S1 takes a critical hit of 21 damage and dies. Tesco packs up the body in the back of the caravan and hurries the 2 day travel back to collect the bounty. He ate all his rations and buys more (10x rations for 5 gp). Liam is quick to give a sly smile as he searches the pockets for any clues to identify the bandit's company or organization. He finds a clue, a scrap paper written in code. Liam asks, "Might I hold onto this clue, I am building a case to bring down the entire bandit operation. If you had fun on that quest, there are more like that one." Tesco just wants to go to sleep. He pre-pays for another 5 nights at the Inn (25 sp) and goes to sleep.
Jackoby Ruckles has been 3 nights 3 days in The Grove here at Evergreen he’s taking a shine to the place. As his body heals and his mind begins noticing the elven design of structure in harmony with nature all around, he can’t help but thank his goddess Chauntea that some folks understand the symmetry of health and cultivation.
Down at the bar day four now Jackoby renews his room for another week and sets up a weeks tab for meals. 3 gold which should cover him for 7 days total room and board. After settling up he wanders around town taking in the sights noticing who’s who and what’s what.
”I think I’m gonna find myself a bear pelt.” That’s just what he sets out to find… 12 hours to the Devil’s Cave the locals call it say there’s some trophy bears living there.
making half the trek camping then hunting… survival 6 sleeping on rocks is rough…
Surprise Round. Jackoby rages as he gets within 20’ to hurl a handaxe, attack 12 for 11 damage. Drawing another handaxe as the first one flys. Extend rage.
Round 1. Jackoby hurls a second hand axe attack 16 for 7 damage. Thunk the bear is dead before it knew what hit em.
end of combat.
Jackoby retrieves his weapons, and begins the long haul back to Evergreen.
100 xp Bounty 20 gp level up. (How do we manage leveling?)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
In the morning, Tesco spends two days, with his proficiency in arcana, to scribe two scrolls of cure wounds (50 gp). He emerges to eat a modest meal on both days (2 sp), then spends the rest of the time wandering the town, meeting new people, trying to strike up conversation, or learn more about the secret organization of the bandits.
Dak comes into town gets settled in by getting a room and the who setup. A nice meal, a bath a room for the week. He spends 27sp to get it arranged and tips the bards. Heads out first light after the breakfast meal 28sp total
Room tally 1 of 5 days.
He heads out just after the morning meal to the The Silverwood Forest Dak Survival: [1roll]1d20+5[/roll]
Dak spends the evening under the stars with a small fire.
MOVE: Dak moves: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: ACTION: Move to melee and attack with Maul: SK2 Attack: 9 Damage: 5 (piercing)
Reaction: Any available
Atk type 1=Rng 2=Melee 2 unless forced to melee
SK1 Attack: 20 Damage: 9 (piercing)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
LOL I rolled the wrong attack...Same to hit roll so no change.
The skeletons advance on the new comer. SK1 manages to get a strong hit on Dak 9 dmg
Init order Rnd 2.
SK2 init 22: 13/13 HP AC 13
Dak init 17: 4/13 HP AC 16
Sk1 init 9: 13/13 HP AC 13
SK2 Attack: 18 Damage: 5 (piercing)
Dak goes he'll uses is Relentless trait if needed to stay at 1 hp if SK2 drops him to 0 or SK1 later on.
MOVE: Dak stays in melee with both Skeletons: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: Second wind 3 ACTION: Attack with the Maul SK2: 6 Damage: 11 (Bludgeoning)
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 15 Damage: 9 (piercing)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Everyone misses and Dax gets 10hp back but maxes at 9 full hp
Init order Rnd 3.
SK2 init 22: 13/13 HP AC 13
Dak init 17: 13/13 HP AC 16
Sk1 init 9: 13/13 HP AC 13
SK2 Attack: 22 Damage: 9 (piercing)
Dak goes he'll uses is Relentless trait if needed to stay at 1 hp if SK2 drops him to 0 or SK1 later on.
