Vira stares in awe as the woven branches form a sturdy perch and lift them high above the ground, her talons brushing the intricate design. "I’ve never seen magic like this,"she says, glancing at Brynlee with a grin. "Perfect timing too!"Despite the security the perch offers, Vira’s expression hardens slightly as she gazes over the edge. "I’ll take first watch. Even perches are no guarantee of safety with the fires." She settles at the edge, her eyes scanning the darkening swamp below, clearly grateful for the added protection.
B'Reh's eyes widen as the nest unfurls and gently lifts them into the air. She steps cautiously toward the edge, her talons brushing against the woven metal branches, marveling at the intricate craftsmanship and the security it provides. "This is incredible," she says, her voice low with awe. "I never expected such a blessing on this journey."
She glances at Vira, who has already positioned herself at the edge, scanning the swamp below. "You’re right, though,"B'Reh says with a small nod. "Even with this charm, vigilance remains our best safeguard. I’ll take the second watch after you. We must make sure nothing catches us unawares."
With that, B'Reh kneels at the center of the nest, whispering a quiet prayer of thanks for the unexpected gift of security and for the strength to keep her companions safe. Then, she sets about preparing her bedroll, resting her spear nearby so it’s ready when her turn to watch comes.
Safe in their perch, the party settles down for the night, with Vira keeping an eye on the ground below. Her strig eyes are fairly accustomed to the dark, and she vigilantly watches for any stray slimes or skeletons. Unfortunately, with all her attention focused below, she completely misses the approaching cloud of orange in the sky to the north. It's only the dozens of high-pitched shrieks that alert her to the two rapidly approaching emberbat swarms! She lets out a shout of warning and leaps into action as the others rouse themselves to defend the camp.
Combat Round 1
The emberbats swarm over the nest as everyone is waking up, and immediately begin biting at any exposed flesh they can find (nat 1 to hit B'Reh, dirty 20 to hit Vira for 5 piercing damage). The temperature rises as the dozens of tiny bodies radiate heat that fills the nest.
[[ Players' turn. Everyone make a DC 10 CON save at the start of your turn. Vira and Aric will take 3 fire damage on a failure, B'Reh and Brynlee will take 4. Also SO sorry this map is SO ugly lol, I have never used map software before and the guy on reddit that made all the maps I've been using so far does not have one that resembles a nest or camp of any kind ]]
Vira gives a shriek of surprise and anger as the bites sting her skin, immediately raging and swinging her greataxe at the swarm next to her on instinct.
B'Reh feels the intense heat radiating from the emberbat swarm and grits her teeth, holding her ground as the chaos erupts around the nest. With a quick glance at Kenna, she steps protectively in front of the young corvum, her spear already in hand. "Stay close to me!" she calls over the cacophony of shrieks and flapping wings.
The strig grips her spear tightly, her eyes narrowing as she focuses on the swirling mass of fiery bats. With precision born from her training, she jabs several times into the heart of the swarm, her strikes aimed to scatter their chaotic assault and protect her companions. Each thrust of her spear is calculated, her movements steady despite the oppressive heat.
"I’ll hold them off! Keep fighting—don't let them overwhelm us!" she shouts, her voice filled with resolve, determined to shield Kenna and buy the others time to push back the swarms.
Action: Attack with Spear (2-handed), hit 12 for 10 mundane piercing damage
The pain from the bites throws off Vira's swing, and she just misses catching any of the swarm with her axe. B'Reh has a bit more luck, able to swat them away from her for a moment and spear a few.
Aric leaps into action as well, grabbing his quarterstaff and swinging into the cloud while they are busy attacking Vira (18 to hit for 10 damage), but his kick to follow up goes wide.
Brynlee lets out a shout as the heat sears her, and a thin wave of light flares out from her body, but the bats seem to endure it with little issue.
Kenna pulls out the small knife she used to collect the slime sample earlier, but backs up to the wall of the nest, clearly afraid. By her lack of any better weapon, you assume that she's no fighter, and is clearly worried about getting any closer to the swarms.
Combat Round 2
The emberbats attack once again with the same ferocity as before, striking at B'Reh once more (18 to hit for 3 piercing damage), but missing Vira this time. They continue to radiate heat, promising to make this a difficult fight if they're not swiftly dispatched.
