Scratch smiles at the clown. "Good day, good clown. What can you tell us about the Hall of Illusions? My sister is preparing to be crowned, and so we're trying to spread as much cheer as possible."
Approaching the tent, Chase feels it could use a touch more magic. She calls on her innate gifts, conjuring a trail of butterflies that flit and dance around the tent's canopies, making the scene even more vibrant. Satisfied, she walks over to her twin, delighted by his confidence that she might be crowned. Waving merrily at the clown, Chase tilts her head, curious why his garb seems so muted—it doesn’t seem to fit in this colorful place!
The clown looks at Scratch and begins to mime a description of the Hall of Illusions. He first reaches his hands up as high as he can and begins to form the shape of a rectangle from top to bottom. He then pretends to walk by and notice the shape he originally mimed. He then begins to make funny faces at the shape. He then begins to make different poses towards the invisible shape. His final action he moves to the other side of where he drew the shape, he hunches over, and holds his up slightly as if he is holding a cane or walking stick. He then makes the same poses from the other side of the imaginary shape.
Finishing his little act the clown stands back to his normal posture and places a finger on his chin to show that he is in deep thought, then shrugs as if to say "that's it". During this whole encounter you can't help but feel as if you know this clown. Something very familiar about him, but you can't quite put your finger on it. It's as if something is blocking your thoughts about him.
Standing next to Scratch, Chasewatches the clown mime something, trying to figure it out. When they outline a rectangle with their hands, she guesses, "A door?" The orange tabaxi tilts her head and corrects herself as the clown starts making different poses. "No! That’s a mirror, right? One that shows you as if you’re older? And… other kinds of reflections?"
Looking to the others, Chase adds with growing enthusiasm, "So, I guess the Hall of Illusions is full of mirrors that show different versions of ourselves? Oh, I’m intrigued! I have to see what it shows for us!"
She’s about to suggest the group head straight into the tent when her gaze lingers on the mute clown. After a moment of hesitation, she asks, "Have we met before? There’s something… familiar about you."
Scratch's thoughts follow the same path as Chase's, it seems, as his twin voices his own interpretations of the clown's antics. Even when she asks the clown if they've met, Scratch pauses to hear his answer. Or maybe watch it?
Illuwen watches Chase's dancing act with great amusement. So much so, that he completely forgets he's supposed to be looking for clues to the fey crossing! He's just happy, he supposes, to have his friends finally back here with him.
When Chase asks the clown if she knows him. A worried expression crosses Illuwen's face. He makes a mental note to speak to her about it, once they're out of earshot of this or any other clown. Perhaps inside the Hall of Illusions, if there's sufficient privacy in there.
Lex is on the lookout as they move through the carnival to the Hall of Illusions, eyes peeled for anything that might scream “fey crossing here”. When they arrived, he squinted at the clown mime, then stepped toward the glass case to inspect it as the twins engaged the clown. (Investigation: 18)
Hearing the others discover that the illusions might be different versions of themselves, he nodded, “Seems like a good place to find this crossing - strange illusory magic.” He prepared to enter as the others were ready.
As Chasemakes her guesses, the muted mime first shakes his head left and right but then when she corrects herself he touches a finger to his nose and shakes his head up and down.
When Lexsteps up to the glass case, he sees a wooden mannequin of a grinning, raven-haired young woman in witch's attire and a green flowing cape hovering inside this glass cabinet. At the top of the cabines, a sign reads "Tasha the Wizard--Known for Her Hideous Laughter."
A halfling couple holds hands as they approach the glass cabines. One of the halflings is wearing butterfly face paint. As he drops to one knee and pulls a small box from his pocket, his sweetheart bursts into laughter and begins rolliing on the ground. The halfling in face paint begins sobbing and darts into the nearby tent without getting his ticket punched. (Lexmake a Wis saving throw)
When Chasequestions the mime he starts with a puzzled look on his face. He looks over all of you, inspecting you and searching his memory for any ringing bells. Suddenly, the clows look of confusion turns into a look of joy! He points at the group and lowers his hand to his thigh, holding it parallel with the ground. He then points to his wings and shakes his head left and right. Next he shows a face of fear, then hold his hands to the sides of his mouth and pretends to shout to the left and to the right. Finally, he points to himself, then to the nearest light source, and finally points down to his toes. He holds his arms out and poses a big smile on his face, waiting for you to recall who he is with the hints he's given you. (Make a History check if you are searching your memory for this clown)
Lextakes his precious time studying the figure. (Make a History check to see if you recall anything about Tasha)
Suddenly, Lex seems to fall into the same laughing fit as the female halfling. Looking around everything is hilariously funny and he falls into fits of uncontrollable laughter!
Chase tries to search her memory for this clown. She does remember one particular clown, but she is not sure if he is the same person standing in front of them... (History: 17)
As she does this, she catches the halfling girl that storms out crying! Poor thing! Wasn't her partner about to propose!? Why the hell has he started laughing uncontrollably? And why is Lex doing the same? (ooc: is the girl around so we can talk to her?)
Lex watches the young halfling take a knee, then storm off as his companion starts to laugh. Lex feels a smile pull at the corners of his mouth, then a chuckle, then he begins to cackle, and doubles over and falls to the floor, giggling uncontrollably. He can’t think of anything except how funny all of this is.
"Candlefoot?" Scratch just has time to say before the laughter of the halfling catches his attention. He turns to see the male halfling get up, clearly upset, and run away. He's still contemplating this strange scene when Lex begins to laugh as well. The paladin turns to scowl at his old friend. What is going on here? His eyes move back and forth from Lex to the halfling female. He looks back at the clown, now upset. "What's going on? What's happened to them?" he asks, steel in his voice.
In response to Scratch and Chase'sinitial inquiry Candlefoot touches his finger to his nose and shakes his head up and down. Looking at Chase, he continues by starting with his hands together and slowly separating them further and further from one another. He then puts his hands open in front of him as if he's reading a book. He continues into the next motion of flapping his arms like wings, then covering the area around his eyes with his hands forming a mask, finally he reaches up and holds his throat and mouths unintelligible words. He points at Chase, then holds his hand flat at his brow and looks around, flaps his arms like wings, and finally holds his hands together like he is praying and puffs out his bottom lip.
While Lexis rolling around on the ground, almost unable to breathe, he recalls that Tasha was one of the names reputedly used by Iggwilv the Witch Queen, a Legendary archmage.
Candlefoot looks at Scratch in response to his last inquiry, and he points at the glass case and smiles. He then waves his hand at the situation as if to say, "no big deal". After about a minute the spell wears off and Lexreturns to normal.
Illuwencan't help but chuckle at Candlefoot's antics. He looks at Chase. "Did you get any of that? I think he's asking you to look for a bird? A masked bird, maybe? And there was something about a large book?" He turns to Lexnext. "Sorry, I should've warned you about the Tasha mannequin. Gets everyone their first time."
He offers to help the halfling up after her laughing fit subsides. "Hey, you'll be all right. I think your boyfriend's in there." He points to the nearby tent the other halfling ran into. "Maybe we could help you find him, explain what happened?" He looks back and forth between the halfling and Candlefoot, trying to decide the best course of action. Getting the halflings back together would certainly improve the mood, but he can't help but feel that there's something important in what Candlefoot's trying to tell them, if they could figure out what it is.
This place never ceases to confuse. Scratch is glad to see the laughter wear off. He looks back at Candlefoot and apologizes for his losing his cool. Seeing the storyteller, Scratch can't help but think of Juni and wonders where the owlbear might be. Perhaps they had to let her go as she grew up and became dangerous. "Candlefoot, is what Illuwen said true? Are you looking for some kind of masked bird? Is it another animal friend of yours? Like Juni was?"
Chase doesn’t understand Candlefoot’s gestures at first, but Illuwen and Scratch translate for her. "Someone wearing a bird mask did this to you?" she asks, her mind flashing back to the girl in the pig mask who stole her smile—or the masked figure who made Scratch smaller. Could they be connected? "Is that person one of the people who took things from children who didn't have wings on them?" she continues, watching Candlefoot closely. "Do you know how to find them? We want to help."
As she speaks, she notices Illuwen talking to the halfling girl. That’s good. She’ll help there too once they finish with Candlefoot. Poor clown! He used to be a storyteller, and now he can’t say a word.
At the mention of the beings who take thing from trespassers, Candlefoot's face only shows terror. He shakes his head left and right, indicating they had nothing to do with this situation.
He looks at Illuwenand sways his hand to indicate that your guesses were close, but not completely accurate. He flaps his arms again, and shakes his head up and down. He makes a mask with his hands again, and shakes his head left and right. He flaps his arms, then holds his hand palm down at about his chest level. He reaches forward and grabs at the air quickly as if snatching something, then he pretends to creep away.
Candlefoot suddenly sinks into a sadness, as if something resurfaced in his mind that wasn't too pleasant. Looking at the halfling that Illuwenis helping, Candlefoot lets out a sigh of depression.
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Scratch smiles at the clown. "Good day, good clown. What can you tell us about the Hall of Illusions? My sister is preparing to be crowned, and so we're trying to spread as much cheer as possible."
Approaching the tent, Chase feels it could use a touch more magic. She calls on her innate gifts, conjuring a trail of butterflies that flit and dance around the tent's canopies, making the scene even more vibrant. Satisfied, she walks over to her twin, delighted by his confidence that she might be crowned. Waving merrily at the clown, Chase tilts her head, curious why his garb seems so muted—it doesn’t seem to fit in this colorful place!
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
The clown looks at Scratch and begins to mime a description of the Hall of Illusions. He first reaches his hands up as high as he can and begins to form the shape of a rectangle from top to bottom. He then pretends to walk by and notice the shape he originally mimed. He then begins to make funny faces at the shape. He then begins to make different poses towards the invisible shape. His final action he moves to the other side of where he drew the shape, he hunches over, and holds his up slightly as if he is holding a cane or walking stick. He then makes the same poses from the other side of the imaginary shape.
Finishing his little act the clown stands back to his normal posture and places a finger on his chin to show that he is in deep thought, then shrugs as if to say "that's it". During this whole encounter you can't help but feel as if you know this clown. Something very familiar about him, but you can't quite put your finger on it. It's as if something is blocking your thoughts about him.
Standing next to Scratch, Chase watches the clown mime something, trying to figure it out. When they outline a rectangle with their hands, she guesses, "A door?" The orange tabaxi tilts her head and corrects herself as the clown starts making different poses. "No! That’s a mirror, right? One that shows you as if you’re older? And… other kinds of reflections?"
Looking to the others, Chase adds with growing enthusiasm, "So, I guess the Hall of Illusions is full of mirrors that show different versions of ourselves? Oh, I’m intrigued! I have to see what it shows for us!"
She’s about to suggest the group head straight into the tent when her gaze lingers on the mute clown. After a moment of hesitation, she asks, "Have we met before? There’s something… familiar about you."
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Scratch's thoughts follow the same path as Chase's, it seems, as his twin voices his own interpretations of the clown's antics. Even when she asks the clown if they've met, Scratch pauses to hear his answer. Or maybe watch it?
Illuwen watches Chase's dancing act with great amusement. So much so, that he completely forgets he's supposed to be looking for clues to the fey crossing! He's just happy, he supposes, to have his friends finally back here with him.
When Chase asks the clown if she knows him. A worried expression crosses Illuwen's face. He makes a mental note to speak to her about it, once they're out of earshot of this or any other clown. Perhaps inside the Hall of Illusions, if there's sufficient privacy in there.
Lex is on the lookout as they move through the carnival to the Hall of Illusions, eyes peeled for anything that might scream “fey crossing here”. When they arrived, he squinted at the clown mime, then stepped toward the glass case to inspect it as the twins engaged the clown. (Investigation: 18)
Hearing the others discover that the illusions might be different versions of themselves, he nodded, “Seems like a good place to find this crossing - strange illusory magic.” He prepared to enter as the others were ready.
As Chase makes her guesses, the muted mime first shakes his head left and right but then when she corrects herself he touches a finger to his nose and shakes his head up and down.
When Lex steps up to the glass case, he sees a wooden mannequin of a grinning, raven-haired young woman in witch's attire and a green flowing cape hovering inside this glass cabinet. At the top of the cabines, a sign reads "Tasha the Wizard--Known for Her Hideous Laughter."
A halfling couple holds hands as they approach the glass cabines. One of the halflings is wearing butterfly face paint. As he drops to one knee and pulls a small box from his pocket, his sweetheart bursts into laughter and begins rolliing on the ground. The halfling in face paint begins sobbing and darts into the nearby tent without getting his ticket punched. (Lex make a Wis saving throw)
When Chase questions the mime he starts with a puzzled look on his face. He looks over all of you, inspecting you and searching his memory for any ringing bells. Suddenly, the clows look of confusion turns into a look of joy! He points at the group and lowers his hand to his thigh, holding it parallel with the ground. He then points to his wings and shakes his head left and right. Next he shows a face of fear, then hold his hands to the sides of his mouth and pretends to shout to the left and to the right. Finally, he points to himself, then to the nearest light source, and finally points down to his toes. He holds his arms out and poses a big smile on his face, waiting for you to recall who he is with the hints he's given you. (Make a History check if you are searching your memory for this clown)
Lex studies the figurine, taking note of her attire and wondering why she deserved this place of honor.
(Wisdom Save: 12)
Illuwen bites his lip, trying to interpret the clown's gestures. Footlight? Lightfeet? He shakes his head; those aren't quite right.
History: 12
Lex takes his precious time studying the figure. (Make a History check to see if you recall anything about Tasha)
Suddenly, Lex seems to fall into the same laughing fit as the female halfling. Looking around everything is hilariously funny and he falls into fits of uncontrollable laughter!
Chase tries to search her memory for this clown. She does remember one particular clown, but she is not sure if he is the same person standing in front of them... (History: 17)
As she does this, she catches the halfling girl that storms out crying! Poor thing! Wasn't her partner about to propose!? Why the hell has he started laughing uncontrollably? And why is Lex doing the same? (ooc: is the girl around so we can talk to her?)
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
(History check 22)
Lex watches the young halfling take a knee, then storm off as his companion starts to laugh. Lex feels a smile pull at the corners of his mouth, then a chuckle, then he begins to cackle, and doubles over and falls to the floor, giggling uncontrollably. He can’t think of anything except how funny all of this is.
"Candlefoot?" Scratch just has time to say before the laughter of the halfling catches his attention. He turns to see the male halfling get up, clearly upset, and run away. He's still contemplating this strange scene when Lex begins to laugh as well. The paladin turns to scowl at his old friend. What is going on here? His eyes move back and forth from Lex to the halfling female. He looks back at the clown, now upset. "What's going on? What's happened to them?" he asks, steel in his voice.
"Wait, Candlefoot? What happened to you? Why can't you speak? Did anybody cast a spell on you? Can we help you?", Chase asks the clown.
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
In response to Scratch and Chase's initial inquiry Candlefoot touches his finger to his nose and shakes his head up and down. Looking at Chase, he continues by starting with his hands together and slowly separating them further and further from one another. He then puts his hands open in front of him as if he's reading a book. He continues into the next motion of flapping his arms like wings, then covering the area around his eyes with his hands forming a mask, finally he reaches up and holds his throat and mouths unintelligible words. He points at Chase, then holds his hand flat at his brow and looks around, flaps his arms like wings, and finally holds his hands together like he is praying and puffs out his bottom lip.
While Lex is rolling around on the ground, almost unable to breathe, he recalls that Tasha was one of the names reputedly used by Iggwilv the Witch Queen, a Legendary archmage.
Candlefoot looks at Scratch in response to his last inquiry, and he points at the glass case and smiles. He then waves his hand at the situation as if to say, "no big deal". After about a minute the spell wears off and Lex returns to normal.
Illuwen can't help but chuckle at Candlefoot's antics. He looks at Chase. "Did you get any of that? I think he's asking you to look for a bird? A masked bird, maybe? And there was something about a large book?" He turns to Lex next. "Sorry, I should've warned you about the Tasha mannequin. Gets everyone their first time."
He offers to help the halfling up after her laughing fit subsides. "Hey, you'll be all right. I think your boyfriend's in there." He points to the nearby tent the other halfling ran into. "Maybe we could help you find him, explain what happened?" He looks back and forth between the halfling and Candlefoot, trying to decide the best course of action. Getting the halflings back together would certainly improve the mood, but he can't help but feel that there's something important in what Candlefoot's trying to tell them, if they could figure out what it is.
This place never ceases to confuse. Scratch is glad to see the laughter wear off. He looks back at Candlefoot and apologizes for his losing his cool. Seeing the storyteller, Scratch can't help but think of Juni and wonders where the owlbear might be. Perhaps they had to let her go as she grew up and became dangerous. "Candlefoot, is what Illuwen said true? Are you looking for some kind of masked bird? Is it another animal friend of yours? Like Juni was?"
Chase doesn’t understand Candlefoot’s gestures at first, but Illuwen and Scratch translate for her. "Someone wearing a bird mask did this to you?" she asks, her mind flashing back to the girl in the pig mask who stole her smile—or the masked figure who made Scratch smaller. Could they be connected? "Is that person one of the people who took things from children who didn't have wings on them?" she continues, watching Candlefoot closely. "Do you know how to find them? We want to help."
As she speaks, she notices Illuwen talking to the halfling girl. That’s good. She’ll help there too once they finish with Candlefoot. Poor clown! He used to be a storyteller, and now he can’t say a word.
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
At the mention of the beings who take thing from trespassers, Candlefoot's face only shows terror. He shakes his head left and right, indicating they had nothing to do with this situation.
He looks at Illuwen and sways his hand to indicate that your guesses were close, but not completely accurate. He flaps his arms again, and shakes his head up and down. He makes a mask with his hands again, and shakes his head left and right. He flaps his arms, then holds his hand palm down at about his chest level. He reaches forward and grabs at the air quickly as if snatching something, then he pretends to creep away.
Candlefoot suddenly sinks into a sadness, as if something resurfaced in his mind that wasn't too pleasant. Looking at the halfling that Illuwen is helping, Candlefoot lets out a sigh of depression.