. Sigh. What would happen if for some reason whatever happened to them makes the civilians or the higher ups consider them to be dangerous? Caution should always be taken.
"Caution Shmaution. You need to live a little."
Zakhar ignores the comment and continues looking for wherever the death certificates are. (Unless they need to stand in line for that.)
Parisa just laughs a little. "There are doors all over the place if you know where to look. But not always open. This one though is always open. Ysgard is one of the Outer Planes, of course. But the portal itself is down in the underground campus. No one usually goes there unless invited by the Fated. So don't worry, won't have to worry about that right now!"
(DC 15 history check)
Ysgard is a rugged realm of soaring mountains, deep fjords, and windswept battlefields, with summers that are long and hot, and winters that are wickedly cold and unforgiving. Its continents float above oceans of volcanic rock, below which are icy caverns so enormous as to hold entire kingdoms of giants, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and other beings. Heroes come to Ysgard to test their mettle not only against the plane itself, but also against giants, dragons, and other terrible creatures that thunder across Ysgard’s vast terrain.
(Yes, everyone has to stand in line to be seen by one of the clerks to process their request.)
(Halila History Check: 17)
Halila thinks for a bit and does seem to recall some old drunken guy at a bar once upon a time talking about Ysgard. "Oh yea, place with mountains. Lots of heros fighting or something?" she recalls. "I'm sure those Fated aren't likely to be inviting us to go there any time soon. Not that it seemed like a place I'd want to be in."
Hearing the bit about getting in line, she also follows Sizzle and takes up a spot behind the goblin. As they're waiting, she tries to watch what happens with the clerks and espeically those little hourglasses.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
History check: 11
Tyriel draws a blank on whatever this Ysgard is, not that he really cares all that much. It isn't home so why would it matter to him? Then again, he doubts he could get back home via portal anyways. So where does that leave him?
"So, shall we stand in line?" Tyriel huffs, moving to claim a spot before the line gets even longer. If the group decides they don't want to wait, then he'll leave, but for now better to jump in and start making progress.
As you all settle into the line--(insert favorite joke/gripe about standing in line at a government agency or something)--let's have you all make either Perception or Insight checks while you slowly shuffle your way through the line.
Perception: 8
Perception/Insight (same either way): 21
(Halila Perception: 20)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Sizzle grumbles and curses under his breath while keeping an eye on those around him...
Perception 6
Tyriel and Halila, you notice a couple things as you're standing in the interminably long line: The hourglasses the workers have on them seem to be more ornamental than functional. Perhaps they are merely symbols of their faction more than actual time pieces. You would also notice though that the people standing in line either have a stack of papers in their hands, or are nervously patting themselves, as if checking to make sure something is still on them. The longer you wait in the line, the more the foreboding thought creeps into your mind: this is a bureaucratic nightmare.
Halila turns to the others as she waits. "You don't suppose that there's some sort of required forms just to talk to these people do you?" She glances about to see if there might be signs with instructions anywhere nearby. "I'd hate to be turned away after waiting."
She does continue waiting.
(Perception to try to locate anything: 9)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Perception: 14
Esta’s eyes dart around, catching the subtle signs of anxiety from people clutching their documents. Her mind races, contemplating the possible outcomes of standing in that line.
With a quiet determination, Esta takes a step forward, observing the extravagant agents and noting the hourglasses, the stacks of papers, and the nervous patrons—this was a game, and she wasn't sure she wanted to play.
Spotting a nearby queued folk, she approaches them quietly, her expression shifting to that of a charming, vulnerable young girl in need of assistance. "Excuse me," she whispers, her eyes wide and pleading. "What do we need to be seen?"
"Uuuuuuuuhg this is so boooooorinnnnggg."
Zakhar sighs. He'd zoned out for a moment there. He can't disagree with the voice this time. At this point he's lost track of how long they've been standing there.
"Huh?" He blinks when Halila speaks. They might need something to be seen? He looks around, noting that a few other people seem to be restless. He hadn't thought about needing paperwork for this. "I hope it's not some sort of identification...or even a recommendation." He says quietly then sighs, "This could very well have been a waste of time."
Tyriel grits his teeth, "If we waited for nothing..." His eyes search for Parisa, she should have told them if they need any paperwork or recommendations to get inside. That's what they paid for right?
If she is still around he'll wave her down and ask sternly, "If we needed papers or something to be seen, you would have told us. Right?" He stares hard at her, clearly if there is something she didn't tell them... something she left out that resulted in them wasting time, he's goin to be very very mad.
If she is not around, Tyriel will address the person in front of them, staring up at them in annoyance yet doing his best to appear polite as he asks, "Excuse me, I can't help but notice everyone seems to be checking themselves... like they want to make sure they haven't forgotten something. I'm new here, so I was wondering if you could tell me whether or not I need a recommendation or some sort of paperwork to get admitted here... I really hope I haven't been standing in line for nothing."
Halila, it's a large room of people standing in line. Super exciting. But there is a sizeable stand a ways down, with dozens of cubby holes in it each with stacks of papers inside. Every now and then someone walks by and pulls out a paper or two before getting in line.
Esta the people have a fair mix of expressions and emotions, though none seem particularly happy. When you walk over to a kindly looking tiefling lady she looks down at you with a look of confusion. "What do you mean? Anyone can put in their requests. Why wouldn't they see you?"
Tyriel, you don't see Parisa immediately, though perhaps she is just waiting outside, knowing that this could take a while. But you can get the attention of a tall elf figure in front of you, with bright white hair and silvery pale complexion. He turns back and also gives a bit of a raised brow. "Recommendation? They let anyone in the front here. The only place you'd need assistance getting to would be the stacks down in the basement. But if you put in the right request it is not unheard of."
Sizzle, as you're standing around with your group here, perhaps watching their interactions, you get a nagging feeling: this feels a lot like the Orzhov Syndicate, just, without all the creepy spirits hanging around all the time.
Sizzle looks around grumbling under his breath. "I don't like this place... we made a donation... so they already got something from me.. now they owe me... papers or no papers... they should be able to answer a simple question or two" The goblin mumbles to himself as he is reminded of the Orzhov Syndicate back in Ravnica. He doesn't really believe the words he is saying however. "this place reminds me a bit of home... if it is anything like the Orzhov Syndicate... I wouldn't be to quick to make any deals with them."
Halila keeps to her spot in line, going the paperwork won't be needed. But aa time passes waiting, she mentions to the others. "Maybe someone should check on those papers to see if maybe we need one? I'll keep place in the line."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Anyone is welcome to search the papers as the rest of you stand in line. It's slow but it does move. If all goes as it has so far, you can probably expect to be seen in a half hour or less.