Halila is tempted to run, but is unsure of what those pincer weapons might do. She's frozen in place for the moment. Finally she nudges first Tyriel then Zakhar. "Don't just let them take us all. They have to have evidence of something right?" she says quietly.
Tyriel frowns at Halila when she nudges him, though he's frowning more at the guards than he is at her expectation of him. He stands up straighter, muttering, "Clearly, you have no idea who I am..." then shaking his head. Why would they recognize him? Especially in this blasted form.
Sighing he says, "Better to go along with it then to run. As far as I know we've done nothing wrong and the evidence should show that."He stares up at the guards, glaring at them for a moment before assuming a more respectful expression. "We will come peacefully, though I would still appreciate it if we were given an up front explanation of why we are being arrested." His respectful tone slips momentarily as he adds, "Ihave done nothing wrong." At least, as far as he is concerned they haven't. Perhaps this has something to do with his screwed up memories... darn you Renjin. He seethes for a moment before letting out a long breath.
"Either way, I don't want to inadvertently make myself into a criminal by running. I am innocent so I have nothing to hide," he glances at his companions, clearly expecting them to follow his lead.
Zakhar sighs, glancing back at Halila when she nudges him. It would be better if at least a few of them weren't subjected to arrest.
"Yeah. Throw all them to the fire and run for it!"
"I'll go." He says tiredly to the guard.
"NOOOOOOOOO" The entity wails.
"I'm not admitting to anything, but if I did do anything that had broken any law. These people have nothing to do with it. The fact that we are all here in the same place is coincidence. I'd never met any of these people until this morning." He gestures to Halila and Esta specifically, but includes Sizzle and Tyriel as well. He has a feeling that...if a prison break were necessary, Sizzle might be better on the inside...tinkering with the cells, while the girls would be more help outside. As they seem to be more capable of stealth than any of the men.
"No no no. I can't go to jail. I'm already in prison. I don't want to be in a prison inside a prison. This just isn't fair." The voice wines
With you all surrendering to the guards, the begin to escort you toward the High Courts, placing special magical shackles on each of you (feel free to make an arcana check for these shackles if you wish). The trip is slow but steady as you make your way to the Lady's Ward and the High Courts, an immense impressive marble towers hewn from singular stones. As you approach the wide steps another officer with a blonde buzz cut, dressed similarly to the ones that have been escorting you, and introduces themselves as Josbert. There is a bit of a conversation between Josbert and the other officers before they give him a salute and stand aside a bit, then begin slowly taking a few steps away as Josbert turns to you all.
"Crimes against the multiverse, serious business."They look around casually. "You see that little shop across the way?" He doesn't actually look that direction but it isn't hard to figure out where exactly he means as there is a small ambiguous shop across a large plaza, with a dingy little sign dangling off the top that's too hard to read from where you are. "Run there. Go down to the basement. Now!" He suddenly snaps his fingers and the shackles unlock leaving you free. "I'll meet you there, run!"
Halila hesitates a moment, aware that the original guards were not that far away. 'Could this be a trick?' But she wasn't sure how else she could have removed those shackles without his help. And she figures she's fast enough; maybe she can escape. So, she runs. (35 ft. movement, Action: Dash, Bonus Action: Dash - 105 ft movement, I think)
Esta’s heart pounds as the shackles fall away. She glances at Zakhar, then at the guards, her mind racing. “This could be our only chance,” she mutters under her breath. Without wasting another second, she pulls her hood tighter over her head and takes off after Halila, her feet barely touching the ground as she sprints towards the shop.
“Come on, everyone! We need to move, now!” she urges, hoping the others will follow suit. Her eyes dart around, scanning for any signs of pursuit, ready to duck into the shadows if necessary.
Seeing his companions surrender, Krackle would have stowed away his crossbow and begrudgingly complied as well. Following along with the group, he would examine his shackles until they suddenly unlock. He quickly removes the shackles and stuffs them in his pockets before racing towards the designated building.
Tyriel has to force himself not to object when the guards handcuff them all. Why is this necessary?
When the apparently senior officer tells them to run and... removes those handcuffs... Tyriel frowns and nearly objects but then realizes this might be some sort of test. He'd better do as he's told for now... as much as that irks him, so he runs. Obviously this isn't them escaping. That would be a criminal act after all, and an officer like that wouldn't tell them to try to escape... right?
Seeing his companions surrender, Krackle would have stowed away his crossbow and begrudgingly complied as well. Following along with the group, he would examine his shackles until they suddenly unlock. He quickly removes the shackles and stuffs them in his pockets before racing towards the designated building.
arcana 15
Sizzle (Krackle?) would recognize these as dimensional shackles, magical bindings that aren't just physical restraints, but magical as well, preventing the one bound from using any extradimensional travel or teleportation.
