This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Tesco takes 15 damage. Reeling from the pain, he tries to spot the ambusher, perception 6 vs bonus action hide, stealth 14
Round 1 Tesco uses a scroll of Cure Wounds on himself for 11 healing. He also uses a bonus action to cast Shillelagh, then quickly takes cover behind rocks.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Tesco heals 11 hitpoints. Tesco (16/20)
Round 1 (continued) The spy S1 targets Tesco with Half Cover, still with advantage, sneak attack and hand crossbow Attack: 14 Damage: 13 piercing damage
The spy S1 uses a bonus action to hide, stealth 6, Tesco perception 8
Round 2 Tesco will use a reaction to cast shield if his Half Cover AC 19 is hit, now AC 24
S1 misses, no reaction shield used. S1 fails to hide. Due to the limited range of the hand crossbow, Tesco can move and attack without penalty.
Round 2 (continued) Tesco moves into melee, uses a bonus action to cast Hunter’s Mark on S1, then attacks with Shillelagh, "Have some payback!" Tesco targets S1, hunter's mark plus shillelagh Attack: 20 Damage: 17
Ivamir gets the drop on the skeleton as he makes his way to the wooded area. Definitely a burial area nearby.
Suprise round.
MOVE: Ivamir stays put no need to close the distance: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: Cast Shield of Faith, AC +2 AC=19 10 min ACTION: Cast Sacred Flame, Damage: 2 (Necrotic) DC 13 Wis save for no damage 0
Reaction: Any available
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
S1 takes 17 damage and cries out in a muffled whimper.
Round 2 (continued) The spy S1 targets Tesco, switching from hand crossbow to shortsword, S1 targets Tesco, shortsword Attack: 21 Damage: 5
Round 3 Tesco will use a reaction to cast Shield, AC 17 becomes AC 22 Tesco recasts Hunter’s Mark, if concentration is lost 4 Tesco targets S1, hunter's mark plus shillelagh Attack: 8 Damage: 18
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Tesco cast Shield from a daily origin feat slot to block incoming 21 to hit, then casts Shield from one of two spell slots to block incoming 19 to hit. Tesco misses with an 8 to hit.
Round 4 Tesco targets S1, hunter's mark plus shillelagh Attack: 25 Damage: 23
Tesco fumbles his attack and the spy critically hits him for 8 damage. Tesco now only has (8/20) and must make a Constitution Save DC 10 or lose his concertation on hunter's mark, Constitution Save 12
Correction on suprise round...Ivamir changed to Toll the Dead instead of Sacred flame just forgot to modify the spell label.
SK1 took 2 points of necrotic damage
Init Ivamir 23
Init SK1 14
SK1 11/13 hp AC 13 vulnerability bludgeoning
Ivamar 10/10 hp Shield 10 min AC 19
Rnd 1:
MOVE: Ivamir decides to move forward 30ft to bring his mace into play: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: ACTION: Cast Toll the Dead, Damage: 2 (Necrotic) DC 13 Wis save for no damage 1
Reaction: Any available
SK1 attacks with shortbow and move 30ft to melee with Ivamir next round.
SK1 Attack: 14 Damage: 9 (piercing)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
SK1 no damage so far..saved on surprise and rnd 1
Init Ivamir 23
Init SK1 14
SK1 13/13 hp AC 13 vulnerability bludgeoning
Ivamar 10/10 hp Shield 10 min AC 19
Rnd 1:
Ivamir decides to continue the cantrip. His mace skills are not that great.
MOVE: Ivamir stays put no need to close the distance: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: AC +2 AC=19 10 min ACTION: Cast Toll the Dead, Damage: 8 (Necrotic) DC 13 Wis save for no damage 3
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 11 Damage: 7 (piercing)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
This is round 3.
