After not seeing anything happen and after Theqen doesn't return, fed up of waiting around, Brand puts his shield and flail back onto his person and jumps back into the wagon.
Well if there isn't anyone coming to attack us, I'll head up to the site and give last rights to anyone who has died. The Sun God watches over all. Praise be Horus-Re, praise be his name.
Brand drives the wagon forward and stops just in front of the dead horses, looks around and then clambers down and makes his way to the road kill. Brand takes out a holy symbol, kisses it and says a prayer for who ever these horses belonged to. Then Brand begins to sing a song of condolence as he rummages through what bags and pouches that are on the animals and collects whatever is usable. Brand plucks the arrows from the dead animals and wipes them off on the grass, thinking to himself that they might be worth something to a trader.
Brand stops singing and calls out
There is a lot of meat here, do any of you have a knife?
Brand then pauses wondering whether the horses died from their injuries or poison. He then holds up the arrows, looks at them, sniffs them and then does the same at the wounds on the horses.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ol advances alongside the cart in the ditch to the side of the road. Knowing a trap for what it is and not wanting to wait for it to happen he grabs his rope from the wagon and tying it around the back legs of one of the horses. He runs it around a tree at the side of the road ties the other end off on the wagon.
i hope these knots hold
Whispering to the Oxen pulling the wagon he encourages them back slowly to begin dragging their deceased cousin from the road.
As the oxen start to pull the horse, there are high, angry shrieks from the trees on each side of the path. A goblin charges from each side. An arrow whistles from the each side of the path as the two goblins that fired them emerge.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Lucius with his dual shortswords uses initial action to attack the goblin next to him before quickly swinging with the second blade using a bonus action with two quick successive strikes.
Acrobatics check
Stealth check
You don't see anyone lying in wait from where any of you are
After not seeing anything happen and after Theqen doesn't return, fed up of waiting around, Brand puts his shield and flail back onto his person and jumps back into the wagon.
Well if there isn't anyone coming to attack us, I'll head up to the site and give last rights to anyone who has died. The Sun God watches over all. Praise be Horus-Re, praise be his name.
Brand drives the wagon forward and stops just in front of the dead horses, looks around and then clambers down and makes his way to the road kill. Brand takes out a holy symbol, kisses it and says a prayer for who ever these horses belonged to. Then Brand begins to sing a song of condolence as he rummages through what bags and pouches that are on the animals and collects whatever is usable. Brand plucks the arrows from the dead animals and wipes them off on the grass, thinking to himself that they might be worth something to a trader.
Brand stops singing and calls out
There is a lot of meat here, do any of you have a knife?
Brand then pauses wondering whether the horses died from their injuries or poison. He then holds up the arrows, looks at them, sniffs them and then does the same at the wounds on the horses.
Perception check 12
Investigation check 8
Medicine check 24
Ol advances alongside the cart in the ditch to the side of the road. Knowing a trap for what it is and not wanting to wait for it to happen he grabs his rope from the wagon and tying it around the back legs of one of the horses.
He runs it around a tree at the side of the road ties the other end off on the wagon.
i hope these knots hold
Whispering to the Oxen pulling the wagon he encourages them back slowly to begin dragging their deceased cousin from the road.
He sees bran sniffing the arrow.
i wouldn’t even risk it bran
(Dice roles for dexterity)
Brand recognises the crest of Gundren Rockseeker on the saddlebags. These horses belonged to him and Sildar Hall winter.
The bags are empty, clearly looted. Beside the horses is an empty leather map case.
Brand detects no poison on the arrows or from the wounds, simply the smell of a animal body left for about a day after death
As the oxen start to pull the horse, there are high, angry shrieks from the trees on each side of the path. A goblin charges from each side. An arrow whistles from the each side of the path as the two goblins that fired them emerge.
Short bows
One of the sword wielding goblins lands a blow on Brand. Distracted by the shriek and strike, he is also hit by one of the arrows. 6 damage total
Ollanius, watching the oxen when the shrieks rang out, doesn't turn in time to dodge the arrow flying at him. 5 damage
Lucius, despite having swords at the ready, takes a blow from the other sword wielding goblin. 5 damage.
Goblin initiative 8
Initiative check
Initiative check
Lucius with his dual shortswords uses initial action to attack the goblin next to him before quickly swinging with the second blade using a bonus action with two quick successive strikes.
Action to hit:
Bonus to hit:
The goblin parries both strikes with a cackle
Brand gasps and groans after taking an arrow and a slash. Brand lashes out with his flail at the goblin next to him.
Action to hit
Damage if successful hit
Bonus Action
Healing Word on Lucius
Bloody Goblins!
Ol draws his Schimitar with weather worn experience of battle, and runs towards the nearest assailant attacking Lucius before striking.
Action to hit