Tyr sits back on his heels once Faelin is stabilized, letting out a breath and standing slowly, using his staff as support. He gratefully accepts Umbriel's goodberries, eating one for nourishment for the day and offering the other to whoever needs the boost. Tyr recoils from the smell briefly, finding it to be more noticeable as the adrenaline from the fight fades. He'll fix one end of his cloak over his nose and mouth, then move to help Umbriel examine the site, especially looking for any identifying documents or contracts from the guild to indicate if this is the lost survey team. Perception: 9.
He'll nod towards the potions that Umbriel found, "If this is the team then I'd bet those are what we're looking for,"Tyr grimaces, wishing they'd been able to get there in time to find the camp alive, "I have something that will help us take the remains back, once this storm passes."
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I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Sylnache takes a breath and stretches a bit now that the combat is over and the immediate danger has passed.
"Thank you!" She smiles as she accepts the offered goodberries from Umbriel. Quickly devouring both berries to regain her energy.
She decides to leave the camp investigation to the others, instead choosing to stand guard as they work, in case anything else is attracted to the smell, or the sounds of fighting.
Umbriel nods quietly at Tyr’s words, his expression grim. "You're right. The remains should be returned. No one deserves to rest here."
Sylnache's casual demeanor, even in a place like this, brings a small bit of encouragement to him. “Don’t mention it,” he says with a faint smile, appreciating her resilience.
He turns his attention to the odd kidney bean-shaped bag they found. With a mix of curiosity and caution, Umbriel kneels down to carefully open the bag.
Inside this heavy cloth bag are nine dry beans. The bag weighs two and three quarter pounds.
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Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
"...Beans?" Umbriel can't hide his confusion. He shows them to Tyr and Sylnache, raising one to study it more closely. He tries to recall if he's seen these or the plant they come from before. Nature = 5
The bean in your hand is unlike any you’ve ever seen, it feels alive… it’s also quite large.
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Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Tyr stops his circling of the camp as Umbriel calls him and Sylnache over. He'll frown at the bean, seeing if he can place it as anything he's seen in his travels. Nature: 7.
"Hm, I don't think I've seen this before. If you give me until tomorrow morning I can at least tell you if it's magical or not."
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I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
"Alright. Just be sure to yell if they start doing anything strange. It feels...living, somehow." The tiefling grimaces slightly as he drops the large bean he'd been holding into the bag and passes it over to Tyr.
Sylnache can only offer a shrug in response as she looks over the beans Umbriel showed them. "Just looks like beans to me. Though not a lot there for a proper meal."
Umbriel next studies the potions more closely, looking for any labels or hints at what kind they are. Perception 18.
They are potions of giant strength. One of frost giant two of stone giant.
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Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
"This is them, alright," Umbriel remarks, feeling a little excited yet nervous holding the items, "Should we each carry one, or...?" He looks to the others for their opinions. "The mission said two. Hm, maybe we'll get a bonus for the third."
Faelin stares puzzled at the beans and the potions, trying to grasp some hidden meaning.
Would you like a perception or nature check?
From your mission details it appears that you found what you were looking for except. One member is not here a half elven scout. It seems they had more than they were expected to be returning with.
"Hm, I don't think I've seen this before. If you give me until tomorrow morning I can at least tell you if it's magical or not."
Even after a short time handling the bag of beans you know they are enchanted but it will take time to learn their specific properties.
Umbriel you look about the clearing noting a stirge dead prior to your battle a little way deeper into the forested valley as you look closer you notice broken branches and a footprint someone fled from camp.
Sylnache as you pass by the tent SQ had come flying out of you can’t help but notice a body in the tent something is moving under its skin…
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Sylnache takes what she considers the only reasonable action in this situation and immediately hacks skin wriggling thing with her greataxe. Surely nothing good can come out of whatever thing was moving under a corpse's skin.
Umbriel notices the trail leading into the forest, feeling a faint pang of hope that perhaps someone from the camp could still be alive. He studies the signs more closely to try to figure out how long ago the person passed through here. Survival 14.
Faelin trots over to where Sylnache is hacking at the corpse and looks around and inside the tent for any indenturing objects, he tries to discern if it’s the half elf from the body.
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If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!): Amzar Starshade- Odyssey Of Greatness Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
The body is that of a once lithe but solidly muscular human, a trapspringer by trade one of the party you sought, as Sylnache repeatedly chops you see tiny stirge larvae spilling to the ground the wriggling ends quickly.
As Umbriel looks more closely at the at first random trail signs which then become a purposefully made trail to follow even a stack of stones indicating a general direction travelled, this must have been the scout and not more then 48hrs though their is some obscuring from the recent winds, had it not been sheltered markings there wouldn’t be any.
Fast forward the specific time required- Tyr soon confirms a definitely unique find a bag of beans
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel returns to camp to report to the others what he found. "Looks like the missing scout was able to escape. Even left us a trail to follow. Looks like this all happened around two days ago." He is momentarily distracted by the fresh-er blood splashes on Faelin and Sylnache. "Did I miss something...?" He can't hide his reluctance to know.
Sylnache looks on with a satisfied smile as the larvea stops moving. "Might want to make sure there's no more of those worms in any of the other corpses." She nods towards Faelin before stepping back out of the tent.
Upon catching sight of Umbriel she replies to his question with a wave of her hand, "A small matter, already handled." After a beat she continues, "A survivor? Good news. Do we go now or wait till after the storm passes?" As she talks she looks for a place to clean her axe, and herself, off the excess blood.