MOVE: Dak stays in melee with both Skeletons: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: ACTION: Attack with the Maul SK2: 8 Damage: 10 (Bludgeoning)
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 23 Damage: 4 (piercing)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
wow....lol Ok Dak drops to 0 but goes relentless so 1 HP
Relentless has been used.
Init order Rnd 4.
SK2 init 22: 13/13 HP AC 13
Dak init 17: 1/13 HP AC 16
Sk1 init 9: 13/13 HP AC 13
SK2 Attack: 11 Damage: 6 (piercing)
MOVE: Dak stays in melee with both Skeletons: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: Second wind 4 ACTION: Attack with the Maul SK2: 8 Damage: 11 (Bludgeoning)
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 13 Damage: 7 (piercing)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
wow second 3 I've rolled to hit.
Everyone misses but Dak gets 4 hp back from second wind.
Init order Rnd 5.
SK2 init 22: 13/13 HP AC 13
Dak init 17: 5/13 HP AC 16
Sk1 init 9: 13/13 HP AC 13
SK2 Attack: 13 Damage: 5 (piercing)
MOVE: Dak stays in melee with both Skeletons: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: Second wind 6 ACTION: Attack with the Maul SK2: 9 Damage: 12 (Bludgeoning)
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 6 Damage: 9 (piercing)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Updated Level 2 encounter charts. Whoa was that Spy difficult, especially with this campaign's approach rules. The spy got a surprise round, and advantage, and sneak attack. I was lucky she didn't crit on the sneak attack. But her rolls were on average much higher and so I split the chart into two. Table #201 is standard Level 2 encounter budgets of 100 XP and 200 XP, while Table #202 is now considered a Challenge table with budgets doubled and with the Bandit Captain, I'm eager to see someone take him down. Trust me, the Bandit Captain will return in the next tier of encoutners.
I'll give this a try since it might be a good way to get into the 2024 rules.
1. Yuno Sunforge 2. Fighter 3. Criminal (Customized: Proficiency in Stealth, Intimidation, Smith's Tools, Infernal;) 4. Magic Item Table A: 66 (Original roll: 94) 5. Magic Item Table F: 96 (Original roll: 39) 6. Encounter Table: 13 (Original roll: 9) 7. Yuno is a young serial killer who escaped from her home village. Her passion in life is to murder things to get strong and getting strong to murder things. She has stumbled on to the Hollow while wandering through the forest. Maybe this might be a good place to lay low while the heat dies down. 8. I don't have a DALE prompt. I drew her myself a while back:
S1 (4/27) misses, Tesco (10/20) also misses, rinse, repeat,
Round 8
Tesco targets S1, hunter's mark shillelagh Attack: 25 Damage: 21
S1 targets Tesco, shortsword Attack: 20 Damage: 3
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
S1 takes a critical hit of 21 damage and dies. Tesco packs up the body in the back of the caravan and hurries the 2 day travel back to collect the bounty. He ate all his rations and buys more (10x rations for 5 gp). Liam is quick to give a sly smile as he searches the pockets for any clues to identify the bandit's company or organization. He finds a clue, a scrap paper written in code. Liam asks, "Might I hold onto this clue, I am building a case to bring down the entire bandit operation. If you had fun on that quest, there are more like that one." Tesco just wants to go to sleep. He pre-pays for another 5 nights at the Inn (25 sp) and goes to sleep.
Spy Rewards
1x shortsword (5 gp)
1x hand crossbow (37 gp, 5 sp)
10x bolts (-- gp)
bounty (60 gp)
200 XP
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Jackoby Ruckles has been 3 nights 3 days in The Grove here at Evergreen he’s taking a shine to the place. As his body heals and his mind begins noticing the elven design of structure in harmony with nature all around, he can’t help but thank his goddess Chauntea that some folks understand the symmetry of health and cultivation.
