B'Reh gave Brynlee a small nod, brushing off the need for healing. "Thank you, but a good night’s rest will do me just fine. Nothing I can't handle."
When Eliza offered the gold acorns, B'Reh hesitated for a moment before accepting them with a quiet "thank you." It was only then that she realized she had left Meadowfen without a single coin to her name, assuming she’d be offered lodging on the way. Her whole life, she had never needed to think much about money. Her family's status had ensured that such worries were distant. But now, trying to stand on her own, she realized just how challenging it was. She had no money, and the thought crossed her mind—would her name even carry enough weight here in Winnowing Reach to get her a bed or a meal? She doubted it. The realisation was sobering, and she made a mental note to start being more conscious of her resources while they headed toward the Wrangler's Rest.
"Thanks, Eliza. We’ll definitely take you up on that. After the day we've had, a meal and a good rest sound perfect."
She gives a small nod of appreciation, her muscles aching from both the battle and the long journey. "Glad we could help! And good luck setting up your shop. Maybe we’ll stop by tomorrow before we head out."
You all make your way to the Wrangler's Rest, enjoying your meals and a pitcher of ale purchased by Vira in the small dining room on the bottom floor of the inn. Very few other patrons are present. A pair of sable luma sit at one table, quietly discussing the properties of various slimes, another table hosts a dark gray vulpin reading a thick book that looks like some sort of encyclopedia or research journal. After dinner, you make your way up to the second floor where you find two modest rooms waiting for you to rest and recover from the day's events.
You dream of a great storm swirling over the sea. Lightning flashes, thunder booms, and howling winds blow at terrifying speeds. The storm builds and builds, moving towards the land until it crashes against the shore, moving over sandy beaches, then rocky cliffs, then further and further inland until it reaches a great swamp. The storm spins tighter and tighter until the cyclone of wind spirals down into a cave, deeper and deeper, until it reaches a great cavern coated in slime. A pulsating mass at the center flashes red, then green, then orange, then teal, then purple, then blue, then white. The colors continue to cycle through, faster and faster, until they're moving so fast your eyes can barely keep up. They blur together into a bright white that fills your vision completely.
And then you wake up.
You dream of a strig. The man is hurrying through a forest, following a faint trail of broken branches and crushed leaves. He carries no lantern or torch, but the light of a full moon illuminates his heart-shaped face. He draws near a clearing, slowing down and crouching to conceal his presence. There are voices up ahead, two of them, arguing quietly. Two corvum, with feathers as black as coal, stand behind a small wagon that contains a variety of silver and gold dishes, candlesticks, and jewelry pieces. The strig scowls, obviously upset by the sight. He continues creeping forward, but fails to notice a single branch underfoot as he approaches. Crack! The corvum's heads whip toward the noise as they both draw daggers and rush toward the strig, faster than he can react. Darkness falls over the entire clearing.
And then you wake up.
You dream of the forest. Trees, older than your grandmother's grandmother, rise up on either side of you, covered in leaves of emerald and forest green. Faint birdsong fills the air as branches rustle in the breeze. And then another sound reaches your ears, faint, and distant, but definitely there. Thump. Thump. Thump. The trees quake slightly with each impact. Between their trunks, you can see...something...moving in the distance, but it's hard to make out. Thump. Thump. Thump. The sound is growing more distant, yet you feel almost drawn to it. You begin to hurry towards it. Thump. Thump. Thump. It grows slightly louder. The shape of a figure grows clearer as you get closer, a figure nearly as tall as the trees themselves. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. The figure stops. It's so close now that you can see the rough texture of bark covering its body. It stops, and begins to turn.
And then you wake up.
You dream of fire. You aren't sure where it started, or even how far it has spread, but you know it is coming. The heat slowly builds, until it's too much to bear and you must flee. Faster and faster you run, others running ahead of you, and then beside you, and then behind you. Some of them cry out, but it's all you can do to keep running. Nobody can do anything about a fire such as this. Smoke fills the air around you as you leap over fallen logs and push through thickets of leaves. The heat presses against your back, as if the fire itself were alive and pursuing you intently. Faster and faster you run, until you take a step to find there's no ground beneath your feet, and you're falling. You try to spread your feathers and slow your fall, but they're caught up in something and stuck pressed to your body. Air rushes past you as you fall faster and faster.
And then you wake up.
[[ You all receive a long rest and gain a level! (Level 2) ]]
The next morning, you all meet down in the front room of the inn once more. As you return your keys at the counter, the woman working there hands you a piece of fine paper, with a note written on it in neat humblescratch.
I humbly request that you pay a visit to my chambers before leaving town. There are matters of the utmost importance that I must discuss with you. It is my hope that this meeting may be mutually beneficial.
Kind Regards,
Walden Krane Magistrate of Winnowing Reach
[[ Sorry my posts have gotten a bit further apart this week! I'm helping prep for a community event next weekend and will be a lot busier in the evenings until that's over with, so my posts will likely be a little more delayed until that's over. Still aiming for at least once a day, but I have fewer times to choose from for writing, so it may end up being two days here and there because of that. ]]
(No worries Corvaxl. Life happens and that is really cool to be part of a community event. I hope it goes well and you have fun.)
Aric wakes early in the morning very refreshed, more refreshed than he has ever been. In fact, he feels like he got some great new skills to try out. He heads outside before breakfast to try out his new skills.
He then comes in and hands in his key and looks over the note. In the same fast chater speak he says "(topic 1)Hey did you guys have a dream. seemed so real. (topic 2)Oh, did you guys power-up. I did. I'm even faster now. (topic 3)Oh, wow. did you see that note. That's cool. They want to discuss something important. I hope we're not in trouble. No, we haven't been here that long but there was this time...Ops. Sorry." He takes a breath.
In much more normal speak pace "We should go visit the warden."
Vira wakes up, her mind still lingering on the vivid dream—something she hasn’t experienced in a long time. She takes a deep breath, shaking off the feeling of dread that clings to her as she prepares for the day. Meeting the others downstairs, she feels a bit more energized, like Aric mentioned. There’s a newfound strength within her that helps lift her mood, despite the strange dream.
As she listens to the Jerbeen chatter on, she smirks slightly. "Yeah, that dream... it felt way too real." She stretches, feeling the power coursing through her muscles. "But I do feel stronger. Ready to bash more bandits and whatever else gets in our way." She glances at the note handed to them, reading it over quickly.
"Magistrate, huh? Well, I’m curious to see what he wants, but we can’t let it delay us too much. Alderheart’s still our top priority."
(Deducting 3SP for dinner, she is left with a grand total of 8SP, I hope that would be enough for breakfast for everyone. She didn't even think on looting the bandits... There's an owl destined for a poor life.)
B'Reh woke with a sense of unease, the remnants of her dream lingering in her mind. The vision of the strig hurrying through the forest, the sudden darkness, and the confrontation with the corvum left her pondering its meaning. Was it a message from Tyton, a warning about her own path or her family’s tarnished legacy? She wasn’t sure, but it made her feel restless. 'What was my unconscious trying to tell me?' she wondered, though she kept these reflections to herself as she joined the others.
Downstairs, she thanked Vira again for letting her stay in the same room. "I appreciate your company, Vira. Let me at least pay for breakfast," she insisted (unless that's covered for), reaching for the gold Eliza had kindly given her. Whether or not the meal had already been covered, she felt the need to contribute, a small gesture in her journey toward self-sufficiency.
As they discussed the note from Magistrate Walden Krane, B'Reh nodded in agreement with Vira. "Alderheart remains our top priority, no question, but we should at least hear what the magistrate has to say. It may align with our mission, and at the very least, understanding his concerns could help us avoid any local issues along the way."
Brynlee awakes, the pounding in her head continues even into her wake until it becomes the familiar pounding of her own heartbeat in her mind. Her dream was a gentle reminder of the greater purpose she lives for in the world. There was something familiar about it, but at the same time something different, larger than herself.
She meets the others as they are discussing the note left by the Magistrate. "Matters of utmost importance? We are on a mission that's already of the utmost importance. What could be more important?" she says. "I mean I guess we hear him out right?"
Vira listens as B'Reh and Brynlee share their thoughts, nodding in agreement. She offers B'Reh a small smile when thanked. "No problem, B'Reh. You don’t owe me anything for that." She waves off the offer for breakfast, feeling it’s unnecessary to keep track of small favors between comrades. "Besides, I'm sure you'll have to patch me up with your magic at some point...or points." She gives a slightly embarrassed look. Avoiding damage didn't really occur to her when she raged.
You all make your way back to the tree near the center of town with the stately home you'd seen the night before. There is more motion on the streets than there was last night, but still less than you'd expect for the size of the town. Many of the people you see are more scholarly-looking birdfolk, though there are still some humblefolk mixed in. A jerbeen woman looks busy opening the apothecary for the day, and you catch a brief glimpse of Eliza unpacking several boxes from her cart, pausing to give you all a friendly wave.
When you reach the base of the trunk, all it takes to pass the birdfolk guards in front of the stairs is a brief look at the note you all received before they usher you up to the house above. A brief moment after you knock, the door opens to reveal a jet-black kindled corvum. He is dressed in finery and appears to be well-groomed, but at the moment his feathers are ruffled with what seems to be worry. "Ah, the adventurers! Thank Clhuran you came! Please come in, come, come." He ushers you into a nice sitting room with a fine couch and several chairs facing each other. He all but collapses into one of the chairs across from the entrance and continues in a worried voice, "Please, you have to help me. Kenna, that foolish girl, has gotten in over her head! She ventured to the caverns looking for slimes, but hasn’t returned for days! I can only hope she’s still alive—she's got some research project she says is important, thinks it might hold the key to taming the elements and stopping the fires, but it'll all be for naught if she's lost to the swamp! I heard from Eliza what heroes you were on the road yesterday, and I was hoping you might be able to help? She mentioned you were headed for Alderheart—I have connections there as a magistrate, you know. The guilds, the magistrate, even the Birdfolk Council itself—I'll do all I can to assist you if you can bring back Kenna safely."
At the sight of the black-feathered corvum, b'Reh paused mid-step, her dream from the night before flashing vividly in her mind. For a brief moment, she couldn’t shake the image of the two corvum thieves from her vision, but she quickly reminded herself that this magistrate, finely dressed and clearly distressed, was no common criminal. Still, the coincidence was unsettling, and it took her a second to push the unease aside. As the magistrate explained the situation, b'Reh listened closely, her wariness growing. The urgency of finding Kenna was apparent, but the delay this rescue mission would cause tugged at her sense of duty to Alderheart. She exchanged a glance with her companions, her thoughts lingering on their original mission.
"Magistrate Krane," she began carefully, stepping forward, "we understand the importance of this matter, and we certainly don’t wish any harm to come to Kenna. However, we are tasked with delivering a message of great urgency to Alderheart." Her tone was steady, though a hint of reluctance lingered in her words. "We will need to discuss this as a group, but time is of the essence for us as well." Though b'Reh remained respectful, her mind raced with the possible delays this task might impose. 'Can we truly afford to take this detour?' she thought, waiting to hear what her companions would say.
Vira listens intently to Magistrate Krane, her mind drifting briefly back to the dream she had of the flames and the horror they brought. The thought of the fires consuming more towns like Ashbarrow fills her with a sense of urgency. This...slime project of Kenna’s, if it could truly help stop the fires, might be the key to preventing more destruction. Even when they deliver their message to Alderheart, that’s just securing aid for the aftermath.
But then there are the bandits. They still pose a threat, and the road to Alderheart isn’t safe. Delaying their mission could put even more lives in danger.
Vira crosses her arms, thinking hard, before speaking up. "I want to save Kenna, of course, just on the face of it. Not to mention her research...The fires, I’ve seen what they can do. If her project could help stop them, or even just slow the spread, it'd save so many..." She glances at her companions, clearly torn. "But the bandits and our message to Alderheart, that’s important too. We can’t afford to take too long, but I'll fight hard to get us there fast either way." Her feathers puff up somewhat and she nods resolutely, looking to the others for their input.
"The fires have long affected this lands. I agree that her research may be a much needed advantage to this fight." Brynlee says opting to stand in the room rather than sit in one of the comfortable looking chairs.
The Tenders and Council needed to hear their message, and be warned of the impending danger of the roads. So many innocent lives at risk.
"How far away are the caverns? How long would this rescue mission delay our journey to Alderheart? You speak of your connection to the council of Alderheart. What aid could you offer in us delivering our message?" Brynlee asks, all of her question spilling out at once.
"The caverns are just over a day's journey from here following the safest route. You might be able to make it in a day if you traveled at a faster pace, or if you cut straight across the Mokk Fields from here instead of first going south along the edge then I'm sure you could make it in under a day."
"As for what aid I can offer you, why, I am a magistrate. My words carry weight. Surely you don't think the great Birdfolk Council will just hear anyone's appeals on a whim? There are processes to that sort of thing. You would very likely spend days waiting to meet with the magistrate of Alderheart to receive his endorsement for a meeting with the Council once you arrived in the great tree city. Of course, such an endorsement can come from any magistrate of the Wood, but I would only consider providing you with such a document if Kenna were safely returned."He watches you all expectantly, clearly hoping for a favorable response to this offer.
Passive Perception 13:
You notice his eyes briefly flick to the mantle above the fireplace, where a picture of three corvums sits next to a vase of white and blue swamp flowers. One of the birdfolk is clearly the magistrate, though several years younger than he appears now. An adult female corvum stands next to him in the painting, with similar patterns of feathers across her head and around her eyes. Between them stands a young girl, who bears a clear resemblance to the woman, holding a thick book and a magnifying glass.
Vira catches the magistrate’s subtle glance toward the mantle above the fireplace, where a family portrait rests. Her gaze lingers on the picture—a younger version of the magistrate, a woman who must be his wife, and a studious-looking young corvum, likely Kenna. It’s clear now that this is more than just a request for help; it’s personal.
She nods slightly to herself, feeling a shift in her understanding. Magistrate Krane is desperate, and she believes he’ll follow through on his promise if they help him. The weight of his offer, combined with what’s at stake for his family, makes her decision easier.
"You could’ve just said outright that Kenna’s your daughter," Vira says, her tone soft but direct, meeting the magistrate’s gaze. "But I get it."
She glances at her companions, then adds, "If this can help fight the fires, it’s worth it. And having his endorsement will make sure we don’t waste time in Alderheart." She gives a firm nod.
B'Reh had remained quiet, her mind still weighing the situation. The brief flicker of the magistrate’s eyes toward the family portrait had not gone unnoticed by her and B'Reh felt her resistance soften. It reminded her that this wasn’t just about politics or favors; it was about saving someone’s life now. She didn’t want to sacrifice one life in the present for the possibility of helping many in the future. Lives in immediate danger must take precedence, she thought, trying to convince herself. With a thoughtful nod toward Vira’s words, she spoke calmly, “I agree. Kenna’s work could be crucial, and helping her is the right thing to do. But let’s not get reckless.” Her gaze swept over the group, her tone firm but measured. “It wouldn’t serve us to get lost or ambushed by cutting through dangerous territory. Safety comes first—if we rush and fall into trouble, someone else will have to come rescue us, too, and we will lose even more time.” She met the magistrate’s gaze, her decision solidifying. “We’ll help, but we’ll do it the safe way. We can’t afford any more delays than necessary.”
Walden's face falls slightly at Vira's direct jab about his relationship to Kenna. "She's my niece. I was worried if you knew my relationship to her that you might think that was the only reason I wanted to see her safely returned. She is quite important to me, especially since we lost her mother—my sister—last song, but every word I said about her research was true as well."
As B'Reh speaks, his face lights up with cautious excitement. "Oh, wonderful! Thank you! You should reach the best place to cut across the swamp in about a day's travel, and then the southern entrance to the caverns just a couple of hours into the next morning. If all goes well, I will hope to see you all back here around midday on Thirsbeat."
Brynlee nods at the discussion oblivipus to how the others determined that the magistrate and the young Kenna were related. Other than species Brynlee didn't see the connection.
"We appreciate your aid with the council upon our return. It would be beneficial to seek an audience in Alderheart upon our arrival. Our business is of serious import." Brynlee acknowledges. "Although time is of the essence, the safest approach the the caverns is better." She nods briefly at B'Reh in aggreance.
"We should leave soon, so we can find the best place to camp for the night before we journey into the swamp."
B'Reh listened as Brynlee spoke and nodded in agreement. She turned to Magistrate Walden, her tone respectful yet determined. "Thank you for the directions, Magistrate. We’ll do everything in our power to bring Kenna back safely, you have my word on that." Her gaze briefly swept over her companions, offering a firm nod with which she signals her readiness to depart.
B'Reh gave Brynlee a small nod, brushing off the need for healing. "Thank you, but a good night’s rest will do me just fine. Nothing I can't handle."
When Eliza offered the gold acorns, B'Reh hesitated for a moment before accepting them with a quiet "thank you." It was only then that she realized she had left Meadowfen without a single coin to her name, assuming she’d be offered lodging on the way. Her whole life, she had never needed to think much about money. Her family's status had ensured that such worries were distant. But now, trying to stand on her own, she realized just how challenging it was. She had no money, and the thought crossed her mind—would her name even carry enough weight here in Winnowing Reach to get her a bed or a meal? She doubted it. The realisation was sobering, and she made a mental note to start being more conscious of her resources while they headed toward the Wrangler's Rest.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
"Thanks, Eliza. We’ll definitely take you up on that. After the day we've had, a meal and a good rest sound perfect."
She gives a small nod of appreciation, her muscles aching from both the battle and the long journey. "Glad we could help! And good luck setting up your shop. Maybe we’ll stop by tomorrow before we head out."
"Food. Yeah, food good. Let's go." Aric says in his chattery voice.
D&D since 1984
You all make your way to the Wrangler's Rest, enjoying your meals and a pitcher of ale purchased by Vira in the small dining room on the bottom floor of the inn. Very few other patrons are present. A pair of sable luma sit at one table, quietly discussing the properties of various slimes, another table hosts a dark gray vulpin reading a thick book that looks like some sort of encyclopedia or research journal. After dinner, you make your way up to the second floor where you find two modest rooms waiting for you to rest and recover from the day's events.
You dream of a great storm swirling over the sea. Lightning flashes, thunder booms, and howling winds blow at terrifying speeds. The storm builds and builds, moving towards the land until it crashes against the shore, moving over sandy beaches, then rocky cliffs, then further and further inland until it reaches a great swamp. The storm spins tighter and tighter until the cyclone of wind spirals down into a cave, deeper and deeper, until it reaches a great cavern coated in slime. A pulsating mass at the center flashes red, then green, then orange, then teal, then purple, then blue, then white. The colors continue to cycle through, faster and faster, until they're moving so fast your eyes can barely keep up. They blur together into a bright white that fills your vision completely.
And then you wake up.
You dream of a strig. The man is hurrying through a forest, following a faint trail of broken branches and crushed leaves. He carries no lantern or torch, but the light of a full moon illuminates his heart-shaped face. He draws near a clearing, slowing down and crouching to conceal his presence. There are voices up ahead, two of them, arguing quietly. Two corvum, with feathers as black as coal, stand behind a small wagon that contains a variety of silver and gold dishes, candlesticks, and jewelry pieces. The strig scowls, obviously upset by the sight. He continues creeping forward, but fails to notice a single branch underfoot as he approaches. Crack! The corvum's heads whip toward the noise as they both draw daggers and rush toward the strig, faster than he can react. Darkness falls over the entire clearing.
And then you wake up.
You dream of the forest. Trees, older than your grandmother's grandmother, rise up on either side of you, covered in leaves of emerald and forest green. Faint birdsong fills the air as branches rustle in the breeze. And then another sound reaches your ears, faint, and distant, but definitely there. Thump. Thump. Thump. The trees quake slightly with each impact. Between their trunks, you can see...something...moving in the distance, but it's hard to make out. Thump. Thump. Thump. The sound is growing more distant, yet you feel almost drawn to it. You begin to hurry towards it. Thump. Thump. Thump. It grows slightly louder. The shape of a figure grows clearer as you get closer, a figure nearly as tall as the trees themselves. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. The figure stops. It's so close now that you can see the rough texture of bark covering its body. It stops, and begins to turn.
And then you wake up.
You dream of fire. You aren't sure where it started, or even how far it has spread, but you know it is coming. The heat slowly builds, until it's too much to bear and you must flee. Faster and faster you run, others running ahead of you, and then beside you, and then behind you. Some of them cry out, but it's all you can do to keep running. Nobody can do anything about a fire such as this. Smoke fills the air around you as you leap over fallen logs and push through thickets of leaves. The heat presses against your back, as if the fire itself were alive and pursuing you intently. Faster and faster you run, until you take a step to find there's no ground beneath your feet, and you're falling. You try to spread your feathers and slow your fall, but they're caught up in something and stuck pressed to your body. Air rushes past you as you fall faster and faster.
And then you wake up.
[[ You all receive a long rest and gain a level! (Level 2) ]]
The next morning, you all meet down in the front room of the inn once more. As you return your keys at the counter, the woman working there hands you a piece of fine paper, with a note written on it in neat humblescratch.
I humbly request that you pay a visit to my chambers before leaving town. There are matters of the utmost importance that I must discuss with you. It is my hope that this meeting may be mutually beneficial.
Kind Regards,
Walden Krane
Magistrate of Winnowing Reach
[[ Sorry my posts have gotten a bit further apart this week! I'm helping prep for a community event next weekend and will be a lot busier in the evenings until that's over with, so my posts will likely be a little more delayed until that's over. Still aiming for at least once a day, but I have fewer times to choose from for writing, so it may end up being two days here and there because of that. ]]
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
(No worries Corvaxl. Life happens and that is really cool to be part of a community event. I hope it goes well and you have fun.)
Aric wakes early in the morning very refreshed, more refreshed than he has ever been. In fact, he feels like he got some great new skills to try out. He heads outside before breakfast to try out his new skills.
He then comes in and hands in his key and looks over the note. In the same fast chater speak he says "(topic 1)Hey did you guys have a dream. seemed so real. (topic 2)Oh, did you guys power-up. I did. I'm even faster now. (topic 3)Oh, wow. did you see that note. That's cool. They want to discuss something important. I hope we're not in trouble. No, we haven't been here that long but there was this time...Ops. Sorry." He takes a breath.
In much more normal speak pace "We should go visit the warden."
D&D since 1984
Vira wakes up, her mind still lingering on the vivid dream—something she hasn’t experienced in a long time. She takes a deep breath, shaking off the feeling of dread that clings to her as she prepares for the day. Meeting the others downstairs, she feels a bit more energized, like Aric mentioned. There’s a newfound strength within her that helps lift her mood, despite the strange dream.
As she listens to the Jerbeen chatter on, she smirks slightly. "Yeah, that dream... it felt way too real." She stretches, feeling the power coursing through her muscles. "But I do feel stronger. Ready to bash more bandits and whatever else gets in our way." She glances at the note handed to them, reading it over quickly.
"Magistrate, huh? Well, I’m curious to see what he wants, but we can’t let it delay us too much. Alderheart’s still our top priority."
(Deducting 3SP for dinner, she is left with a grand total of 8SP, I hope that would be enough for breakfast for everyone. She didn't even think on looting the bandits... There's an owl destined for a poor life.)
B'Reh woke with a sense of unease, the remnants of her dream lingering in her mind. The vision of the strig hurrying through the forest, the sudden darkness, and the confrontation with the corvum left her pondering its meaning. Was it a message from Tyton, a warning about her own path or her family’s tarnished legacy? She wasn’t sure, but it made her feel restless. 'What was my unconscious trying to tell me?' she wondered, though she kept these reflections to herself as she joined the others.
Downstairs, she thanked Vira again for letting her stay in the same room. "I appreciate your company, Vira. Let me at least pay for breakfast," she insisted (unless that's covered for), reaching for the gold Eliza had kindly given her. Whether or not the meal had already been covered, she felt the need to contribute, a small gesture in her journey toward self-sufficiency.
As they discussed the note from Magistrate Walden Krane, B'Reh nodded in agreement with Vira. "Alderheart remains our top priority, no question, but we should at least hear what the magistrate has to say. It may align with our mission, and at the very least, understanding his concerns could help us avoid any local issues along the way."
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Brynlee awakes, the pounding in her head continues even into her wake until it becomes the familiar pounding of her own heartbeat in her mind. Her dream was a gentle reminder of the greater purpose she lives for in the world. There was something familiar about it, but at the same time something different, larger than herself.
She meets the others as they are discussing the note left by the Magistrate. "Matters of utmost importance? We are on a mission that's already of the utmost importance. What could be more important?" she says. "I mean I guess we hear him out right?"
Vira listens as B'Reh and Brynlee share their thoughts, nodding in agreement. She offers B'Reh a small smile when thanked. "No problem, B'Reh. You don’t owe me anything for that." She waves off the offer for breakfast, feeling it’s unnecessary to keep track of small favors between comrades. "Besides, I'm sure you'll have to patch me up with your magic at some point...or points." She gives a slightly embarrassed look. Avoiding damage didn't really occur to her when she raged.
You all make your way back to the tree near the center of town with the stately home you'd seen the night before. There is more motion on the streets than there was last night, but still less than you'd expect for the size of the town. Many of the people you see are more scholarly-looking birdfolk, though there are still some humblefolk mixed in. A jerbeen woman looks busy opening the apothecary for the day, and you catch a brief glimpse of Eliza unpacking several boxes from her cart, pausing to give you all a friendly wave.
When you reach the base of the trunk, all it takes to pass the birdfolk guards in front of the stairs is a brief look at the note you all received before they usher you up to the house above. A brief moment after you knock, the door opens to reveal a jet-black kindled corvum. He is dressed in finery and appears to be well-groomed, but at the moment his feathers are ruffled with what seems to be worry. "Ah, the adventurers! Thank Clhuran you came! Please come in, come, come." He ushers you into a nice sitting room with a fine couch and several chairs facing each other. He all but collapses into one of the chairs across from the entrance and continues in a worried voice, "Please, you have to help me. Kenna, that foolish girl, has gotten in over her head! She ventured to the caverns looking for slimes, but hasn’t returned for days! I can only hope she’s still alive—she's got some research project she says is important, thinks it might hold the key to taming the elements and stopping the fires, but it'll all be for naught if she's lost to the swamp! I heard from Eliza what heroes you were on the road yesterday, and I was hoping you might be able to help? She mentioned you were headed for Alderheart—I have connections there as a magistrate, you know. The guilds, the magistrate, even the Birdfolk Council itself—I'll do all I can to assist you if you can bring back Kenna safely."
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
At the sight of the black-feathered corvum, b'Reh paused mid-step, her dream from the night before flashing vividly in her mind. For a brief moment, she couldn’t shake the image of the two corvum thieves from her vision, but she quickly reminded herself that this magistrate, finely dressed and clearly distressed, was no common criminal. Still, the coincidence was unsettling, and it took her a second to push the unease aside. As the magistrate explained the situation, b'Reh listened closely, her wariness growing. The urgency of finding Kenna was apparent, but the delay this rescue mission would cause tugged at her sense of duty to Alderheart. She exchanged a glance with her companions, her thoughts lingering on their original mission.
"Magistrate Krane," she began carefully, stepping forward, "we understand the importance of this matter, and we certainly don’t wish any harm to come to Kenna. However, we are tasked with delivering a message of great urgency to Alderheart." Her tone was steady, though a hint of reluctance lingered in her words. "We will need to discuss this as a group, but time is of the essence for us as well." Though b'Reh remained respectful, her mind raced with the possible delays this task might impose. 'Can we truly afford to take this detour?' she thought, waiting to hear what her companions would say.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Vira listens intently to Magistrate Krane, her mind drifting briefly back to the dream she had of the flames and the horror they brought. The thought of the fires consuming more towns like Ashbarrow fills her with a sense of urgency. This...slime project of Kenna’s, if it could truly help stop the fires, might be the key to preventing more destruction. Even when they deliver their message to Alderheart, that’s just securing aid for the aftermath.
But then there are the bandits. They still pose a threat, and the road to Alderheart isn’t safe. Delaying their mission could put even more lives in danger.
Vira crosses her arms, thinking hard, before speaking up. "I want to save Kenna, of course, just on the face of it. Not to mention her research...The fires, I’ve seen what they can do. If her project could help stop them, or even just slow the spread, it'd save so many..." She glances at her companions, clearly torn. "But the bandits and our message to Alderheart, that’s important too. We can’t afford to take too long, but I'll fight hard to get us there fast either way." Her feathers puff up somewhat and she nods resolutely, looking to the others for their input.
"The fires have long affected this lands. I agree that her research may be a much needed advantage to this fight." Brynlee says opting to stand in the room rather than sit in one of the comfortable looking chairs.
The Tenders and Council needed to hear their message, and be warned of the impending danger of the roads. So many innocent lives at risk.
"How far away are the caverns? How long would this rescue mission delay our journey to Alderheart? You speak of your connection to the council of Alderheart. What aid could you offer in us delivering our message?" Brynlee asks, all of her question spilling out at once.
"The caverns are just over a day's journey from here following the safest route. You might be able to make it in a day if you traveled at a faster pace, or if you cut straight across the Mokk Fields from here instead of first going south along the edge then I'm sure you could make it in under a day."
"As for what aid I can offer you, why, I am a magistrate. My words carry weight. Surely you don't think the great Birdfolk Council will just hear anyone's appeals on a whim? There are processes to that sort of thing. You would very likely spend days waiting to meet with the magistrate of Alderheart to receive his endorsement for a meeting with the Council once you arrived in the great tree city. Of course, such an endorsement can come from any magistrate of the Wood, but I would only consider providing you with such a document if Kenna were safely returned." He watches you all expectantly, clearly hoping for a favorable response to this offer.
Passive Perception 13:
You notice his eyes briefly flick to the mantle above the fireplace, where a picture of three corvums sits next to a vase of white and blue swamp flowers. One of the birdfolk is clearly the magistrate, though several years younger than he appears now. An adult female corvum stands next to him in the painting, with similar patterns of feathers across her head and around her eyes. Between them stands a young girl, who bears a clear resemblance to the woman, holding a thick book and a magnifying glass.
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
Vira catches the magistrate’s subtle glance toward the mantle above the fireplace, where a family portrait rests. Her gaze lingers on the picture—a younger version of the magistrate, a woman who must be his wife, and a studious-looking young corvum, likely Kenna. It’s clear now that this is more than just a request for help; it’s personal.
She nods slightly to herself, feeling a shift in her understanding. Magistrate Krane is desperate, and she believes he’ll follow through on his promise if they help him. The weight of his offer, combined with what’s at stake for his family, makes her decision easier.
"You could’ve just said outright that Kenna’s your daughter," Vira says, her tone soft but direct, meeting the magistrate’s gaze. "But I get it."
She glances at her companions, then adds, "If this can help fight the fires, it’s worth it. And having his endorsement will make sure we don’t waste time in Alderheart." She gives a firm nod.
B'Reh had remained quiet, her mind still weighing the situation. The brief flicker of the magistrate’s eyes toward the family portrait had not gone unnoticed by her and B'Reh felt her resistance soften. It reminded her that this wasn’t just about politics or favors; it was about saving someone’s life now. She didn’t want to sacrifice one life in the present for the possibility of helping many in the future. Lives in immediate danger must take precedence, she thought, trying to convince herself. With a thoughtful nod toward Vira’s words, she spoke calmly, “I agree. Kenna’s work could be crucial, and helping her is the right thing to do. But let’s not get reckless.” Her gaze swept over the group, her tone firm but measured. “It wouldn’t serve us to get lost or ambushed by cutting through dangerous territory. Safety comes first—if we rush and fall into trouble, someone else will have to come rescue us, too, and we will lose even more time.” She met the magistrate’s gaze, her decision solidifying. “We’ll help, but we’ll do it the safe way. We can’t afford any more delays than necessary.”
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Walden's face falls slightly at Vira's direct jab about his relationship to Kenna. "She's my niece. I was worried if you knew my relationship to her that you might think that was the only reason I wanted to see her safely returned. She is quite important to me, especially since we lost her mother—my sister—last song, but every word I said about her research was true as well."
As B'Reh speaks, his face lights up with cautious excitement. "Oh, wonderful! Thank you! You should reach the best place to cut across the swamp in about a day's travel, and then the southern entrance to the caverns just a couple of hours into the next morning. If all goes well, I will hope to see you all back here around midday on Thirsbeat."
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
Brynlee nods at the discussion oblivipus to how the others determined that the magistrate and the young Kenna were related. Other than species Brynlee didn't see the connection.
"We appreciate your aid with the council upon our return. It would be beneficial to seek an audience in Alderheart upon our arrival. Our business is of serious import." Brynlee acknowledges. "Although time is of the essence, the safest approach the the caverns is better." She nods briefly at B'Reh in aggreance.
"We should leave soon, so we can find the best place to camp for the night before we journey into the swamp."
B'Reh listened as Brynlee spoke and nodded in agreement. She turned to Magistrate Walden, her tone respectful yet determined. "Thank you for the directions, Magistrate. We’ll do everything in our power to bring Kenna back safely, you have my word on that." Her gaze briefly swept over her companions, offering a firm nod with which she signals her readiness to depart.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Aric keeps quite in the back as they older folks discuss the wherewithals.
"So, we go rescue Kenna then? Yep, rescue."
D&D since 1984