Once everyone has made their selections and are ready Nier assigns seats in the boat and disappears into the water. The water around the craft swells as the boat accelerates forward at an unexpected pace, fortunately everyone was seated. The boat seems too large for some portions of the streams and tributaries but as you approach it’s as if the boat rides upon a wave easily traversing even difficult areas eventually leaving the glade behind.
There is a drastic change in the natural surroundings as you leave the glade, the trees and vegetation thin and are far from healthy looking areas of the water are stagnant and swampy looking, you notice a few swirls in the water where creatures are moving about but at the rate you are traveling nothing approaches the boat. For many hours you watch the miles fly by, until by around five in the afternoon. Nier's aqueous form sloshes over the rail and she stands before you all, looking tired, "That's it for today, I must rest. Please keep a look out there are frogs about."
If there was anything you wanted to do during the hours of traveling feel free to describe your trip. Everyone roll a perception check please.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel quite enjoys the trip, mapping what he can as they go. The tiny fae in his pocket even peeks out at some points.
Mapping roll: (wisdom+ advantage from Survival) 19
When they come to a stop, he puts his tools and the partial map away to study the surroundings and watch for 'frogs'. Somehow he doubts they are the normal type if Nier is worried about them.
Umbriel sees a set of bulbous eyes just under the surface of the water as he make a round of the boats perimeter then hears a croak from the shore, it seems that a stationary boat is attracting some amphibious attention.
Initiative will be PCs first then filth toads currently there are 2 underwater near the boat and possibly more near the shore 15-30ft away.
Umbriel whips and drags a large toad out from hiding.
Tyr ices the surface above the black toad.
Faelin goes to the edge of the boat, using his pipes of the sewers. (They will show up in one round)
Sylnache goes to the opposite side of the boat to attack the large toad, uses inspiration but still fails to land a hit.
The gray toad swims to the front of the boat its tongue lashes out at Tyr attack 21 Tyr’s arm is grappled and bitten for 3 bludgeoning damage.
The black toad swims under the boat emerging on the opposite side and tries to tongue grapple Faelin, attack Crit Faelin tips over the edge of the boat his head is bitten for 10 bludgeoning damage & grappled.
The large filth toad opens wide lunging to swallow Sylnache. Attack 21 for 9 bludgeoning and grappled.
As the filth toads all surround the boat everyone except Umbriel make a Con save DC 10 vs poisoned condition.
end of round 1
begining of round 2
a swarm of rats scurries into the water surrounding and attacking the big toad, they slip slide and fail to actually sink in any good bites.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
(Sorry! Trying to get caught up) Tyr chats with Nier while the others make their trades, happy to be in the company of a being who seems to share similar memories to his own. Once they get underway he also enjoys the trip, and will jot down notes on the settlement idly as they travel.
Heeding Nier's warning, Tyr will send a Ray of Frost towards the toad Umbriel didn't whip on the shore side of the boat, hoping to slow its approach. To hit: 11. Damage if that hits: 3.
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I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Faelin will try to purchase some new clothes because of the tragedy that happened to his last set. He will also buy a spare.
Turns out the yarn spinner is also a tailor, standard prices or an unheard song, story, or performance DC 13
Performance: 18
Faelin will attempt to tell him the story of what happened to a very greedy fey and his untimely end.
The Satyr that Popped A sad story with a lesson about greed and overindulgence... "Yes a worthy tale and well portrayed, nice job." You end up with a standard set of fine clothes, and a set of fine clothes that grant a (+1 to intimidate).
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
(Sorry! Trying to get caught up) Tyr chats with Nier while the others make their trades, happy to be in the company of a being who seems to share similar memories to his own. Once they get underway he also enjoys the trip, and will jot down notes on the settlement idly as they travel.
Heeding Nier's warning, Tyr will send a Ray of Frost towards the toad Umbriel didn't whip on the shore side of the boat, hoping to slow its approach. To hit: 11. Damage if that hits: 3.
Although it fails to hit the temporary formation of ice on the surface above the toad hinders its action choices.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Faelin noticing the large toad with barely concealed disgust will attempt to get as far away from it as possible without going into the water or overboard, being extra careful with his newfound garb. He will start to play a melody on his new pipes and attempt to summon some rats to his aid.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!): Amzar Starshade- Odyssey Of Greatness Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Umbriel sees a set of bulbous eyes just under the surface of the water as he make a round of the boats perimeter then hears a croak from the shore, it seems that a stationary boat is attracting some amphibious attention.
Initiative will be PCs first then filth toads currently there are 2 underwater near the boat and possibly more near the shore 15-30ft away.
Umbriel whips and drags a large toad out from hiding.
Tyr ices the surface above the black toad.
Faelin goes to the edge of the boat, using his pipes of the sewers. (They will show up in one round)
Sylnache goes to the opposite side of the boat to attack the large toad, uses inspiration but still fails to land a hit.
The gray toad swims to the front of the boat its tongue lashes out at Tyr attack 21 Tyr’s arm is grappled and bitten for 3 bludgeoning damage.
The black toad swims under the boat emerging on the opposite side and tries to tongue grapple Faelin, attack Crit Faelin tips over the edge of the boat his head is bitten for 10 bludgeoning damage & grappled.
The large filth toad opens wide lunging to swallow Sylnache. Attack 21 for 9 bludgeoning and grappled.
As the filth toads all surround the boat everyone except Umbriel make a Con save DC 10 vs poisoned condition.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Faelin screams with a mixture of rage and terror at the tragedy that is now befalling his brand new magical clothes. He will cast dissonant whispers on the toad. And try to run out of the water.
Wisdom save (DC 14): 3 damage
Would Faelin need to use his action to control the rats or would they just do whatever and attack the toads?
Faelin screams with a mixture of rage and terror at the tragedy that is now befalling his brand new magical clothes. He will cast dissonant whispers on the toad. And try to run out of the water.
Wisdom save (DC 14): 3 damage
Would Faelin need to use his action to control the rats or would they just do whatever and attack the toads.
The Swarm of Rats will act on their own only if you wish you may as an action try to direct them... (They save vs being directed) either way they leave you the wielder of the pipes alone.
Check the spoiler and the toad jerks violently and lets loose with its grapple... as Faelin wades through the water on his way to shore.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Sylnach unable to maneuver her greataxe lets go in a rage she grabs her handaxe. She chops the giant toad, as her blade sinks in fire bursts in the open wound. Sylnache screams as the flames rage.
con save 13. bonus action Rage. Action Attack 24 damage 11+8 fire. still grappled
end of turn.
The giant toad attempts to swallow Sylnache. There is a sickening sound of gulping as Sylnache is pulled from the boat into the giant toad… attack 18 damage 12-6 reduced by rage. Swallowed!
The grey toad with Tyr’s arm bits down again… attack 22 for 2 piercing damage.
The black toad sees an arrow aimed for it shot from the boat. It leaps from the water landing in the boat near Umbriel and attempts to tongue grapple him, attack 17 damage 2 piercing.
End of round 2.
Round 3
Rats continue to attack giant toad, attack 7 sliding and failing to injure…
Sylnache takes 12 acid damage the arm and leg movements within the giant toad cease as Sylnache is being dissolved (unconscious, restrained, blinded, about to be on death saves.)
Nier gets up as the black toad lands in her boat…
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel is poisoned but kills the black toad, then moves to slash at the giant toad cutting a jagged line near its throat!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Sylnache has been swallowed and is unconscious, the rats have tried to bite the giant toad, Umbriel has killed a toad and attacked the giant toad, even Nier has gotten up and readied an action, once Tyr and Faelin's turns are done the toads will take their actions... (Sylnache is in terrible danger.)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
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Once everyone has made their selections and are ready Nier assigns seats in the boat and disappears into the water. The water around the craft swells as the boat accelerates forward at an unexpected pace, fortunately everyone was seated. The boat seems too large for some portions of the streams and tributaries but as you approach it’s as if the boat rides upon a wave easily traversing even difficult areas eventually leaving the glade behind.
There is a drastic change in the natural surroundings as you leave the glade, the trees and vegetation thin and are far from healthy looking areas of the water are stagnant and swampy looking, you notice a few swirls in the water where creatures are moving about but at the rate you are traveling nothing approaches the boat. For many hours you watch the miles fly by, until by around five in the afternoon. Nier's aqueous form sloshes over the rail and she stands before you all, looking tired, "That's it for today, I must rest. Please keep a look out there are frogs about."
If there was anything you wanted to do during the hours of traveling feel free to describe your trip. Everyone roll a perception check please.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel quite enjoys the trip, mapping what he can as they go. The tiny fae in his pocket even peeks out at some points.
Mapping roll: (wisdom+ advantage from Survival) 19
When they come to a stop, he puts his tools and the partial map away to study the surroundings and watch for 'frogs'. Somehow he doubts they are the normal type if Nier is worried about them.
Perception: 16
Umbriel sees a set of bulbous eyes just under the surface of the water as he make a round of the boats perimeter then hears a croak from the shore, it seems that a stationary boat is attracting some amphibious attention.
Initiative will be PCs first then filth toads currently there are 2 underwater near the boat and possibly more near the shore 15-30ft away.
Umbriel whips and drags a large toad out from hiding.
Tyr ices the surface above the black toad.
Faelin goes to the edge of the boat, using his pipes of the sewers. (They will show up in one round)
Sylnache goes to the opposite side of the boat to attack the large toad, uses inspiration but still fails to land a hit.
The gray toad swims to the front of the boat its tongue lashes out at Tyr attack 21 Tyr’s arm is grappled and bitten for 3 bludgeoning damage.
The black toad swims under the boat emerging on the opposite side and tries to tongue grapple Faelin, attack Crit Faelin tips over the edge of the boat his head is bitten for 10 bludgeoning damage & grappled.
The large filth toad opens wide lunging to swallow Sylnache. Attack 21 for 9 bludgeoning and grappled.
As the filth toads all surround the boat everyone except Umbriel make a Con save DC 10 vs poisoned condition.
end of round 1
begining of round 2
a swarm of rats scurries into the water surrounding and attacking the big toad, they slip slide and fail to actually sink in any good bites.
PCs are up.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel casts thorn whip at the toad near the shore, hoping to drag it closer and hit it with his scimitar.
Action: Thorn whip to hit 23, damage 4 and it is pulled 10 ft closer.
Bonus action: scimitar to hit 13, damage 9
Umbriel instinctively whips the croaking toad on shore and drags it 10’ into the water… still to far for melee (the black and grey were submerged)
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
*Sorry I missed a bit, will catch up then post*
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Performance: 18
Faelin will attempt to tell him the story of what happened to a very greedy fey and his untimely end.
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
(Sorry! Trying to get caught up) Tyr chats with Nier while the others make their trades, happy to be in the company of a being who seems to share similar memories to his own. Once they get underway he also enjoys the trip, and will jot down notes on the settlement idly as they travel.
Heeding Nier's warning, Tyr will send a Ray of Frost towards the toad Umbriel didn't whip on the shore side of the boat, hoping to slow its approach. To hit: 11. Damage if that hits: 3.
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
The Satyr that Popped A sad story with a lesson about greed and overindulgence... "Yes a worthy tale and well portrayed, nice job." You end up with a standard set of fine clothes, and a set of fine clothes that grant a (+1 to intimidate).
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Although it fails to hit the temporary formation of ice on the surface above the toad hinders its action choices.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Faelin noticing the large toad with barely concealed disgust will attempt to get as far away from it as possible without going into the water or overboard, being extra careful with his newfound garb. He will start to play a melody on his new pipes and attempt to summon some rats to his aid.
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Round 2
Umbriel sees a set of bulbous eyes just under the surface of the water as he make a round of the boats perimeter then hears a croak from the shore, it seems that a stationary boat is attracting some amphibious attention.
Initiative will be PCs first then filth toads currently there are 2 underwater near the boat and possibly more near the shore 15-30ft away.
Umbriel whips and drags a large toad out from hiding.
Tyr ices the surface above the black toad.
Faelin goes to the edge of the boat, using his pipes of the sewers. (They will show up in one round)
Sylnache goes to the opposite side of the boat to attack the large toad, uses inspiration but still fails to land a hit.
The gray toad swims to the front of the boat its tongue lashes out at Tyr attack 21 Tyr’s arm is grappled and bitten for 3 bludgeoning damage.
The black toad swims under the boat emerging on the opposite side and tries to tongue grapple Faelin, attack Crit Faelin tips over the edge of the boat his head is bitten for 10 bludgeoning damage & grappled.
The large filth toad opens wide lunging to swallow Sylnache. Attack 21 for 9 bludgeoning and grappled.
As the filth toads all surround the boat everyone except Umbriel make a Con save DC 10 vs poisoned condition.
end of round 1
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Faelin screams with a mixture of rage and terror at the tragedy that is now befalling his brand new magical clothes. He will cast dissonant whispers on the toad. And try to run out of the water.
Wisdom save (DC 14): 3 damage
Would Faelin need to use his action to control the rats or would they just do whatever and attack the toads?
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Check the spoiler and the toad jerks violently and lets loose with its grapple... as Faelin wades through the water on his way to shore.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel casts Hunter's Mark on the Black toad that attacked Faelin and looses an arrow at it.
Bonus action: hunter's mark on Black toad
Action: longbow to hit 8 -.-
Con save: 18+2
Tyr grimaces and unloads three bolts of Magic Missile into the grey toad. Damage: 3, 3, 5
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
Sylnach unable to maneuver her greataxe lets go in a rage she grabs her handaxe. She chops the giant toad, as her blade sinks in fire bursts in the open wound. Sylnache screams as the flames rage.
con save 13.
bonus action Rage.
Action Attack 24 damage 11+8 fire.
still grappled
end of turn.
The giant toad attempts to swallow Sylnache. There is a sickening sound of gulping as Sylnache is pulled from the boat into the giant toad… attack 18 damage 12-6 reduced by rage. Swallowed!
The grey toad with Tyr’s arm bits down again… attack 22 for 2 piercing damage.
The black toad sees an arrow aimed for it shot from the boat. It leaps from the water landing in the boat near Umbriel and attempts to tongue grapple him, attack 17 damage 2 piercing.
End of round 2.
Round 3
Rats continue to attack giant toad, attack 7 sliding and failing to injure…
Sylnache takes 12 acid damage the arm and leg movements within the giant toad cease as Sylnache is being dissolved (unconscious, restrained, blinded, about to be on death saves.)
Nier gets up as the black toad lands in her boat…
PCs turns Umbriel Con sv DC 10 vs poisoned
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel Con save for poison: 7
Con save for HM: 21
Umbriel, angered by the poison, lashes out at the black toad to hopefully kill it quickly so he can carve Sylnache out of the large toad.
Action: scimitar to hit nat 20+5, damage 14 + 8 HM
Bonus action: shortsword to hit 15, damage 5 (on Black toad or large toad if black is dead)
Umbriel is poisoned but kills the black toad, then moves to slash at the giant toad cutting a jagged line near its throat!
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Round 3 so far...
Sylnache has been swallowed and is unconscious, the rats have tried to bite the giant toad, Umbriel has killed a toad and attacked the giant toad, even Nier has gotten up and readied an action, once Tyr and Faelin's turns are done the toads will take their actions... (Sylnache is in terrible danger.)
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament