As my bonus action Lucius casts HEX on the Big Goblin and selecting his Dexterity to apply disadvantage on ability checks made with the chosen ability.
Big gobbo disengages from the combat with Ollanius, moves further along the upper ledge and grabs a man from the corner. He lifts him to his knees and holds his sword to his throat.
The man is bound with rope and has been severely beaten and is unconscious. He looks, from the description Ollanius was given in the tavern, to be Sildar Hall winter, Gundren's human companion.
Truce! Truce or this human dies! Let's make a deal.
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Ollanius sidesteps it with ease
Ol sees the amateurish attack of goblin coming and answers with his scimitar
before moving clear to keep his back away from the enemy.
Brand takes in the situation, and moves towards Theqen.
Theqen feels a hand on his shoulder and hymn in his ear as Brand arrives at his side.
"It seems you're lacking Blessings Theqen. You really should repent and turn over a new leaf. Join me in worship or Horus-Re!"
Theqen feels warmth going through him while Brand has his hand on his shoulder.
Brand used a Bonus Action to cast Healing word on Theqen.
Brand the looks the 2 goblins attacking Theqen with disgust and says.
"The Sun Holy Rays don't reach this...goblin grime infested place"
With his shield and Flail at the ready,
Brand uses an action to cast Bless on Theqen, Lucius and Ollanius.
"Maybe now you won't miss your attacks"
That's enough out of you preacher!!
Big gobbo takes aim at Brand
Attack: 22 Damage: 3
Lucius notices the Big Goblins arrow strike brand and turns his attention with his crossbow to him loosing a bolt at his direction.
To hit:
As my bonus action Lucius casts HEX on the Big Goblin and selecting his Dexterity to apply disadvantage on ability checks made with the chosen ability.
Lucius' crossbow bolt misses the hefty goblin
Theqen attacks the goblin in front of him again
22 2
1 2
Theqen's first strike streaks a long gash across the goblin's chest. He fumbles his second strike and drops his left-handed dagger
The goblin Theqen just attacked back attacks him back...back
Attack: 19 Damage: 3
Goblin with a bolt in his arm also attacks Theqen again
Attack: 9 Damage: 3
Ollanius' gob-foe attacks again.
Ol switches stance deftly and with his short sword thrusts at the Goblin.
Ol bares his teeth as he feels the sword bite home as and glares at the Goblin with savage rage.
The goblin's eyes go wide as he is cloven in twain, blood drenching the cave floor
Ol turns eyeing up the largest foe and charges for him.
Brand uses a Bonus Action to use his last Healing Word on Theqen.
Brand then stands next to a Theqen and swings his flail in a downward arc of spiked iron, at the goblin with the bolt in his arm.
Hit roll 6
Damage roll 8
Brand then moves behind the goblin infront of Theqen.
The bolted goblin's head crumples like an Easter egg full of wet mince.
Big gobbo disengages from the combat with Ollanius, moves further along the upper ledge and grabs a man from the corner. He lifts him to his knees and holds his sword to his throat.
The man is bound with rope and has been severely beaten and is unconscious. He looks, from the description Ollanius was given in the tavern, to be Sildar Hall winter, Gundren's human companion.
Truce! Truce or this human dies! Let's make a deal.