Tyr sits back on his heels once Faelin is stabilized, letting out a breath and standing slowly, using his staff as support. He gratefully accepts Umbriel's goodberries, eating one for nourishment for the day and offering the other to whoever needs the boost. Tyr recoils from the smell briefly, finding it to be more noticeable as the adrenaline from the fight fades. He'll fix one end of his cloak over his nose and mouth, then move to help Umbriel examine the site, especially looking for any identifying documents or contracts from the guild to indicate if this is the lost survey team. Perception: 9.
He'll nod towards the potions that Umbriel found, "If this is the team then I'd bet those are what we're looking for," Tyr grimaces, wishing they'd been able to get there in time to find the camp alive, "I have something that will help us take the remains back, once this storm passes."
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
Sylnache takes a breath and stretches a bit now that the combat is over and the immediate danger has passed.
"Thank you!" She smiles as she accepts the offered goodberries from Umbriel. Quickly devouring both berries to regain her energy.
She decides to leave the camp investigation to the others, instead choosing to stand guard as they work, in case anything else is attracted to the smell, or the sounds of fighting.
Sylnache Ashrain - 7th Sojourn
Umbriel nods quietly at Tyr’s words, his expression grim. "You're right. The remains should be returned. No one deserves to rest here."
Sylnache's casual demeanor, even in a place like this, brings a small bit of encouragement to him. “Don’t mention it,” he says with a faint smile, appreciating her resilience.
He turns his attention to the odd kidney bean-shaped bag they found. With a mix of curiosity and caution, Umbriel kneels down to carefully open the bag.
Inside this heavy cloth bag are nine dry beans. The bag weighs two and three quarter pounds.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
"...Beans?" Umbriel can't hide his confusion. He shows them to Tyr and Sylnache, raising one to study it more closely. He tries to recall if he's seen these or the plant they come from before. Nature = 5
The bean in your hand is unlike any you’ve ever seen, it feels alive… it’s also quite large.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Tyr stops his circling of the camp as Umbriel calls him and Sylnache over. He'll frown at the bean, seeing if he can place it as anything he's seen in his travels. Nature: 7.
"Hm, I don't think I've seen this before. If you give me until tomorrow morning I can at least tell you if it's magical or not."
I do both party and individual character commissions. PM me for info.
Corti- Warforged bard of lore (Union!)
Tyr Sepcairn - Elven abjuration wizard (7th Sojourn)
Jean CamGaret - Half-elven draconic sorcerer (Acjots' Rise of Tiamat)
"Alright. Just be sure to yell if they start doing anything strange. It feels...living, somehow." The tiefling grimaces slightly as he drops the large bean he'd been holding into the bag and passes it over to Tyr.
Sylnache can only offer a shrug in response as she looks over the beans Umbriel showed them. "Just looks like beans to me. Though not a lot there for a proper meal."
Sylnache Ashrain - 7th Sojourn
Umbriel next studies the potions more closely, looking for any labels or hints at what kind they are. Perception 18.
They are potions of giant strength. One of frost giant two of stone giant.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
"This is them, alright," Umbriel remarks, feeling a little excited yet nervous holding the items, "Should we each carry one, or...?" He looks to the others for their opinions. "The mission said two. Hm, maybe we'll get a bonus for the third."
Faelin stares puzzled at the beans and the potions, trying to grasp some hidden meaning.
Would you like a perception or nature check?
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
From your mission details it appears that you found what you were looking for except. One member is not here a half elven scout. It seems they had more than they were expected to be returning with.
Even after a short time handling the bag of beans you know they are enchanted but it will take time to learn their specific properties.
Umbriel you look about the clearing noting a stirge dead prior to your battle a little way deeper into the forested valley as you look closer you notice broken branches and a footprint someone fled from camp.
Sylnache as you pass by the tent SQ had come flying out of you can’t help but notice a body in the tent something is moving under its skin…
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Sylnache takes what she considers the only reasonable action in this situation and immediately hacks skin wriggling thing with her greataxe. Surely nothing good can come out of whatever thing was moving under a corpse's skin.
Sylnache Ashrain - 7th Sojourn
Umbriel notices the trail leading into the forest, feeling a faint pang of hope that perhaps someone from the camp could still be alive. He studies the signs more closely to try to figure out how long ago the person passed through here. Survival 14.
Faelin trots over to where Sylnache is hacking at the corpse and looks around and inside the tent for any indenturing objects, he tries to discern if it’s the half elf from the body.
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
The body is that of a once lithe but solidly muscular human, a trapspringer by trade one of the party you sought, as Sylnache repeatedly chops you see tiny stirge larvae spilling to the ground the wriggling ends quickly.
As Umbriel looks more closely at the at first random trail signs which then become a purposefully made trail to follow even a stack of stones indicating a general direction travelled, this must have been the scout and not more then 48hrs though their is some obscuring from the recent winds, had it not been sheltered markings there wouldn’t be any.
Fast forward the specific time required- Tyr soon confirms a definitely unique find a bag of beans
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Umbriel returns to camp to report to the others what he found. "Looks like the missing scout was able to escape. Even left us a trail to follow. Looks like this all happened around two days ago." He is momentarily distracted by the fresh-er blood splashes on Faelin and Sylnache. "Did I miss something...?" He can't hide his reluctance to know.
Sylnache looks on with a satisfied smile as the larvea stops moving. "Might want to make sure there's no more of those worms in any of the other corpses." She nods towards Faelin before stepping back out of the tent.
Upon catching sight of Umbriel she replies to his question with a wave of her hand, "A small matter, already handled." After a beat she continues, "A survivor? Good news. Do we go now or wait till after the storm passes?" As she talks she looks for a place to clean her axe, and herself, off the excess blood.
Sylnache Ashrain - 7th Sojourn