Umbriel moves up beside Sylnache, giving her enough room to swing while he attacks another of the vile creatures.
Bonus action: hunter's mark on closest stirge that Sylnache isn't targeting.
Action: Shortsword with main hand: to hit 10, damage 5 + 2 HM and applying vex if it hits. He then attacks with his scimitar in his off-hand: to hit 17, damage 6 + 6 HM; nick on scimitar lets him do both attacks as part of his action.
Sylnache rushes at the nearest stirge which evades the swing of the massive greataxe.
Umbriel charges ahead also missing with his shortsword but connecting with his scimitar bisecting the agile menace.
Tyr ducks over to a spot near a tent and brush, conjuring a frigid beam of blue-white light, sniping the stirge farthest away.
“Step ahead giantess take the heads of two!” Faelin calls out encouragement to Sylnache. Bardic inspiration (d6).
stirge 1&2 save Sylnache the trouble of moving as they attempt to drain her blood. Attacks 24 and 7 one attaches the other misses, damage 5. Stirge 4 hesitates to close with Umbriel (dodge) as it moves into melee.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Sylnache rushes at the nearest stirge which evades the swing of the massive greataxe.
Umbriel charges ahead also missing with his shortsword but connecting with his scimitar bisecting the agile menace.
Tyr ducks over to a spot near a tent and brush, conjuring a frigid beam of blue-white light, sniping the stirge farthest away.
“Step ahead giantess take the heads of two!” Faelin calls out encouragement to Sylnache. Bardic inspiration (d6).
stirge 1&2 save Sylnache the trouble of moving as they attempt to drain her blood. Attacks 24 and 7 one attaches the other misses, damage 5. Stirge 4 hesitates to close with Umbriel (dodge) as it moves into melee.
Round 2
Sylnache swings desperately slicing through the still airborne threat, but on her attached blood sucker, no such luck. It flattens against her like a patch of second crawly skin.
Seeing Sylnache attacked and losing blood Faelin reach’s out to the mind of this tiny predator, it flails and flops finally falling off of Sylnache to the ground.
It is at this moment that a fresh wave of buzzing wings emerge from the tents near Faelin and Tyr…
Tyr creates 3 glowing darts of magical force. 3 stirge drop to the ground.
Umbriel on the other hand slices air as the stirge evades every attempt.
Stirge 4 sees its chance and darts in at Umbriel’s neck, attack 21 it latches on gulping 6hp worth of adrenaline laced blood. While stirge 5&7 converge on Faelin, attacks a 7 misses & a crit dealing 11 damage. (Oh no!)
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel uses his bonus action to move his hunter's mark to Stirge 4. Seeing the fresh wave of Stirges appear on the other side of the camp, he moves to finish off 4 quickly.
(Edit: oops, didn't notice it was dodging at first)
Sylnache rushes at the nearest stirge which evades the swing of the massive greataxe.
Umbriel charges ahead also missing with his shortsword but connecting with his scimitar bisecting the agile menace.
Tyr ducks over to a spot near a tent and brush, conjuring a frigid beam of blue-white light, sniping the stirge farthest away.
“Step ahead giantess take the heads of two!” Faelin calls out encouragement to Sylnache. Bardic inspiration (d6).
stirge 1&2 save Sylnache the trouble of moving as they attempt to drain her blood. Attacks 24 and 7 one attaches the other misses, damage 5. Stirge 4 hesitates to close with Umbriel (dodge) as it moves into melee.
Round 2
Sylnache swings desperately slicing through the still airborne threat, but on her attached blood sucker, no such luck. It flattens against her like a patch of second crawly skin.
Seeing Sylnache attacked and losing blood Faelin reach’s out to the mind of this tiny predator, it flails and flops finally falling off of Sylnache to the ground.
It is at this moment that a fresh wave of buzzing wings emerge from the tents near Faelin and Tyr…
Tyr creates 3 glowing darts of magical force. 3 stirge drop to the ground.
Umbriel on the other hand slices air as the stirge evades every attempt.
