As the wight's (E) longsword is about to strike Passoveloce, he nimbly slips inside the swing and deflects the blow into wight A. This put wight E so off balance that he missed with his claw. Following this up with an upward strike through the wight's groin with his shortsword, then puliing it out and striking again through the gut towards the heart. Following this with an athletic jump and kick to wight A's head - if it is still attached.
Reaction: Deflect attack: damage reduction: 13 if >10 then Redirect attack damage on wight A: 16 (save Dex DC15 to dodge)
Action: Attack: 22 Damage: 8
Attack: 29 Damage: 11
Bonus Action: Attack: 29 Damage: 19
If any of these hit, sneak attack extra damage: 10
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Tirohia te Moana - Level 2 Cleric - What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor?
Ebonitus de Viribus - Level 4 Cleric - The Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond.
Passoveloce manages to deflect Wight #E’s Longsword attack sufficiently that the Wight strikes his companion (Wight #A) instead. Passoveloce then follows up with a series of strikes that cause Wight #A to collapse.
Vidar you are up!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Hearing the sound of more enemies, Vidar calls out "We need to finish these enemies before we get overwhelmed!" and slashes at the closest targets. (Wight E?)
Attack: 10 Damage: 13
Attack: 28 Damage: 9
If either attack land, cleave on second target (if there is one)
Attack: 25 Damage: 4
Polearm Attack: 23 Damage: 8
Savage attacker dice 4 use for the lowest of the first two attacks
There are two wights (Wight #C & Wight #D) left facing Anardil and Seraph respectively. Vidar steps through the gap and attacks Wight #C from behind. Wight #C swings at Anardil who attempts to dodge out of them way.
Longsword = Attack: 18 Damage: 7
Claw Attack: 15 Damage: 6 - this is Necrotic damage and requires a DC13 (Con) save to avoid permanent reduction in HP until Long Rest
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Hearing fewer swords clashing inside, Lucas glances around one last time while outside, making sure no actual zombies were on approach, before slipping inside while trying to close the door behind him. But if a casual attempt at it avails him not, he scoffs and just hustle along to the top the stairs if the way was clear, calling out, "Got the buggers outside. Ya'll okay down there? Need some help?"
Depending on the response and who he could see from the top, he'd break out a white strip of cloth, bind it around a hand, and utter a sharp word of power that would see both himself, Totally-not-a-dragon, and "lil' Slimshady" feeling a surge of strength and vitality not felt since their younger years, OR... break out a dagger and ready to throw at the first wight or enemy to come racing up the stairs.
Movement: To top of stairs.
Action: Cast (4th level)Aid on Lucas, Pass, & Gyaan, increasing max HP by 15 and healing the same amount.
OR(If unable to see said targets)
Action: Ready Dagger Throw at 1st enemy to try and come up stairs.
Anardil sees that her previous tactic, of trying to be the focus of several undead letting the others to dispatch them, is not working, so she decides to go on full offensive and finish them off as soon as possible.
(I am on the phone so I rolled on the CS. All Rol’s should be at the game log First attack: Attack 28 damage 7 slashing 2 fire If other enemy at 5 ft. 12 fire damage
Short sword attack 12
Scimitar attack nat 1
BA short word 23 10 slashing damage
Haste attack 22 7 slashing damage plus 7 fire damage
if any enemy at 5 ft 9 fire damage
Action Surge
Scimitar 20 to hit 12 slashing plus 5 fire
additiin Fire damage 10
short sword another nat 1
scinitar nat 20!! 13 slashing damage
if her enemy falls she just moves towards the next )
Passoveloce wipes the icky stuff off his shortsword on the wights' clothing, before sheathing it, collecting his spent arrows and ducking back up the stairs to collect his staff and bow. He then returns to the mob at the base of the stairs.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Tirohia te Moana - Level 2 Cleric - What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor?
Ebonitus de Viribus - Level 4 Cleric - The Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond.
"I take it by the sounds of things down there ya'll square, so-..." Lucas takes a moment to adjust his hat and feign doing the same with his jacket to look more disheaveled, before heading on down the stairs to join most of the others and take in the sights. "Whoo-wee~ Ya'll tore'm up good, did'na?" He said with a bit of mirth to his voice. "Still! While ya'll were beating up dem wights, they say anything about the missing folk? Maybe ranted on and on about a cult or some other some such? 'cause if not, looks like we gonna be needing to explore this place a bit more."After saying as much, Lucas looks about the area at the base of the stairs and tried to guage the group's potential options for egress deeper into the mausoleum.
... If such seemed readily even possible. He also snaps his fingers, ending the spell on Anardil and leaving her perhaps a little disoriented for a few moments, but otherwise fine enough to recover in time.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
The radiant blade in Seraph's hand flickered before vanishing into thin air, leaving a faint shimmer in its wake. He nudged one of the wights' lifeless bodies with his boot, his brow furrowing in thought. His eyes swept over the dim chamber, taking in the eerie stillness that had settled over the scene.
"Strange," he murmured, glancing toward the staircase descending into the shadows. "There are clear tracks leading down, as if someone—or something—passed through recently. Yet these wights were waiting here." His voice carried a note of suspicion. "Some kind of sentries, perhaps? Guardians for whatever lies below?"
Seraph cast another glance at the fallen wights, unease creeping in. The presence of such creatures usually meant there was something—someone—worth protecting deeper in the dark.
As Seraph and the others get a chance to have a look around they can see that they are in. Chamber 30’ x 30’ - the roof of which is 15 feet above their heads. Along the southern wall - directly across from the stairs are three stone coffins on biers. Adjacent to the stairs (i.e. in the northwest and northeast quadrants) are two more coffins. A section of the west wall has collapsed and their is a gap.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"They certainly weren't hanging about for shits and giggles, that's for sure!"Lucas said, chuckling a little towards the end. As his eyes falls upon the gap he snaps his fingers by all appearances and points to it. "That looks promising! But don't let me stop any of ya from checking out those coffins a bit more. Could just as well be there's some, uhhh, secret tunnel or some such covered by'em!" He offhandedly said while making his way over to the gap for a peek inside of it. And if it seemed possible for a "normal human" to squeeze through and there appeared to be another chamber(hall, etc) on the other side, then he'd do as much, though not without being careful about the process.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Passoveloce inspects the carcasses of the wights to see if there is anything of interest they may have been carrying, or marks/tattoos they may have been adorned with that may tell them something about their providence. If he finds something he will call the others to see if any of them knows what is is or means. He then wanders nimbly to the NW sarcophagus and inspects that for traps, secret compartments or anything else that may be unusual or of interest. He then repeats this inspection for the NE Sarcophagus and continues to the South wall checking out the sarcophagi from East to West. He assumes that this is where the wights rested and would keep their belongings and any valuables.
[skill]Perception[\skill]: check 15
If you need more perception checks for these actions, I have included another 8 here. If any of them are a '1' then the following roll is a reroll. I can reroll each of them at most once.
I expect that is enough.
Once he has dealt with what is found, he wanders over to the gap to see what lies on the other side.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Tirohia te Moana - Level 2 Cleric - What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor?
Ebonitus de Viribus - Level 4 Cleric - The Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond.
While Passoveloce searched the room, Seraph moved over to join Lucas, who was standing near the section of the west wall that had collapsed. His eyes scanned the ground carefully, searching for any tracks or signs that someone—or something—might have recently passed through.
As a result of Passoveloce’s search of all six coffins he finds 4 cloaks and 2 broad brimmed hats, He also finds a potion bottle.
He then joins Lucas and Seraph at the section of collapsed wall which they can see leads - approximately 10 feet in front of them into what appears to be a larger chamber.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
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As the wight's (E) longsword is about to strike Passoveloce, he nimbly slips inside the swing and deflects the blow into wight A. This put wight E so off balance that he missed with his claw. Following this up with an upward strike through the wight's groin with his shortsword, then puliing it out and striking again through the gut towards the heart. Following this with an athletic jump and kick to wight A's head - if it is still attached.
Reaction: Deflect attack: damage reduction: 13 if >10 then Redirect attack damage on wight A: 16 (save Dex DC15 to dodge)
Action: Attack: 22 Damage: 8
Attack: 29 Damage: 11
Bonus Action: Attack: 29 Damage: 19
If any of these hit, sneak attack extra damage: 10
Tirohia te Moana - Level 2 Cleric - What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor?
Ebonitus de Viribus - Level 4 Cleric - The Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond.
Wight #A attempts to dodge Passoveloce’s deflection 7
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
For info: The dice rolls - from photo before refresh:
Damage reduction : 13 - redirect 16.
First attack 22 dam 8
2nd attack 29 dam 11
Bonus attack 29 dam 19
Sneak attack extra dam 10.
Tirohia te Moana - Level 2 Cleric - What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor?
Ebonitus de Viribus - Level 4 Cleric - The Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond.
Passoveloce manages to deflect Wight #E’s Longsword attack sufficiently that the Wight strikes his companion (Wight #A) instead. Passoveloce then follows up with a series of strikes that cause Wight #A to collapse.
Vidar you are up!
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Hearing the sound of more enemies, Vidar calls out "We need to finish these enemies before we get overwhelmed!" and slashes at the closest targets. (Wight E?)
Attack: 10 Damage: 13
Attack: 28 Damage: 9
If either attack land, cleave on second target (if there is one)
Attack: 25 Damage: 4
Polearm Attack: 23 Damage: 8
Savage attacker dice 4 use for the lowest of the first two attacks
There are two wights (Wight #C & Wight #D) left facing Anardil and Seraph respectively. Vidar steps through the gap and attacks Wight #C from behind. Wight #C swings at Anardil who attempts to dodge out of them way.
Longsword = Attack: 18 Damage: 7
Claw Attack: 15 Damage: 6 - this is Necrotic damage and requires a DC13 (Con) save to avoid permanent reduction in HP until Long Rest
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Lucas and Anardil - you’re up
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Before Lucas and Anardi Wight #D attacks Seraph as follows:
Longsword = Attack: 12 Damage: 7
Claw = Attack: 23 Damage: 7 - this is Necrotic damage and requires a DC13 (Con) save to avoid permanent damage until Long Rest
Now Lucas followed by Anardil
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Con save 10
Hearing fewer swords clashing inside, Lucas glances around one last time while outside, making sure no actual zombies were on approach, before slipping inside while trying to close the door behind him. But if a casual attempt at it avails him not, he scoffs and just hustle along to the top the stairs if the way was clear, calling out, "Got the buggers outside. Ya'll okay down there? Need some help?"
Depending on the response and who he could see from the top, he'd break out a white strip of cloth, bind it around a hand, and utter a sharp word of power that would see both himself, Totally-not-a-dragon, and "lil' Slimshady" feeling a surge of strength and vitality not felt since their younger years, OR... break out a dagger and ready to throw at the first wight or enemy to come racing up the stairs.
Movement: To top of stairs.
Action: Cast (4th level)Aid on Lucas, Pass, & Gyaan, increasing max HP by 15 and healing the same amount.
OR(If unable to see said targets)
Action: Ready Dagger Throw at 1st enemy to try and come up stairs.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Anardil sees that her previous tactic, of trying to be the focus of several undead letting the others to dispatch them, is not working, so she decides to go on full offensive and finish them off as soon as possible.
(I am on the phone so I rolled on the CS. All Rol’s should be at the game log
First attack: Attack 28 damage 7 slashing 2 fire
If other enemy at 5 ft. 12 fire damage
Short sword attack 12
Scimitar attack nat 1
BA short word 23 10 slashing damage
Haste attack 22 7 slashing damage plus 7 fire damage
if any enemy at 5 ft 9 fire damage
Action Surge
Scimitar 20 to hit 12 slashing plus 5 fire
additiin Fire damage 10
short sword another nat 1
scinitar nat 20!! 13 slashing damage
if her enemy falls she just moves towards the next )
PbP Character: A few ;)
As a result of Anardil’s blindingly fast attacks both remaining Wights are destroyed through a combination of slashing and burning.
So no0w what ….!
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Passoveloce wipes the icky stuff off his shortsword on the wights' clothing, before sheathing it, collecting his spent arrows and ducking back up the stairs to collect his staff and bow. He then returns to the mob at the base of the stairs.
Tirohia te Moana - Level 2 Cleric - What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor?
Ebonitus de Viribus - Level 4 Cleric - The Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond.
"I take it by the sounds of things down there ya'll square, so-..." Lucas takes a moment to adjust his hat and feign doing the same with his jacket to look more disheaveled, before heading on down the stairs to join most of the others and take in the sights. "Whoo-wee~ Ya'll tore'm up good, did'na?" He said with a bit of mirth to his voice. "Still! While ya'll were beating up dem wights, they say anything about the missing folk? Maybe ranted on and on about a cult or some other some such? 'cause if not, looks like we gonna be needing to explore this place a bit more." After saying as much, Lucas looks about the area at the base of the stairs and tried to guage the group's potential options for egress deeper into the mausoleum.
... If such seemed readily even possible. He also snaps his fingers, ending the spell on Anardil and leaving her perhaps a little disoriented for a few moments, but otherwise fine enough to recover in time.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
The radiant blade in Seraph's hand flickered before vanishing into thin air, leaving a faint shimmer in its wake. He nudged one of the wights' lifeless bodies with his boot, his brow furrowing in thought. His eyes swept over the dim chamber, taking in the eerie stillness that had settled over the scene.
"Strange," he murmured, glancing toward the staircase descending into the shadows. "There are clear tracks leading down, as if someone—or something—passed through recently. Yet these wights were waiting here." His voice carried a note of suspicion. "Some kind of sentries, perhaps? Guardians for whatever lies below?"
Seraph cast another glance at the fallen wights, unease creeping in. The presence of such creatures usually meant there was something—someone—worth protecting deeper in the dark.
As Seraph and the others get a chance to have a look around they can see that they are in. Chamber 30’ x 30’ - the roof of which is 15 feet above their heads. Along the southern wall - directly across from the stairs are three stone coffins on biers. Adjacent to the stairs (i.e. in the northwest and northeast quadrants) are two more coffins. A section of the west wall has collapsed and their is a gap.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"They certainly weren't hanging about for shits and giggles, that's for sure!" Lucas said, chuckling a little towards the end. As his eyes falls upon the gap he snaps his fingers by all appearances and points to it. "That looks promising! But don't let me stop any of ya from checking out those coffins a bit more. Could just as well be there's some, uhhh, secret tunnel or some such covered by'em!" He offhandedly said while making his way over to the gap for a peek inside of it. And if it seemed possible for a "normal human" to squeeze through and there appeared to be another chamber(hall, etc) on the other side, then he'd do as much, though not without being careful about the process.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Passoveloce inspects the carcasses of the wights to see if there is anything of interest they may have been carrying, or marks/tattoos they may have been adorned with that may tell them something about their providence. If he finds something he will call the others to see if any of them knows what is is or means. He then wanders nimbly to the NW sarcophagus and inspects that for traps, secret compartments or anything else that may be unusual or of interest. He then repeats this inspection for the NE Sarcophagus and continues to the South wall checking out the sarcophagi from East to West. He assumes that this is where the wights rested and would keep their belongings and any valuables.
[skill]Perception[\skill]: check 15
If you need more perception checks for these actions, I have included another 8 here. If any of them are a '1' then the following roll is a reroll. I can reroll each of them at most once.
I expect that is enough.
Once he has dealt with what is found, he wanders over to the gap to see what lies on the other side.
Tirohia te Moana - Level 2 Cleric - What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor?
Ebonitus de Viribus - Level 4 Cleric - The Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond.
While Passoveloce searched the room, Seraph moved over to join Lucas, who was standing near the section of the west wall that had collapsed. His eyes scanned the ground carefully, searching for any tracks or signs that someone—or something—might have recently passed through.
Survival 12
As a result of Passoveloce’s search of all six coffins he finds 4 cloaks and 2 broad brimmed hats, He also finds a potion bottle.
He then joins Lucas and Seraph at the section of collapsed wall which they can see leads - approximately 10 feet in front of them into what appears to be a larger chamber.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]