MOVE: Ivamir continues in melee range: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: AC +2 AC=19 10 min ACTION: Cast Toll the Dead, Damage: 5 (Necrotic) DC 13 Wis save for no damage 6
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 23 Damage: 4 (piercing)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
MOVE: Ivamir stays put no need to close the distance: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: AC +2 AC=19 10 min ACTION: Cast Toll the Dead, Damage: 7 (Necrotic) DC 13 Wis save for no damage 10
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 23 Damage: 8 (piercing)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
SK1 saved and SK1 Missed Ivamir
Init Ivamir 23
Init SK1 14
SK1 8/13 hp AC 13 vulnerability bludgeoning
Ivamar 2/10 hp Shield 10 min AC 19
Rnd 5:
MOVE: Ivamir stays put no need to close the distance: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: AC +2 AC=19 10 min ACTION: Cast Toll the Dead, Damage: 2 (Necrotic) DC 13 Wis save for no damage 12
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 10 Damage: 8 (piercing)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Round 0
spy S1 targets Tesco, with advantage, sneak attack and hand crossbow Attack: 12 Damage: 8
spy S1 init 12
Tesco init 17
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Tesco takes 15 damage. Reeling from the pain, he tries to spot the ambusher, perception 6 vs bonus action hide, stealth 14
Round 1
Tesco uses a scroll of Cure Wounds on himself for 11 healing. He also uses a bonus action to cast Shillelagh, then quickly takes cover behind rocks.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Ivamir refreshed heads out to the same spot. Seems like a bunch of undead there possibly and they need to be set to right.
Encounter check 28 If used. Going against single Skeleton
Ivamir Survival: [1roll]1d20+5+1d4[/roll] w/Guidance
Ivamir Stealth: 15 w/Guidance
Ivamir Perception: 17 w/Guidance
Monster Perception check: 11
Default Distance 60ft.
Ivamir Initiative: 23 w/Guidance
Skeleton Initiative: 14
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Tesco heals 11 hitpoints. Tesco (16/20)
Round 1 (continued)
The spy S1 targets Tesco with Half Cover, still with advantage, sneak attack and hand crossbow Attack: 14 Damage: 13 piercing damage
The spy S1 uses a bonus action to hide, stealth 6, Tesco perception 8
Round 2
Tesco will use a reaction to cast shield if his Half Cover AC 19 is hit, now AC 24
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
S1 misses, no reaction shield used. S1 fails to hide. Due to the limited range of the hand crossbow, Tesco can move and attack without penalty.
Round 2 (continued)
Tesco moves into melee, uses a bonus action to cast Hunter’s Mark on S1, then attacks with Shillelagh, "Have some payback!"
Tesco targets S1, hunter's mark plus shillelagh Attack: 20 Damage: 17
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Ivamir gets the drop on the skeleton as he makes his way to the wooded area. Definitely a burial area nearby.
Suprise round.
MOVE: Ivamir stays put no need to close the distance: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: Cast Shield of Faith, AC +2 AC=19 10 min
ACTION: Cast Sacred Flame, Damage: 2 (Necrotic) DC 13 Wis save for no damage 0
Reaction: Any available
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
S1 takes 17 damage and cries out in a muffled whimper.
Round 2 (continued)
The spy S1 targets Tesco, switching from hand crossbow to shortsword,
S1 targets Tesco, shortsword Attack: 21 Damage: 5
Round 3
Tesco will use a reaction to cast Shield, AC 17 becomes AC 22
Tesco recasts Hunter’s Mark, if concentration is lost 4
Tesco targets S1, hunter's mark plus shillelagh Attack: 8 Damage: 18
S1 targets Tesco, shortsword Attack: 19 Damage: 8
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Tesco cast Shield from a daily origin feat slot to block incoming 21 to hit, then casts Shield from one of two spell slots to block incoming 19 to hit. Tesco misses with an 8 to hit.
Round 4
Tesco targets S1, hunter's mark plus shillelagh Attack: 25 Damage: 23
S1 targets Tesco, shortsword Attack: 9 Damage: 4
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Tesco fumbles his attack and the spy critically hits him for 8 damage. Tesco now only has (8/20) and must make a Constitution Save DC 10 or lose his concertation on hunter's mark, Constitution Save 12
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Correction on suprise round...Ivamir changed to Toll the Dead instead of Sacred flame just forgot to modify the spell label.
SK1 took 2 points of necrotic damage
Init Ivamir 23
Init SK1 14
SK1 11/13 hp AC 13 vulnerability bludgeoning
Ivamar 10/10 hp Shield 10 min AC 19
Rnd 1:
MOVE: Ivamir decides to move forward 30ft to bring his mace into play: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
ACTION: Cast Toll the Dead, Damage: 2 (Necrotic) DC 13 Wis save for no damage 1
Reaction: Any available
SK1 attacks with shortbow and move 30ft to melee with Ivamir next round.
SK1 Attack: 14 Damage: 9 (piercing)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
The save rolls are wrong on the skeleton..I'll roll for surprise round and rnd 1 to correct
DC 13 Wis save for no damage 18 surprise round
DC 13 Wis save for no damage 15 round 1
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
With concentration maintained, Tesco cries out to the gods of the hunt, nature, and druidic gods, "For nature!"
Round 5
Tesco targets S1, hunter's mark plus shillelagh Attack: 11 Damage: 18
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
SK1 no damage so far..saved on surprise and rnd 1
Init Ivamir 23
Init SK1 14
SK1 13/13 hp AC 13 vulnerability bludgeoning
Ivamar 10/10 hp Shield 10 min AC 19
Rnd 1:
Ivamir decides to continue the cantrip. His mace skills are not that great.
MOVE: Ivamir stays put no need to close the distance: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: AC +2 AC=19 10 min
ACTION: Cast Toll the Dead, Damage: 8 (Necrotic) DC 13 Wis save for no damage 3
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 11 Damage: 7 (piercing)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Round 5 (continues)
Tesco spends his origin daily to cast Healing Word as a bonus action on himself for 9
S1 targets Tesco, shortsword Attack: 23 Damage: 7
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
This is round 3.
MOVE: Ivamir continues in melee range: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: AC +2 AC=19 10 min
ACTION: Cast Toll the Dead, Damage: 5 (Necrotic) DC 13 Wis save for no damage 6
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 23 Damage: 4 (piercing)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Tesco heals 9 hp (17/20), then gets hit for 7 damage. Tesco (10/20), Constitution DC 10 vs 6, if succeed add +1d6 (6), from hunter's mark,
Tesco locks eyes with the spy and says, "I am ready for death. Are you?"
Round 6
Tesco targets S1, shillelagh Attack: 15 Damage: 6
S1 targets Tesco, shortsword Attack: 17 Damage: 6
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
SK1 took 4 dmg and Ivamir took 8 dmg
Init Ivamir 23
Init SK1 14
SK1 8/13 hp AC 13 vulnerability bludgeoning
Ivamar 2/10 hp Shield 10 min AC 19
Rnd 4:
MOVE: Ivamir stays put no need to close the distance: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: AC +2 AC=19 10 min
ACTION: Cast Toll the Dead, Damage: 7 (Necrotic) DC 13 Wis save for no damage 10
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 23 Damage: 8 (piercing)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
SK1 saved and SK1 Missed Ivamir
Init Ivamir 23
Init SK1 14
SK1 8/13 hp AC 13 vulnerability bludgeoning
Ivamar 2/10 hp Shield 10 min AC 19
Rnd 5:
MOVE: Ivamir stays put no need to close the distance: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: AC +2 AC=19 10 min
ACTION: Cast Toll the Dead, Damage: 2 (Necrotic) DC 13 Wis save for no damage 12
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 10 Damage: 8 (piercing)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Ivamir goes down before the skeleton does. lol it saved like 5 times with a -1 modifier grin.
I'll roll a new more survivable character.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
S1 takes 6 damage. S1 (4/27). Tesco failed to cast his last daily slot of hunter's mark before the last attack and the Psudo-DM won't let him retcon.
Tesco uses a reaction to spend his last spell slot casting Shield, AC 17 to AC 22, blocking 6 damage.
Round 7
Tesco uses his last daily favored enemy slot to cast Hunter’s Mark on the spy
Tesco targets S1, shillelagh Attack: 18 Damage: 12
S1 targets Tesco, shortsword Attack: 8 Damage: 3
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)