Josbert lends his aid once more, smashing into the last cultist thug making them hit the ground in shock. However, as he does so, the bodies of the cultists begin to quiver, almost bubbling before ripping open as new monstrosities emerge from their corpses, twisted takes like the cake with the wing in it on the table! Thank goodness none of you ate the cake...
There are 4 tiny monstrosities where the cultists died, flying like bats, humanoid heads with wings! 3 are around the table then, and 1 up in melee with Sizzle and others.
Revised initiative:
Vargouille Reflection A,B,C,D (D is the one up in melee)
You can consider this round 5, although Zakhar is more than welcome to take their round 4 action as well if they wish. Here's a pic too to spur your nightmares on:
Halila again uses her Evil Eye to mark one of these creatures (D). She then fires her short bow at it. (CHA Save DC 12 to avoid being marked) (Short Bow Attack: 9, Damage: 5 piercing) (Sneak Attack Damage: 9, if above hits and either Evil Eye was successful or there's an enemy of the creature within 5')
Before having chance to recover her arrows, Esta startles back and retorts in fear as these creatures erupt from the corpses of the bodies, causing her to stumble back into the wall. "What the hell are those things??"She will take aim at a flying creature D which is within 5 feet of someone melee range.
Sizzle nearly stumbles backwards as the strange decapitated head with wings flies towards him. With the creature too close to use his crossbow properly, the goblin continues to slash wildly with his dagger...
(Sorry ya'll i haven't been feeling well lately. We'll go ahead and skip my round 4 move for simplicity.)
Zakhar sighs when the last cacker falls. This could have been avoided. He's vaguely aware of the voice in his head mubbling about the fight being boring. Though Zakhar himself only wishes this hadn't happened in the first place. What kind of place is this that people would get themselves killed over such meaningless matters. He flicks the blood off his sword preparing to put it away.
"Oh, and just when I thought this was going to be boring! I wouldn't put that away just yet my boy!" The voice rings in his head, and Zakhar looks back at the now quivering bodies. Seriously?
Gritting his teeth as the flying heads erupt from the corpses, Zakhar lifts a hand sending yellow gold flames spiraling towards B.
To hit: 10
Damage: 1
"Really? That was pathetic, maybe you should stick to swinging that sword around for now."
Esta watches the creature fall to the ground, and calls out "Good job Sizzle!" as she turns her bow to the next flying creature which Josbert is now attacking "Watch yourself, incoming!"
Halila sets her Evil Eye to mark a different creature (C) since the first had been struck down by Sizzle. (CHA Save DC 12 to avoid being marked.) She fires another arrow from her short bow. (Short Bow Attack: 21, Damage: 5 piercing) (Sneak Attack Damage: 7, if above hits and either Evil Eye was successful or there's an enemy of the creature within 5')
With the closest creature taken care of, Sizzle drops his dagger and swings his crossbow back around. Hoisting the modified weapon in his hands, the weapon humms loudly before a bolt of energy erupts from the weapon towards creature B
(Round 4!)
Halila misses the adamant Gertrube!
Tyriel ?
Esta finally downs the frustrating Xorac!
Gertrube (dead)Sizzle stabs away at Binn successfully!
Zakhar easily smacks Binn as they come flailing at them!
Josbert stabs at Binn as well, locking them in their pincered pole!
Xorac (dead)Binn (-15 hp)
The bloodsoaked goblin grins as he plunges the dagger into Binn. with a growl, he continues to rapidly stab at the foe...
Attack: 18 Damage: 8
(Ack! Apologies for falling behind!)
Tyriel smirks when his arrow does manage to find its mark in spite of... everything. Then he knocks another and takes aim at Gertrube.
"You could have avoided this, seriously..." he mutters under his breath as he looses his arrow.
To hit: (ugh) 9 ...damage? 5
Josbert lends his aid once more, smashing into the last cultist thug making them hit the ground in shock. However, as he does so, the bodies of the cultists begin to quiver, almost bubbling before ripping open as new monstrosities emerge from their corpses, twisted takes like the cake with the wing in it on the table! Thank goodness none of you ate the cake...
There are 4 tiny monstrosities where the cultists died, flying like bats, humanoid heads with wings! 3 are around the table then, and 1 up in melee with Sizzle and others.
Revised initiative:
Vargouille Reflection A,B,C,D (D is the one up in melee)
You can consider this round 5, although Zakhar is more than welcome to take their round 4 action as well if they wish. Here's a pic too to spur your nightmares on:
Halila again uses her Evil Eye to mark one of these creatures (D). She then fires her short bow at it. (CHA Save DC 12 to avoid being marked)
(Short Bow Attack: 9, Damage: 5 piercing)
(Sneak Attack Damage: 9, if above hits and either Evil Eye was successful or there's an enemy of the creature within 5')
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
(CHA save: 6)
Before having chance to recover her arrows, Esta startles back and retorts in fear as these creatures erupt from the corpses of the bodies, causing her to stumble back into the wall. "What the hell are those things??" She will take aim at a flying creature D which is within 5 feet of someone melee range.
Attacking D: 15
Damage: 8 Piercing + 12 sneak attack
Esta will try to move around the room to get the best vantage spot, but her sheer panic of the situation she makes no attempt to hide this time.
Sizzle nearly stumbles backwards as the strange decapitated head with wings flies towards him. With the creature too close to use his crossbow properly, the goblin continues to slash wildly with his dagger...
Attack: 18 Damage: Unable to parse dice roll.
Halila marks the creature but unfortunately misses with their attack!
Tyriel ??
Esta deals a heavy blow to the tiny monster!
Sizzle follows up with a wonderful slash to down the little horror! (Vargouille D is dead)
Zakhar ??
Josbert steps up to Vargouille C and swings but the little terrible thing just barely manages to evade them!
Vargouille Reflection A,B,C (D is dead)
Tyriel reels back in disgust. Good grief, now he's sort of glad that they decided to fight these... creatures. Clearly they are constructions of evil.
He takes aim at A, eyes narrowing with the intent to destroy these disgusting creatures.
Attack: 16 Damage: 8
(Sorry ya'll i haven't been feeling well lately. We'll go ahead and skip my round 4 move for simplicity.)
Zakhar sighs when the last cacker falls. This could have been avoided. He's vaguely aware of the voice in his head mubbling about the fight being boring. Though Zakhar himself only wishes this hadn't happened in the first place. What kind of place is this that people would get themselves killed over such meaningless matters. He flicks the blood off his sword preparing to put it away.
"Oh, and just when I thought this was going to be boring! I wouldn't put that away just yet my boy!" The voice rings in his head, and Zakhar looks back at the now quivering bodies. Seriously?
Gritting his teeth as the flying heads erupt from the corpses, Zakhar lifts a hand sending yellow gold flames spiraling towards B.
To hit: 10
Damage: 1
"Really? That was pathetic, maybe you should stick to swinging that sword around for now."
Esta watches the creature fall to the ground, and calls out "Good job Sizzle!" as she turns her bow to the next flying creature which Josbert is now attacking "Watch yourself, incoming!"
Attacking Vargouille C: 25
Damage: 6 Piercing + 9 sneak attack damage
This time, being more composed, she will attempt to hide back in the shadows with her cunning.
Stealth: 22
Halila marks the creature but unfortunately misses with their attack!
Tyriel deftly pierces into the bad bat B!
Esta deals a heavy blow to the tiny monster!
Sizzle follows up with a wonderful slash to down the little horror! (Vargouille D is dead)
Zakhar unfortunately misses the small terror!
Josbert steps up to Vargouille C and swings but the little terrible thing just barely manages to evade them!
Vargouille Reflection A (-8) ,B,C
Round 6 ready!
Esta unleashes another terrific shot at one of the little monsters!
Vargouille Reflection A (-8) , B (0), C (-15, bloodied)
Halila sets her Evil Eye to mark a different creature (C) since the first had been struck down by Sizzle. (CHA Save DC 12 to avoid being marked.) She fires another arrow from her short bow.
(Short Bow Attack: 21, Damage: 5 piercing)
(Sneak Attack Damage: 7, if above hits and either Evil Eye was successful or there's an enemy of the creature within 5')
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
(CHA save: 8)
With the closest creature taken care of, Sizzle drops his dagger and swings his crossbow back around. Hoisting the modified weapon in his hands, the weapon humms loudly before a bolt of energy erupts from the weapon towards creature B
Attack: 9 Damage: 11
Halila shoots down another tiny monstrosity!
Tyriel ??
Esta unleashes another terrific shot at one of the little monsters!
Sizzle slashes at reflection B but misses!
Zakhar ??
Josbert runs at Reflection A but misses hard with his swing, cursing loudly!
Vargouille Reflection A (-8) , B (0),
C (dead)Ignoring the voice in his head, Zakhar attempts to hit A with another firebolt.
To hit: 11
Damage: 9
Tyriel takes aim again, shooting at B
To hit: 17
Damage: 7