Down at the bar day four now Jackoby renews his room for another week and sets up a weeks tab for meals. 3 gold which should cover him for 7 days total room and board. After settling up he wanders around town taking in the sights noticing who’s who and what’s what.
”I think I’m gonna find myself a bear pelt.” That’s just what he sets out to find… 12 hours to the Devil’s Cave the locals call it say there’s some trophy bears living there.
making half the trek camping then hunting… survival 6 sleeping on rocks is rough…
Location Darkwood Demon Cave.
Approach Stealth 22 vs BB 18 Surprise.
Initiative 19 BB 4
Surprise Round.
Jackoby rages as he gets within 20’ to hurl a handaxe, attack 12 for 11 damage. Drawing another handaxe as the first one flys. Extend rage.
Round 1.
Jackoby hurls a second hand axe attack 16 for 7 damage. Thunk the bear is dead before it knew what hit em.
end of combat.
Jackoby retrieves his weapons, and begins the long haul back to Evergreen.
100 xp Bounty 20 gp level up. (How do we manage leveling?)
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
That was a nail-biting encounter. So close. Varnak will save you once from the Silverwood, you just have to share XP with anything he kills.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
I'm good. Ivamir just isn't survivable in a solo dmless enviornment. I'm going to roll another one up.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
In the morning, Tesco spends two days, with his proficiency in arcana, to scribe two scrolls of cure wounds (50 gp). He emerges to eat a modest meal on both days (2 sp), then spends the rest of the time wandering the town, meeting new people, trying to strike up conversation, or learn more about the secret organization of the bandits.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
67 Magic Item from Magic Item Table A
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Dak comes into town gets settled in by getting a room and the who setup. A nice meal, a bath a room for the week. He spends 27sp to get it arranged and tips the bards. Heads out first light after the breakfast meal 28sp total
Room tally 1 of 5 days.
He heads out just after the morning meal to the The Silverwood Forest Dak Survival: [1roll]1d20+5[/roll]
Dak spends the evening under the stars with a small fire.
Dak Stealth: 15
Dak Perception: 19
Monster Perception check: 17
Default Distance 30ft.
Dak Initiative: 17 AC 16 passive 13
Sk1 Initiative: 9 AC 13 passive 9
Sk2 Initiative: 22 AC 13 passive 9
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Init order Rnd 1.
SK2 init 22: 13/13 HP AC 13
Dak init 17: 13/13 HP AC 16
Sk1 init 9: 13/13 HP AC 13
Atk type 1=Rng 2=Melee 2 unless forced to melee
SK2 Attack: 7 Damage: 4 (piercing)
Dak goes
MOVE: Dak moves: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
ACTION: Move to melee and attack with Maul: SK2 Attack: 9 Damage: 5 (piercing)
Reaction: Any available
Atk type 1=Rng 2=Melee 2 unless forced to melee
SK1 Attack: 20 Damage: 9 (piercing)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
LOL I rolled the wrong attack...Same to hit roll so no change.
The skeletons advance on the new comer. SK1 manages to get a strong hit on Dak 9 dmg
Init order Rnd 2.
SK2 init 22: 13/13 HP AC 13
Dak init 17: 4/13 HP AC 16
Sk1 init 9: 13/13 HP AC 13
SK2 Attack: 18 Damage: 5 (piercing)
Dak goes he'll uses is Relentless trait if needed to stay at 1 hp if SK2 drops him to 0 or SK1 later on.
MOVE: Dak stays in melee with both Skeletons: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: Second wind 3
ACTION: Attack with the Maul SK2: 6 Damage: 11 (Bludgeoning)
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 15 Damage: 9 (piercing)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Dice are frustrating me tonight lol.
Everyone misses and Dax gets 10hp back but maxes at 9 full hp
Init order Rnd 3.
SK2 init 22: 13/13 HP AC 13
Dak init 17: 13/13 HP AC 16
Sk1 init 9: 13/13 HP AC 13
SK2 Attack: 22 Damage: 9 (piercing)
Dak goes he'll uses is Relentless trait if needed to stay at 1 hp if SK2 drops him to 0 or SK1 later on.
MOVE: Dak stays in melee with both Skeletons: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
ACTION: Attack with the Maul SK2: 8 Damage: 10 (Bludgeoning)
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 23 Damage: 4 (piercing)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
wow....lol Ok Dak drops to 0 but goes relentless so 1 HP
Relentless has been used.
Init order Rnd 4.
SK2 init 22: 13/13 HP AC 13
Dak init 17: 1/13 HP AC 16
Sk1 init 9: 13/13 HP AC 13
SK2 Attack: 11 Damage: 6 (piercing)
MOVE: Dak stays in melee with both Skeletons: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: Second wind 4
ACTION: Attack with the Maul SK2: 8 Damage: 11 (Bludgeoning)
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 13 Damage: 7 (piercing)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
wow second 3 I've rolled to hit.
Everyone misses but Dak gets 4 hp back from second wind.
Init order Rnd 5.
SK2 init 22: 13/13 HP AC 13
Dak init 17: 5/13 HP AC 16
Sk1 init 9: 13/13 HP AC 13
SK2 Attack: 13 Damage: 5 (piercing)
MOVE: Dak stays in melee with both Skeletons: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: Second wind 6
ACTION: Attack with the Maul SK2: 9 Damage: 12 (Bludgeoning)
Reaction: Any available
SK1 Attack: 6 Damage: 9 (piercing)
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Wow Dak goes down lol. oh the second wind on this one didn't happen I used both already.
The dice were brutal..I'll let someone save Dak...This shouldn't have been this hard.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
If you need inspiration, everyone gets 1 heroic inspiration at start.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Varnak comes out from hiding, roll your first death save.
He launches magic missile from a 7th level slot, [Tooltip Not Found] sends nine missiles, the first five hit SK1 and then four hit SK2
SK1 takes 1, 4, 3, 1, 1
SK2 takes 4, 1, 2, 3
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Varnak has a Wand of Magic Missiles
SK1 takes +5 damage, wrong formula, total 15 and dies
SK2 takes +4 damage, total 14 and dies.
Varnak uses a healing kit to stabilize your wounds before second Death save
2x Skeleton Rewards
bounty for monster parts 20 gp
50 XP (shared with Varnak)
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
I just posted a new Silverwood encounter table, #104. This one spotlights some evil beasts in the Silverwood with Challenge 1/8.
Remember, you can craft your own encounters or just cherry pick which encounter you want to try.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Updated Level 2 encounter charts. Whoa was that Spy difficult, especially with this campaign's approach rules. The spy got a surprise round, and advantage, and sneak attack. I was lucky she didn't crit on the sneak attack. But her rolls were on average much higher and so I split the chart into two. Table #201 is standard Level 2 encounter budgets of 100 XP and 200 XP, while Table #202 is now considered a Challenge table with budgets doubled and with the Bandit Captain, I'm eager to see someone take him down. Trust me, the Bandit Captain will return in the next tier of encoutners.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
I'll give this a try since it might be a good way to get into the 2024 rules.
1. Yuno Sunforge
2. Fighter
3. Criminal (Customized: Proficiency in Stealth, Intimidation, Smith's Tools, Infernal;)
4. Magic Item Table A: 66 (Original roll: 94)
5. Magic Item Table F: 96 (Original roll: 39)
6. Encounter Table: 13 (Original roll: 9)
7. Yuno is a young serial killer who escaped from her home village. Her passion in life is to murder things to get strong and getting strong to murder things. She has stumbled on to the Hollow while wandering through the forest. Maybe this might be a good place to lay low while the heat dies down.
8. I don't have a DALE prompt. I drew her myself a while back: