Seraph raises his hand for the others to stop. He motions for the others to remain quiet as he intently listens at the door to see what else he can hear.
After a pause Seraph hears the words “yes” spoken in a different voice There is a slightly longer pause and then in the first voice he hears the words “and?” In the second voice he hears the words “Yes Tooth of Vecna I will obey!”
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Lucas cocked head in confusion at first. But once enough mental gears began churning it was with a bit of a start that he strike a skyrim stealth squat in adherence to the request! However, apart from that he had little less to contribute except resisting the impulsive thought to strike up one of his favorite classic stealth songs.
... Though, it isn't long before he began to visibly tremble from the act of restraint!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Seraph turns to the others and whispers quietly "There are at least two people in the next room. Ready yourselves and we will enter and see who they are."
Can I have the following: (1) Initiative rolls (2) Party order (3) Initial actions if they can be determined (NB - Frandal seems to have gone dark so their character will not participate!)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Seraph steps through the doorway onto a five foot by five foot wide platform which is about 10 feet above the floor of a room (40 feet east-west and 35 feet north-south) and is located in the middle of the eastern wall. Passoveloce takes the opportunity to look through Seraph’s legs. They can both see that the room is set out as a meeting room or mess hall with a table and several stools alongside the northern wall and another just to the south of the platform. There is a round table and several more chairs clustered around it in the southwest corner approximately 35 feet from the platform. Standing around this table are five humans. In the southeast corner - 15 feet from the platform - water drips from an overhead pipe into a basin. On the wall above the basin Seraph and Passoveloce can both make out an image of a staring eye gripped in a weathered - almost skeletal - hand.
At the back of the party VIdar does a quick head count and realises that Anardil is no longer with them. Upon reflection he thinks she may not have come back from escorting Sarcelle out of the complex.
"Damn" mutters Passoveloce to himself, "I thought the room would be smaller." As he steps off the platform to the floor below, drops his staff and nocks an arrow in his bow. He looks at the humans, sizes up which one he thinks might be the leader and sends a couple of arrows in their direction.
Spot the leader : Insight : 21 (If can use perception instead add 4 more to this roll)
DM rule - Passoveloce and Hidden both have an initiative of ‘17’. As their proposed interactions can influence each other’s action I am ruling as follows: 1 - 3 means Hidden goes first 4 - 6 means Passoveloce goes first 4
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Passoveloce spots on be of the humans whose robes appear to be of a slightly better than the other four; interestingly this figure is wearing a necklace made of what appear to be teeth. Deciding he may be the leader Passoveloce targets him!
As Passoveloce gets his shot away, one of the humans makes two distinct sets of hand movements and ….
Pasoveloce Wisdom saving throw = 22 [22 rolled]
Passoveloce then finds to his surprise a giant floating eyeball suddenly slams into his head Attack: 17 Damage: 10
Seraph steps onto the platform and looks around the room. Spotting the group and seeing their robes and attire he takes them for some sort of cultists. He is a bit surprised as a couple of arrows fly past him before any attempt to get the people to surrender is made. But as they retaliate immediately to the attack by Passoveloce he raises his blade and points it at the one who retaliated against Pass.
Two streaks of eldritch energy fly toward the man as Seraph strides down the stairs further into the room and bellows "Surrender now and your lives will be spared."
From game log
Attack Eldritch Blast x2 25 and 25 damage 4 and 10
Move to bottom of stairs and 5 feet towards the group.
(( I was dark... sorry... rolled initiative and got a 10 and I guess Anardil was closing the march we can say she is making sure Gyaan makes it safe out of the cementery and comes back after this fight or that she was there at the end of the line... whatever you choose is fine! ))
Gyaan follows the group into the room. Before he can fully assess the situation, seeing combat breaking out, in order to protect the group he launches a blast of energy at the enemies.
Eldritch Blast Attack: 19 Damage: 8
Eldritch Blast Attack: 27 Damage: 6
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Seraph raises his hand for the others to stop. He motions for the others to remain quiet as he intently listens at the door to see what else he can hear.
After a pause Seraph hears the words “yes” spoken in a different voice
There is a slightly longer pause and then in the first voice he hears the words “and?”
In the second voice he hears the words “Yes Tooth of Vecna I will obey!”
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Lucas cocked head in confusion at first. But once enough mental gears began churning it was with a bit of a start that he strike a skyrim stealth squat in adherence to the request! However, apart from that he had little less to contribute except resisting the impulsive thought to strike up one of his favorite classic stealth songs.
... Though, it isn't long before he began to visibly tremble from the act of restraint!
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Passoveloce does his best to remain calm & quiet, whilst preparing for what might happen next.
Tirohia te Moana - Level 2 Cleric - What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor?
Ebonitus de Viribus - Level 4 Cleric - The Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond.
Seraph turns to the others and whispers quietly "There are at least two people in the next room. Ready yourselves and we will enter and see who they are."
Can I have the following:
(1) Initiative rolls
(2) Party order
(3) Initial actions if they can be determined
(NB - Frandal seems to have gone dark so their character will not participate!)
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
(1)Lucas Initiative: 10.
(2)2nd to last
(3) Ready a (1st level)Magic Mints as soon as he has eyes on a potential cultist once the door is opened.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Passoveloce initiative: 16
Position 2nd - behind seraph
He has his staff in hand, ready for action.
Tirohia te Moana - Level 2 Cleric - What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor?
Ebonitus de Viribus - Level 4 Cleric - The Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond.
I forgot Passoveloce gets advantage on Initiative rolls, so here is his second roll: 17
Tirohia te Moana - Level 2 Cleric - What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor?
Ebonitus de Viribus - Level 4 Cleric - The Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond.
Position: Rear of the group
Initiative: 10
Initial Actions: Rage (depending on threat level), ready halberd
Seraph initiative - 16 (game log)
Seraph will lead the way. He will pull or push the door open and then materialize his rapier in his hand as he enters
Seraph steps through the doorway onto a five foot by five foot wide platform which is about 10 feet above the floor of a room (40 feet east-west and 35 feet north-south) and is located in the middle of the eastern wall. Passoveloce takes the opportunity to look through Seraph’s legs. They can both see that the room is set out as a meeting room or mess hall with a table and several stools alongside the northern wall and another just to the south of the platform. There is a round table and several more chairs clustered around it in the southwest corner approximately 35 feet from the platform. Standing around this table are five humans. In the southeast corner - 15 feet from the platform - water drips from an overhead pipe into a basin. On the wall above the basin Seraph and Passoveloce can both make out an image of a staring eye gripped in a weathered - almost skeletal - hand.
At the back of the party VIdar does a quick head count and realises that Anardil is no longer with them. Upon reflection he thinks she may not have come back from escorting Sarcelle out of the complex.
Initiative: Passoveloce & Hidden {17}, Seraph {16}, Gyaan {14}, Dark {13}, Repressed {11}, Vidar {10}, Lucas {9}, Oxtu & Forgotten {7}
Passoveloce - you’re up
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"Damn" mutters Passoveloce to himself, "I thought the room would be smaller." As he steps off the platform to the floor below, drops his staff and nocks an arrow in his bow. He looks at the humans, sizes up which one he thinks might be the leader and sends a couple of arrows in their direction.
Spot the leader : Insight : 21 (If can use perception instead add 4 more to this roll)
Attack: Attack: 15 Damage: 9
Attack: Attack: 18 Damage: 10
If either of those hit: Sneak attack bonus damage (includes 3pt assassinate bonus): 9
Bonus action: ReadyIf any of the rest of the party comes down to the floor level, Passoveloce will hide behind them
Tirohia te Moana - Level 2 Cleric - What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor?
Ebonitus de Viribus - Level 4 Cleric - The Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond.
DM rule - Passoveloce and Hidden both have an initiative of ‘17’. As their proposed interactions can influence each other’s action I am ruling as follows:
1 - 3 means Hidden goes first
4 - 6 means Passoveloce goes first
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Passoveloce spots on be of the humans whose robes appear to be of a slightly better than the other four; interestingly this figure is wearing a necklace made of what appear to be teeth. Deciding he may be the leader Passoveloce targets him!
As Passoveloce gets his shot away, one of the humans makes two distinct sets of hand movements and ….
Pasoveloce Wisdom saving throw = 22 [22 rolled]
Passoveloce then finds to his surprise a giant floating eyeball suddenly slams into his head Attack: 17 Damage: 10
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Seraph you’re up
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Seraph steps onto the platform and looks around the room. Spotting the group and seeing their robes and attire he takes them for some sort of cultists. He is a bit surprised as a couple of arrows fly past him before any attempt to get the people to surrender is made. But as they retaliate immediately to the attack by Passoveloce he raises his blade and points it at the one who retaliated against Pass.
Two streaks of eldritch energy fly toward the man as Seraph strides down the stairs further into the room and bellows "Surrender now and your lives will be spared."
From game log
Attack Eldritch Blast x2 25 and 25 damage 4 and 10
Move to bottom of stairs and 5 feet towards the group.
“Not going to happen” the cultist targeted by Passoveloce yells back as … (OOC - Seraph what damage, etc does your attack do?)
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
(( I was dark... sorry... rolled initiative and got a 10 and I guess Anardil was closing the march we can say she is making sure Gyaan makes it safe out of the cementery and comes back after this fight or that she was there at the end of the line... whatever you choose is fine! ))
PbP Character: A few ;)
Gyaan follows the group into the room. Before he can fully assess the situation, seeing combat breaking out, in order to protect the group he launches a blast of energy at the enemies.
Eldritch Blast Attack: 19 Damage: 8
Eldritch Blast Attack: 27 Damage: 6