Tyriel looks at the grimy individuals with a slightly disgusted expression. He is quite relieved when Joshbert says that this is definitely not their destination.
"Thank you, but no thank you,"he says when the pink haired woman approaches them. He definitely does NOT want anything to do with this grimy tea party. "We have an important meeting to get to and must be on our way." He steps quickly behind Joshbert, cursing his short child's legs as it takes more effort to keep up then it should have...
Tyriel, while you aren't entirely sure just exactly who this group is (although the cake probably has a lot to do with it) it would not be unheard for factions that didn't make it in the main city to be driven underground. You're maybe not sure exactly how or why this happens but it sure looks like this group has fallen on hard times and is eager to knead in some new converts.
Unfortunately, as you all begin to decline their...hospitality, they rise from their chairs, pick up rolling pins and spatulas and prepare to engage you all!
(You are all coming in on the top of the map, the north side. The cakers are standing beside the table, two on each side. Will provide an updated map later! Round 1 go!)
Halila: 26
Cakers (Gertrube, Alzor on the right side of the map)
Halila is a bit surprised by the abrupt turn from asking them to be guests to grabbing weapons to attack them. Although they are improvised weapons. She starts to move towards the right side but does not close in on the others. "Surely you are not going to try take us on," she says, trying to sound threatening as she draws her rapier. (Intimidation: 9) She eyes Gertrube, attempting to mark her with her evil eye. (CHA Save DC 12 to avoid being marked)
"How dare you,"Tyriel says angrily. "I don't care if you've fallen on hard times, that doesn't mean attack people who don't have time for a... tea party." He draws his bow, "I suggest you mortals get back to your business, lest you force the hand of judgement to fall upon you early."
His eyes light up with celestial radiance, ready to burst forth and wreak havoc on these unfortunate souls.
"Tea time huh?" Esta responds. She surveys the room and steels herself in anticipation for what she thinks is about to go down.
She squats into a poised position, ready to pounce with grace like a cat. As silently as possible, without trying to draw attention to herself, she raises her hood up to blend in with the environment and begins slowly traversing the outer wall to position herself a clear line of sight. Esta grips her bow ready to take action if they start to lurch.
Halila tries to stare down Gertrube who doesn't seem fazed by the intimidation attempt (evil eye succeeds though!)
Tyriel does their own intimidation tactic, and it seems to work mostly well, as the group stands there and looks at each other a moment, unsure of what to do yet.
Esta moves to the side and prepares herself. (Make a stealth check if you're trying to stay hidden)
Cakers (Gertrube, Alzor on the right side of the map) hold their positions and take the dodge action as they aren't sure what to do about Tyriel yet.
Sizzle ?
Zakhar ?
Josbert will hold an attack in case the cakers get in their face.
Cakers (Xorac, Binn on the left side of the map) also hold positions and prepare to dodge as necessary!
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Sizzle would hoist his crossbow and point it towards Gertrude.... waiting to see if Tyriel managed to talk them out of their attack. if they step towards the group he will fire an arcane bolt from his infused crossbow..
"Heheh, just imagine if he wasn't in a child's body." The voice laughs at Tyriel's intimidation attempt
Ignoring the voice, Zakhar draws his sword, but holds his attack until the Cackers make the first move. He'd like to avoid a fight if possible. If one of them moves, he will hit the closest one to him.
To Hit: 23
Damage: 5
"Oh come oooon. Just fight them!" The voice whines.
Halila holds her ground a moment longer. "You hesitate?" she says, gaze fixed on Gertrube. "You do not want to fight us," she says slowly. She uses her Curse of the Fearful to make Gertrube frightened. "The rest you best beware as well!"
(OOC - Target may make a WIS Save DC 12 at the end of each of its turns, ending the condition on a success)
Tyriel seems rather satisfied, allowing himself a small smirk which quickly disappears behind his intense and angry visage. He lifts his chin, fingers tightening slightly on the still-loose string of his bow.
"Yes," he says in an authoritative tone... well, as authoritative as he can sound as a child. "Stand down and you will be spared."
He holds his action, walking confidently in the direction that Joshbert had been leading them. Clearly believing himself to have solved the problem for now at least... though he does keep a firm eye on the enemy. If any of them attempt to attack him or his companions he will let his arrow fly.
Esta, sensing the tension in the room, decides to take a more cautious approach. She silently moves to a shadowed corner, her movements fluid and quiet. She takes a deep breath, and with her bow drawn taut, she scans the room, ready to loose an arrow at the first sign of danger from the Cakers. Her eyes dart between her companions and the potential threats, her muscles tense and ready for action.
As she waits, her mind races with the possibilities. She knows that one wrong move could spell disaster for the party, but she's determined to defend herself if needed. Her focus sharpens, and she prepares to act at a moment's notice.
Halila continues to hold in a threatening manner...
Tyriel notches an arrow ready to attack...
Esta dips further into the shadows of the room to hide...
Cakers:Gertrube freezes in her cursed state! (WIS save: 3) // Alzor rushes at Josbert though, angry now at being bullied back and swings at Josbert with a rolling pin but misses wildly!
(Uh, I think i got skipped in round 2. Sorry for the holdup.)
(I think Brinn running over triggered my held action from the previous round? And Josbert for that matter, but I'll go with hitting Brinn as I believe I was closer to Sizzle.)
Suddenly Zakhar has an idea. Perhaps that earlier accident with the emotions stone could come in handing.
Quickly he fishes out the fear stone and attempts to activate it. (I've no clue how this works)
"You had your chance to stand down." He says, Holding his sword at the ready in his right hand, and the fear stone in his left. "Yet you choose bloodshed."
The air around him begins to radiate with magical energy, taking on a slight yellow glow. His left eye flashes threateningly.
Action was taking out the stone. Though I think I can roll intimidation on top of using the stone?
Rolled 25 (Nat 20 but i'm not sure we are doing crits?)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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History: 17 Insight: 12
Tyriel looks at the grimy individuals with a slightly disgusted expression. He is quite relieved when Joshbert says that this is definitely not their destination.
"Thank you, but no thank you," he says when the pink haired woman approaches them. He definitely does NOT want anything to do with this grimy tea party. "We have an important meeting to get to and must be on our way." He steps quickly behind Joshbert, cursing his short child's legs as it takes more effort to keep up then it should have...
"I think I'll pass" Sizzle replies as gives the cake a sideways glance.
History 13
insight 9
Tyriel, while you aren't entirely sure just exactly who this group is (although the cake probably has a lot to do with it) it would not be unheard for factions that didn't make it in the main city to be driven underground. You're maybe not sure exactly how or why this happens but it sure looks like this group has fallen on hard times and is eager to knead in some new converts.
Unfortunately, as you all begin to decline their...hospitality, they rise from their chairs, pick up rolling pins and spatulas and prepare to engage you all!
(You are all coming in on the top of the map, the north side. The cakers are standing beside the table, two on each side. Will provide an updated map later! Round 1 go!)
Halila: 26
Cakers (Gertrube, Alzor on the right side of the map)
Cakers (Xorac, Binn on the left side of the map)
Halila is a bit surprised by the abrupt turn from asking them to be guests to grabbing weapons to attack them. Although they are improvised weapons. She starts to move towards the right side but does not close in on the others. "Surely you are not going to try take us on," she says, trying to sound threatening as she draws her rapier. (Intimidation: 9) She eyes Gertrube, attempting to mark her with her evil eye. (CHA Save DC 12 to avoid being marked)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
(CHA save: 6)
"How dare you," Tyriel says angrily. "I don't care if you've fallen on hard times, that doesn't mean attack people who don't have time for a... tea party." He draws his bow, "I suggest you mortals get back to your business, lest you force the hand of judgement to fall upon you early."
His eyes light up with celestial radiance, ready to burst forth and wreak havoc on these unfortunate souls.
Intimidation: 23
"Tea time huh?" Esta responds. She surveys the room and steels herself in anticipation for what she thinks is about to go down.
She squats into a poised position, ready to pounce with grace like a cat. As silently as possible, without trying to draw attention to herself, she raises her hood up to blend in with the environment and begins slowly traversing the outer wall to position herself a clear line of sight. Esta grips her bow ready to take action if they start to lurch.
Halila tries to stare down Gertrube who doesn't seem fazed by the intimidation attempt (evil eye succeeds though!)
Tyriel does their own intimidation tactic, and it seems to work mostly well, as the group stands there and looks at each other a moment, unsure of what to do yet.
Esta moves to the side and prepares herself. (Make a stealth check if you're trying to stay hidden)
Cakers (Gertrube, Alzor on the right side of the map) hold their positions and take the dodge action as they aren't sure what to do about Tyriel yet.
Sizzle ?
Zakhar ?
Josbert will hold an attack in case the cakers get in their face.
Cakers (Xorac, Binn on the left side of the map) also hold positions and prepare to dodge as necessary!
Sizzle would hoist his crossbow and point it towards Gertrude.... waiting to see if Tyriel managed to talk them out of their attack. if they step towards the group he will fire an arcane bolt from his infused crossbow..
Attack: 16 Damage: 12
"Heheh, just imagine if he wasn't in a child's body." The voice laughs at Tyriel's intimidation attempt
Ignoring the voice, Zakhar draws his sword, but holds his attack until the Cackers make the first move. He'd like to avoid a fight if possible. If one of them moves, he will hit the closest one to him.
To Hit: 23
Damage: 5
"Oh come oooon. Just fight them!" The voice whines.
Everyone seems to be at a standstill as the Cakers aren't sure yet about what they want to do!
(Round 2)
Cakers (Gertrube, Alzor on the right side of the map)
Cakers (Xorac, Binn on the left side of the map)
Halila holds her ground a moment longer. "You hesitate?" she says, gaze fixed on Gertrube. "You do not want to fight us," she says slowly. She uses her Curse of the Fearful to make Gertrube frightened. "The rest you best beware as well!"
(OOC - Target may make a WIS Save DC 12 at the end of each of its turns, ending the condition on a success)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Tyriel seems rather satisfied, allowing himself a small smirk which quickly disappears behind his intense and angry visage. He lifts his chin, fingers tightening slightly on the still-loose string of his bow.
"Yes," he says in an authoritative tone... well, as authoritative as he can sound as a child. "Stand down and you will be spared."
He holds his action, walking confidently in the direction that Joshbert had been leading them. Clearly believing himself to have solved the problem for now at least... though he does keep a firm eye on the enemy. If any of them attempt to attack him or his companions he will let his arrow fly.
Stealth: 26
Esta, sensing the tension in the room, decides to take a more cautious approach. She silently moves to a shadowed corner, her movements fluid and quiet. She takes a deep breath, and with her bow drawn taut, she scans the room, ready to loose an arrow at the first sign of danger from the Cakers. Her eyes dart between her companions and the potential threats, her muscles tense and ready for action.
As she waits, her mind races with the possibilities. She knows that one wrong move could spell disaster for the party, but she's determined to defend herself if needed. Her focus sharpens, and she prepares to act at a moment's notice.
(Round 2)
Halila continues to hold in a threatening manner...
Tyriel notches an arrow ready to attack...
Esta dips further into the shadows of the room to hide...
Cakers: Gertrube freezes in her cursed state! (WIS save: 3) // Alzor rushes at Josbert though, angry now at being bullied back and swings at Josbert with a rolling pin but misses wildly!
Cakers (Xorac, Binn on the left side of the map)
Sizzle sneers as his charged crossbow begins to whrrr loudly. A moment later a flash of light erupts form the weapon and streaks towards Alzor
crossbow attack Attack: 26 Damage: 15
"Hey!" Tyriel says angrily as Alzor attacks their guide. His eyes go cold as he pulls back his bowstring, "I guess you've chosen judgement."
He loses his held arrow at Alzor:
(Alzor triggered his held action by attacking)
To hit: 22 Damage: 10
Josbert quickly swings his pronged staff back at Alzor, electricity arcs from the twin points as he stabs Alzor with it and sends him to the floor!
Xorac hefts up a crossbow loaded with a table knife and fires at Tyriel! (20 to hit; 2 piercing damage)
Binn hops the table and runs over to Sizzle waving a larger than life mixing spoon and tries to whack Sizzle! (14 to hit, 3 bludgeoning damage)
Round 3!
Xorac, Binn
(Uh, I think i got skipped in round 2. Sorry for the holdup.)
(I think Brinn running over triggered my held action from the previous round? And Josbert for that matter, but I'll go with hitting Brinn as I believe I was closer to Sizzle.)
Suddenly Zakhar has an idea. Perhaps that earlier accident with the emotions stone could come in handing.
Quickly he fishes out the fear stone and attempts to activate it. (I've no clue how this works)
"You had your chance to stand down." He says, Holding his sword at the ready in his right hand, and the fear stone in his left. "Yet you choose bloodshed."
The air around him begins to radiate with magical energy, taking on a slight yellow glow. His left eye flashes threateningly.
Action was taking out the stone. Though I think I can roll intimidation on top of using the stone?
Rolled 25 (Nat 20 but i'm not sure we are doing crits?)