[[ Players' turn. DC 10 CON save at the beginning of your turn or take 1 fire damage (Brynlee and B'Reh) or 4 fire damage (Aric and Vira). ]]
B'Reh winces as the emberbats' tiny fangs pierce her skin, their heat oppressive even as she holds her ground. She instinctively clutches her holy symbol, her amulet glowing faintly in her grasp as she draws upon the divine power within. "By the Rhythm's balance, return to stillness!" she declares, her voice firm and steady despite the chaos. She raises her hand, and a haunting chime reverberates through the air around the swarm near Vira and Aric, hoping to break one swarm more quickly.
Action: Cast Toll the Dead with DC 13 WIS save or 4 necrotic damage.
[[ I already rolled Aric's round 1 save and attacks for this morning's post! That's just to keep the game moving, so you'll only ever have to worry about one round and possibly a reaction for a single post ;) Also, I believe Vira would take the full 4 damage as fire isn't halved by standard rage. ]]
Fur slightly burned from the heat, Aric jumps into action once more, striking out with his quarterstaff and a furry fist to thin the swarm even further.
The heat from the swarm singes Vira's feathers as she swings her axe once more. Shaken by the pain and the memories surging to the surface, she swings just a bit too low and misses once more.
Switching gears from her spear, B'Reh instead calls upon her divine magic to try and thin the swarm by her companions. As the haunting chime echoes within the nest, several bats fall dead to the ground between Vira and Aric, leaving only a few still flitting about.
Overtaken by the heat, Brynlee decides to risk turning her back on the swarm for a moment, hoping for a better angle to cast a more precise spell and end the battle quickly. She lets out a soft cry as a few fangs find their mark between her quills (3 damage), but swiftly turns her focus to the few bats still hovering between Vira and Aric. She holds her crystal tightly and fires a burst of freezing energy towards the swarm, and a loud plink plink plink sounds as the last of the emberbats fall to the floor of the nest, frozen solid.
Combat Round 3
The one remaining swarm follows Brynlee as she moves away, trying to find more of the gaps between her quills, but failing to do so.
[[ Players' turn. Brynlee takes 3 fire damage at the beginning of her turn. ]]
Badly injured, Brynlee calls upon her connection to the Rhythm to quickly heal herself (8 healing), almost seeming to draw the life energy from the swarm itself as another haunting chime sounds, causing over half the remaining swarm to keel over dead (10 necrotic damage).
[[ I have GOT to find another source for maps this is shameful. ]]
Vira is able to find a moment to take a steadying breath as the swarm nearest to her falls to the combined magic of B'Reh and Brynlee. She quickly refocuses her attention to the remaining swarm targeting the Hedge, aiming an exceptionally powerful swing that will leave her wide open to damage should the emberbats survive it.
Action: Reckless Attack: greataxe to hit nat 20+5, damage 19 slashing; attacks against her have advantage until her next turn
Vira summons her strength and resolve, shaking off the memories, and fells the last of the swarm with a mighty swing of her axe.
[[ Combat over. ]]
"Well that came out of nowhere! Maybe a little warning next time, eh Vira?" Brynlee looks up at the strig, though she has a vaguely playful smile on her face. Holding out a hand, she murmurs a soft incantation and waves her palm over Vira's singed feathers, quickly alleviating the pain and bringing the plumage back to its normal tawny brown color (healing word for 9 healing). "It looked like the heat was affecting you more than it should have. Is everything okay?"
Vira lets out a relieved sigh as the remaining bats fall, somewhat surprised by the strength of that last swing herself. Her feathers puff up proudly as Brynlee's healing washes over them. "Oh, that...Well, it reminded me of uh...My dream, from last night! I was running and running from the flames, but got stuck in slime and tumbled over...More of a nightmare really. But I'm fine now." She gives a nod to reassure the others.
B'Reh rests her spear against the edge of the nest, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully as she watches Vira explain herself. "The Rhythm tests us in many ways," she says gently, stepping closer. "But flames in dreams and flames in battle are not the same. You faced them and prevailed, Vira. That is what matters."
Turning to the rest of the group, she takes a moment to assess everyone’s condition. "Is anyone else in need of healing? I can call upon the Rhythm’s grace if there are still wounds to tend." (Feel free to use her Channel Divinity to regain HP (two applications for 1d8+3 HP each one) or a casting of Healing Word if need be, though the spell will consume her last slot and excludes the following.)
If no one appears to require further aid, she retrieves her amulet and murmurs a brief prayer. Holding her hand over the waterskin strapped to her side, she sprinkles a pinch of acorn dust into it. The vessel glows faintly with a soft, green light as she offers it to her companions. "If you don’t need healing, I can renew your sight in the dark. Drink, and the Emerald Goblet will grant you clarity until we are safely beyond this place."
