This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
He was just waiting for one of you to get close for a last possible attack… gnolls initiative 7 If Reyhanna wins go ahead otherwise the gnoll attacks her from prone. Bite 15 for 7 if it hits…
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Reyhana’s eyes narrow as she reads the gnoll’s sudden shift in tension, the telltale sign of a desperate lunge. Before it can strike, she drives her Sylvan Talon into its side with precision, the blade cutting deep. In one swift motion, she draws her dagger and follows up with a brutal, well-placed strike, leaving the gnoll reeling.
Reyhana Initiative 17,
Action: Attack with Talon, hit 19 for 7 magical piercing damage (Vex for advantage on next attack) Then, draw Dagger and Nick Attack, critical hit 25 for 11 piercing damage
Dead! The gnoll lies still blood soaking the ground beneath it its face frozen in a vicious snarl…
There’s a lot of corpses strewn about here…
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel gives a slight smirk, impressed with Reyhana's skill in combat. He will set about retrieving as many of his arrows as he can and checking the black gnoll for any usable items.
He'll also look over the giant hyena, wondering if there is anything useful they can harvest from it.
The giant hyena was undergoing some sort of transformation when you begin cutting into it its full of lets say worms... as for the rest of the hyenas their stomachs have leached into their cadavers so no meat but you could take several pelts for leather working once you tan them.
The gnolls had the following;
one longbow made of bone 18 arrows one glaive made of scale? somewhat iridescent... both scantily clad otherwise the tall one had the talisman.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
When the bone longbow is picked up it is surprisingly light weight and well made, though it looks more savage then a bow made of wood.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Reyhana shakes her head as Umbriel offers the bow, raising her hands slightly in polite refusal. “I appreciate the thought, but I think I’ll stick with what I’ve got for now. Besides,” she adds with a smirk, patting the quiver now stocked with her share of arrows, “I couldn’t carry much more without falling over. I’m already one good breeze away from being stuck in the mud. And you're the better shot.”
She crouches to examine the ground around them, carefully scanning for tracks that might hint at where the gnolls had come from or were heading. The chaotic scuff marks don’t make it easy, and after a moment of studying the area, she glances toward Umbriel. “You saw them near the cliff earlier, right? If we can’t make sense of this, maybe it’s worth heading back to check for another cave entrance. Could be something there we’ve missed.”
Survival: 13 or 9 (EDIT: added second roll for help)
Umbriel nods in agreement, adjusting the strap of his pack."I’m almost encumbered as it is, so I get it. It's a shame Nier hasn’t returned. A quick trip back to the Crystal Falls to buy and sell some things wouldn’t hurt, especially since that scale glaive looks like it could fetch a good price."
He crouches beside Reyhana, his sharp eyes scanning the chaotic scuff marks on the ground as he tries to help her find a trail or clue. As he studies the patterns, he adds thoughtfully, "The gnolls probably weren’t moving aimlessly. There’s got to be some kind of path or sign that points us in the right direction. If we can figure out where they came from—or where they were taking their prey—it could save us some time." His tone is calm but purposeful, his focus split between the tracks and planning their next move.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Tyr makes his way down to the gnoll's body with the others, distracted by the familiarity of the talisman. Religion: 14
For now it remains a mystery.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Reyhana rises from her crouch, brushing the dirt from her hands as she speaks. “The tracks lead along the top of the cliff, same spot where you saw them earlier, Umbriel. It might be worth heading back that way to see if there’s another cave entrance or something useful up there.” She glances toward the water, her brow furrowing slightly. “I’m not too keen on taking the underwater route,” she adds, her voice steady but firm. “We don’t know what’s down there, and fighting in the water puts us at a serious disadvantage. Not to mention that... thing lurking below. I’d rather not get a closer look.” She pauses, scanning the group for agreement before adjusting her gear and nodding toward the cliff. “I say, let’s check the high ground. It feels like the safer bet, and the view from up there must be majestic,” she adds with a smirk.
A faint smirk crosses Umbriel's lips at Reyhana's last comment. "Majestic view...I’ll make a note of it for my map." Adjusting his gear, he adds, "Let’s head up and see take a look. Better to know what’s above us before we commit to any riskier paths." His tone is calm but purposeful, and he gestures for Reyhana to lead the way, following close behind with his sharp eyes scanning for any signs of danger.
And so the brave adventurers backtrack their most recent enemies up along the Howling bay cliff face. What they discover is a couple trails or narrow steps where one could skillfully make their way down to two different caves, and a fantastic view of the bay itself.
The tracks lead beyond the howling bay in a north westerly direction also… from up here you can hear not just the howling wind but a living howling as well.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Reyhana takes a deep breath of the crisp air, letting her gaze sweep across the bay. A faint smile tugs at her lips as she quips, "If it weren’t for those dreadful howls, I could see myself staying up here until sunset. It’s not often you get a view like this.” Her voice trails off for a moment as her eyes linger on the horizon, but then her focus sharpens, and she kneels to examine the ground. “Jokes aside,” she continues, her tone more serious now, “we should check these cave entrances. The fresher tracks might point us to where they’ve been active recently. No sense wandering aimlessly when we’ve got a trail to follow.” She runs her fingers over the disturbed dirt and rocks, scrutinizing the patterns to determine which path shows the most recent and/or most frequent use.
The first path you have discovered is also the most frequently used… your survival roll shows evidence of clawed gnoll tracks and other humanoid foot and boot prints, some blood spots.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
He was just waiting for one of you to get close for a last possible attack… gnolls initiative 7
If Reyhanna wins go ahead otherwise the gnoll attacks her from prone. Bite 15 for 7 if it hits…
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Reyhana’s eyes narrow as she reads the gnoll’s sudden shift in tension, the telltale sign of a desperate lunge. Before it can strike, she drives her Sylvan Talon into its side with precision, the blade cutting deep. In one swift motion, she draws her dagger and follows up with a brutal, well-placed strike, leaving the gnoll reeling.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn || Shaephina - Half-Drow Blood Cleric/Wizard - Murder Court || Ianjin - Gallus Open Hand Monk - Mad Empiricist ||
Dead! The gnoll lies still blood soaking the ground beneath it its face frozen in a vicious snarl…
There’s a lot of corpses strewn about here…
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel gives a slight smirk, impressed with Reyhana's skill in combat. He will set about retrieving as many of his arrows as he can and checking the black gnoll for any usable items.
He'll also look over the giant hyena, wondering if there is anything useful they can harvest from it.
Nature: 5 -.- , 13 if someone helps
The giant hyena was undergoing some sort of transformation when you begin cutting into it its full of lets say worms... as for the rest of the hyenas their stomachs have leached into their cadavers so no meat but you could take several pelts for leather working once you tan them.
The gnolls had the following;
one longbow made of bone 18 arrows one glaive made of scale? somewhat iridescent... both scantily clad otherwise the tall one had the talisman.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel will split the arrows with Reyhana and take the bone longbow unless she wants it.
When the bone longbow is picked up it is surprisingly light weight and well made, though it looks more savage then a bow made of wood.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Reyhana shakes her head as Umbriel offers the bow, raising her hands slightly in polite refusal. “I appreciate the thought, but I think I’ll stick with what I’ve got for now. Besides,” she adds with a smirk, patting the quiver now stocked with her share of arrows, “I couldn’t carry much more without falling over. I’m already one good breeze away from being stuck in the mud. And you're the better shot.”
She crouches to examine the ground around them, carefully scanning for tracks that might hint at where the gnolls had come from or were heading. The chaotic scuff marks don’t make it easy, and after a moment of studying the area, she glances toward Umbriel. “You saw them near the cliff earlier, right? If we can’t make sense of this, maybe it’s worth heading back to check for another cave entrance. Could be something there we’ve missed.”
Survival: 13 or 9 (EDIT: added second roll for help)
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn || Shaephina - Half-Drow Blood Cleric/Wizard - Murder Court || Ianjin - Gallus Open Hand Monk - Mad Empiricist ||
Umbriel nods in agreement, adjusting the strap of his pack. "I’m almost encumbered as it is, so I get it. It's a shame Nier hasn’t returned. A quick trip back to the Crystal Falls to buy and sell some things wouldn’t hurt, especially since that scale glaive looks like it could fetch a good price."
He crouches beside Reyhana, his sharp eyes scanning the chaotic scuff marks on the ground as he tries to help her find a trail or clue. As he studies the patterns, he adds thoughtfully, "The gnolls probably weren’t moving aimlessly. There’s got to be some kind of path or sign that points us in the right direction. If we can figure out where they came from—or where they were taking their prey—it could save us some time." His tone is calm but purposeful, his focus split between the tracks and planning their next move.
Faelin will collect the religious amulet if nobody else wants it, he likes little trinkets.
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
When Faelin takes the talisman it pricks his skin a tiny bead of blood and a wash of ‘wrath’ floods through him…
you know they were travelling along the top of the cliff…
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Tyr makes his way down to the gnoll's body with the others, distracted by the familiarity of the talisman. Religion: 14
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
For now it remains a mystery.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Reyhana rises from her crouch, brushing the dirt from her hands as she speaks. “The tracks lead along the top of the cliff, same spot where you saw them earlier, Umbriel. It might be worth heading back that way to see if there’s another cave entrance or something useful up there.” She glances toward the water, her brow furrowing slightly. “I’m not too keen on taking the underwater route,” she adds, her voice steady but firm. “We don’t know what’s down there, and fighting in the water puts us at a serious disadvantage. Not to mention that... thing lurking below. I’d rather not get a closer look.” She pauses, scanning the group for agreement before adjusting her gear and nodding toward the cliff. “I say, let’s check the high ground. It feels like the safer bet, and the view from up there must be majestic,” she adds with a smirk.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn || Shaephina - Half-Drow Blood Cleric/Wizard - Murder Court || Ianjin - Gallus Open Hand Monk - Mad Empiricist ||
A faint smirk crosses Umbriel's lips at Reyhana's last comment. "Majestic view...I’ll make a note of it for my map." Adjusting his gear, he adds, "Let’s head up and see take a look. Better to know what’s above us before we commit to any riskier paths." His tone is calm but purposeful, and he gestures for Reyhana to lead the way, following close behind with his sharp eyes scanning for any signs of danger.
Perception: 23
And so the brave adventurers backtrack their most recent enemies up along the Howling bay cliff face. What they discover is a couple trails or narrow steps where one could skillfully make their way down to two different caves, and a fantastic view of the bay itself.
The tracks lead beyond the howling bay in a north westerly direction also… from up here you can hear not just the howling wind but a living howling as well.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel listens closely, trying to remember if he has heard the living howls before and from what creature.
Nature: 14
Reyhana takes a deep breath of the crisp air, letting her gaze sweep across the bay. A faint smile tugs at her lips as she quips, "If it weren’t for those dreadful howls, I could see myself staying up here until sunset. It’s not often you get a view like this.” Her voice trails off for a moment as her eyes linger on the horizon, but then her focus sharpens, and she kneels to examine the ground. “Jokes aside,” she continues, her tone more serious now, “we should check these cave entrances. The fresher tracks might point us to where they’ve been active recently. No sense wandering aimlessly when we’ve got a trail to follow.” She runs her fingers over the disturbed dirt and rocks, scrutinizing the patterns to determine which path shows the most recent and/or most frequent use.
Survival: 22
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn || Shaephina - Half-Drow Blood Cleric/Wizard - Murder Court || Ianjin - Gallus Open Hand Monk - Mad Empiricist ||
The first path you have discovered is also the most frequently used… your survival roll shows evidence of clawed gnoll tracks and other humanoid foot and boot prints, some blood spots.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel follows Reyhana's lead as the group follows the fresh tracks, keeping an eye out for any more gnolls or orcs along the way.
Perception: 18