Stirge 4 sees its chance and darts in at Umbriel’s neck, attack 21 it latches on gulping 6hp worth of adrenaline laced blood. While stirge 5&7 converge on Faelin, attacks a 7 misses & a crit dealing 11 damage. (Oh no!)
Round 3
Umbriel makes a close shave flicking the blood gorged pest to the ground then rushing to assist Faelin who has fallen to the ground…
Sylnache gets there first however axing through both stirge spattering blood on herself Umbriel and Faelin!
As the blood flies four more stirge emerge from a cart and another tent, SQ is much bigger and looks different (intelligence check to know why)!
Tyr Sepcairn recognizes this odd specimen…
This is a fully matured egg laying female Stirge
Tyr drops this oddity before it even has a chance to advance. Nice!
Yes Faelin will be making a death save for this round.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Now freed of the previous Stirge, Sylnache notices the two more attacking Faelin and rushes to attack them (5 & 7) with a mighty swing of her greataxe.
Tyr will spin towards the new Stirges, wracking his brain to make sense of the bigger Stirge. Intelligence: 13 (OOC: Is Faelin on death saving throws?)
He'll channel the same cold energy from earlier, firing a Ray of Frost at the biggest Stirge. 23 to hit, 8 damage. After firing he'll back up so the tent is between him and the new beasts
Sylnache rushes at the nearest stirge which evades the swing of the massive greataxe.
Umbriel charges ahead also missing with his shortsword but connecting with his scimitar bisecting the agile menace.
Tyr ducks over to a spot near a tent and brush, conjuring a frigid beam of blue-white light, sniping the stirge farthest away.
“Step ahead giantess take the heads of two!” Faelin calls out encouragement to Sylnache. Bardic inspiration (d6).
stirge 1&2 save Sylnache the trouble of moving as they attempt to drain her blood. Attacks 24 and 7 one attaches the other misses, damage 5. Stirge 4 hesitates to close with Umbriel (dodge) as it moves into melee.
Round 2
Sylnache swings desperately slicing through the still airborne threat, but on her attached blood sucker, no such luck. It flattens against her like a patch of second crawly skin.
Seeing Sylnache attacked and losing blood Faelin reach’s out to the mind of this tiny predator, it flails and flops finally falling off of Sylnache to the ground.
It is at this moment that a fresh wave of buzzing wings emerge from the tents near Faelin and Tyr…
Tyr creates 3 glowing darts of magical force. 3 stirge drop to the ground.
Umbriel on the other hand slices air as the stirge evades every attempt.
Stirge 4 sees its chance and darts in at Umbriel’s neck, attack 21 it latches on gulping 6hp worth of adrenaline laced blood. While stirge 5&7 converge on Faelin, attacks a 7 misses & a crit dealing 11 damage. (Oh no!)
Round 3
Umbriel makes a close shave flicking the blood gorged pest to the ground then rushing to assist Faelin who has fallen to the ground…
Sylnache gets there first however axing through both stirge spattering blood on herself Umbriel and Faelin!
As the blood flies four more stirge emerge from a cart and another tent, SQ is much bigger and looks different (intelligence check to know why)!
Tyr Sepcairn recognizes this odd specimen…
This is a fully matured egg laying female Stirge
Tyr drops this oddity before it even has a chance to advance. Nice!
Yes Faelin will be making a death save for this turn
Round 4
Umbriel launches an arrow nailing a stirge right out of the air.
Sylnache marches directly toward the remaining stirge, maintaining a savage focus, having felt their bite.
Tyr rushes over to Faelin who looks very pale but with age comes knowledge and Tyr begins to message Faelin’s blood flow enough to get him stabilized.
Faelin breathes a steady shallow breath.
The last surviving stirge pulled by instinct dives at Sylnache drawn by the fresh blood splayed on her, but Sylnache was ready and easily bashes the last threat dead.
End of combat. You may short rest or investigate the area and wait out the storm. If you decide to wait it out you may long rest and level up. Congratulations you made it.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Since the remaining stirge are too far away for now, Sylnache will move closer but remain in a defensive stance. She hope to block off any attack on her allies with her threatening presence, still seething with the desire to cut the annoying insects down.
Move closer to the remaining living stirge, don't think I can get into melee yet so I'll take the dodge action and maintain my rage with my bonus action.
You all can clearly see the previous carnage of this campsite, they were not as fortunate. There are bodies in the tents. The smell is terrible…
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel breathes a sigh of relief, both that the Stirges are dealt with and that Faelin is stable. Thinking over the situation for a moment, he casts Goodberry and passes Sylnache and Tyr 2 each.
"I'm not sure if Faelin can eat right now--or if it's wise, given the stench here, but those should help once he wakes," he states, eating the remaining berries himself to restore his strength after the blood he lost (+6 hp).
He then sets about searching the campsite for any clues as to who these people were, or any supplies.
2100 cp 700 sp 80 gp **gems 2 Bloodstone Carnelian Calcedony Citrine Moonstone Quartz Sardonyx Zircon. 3 Potions a kidney bean shaped bag. Treasure is in among the remains of a campsite now a surface grave…
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Setting the coin and items aside, Umbriel makes a quick trip back to the cart to retrieve his shovel. He isn't typically the sentimental type, but...they will be here until the storm passes anyway.
Umbriel moves up beside Sylnache, giving her enough room to swing while he attacks another of the vile creatures.
Bonus action: hunter's mark on closest stirge that Sylnache isn't targeting.
Action: Shortsword with main hand: to hit 10, damage 5 + 2 HM and applying vex if it hits. He then attacks with his scimitar in his off-hand: to hit 17, damage 6 + 6 HM; nick on scimitar lets him do both attacks as part of his action.
Tyr just shrugs in response to Birdie's answer, having learned over the years when it's better not to push.
As the action erupts in the clearing he'll back up to the edge of the tree line and aim a Ray of Frost at an untouched Strige. 21 to hit, 4 damage.
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
Round one.
Sylnache rushes at the nearest stirge which evades the swing of the massive greataxe.
Umbriel charges ahead also missing with his shortsword but connecting with his scimitar bisecting the agile menace.
Tyr ducks over to a spot near a tent and brush, conjuring a frigid beam of blue-white light, sniping the stirge farthest away.
“Step ahead giantess take the heads of two!” Faelin calls out encouragement to Sylnache. Bardic inspiration (d6).
stirge 1&2 save Sylnache the trouble of moving as they attempt to drain her blood. Attacks 24 and 7 one attaches the other misses, damage 5. Stirge 4 hesitates to close with Umbriel (dodge) as it moves into melee.
End of round 1 beginning of round 2.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
On Faelin’s turn he will cast dissonant whispers invading the Stirge’s mind with an off-key tune.
Wisdom save (DC 14)
Damage: 9 (Psychic)
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Sylnache will continue to try to carve into the stirge next to her.
Attack: 15 Damage: 10
If successful, she will Cleave (Mastery) into the other stirge at melee.
Attack: 11 Damage: 10
Sylnache Ashrain - 7th Sojourn
Round one.
Sylnache rushes at the nearest stirge which evades the swing of the massive greataxe.
Umbriel charges ahead also missing with his shortsword but connecting with his scimitar bisecting the agile menace.
Tyr ducks over to a spot near a tent and brush, conjuring a frigid beam of blue-white light, sniping the stirge farthest away.
“Step ahead giantess take the heads of two!” Faelin calls out encouragement to Sylnache. Bardic inspiration (d6).
stirge 1&2 save Sylnache the trouble of moving as they attempt to drain her blood. Attacks 24 and 7 one attaches the other misses, damage 5. Stirge 4 hesitates to close with Umbriel (dodge) as it moves into melee.
Round 2
Sylnache swings desperately slicing through the still airborne threat, but on her attached blood sucker, no such luck. It flattens against her like a patch of second crawly skin.
Seeing Sylnache attacked and losing blood Faelin reach’s out to the mind of this tiny predator, it flails and flops finally falling off of Sylnache to the ground.
It is at this moment that a fresh wave of buzzing wings emerge from the tents near Faelin and Tyr…
Tyr creates 3 glowing darts of magical force. 3 stirge drop to the ground.
Umbriel on the other hand slices air as the stirge evades every attempt.
Stirge 4 sees its chance and darts in at Umbriel’s neck, attack 21 it latches on gulping 6hp worth of adrenaline laced blood. While stirge 5&7 converge on Faelin, attacks a 7 misses & a crit dealing 11 damage. (Oh no!)
End of Round 2 Beginning Round 3
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Tyr will move until he can see Stirges 8, 9, and 6 and fire a bolt of Magic Missile at each. Damage to S8: 4+1. Damage to S9: 2+1. Damage to S6: 4+1.
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
Umbriel uses his bonus action to move his hunter's mark to Stirge 4. Seeing the fresh wave of Stirges appear on the other side of the camp, he moves to finish off 4 quickly.
(Edit: oops, didn't notice it was dodging at first)
Shortsword: 7 with disadvantage to hit
Scimitar: to hit 6 with disadvantage
Round one.
Sylnache rushes at the nearest stirge which evades the swing of the massive greataxe.
Umbriel charges ahead also missing with his shortsword but connecting with his scimitar bisecting the agile menace.
Tyr ducks over to a spot near a tent and brush, conjuring a frigid beam of blue-white light, sniping the stirge farthest away.
“Step ahead giantess take the heads of two!” Faelin calls out encouragement to Sylnache. Bardic inspiration (d6).
stirge 1&2 save Sylnache the trouble of moving as they attempt to drain her blood. Attacks 24 and 7 one attaches the other misses, damage 5. Stirge 4 hesitates to close with Umbriel (dodge) as it moves into melee.
Round 2
Sylnache swings desperately slicing through the still airborne threat, but on her attached blood sucker, no such luck. It flattens against her like a patch of second crawly skin.
Seeing Sylnache attacked and losing blood Faelin reach’s out to the mind of this tiny predator, it flails and flops finally falling off of Sylnache to the ground.
It is at this moment that a fresh wave of buzzing wings emerge from the tents near Faelin and Tyr…
Tyr creates 3 glowing darts of magical force. 3 stirge drop to the ground.
Umbriel on the other hand slices air as the stirge evades every attempt.
Stirge 4 sees its chance and darts in at Umbriel’s neck, attack 21 it latches on gulping 6hp worth of adrenaline laced blood. While stirge 5&7 converge on Faelin, attacks a 7 misses & a crit dealing 11 damage. (Oh no!)
Round 3
Umbriel makes a close shave flicking the blood gorged pest to the ground then rushing to assist Faelin who has fallen to the ground…
Sylnache gets there first however axing through both stirge spattering blood on herself Umbriel and Faelin!
As the blood flies four more stirge emerge from a cart and another tent, SQ is much bigger and looks different (intelligence check to know why)!
Tyr Sepcairn recognizes this odd specimen…
This is a fully matured egg laying female Stirge
Tyr drops this oddity before it even has a chance to advance. Nice!
Yes Faelin will be making a death save for this round.
End of Round 3 Beginning Round 4
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Con save to maintain concentration on HM: 12
Umbriel tries to slice the disgusting creature off his neck.
Shortsword: to hit 15, damage 6 + 5 HM
He then hurries 30 feet south.
Now freed of the previous Stirge, Sylnache notices the two more attacking Faelin and rushes to attack them (5 & 7) with a mighty swing of her greataxe.
First Attack: 22 Damage: 17
Cleave (Mastery) Attack: 21 Damage: 5
Sylnache Ashrain - 7th Sojourn
Tyr will spin towards the new Stirges, wracking his brain to make sense of the bigger Stirge. Intelligence: 13 (OOC: Is Faelin on death saving throws?)
He'll channel the same cold energy from earlier, firing a Ray of Frost at the biggest Stirge. 23 to hit, 8 damage. After firing he'll back up so the tent is between him and the new beasts
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
Round one.
Sylnache rushes at the nearest stirge which evades the swing of the massive greataxe.
Umbriel charges ahead also missing with his shortsword but connecting with his scimitar bisecting the agile menace.
Tyr ducks over to a spot near a tent and brush, conjuring a frigid beam of blue-white light, sniping the stirge farthest away.
“Step ahead giantess take the heads of two!” Faelin calls out encouragement to Sylnache. Bardic inspiration (d6).
stirge 1&2 save Sylnache the trouble of moving as they attempt to drain her blood. Attacks 24 and 7 one attaches the other misses, damage 5. Stirge 4 hesitates to close with Umbriel (dodge) as it moves into melee.
Round 2
Sylnache swings desperately slicing through the still airborne threat, but on her attached blood sucker, no such luck. It flattens against her like a patch of second crawly skin.
Seeing Sylnache attacked and losing blood Faelin reach’s out to the mind of this tiny predator, it flails and flops finally falling off of Sylnache to the ground.
It is at this moment that a fresh wave of buzzing wings emerge from the tents near Faelin and Tyr…
Tyr creates 3 glowing darts of magical force. 3 stirge drop to the ground.
Umbriel on the other hand slices air as the stirge evades every attempt.
Stirge 4 sees its chance and darts in at Umbriel’s neck, attack 21 it latches on gulping 6hp worth of adrenaline laced blood. While stirge 5&7 converge on Faelin, attacks a 7 misses & a crit dealing 11 damage. (Oh no!)
Round 3
Umbriel makes a close shave flicking the blood gorged pest to the ground then rushing to assist Faelin who has fallen to the ground…
Sylnache gets there first however axing through both stirge spattering blood on herself Umbriel and Faelin!
As the blood flies four more stirge emerge from a cart and another tent, SQ is much bigger and looks different (intelligence check to know why)!
Tyr Sepcairn recognizes this odd specimen…
This is a fully matured egg laying female Stirge
Tyr drops this oddity before it even has a chance to advance. Nice!
Yes Faelin will be making a death save for this turn
Round 4
Umbriel launches an arrow nailing a stirge right out of the air.
Sylnache marches directly toward the remaining stirge, maintaining a savage focus, having felt their bite.
Tyr rushes over to Faelin who looks very pale but with age comes knowledge and Tyr begins to message Faelin’s blood flow enough to get him stabilized.
Faelin breathes a steady shallow breath.
The last surviving stirge pulled by instinct dives at Sylnache drawn by the fresh blood splayed on her, but Sylnache was ready and easily bashes the last threat dead.
End of combat. You may short rest or investigate the area and wait out the storm. If you decide to wait it out you may long rest and level up. Congratulations you made it.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel takes out his longbow and steps to the right enough to get a good shot at Stirge 1.
To hit 14, damage 8.
He then moves back behind the leftmost tent.
Since the remaining stirge are too far away for now, Sylnache will move closer but remain in a defensive stance. She hope to block off any attack on her allies with her threatening presence, still seething with the desire to cut the annoying insects down.
Move closer to the remaining living stirge, don't think I can get into melee yet so I'll take the dodge action and maintain my rage with my bonus action.
Sylnache Ashrain - 7th Sojourn
Tyr will run over to Faelin and use his action to try to stabilize the bard. Medicine: 17 + 3.
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
You all can clearly see the previous carnage of this campsite, they were not as fortunate. There are bodies in the tents. The smell is terrible…
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel breathes a sigh of relief, both that the Stirges are dealt with and that Faelin is stable. Thinking over the situation for a moment, he casts Goodberry and passes Sylnache and Tyr 2 each.
"I'm not sure if Faelin can eat right now--or if it's wise, given the stench here, but those should help once he wakes," he states, eating the remaining berries himself to restore his strength after the blood he lost (+6 hp).
He then sets about searching the campsite for any clues as to who these people were, or any supplies.
Perception 15
2100 cp 700 sp 80 gp **gems 2 Bloodstone Carnelian Calcedony Citrine Moonstone Quartz Sardonyx Zircon. 3 Potions a kidney bean shaped bag. Treasure is in among the remains of a campsite now a surface grave…
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Setting the coin and items aside, Umbriel makes a quick trip back to the cart to retrieve his shovel. He isn't typically the sentimental type, but...they will be here until the storm passes anyway.