Rob looks everyone in the eye, then nods, to glory, and leads the party on toward the voices. If someone can understand what they're saying before we get there then please let me know.
As you turn into the hallway you see a pack of six gnolls. Those of you have not seen them before are taken back as their hideous distorted and scarred bodies all turn towards you in shock. Their bodies look as though someone tried to sew together a dog a wolf and a human while having only seen any of those in a book. The one in the very front who you can see most clearly in hunched over so far that he stands at 2/3 of his original height one of his eyes is missing as well as both his ears and a large scar going down from his injured eye to his snout. The one standing next to him on the right in looking down at the barrel the other four are playing cards on. One of his arms is missing and so is one of his ears. Three sit across from where the other two are standing the one is the middles snout is about half the length of the others and seems like it’s been bashed into his face repeatedly. The two to his right don’t seem to have any noticeable features. Standing to the right of the one closest to you stands a large gnoll whose tattered robes show a busted chain shirt slung over his back and a mace hanging at his side. The three playing cards are talking so loudly that by some miracle they haven’t heard you
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I am part of the cult of Jerry, fear Jerry, love Jerry, be Jerry, we are Jerry. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to Dm recently. I owe everyone a lot of apologies . I'm really sorry. I would like to start a new campaign. Message me for questions.
Jasmine scans the gnolls. She takes not of their injuries. How is it that they could survive and act like nothing is wrong with injuries like this. Something may be up. She figures she can take a look at it once the party would have dealt with them. She focuses her eldritch magic around her arm before hurling a blast of raw magic at the same Gnoll that Mishka shot at.
Mishka to your frustration your arrow flys over the deaf gnoll’s shoulder but none of them seem to notice. The same can not be said however for Jasmines Eldridge blast which slams into the un armored gnoll’s shoulder knocking him to the ground as he yelps in suprise. As the other gnoll’s turns towards their comrade the barrel erupts into a ball of fire 4 out of the 6 gnolls manage to jump back in time leaving only bits of their fur singed for 3 damage each. However the gnoll on the ground and the gnoll in the middle are not so lucky as they both catch fire taking six damage each. They all are so distracted trying to stop the fire that they haven’t noticed the party yet
The deaf gnoll who’s on the ground has taken 9 damage and has 13 health left
the gnoll with the broken nose has take 6 damage and has 16 health left
the other 4 gnolls have each taken 3 damage and have 19 health left
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I am part of the cult of Jerry, fear Jerry, love Jerry, be Jerry, we are Jerry. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to Dm recently. I owe everyone a lot of apologies . I'm really sorry. I would like to start a new campaign. Message me for questions.
Rob initiative roll 26, drops his torch, draws the longsword and shortsword, charges the one to the side, with the chain mail and mace, 6 to hit and 12 to hit respectively
Rob you sprints forward swinging your sword in a downward ark at his shoulder however the gnoll sees you over his shoulder and manages to jump out of the way however the short sword manages to connect with the chainmail but the armor stops it only causing the gnoll to wince and not doing any damage. Jenson’s bolt catches the burning gnoll on the ground straight in the skull killing him
I am part of the cult of Jerry, fear Jerry, love Jerry, be Jerry, we are Jerry. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to Dm recently. I owe everyone a lot of apologies . I'm really sorry. I would like to start a new campaign. Message me for questions.
Gnoll initiative: Gnoll with mace gets a 19, gnoll 2 got a 6, gnoll 3 got a 17, gnoll 4 got a 15, the gnoll with a broken nose got a 20.
The gnoll with the broken nose looks at his dead companion across the barrel as well as these sudden attackers assulting the rest of his companions and turns and flees down the hallway yelling in their strange language.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I am part of the cult of Jerry, fear Jerry, love Jerry, be Jerry, we are Jerry. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to Dm recently. I owe everyone a lot of apologies . I'm really sorry. I would like to start a new campaign. Message me for questions.
Rob you feel a blow to your chest as the gnoll shoves you backs as he grabs his mace and swings it at your head getting a 14 as you manage to step back as it whooshes through the air in front of you. The two gnolls behind him look up and see Jasmine and both charge forward at her getting a 16 and 19 respectively as you are able to parry the first one with your shield as the second one leaps forward stabbing through your chain mail into your abdomen for 3 damage. The one in the very rear throws his spear at Jenson, the spear sails several feet over your head and clatters against the stone walls of the cave
I am part of the cult of Jerry, fear Jerry, love Jerry, be Jerry, we are Jerry. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to Dm recently. I owe everyone a lot of apologies . I'm really sorry. I would like to start a new campaign. Message me for questions.
Bombil nods in agreement and hangs to the back, next to Altara.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
"I'm good with that." Jenson goes up near the front of the party, bow ready.
Rob looks everyone in the eye, then nods, to glory, and leads the party on toward the voices. If someone can understand what they're saying before we get there then please let me know.
Jasmine will be somewhere in the middle to protect the spell casters from melee enemies and to help the front-liners with Eldritch Blast.
As you turn into the hallway you see a pack of six gnolls. Those of you have not seen them before are taken back as their hideous distorted and scarred bodies all turn towards you in shock. Their bodies look as though someone tried to sew together a dog a wolf and a human while having only seen any of those in a book. The one in the very front who you can see most clearly in hunched over so far that he stands at 2/3 of his original height one of his eyes is missing as well as both his ears and a large scar going down from his injured eye to his snout. The one standing next to him on the right in looking down at the barrel the other four are playing cards on. One of his arms is missing and so is one of his ears. Three sit across from where the other two are standing the one is the middles snout is about half the length of the others and seems like it’s been bashed into his face repeatedly. The two to his right don’t seem to have any noticeable features. Standing to the right of the one closest to you stands a large gnoll whose tattered robes show a busted chain shirt slung over his back and a mace hanging at his side. The three playing cards are talking so loudly that by some miracle they haven’t heard you
I am part of the cult of Jerry, fear Jerry, love Jerry, be Jerry, we are Jerry. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to Dm recently. I owe everyone a lot of apologies . I'm really sorry. I would like to start a new campaign. Message me for questions.
Bombil Initiative: 5+2 = 7
"Shall we?" gestures Bombil. He's ready to create bonfire around the barrel to create a flaming hazard to hopefully aid in damaging the gnolls.
Damage: 6 fire
DEX Save DC 14
And should hopefully give a good flame source he can use to help with improvising damage. (Borrowing from the DMG.)
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
Altara says quietly, "I'm surprised how injured they are, they must have a tough life as well."
Mishka Init: 15
He shoots with his longbow at the one in the very front with one eye: (8 to hit with 13 damage)
D&D since 1984
Jasmine Initiative: 16
Jasmine scans the gnolls. She takes not of their injuries. How is it that they could survive and act like nothing is wrong with injuries like this. Something may be up. She figures she can take a look at it once the party would have dealt with them. She focuses her eldritch magic around her arm before hurling a blast of raw magic at the same Gnoll that Mishka shot at.
Eldritch Blast: 12. Dmg: 3 Force
Mishka to your frustration your arrow flys over the deaf gnoll’s shoulder but none of them seem to notice. The same can not be said however for Jasmines Eldridge blast which slams into the un armored gnoll’s shoulder knocking him to the ground as he yelps in suprise. As the other gnoll’s turns towards their comrade the barrel erupts into a ball of fire 4 out of the 6 gnolls manage to jump back in time leaving only bits of their fur singed for 3 damage each. However the gnoll on the ground and the gnoll in the middle are not so lucky as they both catch fire taking six damage each. They all are so distracted trying to stop the fire that they haven’t noticed the party yet
The deaf gnoll who’s on the ground has taken 9 damage and has 13 health left
the gnoll with the broken nose has take 6 damage and has 16 health left
the other 4 gnolls have each taken 3 damage and have 19 health left
I am part of the cult of Jerry, fear Jerry, love Jerry, be Jerry, we are Jerry. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to Dm recently. I owe everyone a lot of apologies . I'm really sorry. I would like to start a new campaign. Message me for questions.
Rob initiative roll 26, drops his torch, draws the longsword and shortsword, charges the one to the side, with the chain mail and mace, 6 to hit and 12 to hit respectively
Jenson initiative 16.
Jenson will immediately fire his crossbow. 19 to hit. 13 piercing damage.
Rob you sprints forward swinging your sword in a downward ark at his shoulder however the gnoll sees you over his shoulder and manages to jump out of the way however the short sword manages to connect with the chainmail but the armor stops it only causing the gnoll to wince and not doing any damage. Jenson’s bolt catches the burning gnoll on the ground straight in the skull killing him
I am part of the cult of Jerry, fear Jerry, love Jerry, be Jerry, we are Jerry. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to Dm recently. I owe everyone a lot of apologies . I'm really sorry. I would like to start a new campaign. Message me for questions.
Gnoll initiative: Gnoll with mace gets a 19, gnoll 2 got a 6, gnoll 3 got a 17, gnoll 4 got a 15, the gnoll with a broken nose got a 20.
The gnoll with the broken nose looks at his dead companion across the barrel as well as these sudden attackers assulting the rest of his companions and turns and flees down the hallway yelling in their strange language.
I am part of the cult of Jerry, fear Jerry, love Jerry, be Jerry, we are Jerry. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to Dm recently. I owe everyone a lot of apologies . I'm really sorry. I would like to start a new campaign. Message me for questions.
((Can we please get the full initiative order so we know who goes when?))
Rob you feel a blow to your chest as the gnoll shoves you backs as he grabs his mace and swings it at your head getting a 14 as you manage to step back as it whooshes through the air in front of you. The two gnolls behind him look up and see Jasmine and both charge forward at her getting a 16 and 19 respectively as you are able to parry the first one with your shield as the second one leaps forward stabbing through your chain mail into your abdomen for 3 damage. The one in the very rear throws his spear at Jenson, the spear sails several feet over your head and clatters against the stone walls of the cave
I am part of the cult of Jerry, fear Jerry, love Jerry, be Jerry, we are Jerry. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to Dm recently. I owe everyone a lot of apologies . I'm really sorry. I would like to start a new campaign. Message me for questions.
Yes please. Can we have an initiative order?
((Wasn't that our surprise round?))
I believe the Init is as follows:
We still need an Init for Altara
D&D since 1984
Sorry, I thought I had rolled that. Altara Init 12