You all follow the guard's directions then, streaking off across the plaza toward the shop on the other side. Inside the shop you can quickly surmise it is a very...generic kind of shop, a few trinkets, some non-magical potions and such, a few pieces of basic gear, nothing of particular interest. There is a middle aged gnome man sitting behind the counter, reading a book of some kind. He gives you a half look over the top of his book as you come in, then his eyes flicker over to the side where there is another door.
Halila sees little other choice but to follow along and head through the door to the side. She keeps up her rapid pace, but keeps a close eye out on whatever she might see once she's into the new space. (Perception: 4)
OOC: Whoops, Krackle is my kobold character from a different game lol
A few uses for the shackles race though the goblins mind as he pockets them before scrambling into the store. Seeing the gnome, Sizzle gives the shopkeeper a quick nod before racing through the side door.
Esta bursts into the shop, her breath coming in quick gasps. She takes a moment to scan the room, noting the gnome behind the counter and the unremarkable items on display. Her eyes follow the gnome's gaze to the door on the side.
That must be it she whispers to herself. She gestures urgently to her companions, "Over here, quickly!" She moves towards the door, her steps light and cautious, ready to bolt if necessary. "Let's hope this isn't another trap,"she mutters, pushing the door open and peering inside.
The backdoor opens easily, showing a rickety wooden staircase going down to the basement below. Quite a few boxes and crates and such line the area, some general supplies and stock for the store above, but on the far back wall a boarded up archway stands alone. As you all gather down there and wait, footsteps follow you down, the guard that freed you joining just moments later.
"You all made it, good. I can guide you to my patron's place where you should be able to receive further guidance. The city streets are not safe for you now, every Harmonium officer and guard will be swarming the city looking for you soon. Come, but keep your wits about you, Undersigil is still a dangerous place on its own."
Zakhar dashes after Esta. Good thing she seems to have sharp senses.
He stays silent, his visible eye scanning the room for anything abnormal until he hears footsteps following them down. He prepares for a fight even after recognizing the guard.
Despite the guard's friendly tone, Zakhar still seems a bit on edge. This is all so strange, could there be some trick behind this.
"Why are you helping us? Do you know exactly what they think we did to warrant being arrested?" His golden eye stays locked on the stranger, waiting for a response.
"WHAT!" Tyriel exclaims. "We really are running from the law?" He shuts his eyes, putting a hand to his head for a moment and letting out a breath. Does this make him a criminal by association? "Please explain to me why they are chasing us, and why we ran instead of proving our innocence in court?"
He nods when Zakhar asks why this man is helping them, "Yes, why are you doing this? What do you have to gain?"
As you question the guard, his appearance changes and melts into a pale elf form. "Yes, you are. I saw your predicament at the hall of records and I think my patron might be able to help. As best I can tell, you have violated the laws of the multiverse, and the punishment is severe, you would not last in the courts. As for what I gain, that is between me and my patron. But sure, go back to the courts, see how you fare."
"What nonsense is this?" Halila asks in an exasperated tone. "How do you 'violate the laws of the multiverse' actually? It sounds like you are saying we willfully disobeyed gravity or something. Perhaps stolen the Plane of Air and hidden it in our pockets? This is crazy! I don't even have any idea how I've gotten here!" She looks about, presuming that perhaps the boarded-up archway might be their next path. "And how in the world did you get access to our records? We couldn't get anything from that place!"
There is barely, just barely, a pause for breath as she continues, agreeing with the others. "If your gain is between you and your patron, what then is your patron's interest in us? How are we to even know if this patron is a better option than the courts?" She of course, doesn't really think being imprisoned and trying the courts is going to help. But she is starting to feel like this patron person is probably going to extract some price as well.
Esta takes a moment to ponder the situation, her mind racing with the implications of what the guard-turned-elf has revealed. She tries to purview some insight to see if she can discern any connections between the laws they supposedly broke and the party's actions. Insight: 12
"Wait a moment," she says, her eyes narrowing as she studies the elf. "You said we violated the laws of the multiverse. What exactly does that mean? And how does it relate to us specifically?" She glances at her companions, trying to piece together any similarities in their recent actions that might have led to this predicament.
As Esta searches for the truth in her mind, she continues to question the elf. "Halila says it true. Why would your patron be interested in helping us? What do they stand to gain from this? "
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Halila is tempted to run, but is unsure of what those pincer weapons might do. She's frozen in place for the moment. Finally she nudges first Tyriel then Zakhar. "Don't just let them take us all. They have to have evidence of something right?" she says quietly.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Tyriel frowns at Halila when she nudges him, though he's frowning more at the guards than he is at her expectation of him. He stands up straighter, muttering, "Clearly, you have no idea who I am..." then shaking his head. Why would they recognize him? Especially in this blasted form.
Sighing he says, "Better to go along with it then to run. As far as I know we've done nothing wrong and the evidence should show that." He stares up at the guards, glaring at them for a moment before assuming a more respectful expression. "We will come peacefully, though I would still appreciate it if we were given an up front explanation of why we are being arrested." His respectful tone slips momentarily as he adds, "I have done nothing wrong." At least, as far as he is concerned they haven't. Perhaps this has something to do with his screwed up memories... darn you Renjin. He seethes for a moment before letting out a long breath.
"Either way, I don't want to inadvertently make myself into a criminal by running. I am innocent so I have nothing to hide," he glances at his companions, clearly expecting them to follow his lead.
Zakhar sighs, glancing back at Halila when she nudges him. It would be better if at least a few of them weren't subjected to arrest.
"Yeah. Throw all them to the fire and run for it!"
"I'll go." He says tiredly to the guard.
"NOOOOOOOOO" The entity wails.
"I'm not admitting to anything, but if I did do anything that had broken any law. These people have nothing to do with it. The fact that we are all here in the same place is coincidence. I'd never met any of these people until this morning." He gestures to Halila and Esta specifically, but includes Sizzle and Tyriel as well. He has a feeling that...if a prison break were necessary, Sizzle might be better on the inside...tinkering with the cells, while the girls would be more help outside. As they seem to be more capable of stealth than any of the men.
"No no no. I can't go to jail. I'm already in prison. I don't want to be in a prison inside a prison. This just isn't fair." The voice wines
Persuasion to not arrest Halila and Esta: 14
With you all surrendering to the guards, the begin to escort you toward the High Courts, placing special magical shackles on each of you (feel free to make an arcana check for these shackles if you wish). The trip is slow but steady as you make your way to the Lady's Ward and the High Courts, an immense impressive marble towers hewn from singular stones. As you approach the wide steps another officer with a blonde buzz cut, dressed similarly to the ones that have been escorting you, and introduces themselves as Josbert. There is a bit of a conversation between Josbert and the other officers before they give him a salute and stand aside a bit, then begin slowly taking a few steps away as Josbert turns to you all.
"Crimes against the multiverse, serious business." They look around casually. "You see that little shop across the way?" He doesn't actually look that direction but it isn't hard to figure out where exactly he means as there is a small ambiguous shop across a large plaza, with a dingy little sign dangling off the top that's too hard to read from where you are. "Run there. Go down to the basement. Now!" He suddenly snaps his fingers and the shackles unlock leaving you free. "I'll meet you there, run!"
(Arcana: 6)
Halila hesitates a moment, aware that the original guards were not that far away. 'Could this be a trick?' But she wasn't sure how else she could have removed those shackles without his help. And she figures she's fast enough; maybe she can escape. So, she runs. (35 ft. movement, Action: Dash, Bonus Action: Dash - 105 ft movement, I think)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Esta’s heart pounds as the shackles fall away. She glances at Zakhar, then at the guards, her mind racing. “This could be our only chance,” she mutters under her breath. Without wasting another second, she pulls her hood tighter over her head and takes off after Halila, her feet barely touching the ground as she sprints towards the shop.
“Come on, everyone! We need to move, now!” she urges, hoping the others will follow suit. Her eyes dart around, scanning for any signs of pursuit, ready to duck into the shadows if necessary.
Seeing his companions surrender, Krackle would have stowed away his crossbow and begrudgingly complied as well. Following along with the group, he would examine his shackles until they suddenly unlock. He quickly removes the shackles and stuffs them in his pockets before racing towards the designated building.
arcana 15
Arcana: 6 (lol)
Zakhar blinks, clearly confused when this new guard frees them.
"Get moving you idiot! I don't care if you follow his orders or not just don't go to jail! Please I'm begging you!!!"
The voice jolts him out of his daze and he catches Esta's glance, nods, then takes off after her.
Tyriel has to force himself not to object when the guards handcuff them all. Why is this necessary?
When the apparently senior officer tells them to run and... removes those handcuffs... Tyriel frowns and nearly objects but then realizes this might be some sort of test. He'd better do as he's told for now... as much as that irks him, so he runs. Obviously this isn't them escaping. That would be a criminal act after all, and an officer like that wouldn't tell them to try to escape... right?