[[ Sorry for the delay! Was going to post this morning then ran out of time. ]]
Brynlee and Kenna each take a sip from the waterskin before passing it on to the others, and then settle back in for the rest of the night.
B'Reh, Brynlee, and Aric's watches all go by without major event, and as the sun begins to rise, the nest slowly sinks back down to the ground and unweaves itself, shrinking back down to a small necklace. Brynlee gingerly picks it up and ties it tightly around one of her wrists so as to avoid getting it caught in her quills.
[[ Everyone receives a long rest. ]]
Rested and refreshed, you are ready to make the long journey back to Winnowing Reach. You make your way down the cliff and begin the trek back to the eastern edge of the Mokk Fields.
[[ You all would know from your trip down that you traveled about 30 miles from Winnowing Reach to the cavern entrance. That's doable in a day if you're traveling at a quick pace with disadvantage on stealth and wisdom checks, or you could do the same full day + a couple of hours the next morning to make it back to Winnowing Reach tomorrow. Feel free to discuss in or out of character, and then once you've decided I'll need a group survival check to safely traverse the swamp. I'll say you'll start with advantage since you've all had time to study Vira's map and you've traveled this way before, so if you do a fast pace that'll go down to just a straight roll. ]]
B'Reh is up early, as always, spending a quiet moment in prayer before the sun peeks over the horizon. As the group shares a simple breakfast, she sets her spear down beside her and speaks calmly but firmly. "We’ve already spent more time in the swamp than I’m comfortable with," she begins, her gaze sweeping over her companions. "If we push ourselves and move quickly today, we can make it back to Winnowing Reach before nightfall. That means no more camping among skeletons or slimes and no need to take unnecessary risks in the dark. Once we’re back in town, we can rest properly, eat a hot meal, and set out early tomorrow morning with renewed strength."
She looks at Kenna, her tone softening slightly. "Your uncle will want to see you safe, and I imagine you’ll be eager to start your studies with that sample. The sooner we’re back, the sooner you can do what you came here to accomplish."
Turning to Vira and Aric, she adds, "The swamp is treacherous, yes, but we've traveled this path before. With Vira's map and all of us working together, I believe we can make the journey safely if we focus and keep pace. What do you all think?"
Vira nods as she finishes off the last of her meal, her talons tapping the perch thoughtfully. "I agree. The faster we’re out of this place, the better." She glances at the map spread out before them. "We know the path now, and I’d rather deal with a long day of travel than risk another night in the swamp. Skeletons, slimes and emberbats aren’t exactly my idea of restful company."
[[ Group Survival Check: 10, 9, 14, 4. For what it's worth, I rolled for Kenna to see if she could help you all pass and she also got a 4. ]]
The group sets out at a quicker pace than before, with Kenna following, much quieter than the day before as she focuses on upholding the quick pace that Vira and B'Reh are setting. The strig cut efficiently through the swamp, stepping on dry patches and seeming to evade any slimes or other creatures that might be out and about during the day.
A few hours into the journey, during a quick break for water, B'Reh takes a moment to consult Vira's map to try and track their progress. She quickly realizes that the group should've been at the edge of the swamp around now. With the clouded sky, it's difficult to track the sun's position, and going off landmarks she figures that the party has traveled much further north than they should have, and are fairly close to the marked red circle on the map. She looks up from the parchment to see Kenna staring at something, with a frightened look on her face. Across the marsh, maybe a few hundred feet away, is a small wooden shack with a thatch roof and a small plume of smoke rising from a chimney near the center of the building.
"You've gotten us lost, haven't you? That's the swamp witch's hut! Uncle Walden says she's evil, that the reason no researchers bring their families with them to the Reach anymore is 'cause she used to steal their children! We have to get out of here before she finds us!"She stands there wringing her hands nervously, clearly wanting to flee but perhaps too scared to leave the protection of her rescuers.
(Can Jerbeen or Cervan communicate with our new visitors?)
D&D since 1984
Vira stares in awe as the woven branches form a sturdy perch and lift them high above the ground, her talons brushing the intricate design. "I’ve never seen magic like this," she says, glancing at Brynlee with a grin. "Perfect timing too!" Despite the security the perch offers, Vira’s expression hardens slightly as she gazes over the edge. "I’ll take first watch. Even perches are no guarantee of safety with the fires." She settles at the edge, her eyes scanning the darkening swamp below, clearly grateful for the added protection.