Sizzle (Krackle?) would recognize these as dimensional shackles, magical bindings that aren't just physical restraints, but magical as well, preventing the one bound from using any extradimensional travel or teleportation.
You all follow the guard's directions then, streaking off across the plaza toward the shop on the other side. Inside the shop you can quickly surmise it is a very...generic kind of shop, a few trinkets, some non-magical potions and such, a few pieces of basic gear, nothing of particular interest. There is a middle aged gnome man sitting behind the counter, reading a book of some kind. He gives you a half look over the top of his book as you come in, then his eyes flicker over to the side where there is another door.
Halila sees little other choice but to follow along and head through the door to the side. She keeps up her rapid pace, but keeps a close eye out on whatever she might see once she's into the new space. (Perception: 4)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
(Posting to keep this up. I know it's a holiday week here in the US.)
OOC: Whoops, Krackle is my kobold character from a different game lol
A few uses for the shackles race though the goblins mind as he pockets them before scrambling into the store. Seeing the gnome, Sizzle gives the shopkeeper a quick nod before racing through the side door.
Esta bursts into the shop, her breath coming in quick gasps. She takes a moment to scan the room, noting the gnome behind the counter and the unremarkable items on display. Her eyes follow the gnome's gaze to the door on the side.
That must be it she whispers to herself. She gestures urgently to her companions, "Over here, quickly!" She moves towards the door, her steps light and cautious, ready to bolt if necessary. "Let's hope this isn't another trap," she mutters, pushing the door open and peering inside.
The backdoor opens easily, showing a rickety wooden staircase going down to the basement below. Quite a few boxes and crates and such line the area, some general supplies and stock for the store above, but on the far back wall a boarded up archway stands alone. As you all gather down there and wait, footsteps follow you down, the guard that freed you joining just moments later.
"You all made it, good. I can guide you to my patron's place where you should be able to receive further guidance. The city streets are not safe for you now, every Harmonium officer and guard will be swarming the city looking for you soon. Come, but keep your wits about you, Undersigil is still a dangerous place on its own."
Zakhar dashes after Esta. Good thing she seems to have sharp senses.
He stays silent, his visible eye scanning the room for anything abnormal until he hears footsteps following them down. He prepares for a fight even after recognizing the guard.
Despite the guard's friendly tone, Zakhar still seems a bit on edge. This is all so strange, could there be some trick behind this.
"Why are you helping us? Do you know exactly what they think we did to warrant being arrested?" His golden eye stays locked on the stranger, waiting for a response.
"WHAT!" Tyriel exclaims. "We really are running from the law?" He shuts his eyes, putting a hand to his head for a moment and letting out a breath. Does this make him a criminal by association? "Please explain to me why they are chasing us, and why we ran instead of proving our innocence in court?"
He nods when Zakhar asks why this man is helping them, "Yes, why are you doing this? What do you have to gain?"
As you question the guard, his appearance changes and melts into a pale elf form. "Yes, you are. I saw your predicament at the hall of records and I think my patron might be able to help. As best I can tell, you have violated the laws of the multiverse, and the punishment is severe, you would not last in the courts. As for what I gain, that is between me and my patron. But sure, go back to the courts, see how you fare."
"What nonsense is this?" Halila asks in an exasperated tone. "How do you 'violate the laws of the multiverse' actually? It sounds like you are saying we willfully disobeyed gravity or something. Perhaps stolen the Plane of Air and hidden it in our pockets? This is crazy! I don't even have any idea how I've gotten here!" She looks about, presuming that perhaps the boarded-up archway might be their next path. "And how in the world did you get access to our records? We couldn't get anything from that place!"
There is barely, just barely, a pause for breath as she continues, agreeing with the others. "If your gain is between you and your patron, what then is your patron's interest in us? How are we to even know if this patron is a better option than the courts?" She of course, doesn't really think being imprisoned and trying the courts is going to help. But she is starting to feel like this patron person is probably going to extract some price as well.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Esta takes a moment to ponder the situation, her mind racing with the implications of what the guard-turned-elf has revealed. She tries to purview some insight to see if she can discern any connections between the laws they supposedly broke and the party's actions.
Insight: 12
"Wait a moment," she says, her eyes narrowing as she studies the elf. "You said we violated the laws of the multiverse. What exactly does that mean? And how does it relate to us specifically?" She glances at her companions, trying to piece together any similarities in their recent actions that might have led to this predicament.
As Esta searches for the truth in her mind, she continues to question the elf. "Halila says it true. Why would your patron be interested in helping us? What do they stand to gain from this? "