Perception: 8 -.- or 22 if advantage from perch
B'Reh's eyes widen as the nest unfurls and gently lifts them into the air. She steps cautiously toward the edge, her talons brushing against the woven metal branches, marveling at the intricate craftsmanship and the security it provides. "This is incredible," she says, her voice low with awe. "I never expected such a blessing on this journey."
She glances at Vira, who has already positioned herself at the edge, scanning the swamp below. "You’re right, though," B'Reh says with a small nod. "Even with this charm, vigilance remains our best safeguard. I’ll take the second watch after you. We must make sure nothing catches us unawares."
With that, B'Reh kneels at the center of the nest, whispering a quiet prayer of thanks for the unexpected gift of security and for the strength to keep her companions safe. Then, she sets about preparing her bedroll, resting her spear nearby so it’s ready when her turn to watch comes.
Perception: 24, incl. 1 from Guidance
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Aric says he will take the last watch
D&D since 1984
Safe in their perch, the party settles down for the night, with Vira keeping an eye on the ground below. Her strig eyes are fairly accustomed to the dark, and she vigilantly watches for any stray slimes or skeletons. Unfortunately, with all her attention focused below, she completely misses the approaching cloud of orange in the sky to the north. It's only the dozens of high-pitched shrieks that alert her to the two rapidly approaching emberbat swarms! She lets out a shout of warning and leaps into action as the others rouse themselves to defend the camp.
Combat Round 1
The emberbats swarm over the nest as everyone is waking up, and immediately begin biting at any exposed flesh they can find (nat 1 to hit B'Reh, dirty 20 to hit Vira for 5 piercing damage). The temperature rises as the dozens of tiny bodies radiate heat that fills the nest.
[[ Players' turn. Everyone make a DC 10 CON save at the start of your turn. Vira and Aric will take 3 fire damage on a failure, B'Reh and Brynlee will take 4. Also SO sorry this map is SO ugly lol, I have never used map software before and the guy on reddit that made all the maps I've been using so far does not have one that resembles a nest or camp of any kind ]]
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
Con save: 20
Vira gives a shriek of surprise and anger as the bites sting her skin, immediately raging and swinging her greataxe at the swarm next to her on instinct.
Bonus Action: Activate Rage
Action: Greataxe to hit 11, damage 6
B'Reh feels the intense heat radiating from the emberbat swarm and grits her teeth, holding her ground as the chaos erupts around the nest. With a quick glance at Kenna, she steps protectively in front of the young corvum, her spear already in hand. "Stay close to me!" she calls over the cacophony of shrieks and flapping wings.
The strig grips her spear tightly, her eyes narrowing as she focuses on the swirling mass of fiery bats. With precision born from her training, she jabs several times into the heart of the swarm, her strikes aimed to scatter their chaotic assault and protect her companions. Each thrust of her spear is calculated, her movements steady despite the oppressive heat.
"I’ll hold them off! Keep fighting—don't let them overwhelm us!" she shouts, her voice filled with resolve, determined to shield Kenna and buy the others time to push back the swarms.
Action: Attack with Spear (2-handed), hit 12 for 10 mundane piercing damage
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
The pain from the bites throws off Vira's swing, and she just misses catching any of the swarm with her axe. B'Reh has a bit more luck, able to swat them away from her for a moment and spear a few.
Aric leaps into action as well, grabbing his quarterstaff and swinging into the cloud while they are busy attacking Vira (18 to hit for 10 damage), but his kick to follow up goes wide.
Brynlee lets out a shout as the heat sears her, and a thin wave of light flares out from her body, but the bats seem to endure it with little issue.
Kenna pulls out the small knife she used to collect the slime sample earlier, but backs up to the wall of the nest, clearly afraid. By her lack of any better weapon, you assume that she's no fighter, and is clearly worried about getting any closer to the swarms.
Combat Round 2
The emberbats attack once again with the same ferocity as before, striking at B'Reh once more (18 to hit for 3 piercing damage), but missing Vira this time. They continue to radiate heat, promising to make this a difficult fight if they're not swiftly dispatched.
[[ Players' turn. DC 10 CON save at the beginning of your turn or take 1 fire damage (Brynlee and B'Reh) or 4 fire damage (Aric and Vira). ]]
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
Aric CON save, Round 1: 12
(Attack: 10 to hit, 7 Damage; BA 18 to hit, 9 damage)
CON Save, Round 2: 4
(Attack: 23 to hit, 8 damage; BA 12 to hit for 8 damage)
D&D since 1984
Vira con save: 9, so 2 fire damage
Vira staggers as the emberbats' flames singe her feathers, bringing back memories she'd rather stay forgotten. She gives another wild swing.
Action: Greataxe to hit 8
B'Reh winces as the emberbats' tiny fangs pierce her skin, their heat oppressive even as she holds her ground. She instinctively clutches her holy symbol, her amulet glowing faintly in her grasp as she draws upon the divine power within. "By the Rhythm's balance, return to stillness!" she declares, her voice firm and steady despite the chaos. She raises her hand, and a haunting chime reverberates through the air around the swarm near Vira and Aric, hoping to break one swarm more quickly.
Action: Cast Toll the Dead with DC 13 WIS save or 4 necrotic damage.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
[[ I already rolled Aric's round 1 save and attacks for this morning's post! That's just to keep the game moving, so you'll only ever have to worry about one round and possibly a reaction for a single post ;) Also, I believe Vira would take the full 4 damage as fire isn't halved by standard rage. ]]
Fur slightly burned from the heat, Aric jumps into action once more, striking out with his quarterstaff and a furry fist to thin the swarm even further.
The heat from the swarm singes Vira's feathers as she swings her axe once more. Shaken by the pain and the memories surging to the surface, she swings just a bit too low and misses once more.
Switching gears from her spear, B'Reh instead calls upon her divine magic to try and thin the swarm by her companions. As the haunting chime echoes within the nest, several bats fall dead to the ground between Vira and Aric, leaving only a few still flitting about.
Overtaken by the heat, Brynlee decides to risk turning her back on the swarm for a moment, hoping for a better angle to cast a more precise spell and end the battle quickly. She lets out a soft cry as a few fangs find their mark between her quills (3 damage), but swiftly turns her focus to the few bats still hovering between Vira and Aric. She holds her crystal tightly and fires a burst of freezing energy towards the swarm, and a loud plink plink plink sounds as the last of the emberbats fall to the floor of the nest, frozen solid.
Combat Round 3
The one remaining swarm follows Brynlee as she moves away, trying to find more of the gaps between her quills, but failing to do so.
[[ Players' turn. Brynlee takes 3 fire damage at the beginning of her turn. ]]
Badly injured, Brynlee calls upon her connection to the Rhythm to quickly heal herself (8 healing), almost seeming to draw the life energy from the swarm itself as another haunting chime sounds, causing over half the remaining swarm to keel over dead (10 necrotic damage).
[[ I have GOT to find another source for maps this is shameful. ]]
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
((Oh yeah, sorry!))
Vira is able to find a moment to take a steadying breath as the swarm nearest to her falls to the combined magic of B'Reh and Brynlee. She quickly refocuses her attention to the remaining swarm targeting the Hedge, aiming an exceptionally powerful swing that will leave her wide open to damage should the emberbats survive it.
Action: Reckless Attack: greataxe to hit nat 20+5, damage 19 slashing; attacks against her have advantage until her next turn
Vira summons her strength and resolve, shaking off the memories, and fells the last of the swarm with a mighty swing of her axe.
[[ Combat over. ]]
"Well that came out of nowhere! Maybe a little warning next time, eh Vira?" Brynlee looks up at the strig, though she has a vaguely playful smile on her face. Holding out a hand, she murmurs a soft incantation and waves her palm over Vira's singed feathers, quickly alleviating the pain and bringing the plumage back to its normal tawny brown color (healing word for 9 healing). "It looked like the heat was affecting you more than it should have. Is everything okay?"
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
Vira lets out a relieved sigh as the remaining bats fall, somewhat surprised by the strength of that last swing herself. Her feathers puff up proudly as Brynlee's healing washes over them. "Oh, that...Well, it reminded me of uh...My dream, from last night! I was running and running from the flames, but got stuck in slime and tumbled over...More of a nightmare really. But I'm fine now." She gives a nod to reassure the others.
B'Reh rests her spear against the edge of the nest, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully as she watches Vira explain herself. "The Rhythm tests us in many ways," she says gently, stepping closer. "But flames in dreams and flames in battle are not the same. You faced them and prevailed, Vira. That is what matters."
Turning to the rest of the group, she takes a moment to assess everyone’s condition. "Is anyone else in need of healing? I can call upon the Rhythm’s grace if there are still wounds to tend." (Feel free to use her Channel Divinity to regain HP (two applications for 1d8+3 HP each one) or a casting of Healing Word if need be, though the spell will consume her last slot and excludes the following.)
If no one appears to require further aid, she retrieves her amulet and murmurs a brief prayer. Holding her hand over the waterskin strapped to her side, she sprinkles a pinch of acorn dust into it. The vessel glows faintly with a soft, green light as she offers it to her companions. "If you don’t need healing, I can renew your sight in the dark. Drink, and the Emerald Goblet will grant you clarity until we are safely beyond this place."
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
[[ Sorry for the delay! Was going to post this morning then ran out of time. ]]
Brynlee and Kenna each take a sip from the waterskin before passing it on to the others, and then settle back in for the rest of the night.
B'Reh, Brynlee, and Aric's watches all go by without major event, and as the sun begins to rise, the nest slowly sinks back down to the ground and unweaves itself, shrinking back down to a small necklace. Brynlee gingerly picks it up and ties it tightly around one of her wrists so as to avoid getting it caught in her quills.
[[ Everyone receives a long rest. ]]
Rested and refreshed, you are ready to make the long journey back to Winnowing Reach. You make your way down the cliff and begin the trek back to the eastern edge of the Mokk Fields.
[[ You all would know from your trip down that you traveled about 30 miles from Winnowing Reach to the cavern entrance. That's doable in a day if you're traveling at a quick pace with disadvantage on stealth and wisdom checks, or you could do the same full day + a couple of hours the next morning to make it back to Winnowing Reach tomorrow. Feel free to discuss in or out of character, and then once you've decided I'll need a group survival check to safely traverse the swamp. I'll say you'll start with advantage since you've all had time to study Vira's map and you've traveled this way before, so if you do a fast pace that'll go down to just a straight roll. ]]
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
B'Reh is up early, as always, spending a quiet moment in prayer before the sun peeks over the horizon. As the group shares a simple breakfast, she sets her spear down beside her and speaks calmly but firmly. "We’ve already spent more time in the swamp than I’m comfortable with," she begins, her gaze sweeping over her companions. "If we push ourselves and move quickly today, we can make it back to Winnowing Reach before nightfall. That means no more camping among skeletons or slimes and no need to take unnecessary risks in the dark. Once we’re back in town, we can rest properly, eat a hot meal, and set out early tomorrow morning with renewed strength."
She looks at Kenna, her tone softening slightly. "Your uncle will want to see you safe, and I imagine you’ll be eager to start your studies with that sample. The sooner we’re back, the sooner you can do what you came here to accomplish."
Turning to Vira and Aric, she adds, "The swamp is treacherous, yes, but we've traveled this path before. With Vira's map and all of us working together, I believe we can make the journey safely if we focus and keep pace. What do you all think?"
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Vira nods as she finishes off the last of her meal, her talons tapping the perch thoughtfully. "I agree. The faster we’re out of this place, the better." She glances at the map spread out before them. "We know the path now, and I’d rather deal with a long day of travel than risk another night in the swamp. Skeletons, slimes and emberbats aren’t exactly my idea of restful company."
Survival: Straight roll 7 + 3 guidance= 10
[[ Group Survival Check: 10, 9, 14, 4. For what it's worth, I rolled for Kenna to see if she could help you all pass and she also got a 4. ]]
The group sets out at a quicker pace than before, with Kenna following, much quieter than the day before as she focuses on upholding the quick pace that Vira and B'Reh are setting. The strig cut efficiently through the swamp, stepping on dry patches and seeming to evade any slimes or other creatures that might be out and about during the day.
A few hours into the journey, during a quick break for water, B'Reh takes a moment to consult Vira's map to try and track their progress. She quickly realizes that the group should've been at the edge of the swamp around now. With the clouded sky, it's difficult to track the sun's position, and going off landmarks she figures that the party has traveled much further north than they should have, and are fairly close to the marked red circle on the map. She looks up from the parchment to see Kenna staring at something, with a frightened look on her face. Across the marsh, maybe a few hundred feet away, is a small wooden shack with a thatch roof and a small plume of smoke rising from a chimney near the center of the building.
"You've gotten us lost, haven't you? That's the swamp witch's hut! Uncle Walden says she's evil, that the reason no researchers bring their families with them to the Reach anymore is 'cause she used to steal their children! We have to get out of here before she finds us!" She stands there wringing her hands nervously, clearly wanting to flee but perhaps too scared to leave the protection of her rescuers.
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant