An inspection of the area reveals that the creatures have been using this place to stage ambushes for some time. A trail hidden behind thickets on the north side of the road leads northwest. Brand discerns that about a dozen goblins have come and gone along the trail, as well as noting signs of two human-sized bodies having been hauled away from the ambush site.
As for the loot, my suggestions is that I think Ol and I should take a Potion each as we are our front line. It also means I can save my heals for whoever else gets injured as opposed to using it on myself. The arrows, scimitars and shortbows can be kept for sale when we are in a town. Any other suggestions?
Once everyone has agreed to the splitting of the loot, Brand walks over to the path where the goblin and human tracks go. He stoops down, picks up some dirt and rubs it between his fingers. Brand then says to the others.
Shall we make a move then? The unlucky ones that have been hauled off may still be alive. If we are too late, we can at least rid the world of these raiders and make these roads safe for travelers. Theqen can you scout ahead of the group with your stealth and warn us of any ambushes?
Lucius sitting against a tree stump in the shade of the tree remarks to Brand and the group.
I have no objection to that, you did me solid in that fight Brand after that goblin slashed me so I'm happy for you to have the potion. I call dibs on the next though.
Lucius walks back over to the horses and looks at the saddle bags.
Those horses belonged to Gundren, could be he was the one who found trouble on the road. We best follow these tracks to find him, hopefully alive.
Lucius searches the saddlebags to see if anything is there.
yeah Brand, I think it's best if I scout ahead to avoid the embarrassment of what just happened happening again. Wouldn't want another higher lower life form to send us to the afterlife prematurely.
Theqen jumps into the trees and begins scouting ahead.
The party steer the wagon away from the road and tie off the oxen. They follow the trail Brand discovered as it runs northwest.
After around 10 minutes of walking with Theqen giving updates from the treetops with an agreed noise, he signals to them to stop. A snare that would have suspended an unwary walker upside down has been concealed on the path. It would seem the goblins have set traps to thwart pursuers.
All even more alert now, you continue along the path. After another 10 minutes or so of careful travel, Brand stops suddenly. Just in time to avoid stepping on to a pit the goblins have camouflaged. Brand is able to discern where the edges are and lead the group through the scrub to get around it.
Shortly after the pit trap, the party arrives at a cave mouth at the foot of a large hill. There are more signs of things being dragged within in the dirt in front of the cave
Brand stoops down in front of the cave mouth, touches the dirt and then looks around the mouth of the cave trying to ascertain the number of enemies within from the footprints at the entrance and whether they are all goblins or if there are other creatures as well. Survival check - 12
Brand also looks around the mouth of the cave for any traps. Perception check - 23
Brand looks at each his companions faces, trying to read their emotions and states flatly. Insight check - 23
Personally, I would like to go inside and stomp out the evil that has taken root here. I can't do this on my own, so I would like your honest opinions as to whether we should venture inside or not. What are your thoughts?
At least two sets of goblin tracks but it is unclear how many sets of prints there are as many overlay each other. It is a well travelled entrance. He can see the trail of two heavy things having been dragged recently. He can just about make out larger prints from something else but cannot tell what they are.
He awaits a reply from anyone else to his question
A shallow stream flows out of the cave mouth, which is screened by dense briar thickets. A narrow dry path leads into the cave on the right-hand side of the stream.
Looking inside, you can see an opening to the right and another path leading further in
Brand. Use Thequin’s bell to bait them out. No one can resist a bell - not even Goblins. Keep in cover though!
Thequin, Lucius cover the entrance and ground ahead with your arrows.
i’ll use thequins oil to cover the ground on the path away from the stream in front of the cave. I’ll light it with one of these goblin arrows and a bit of rag from my clothes.
i can cover from above the cave entrance. We should thin them out with a nice little Kill Box.
would rather that, than face them on their ground. I’d put coin on their greed drawing them out to that bell.
Rather than walking into the cave, we draw them out with noise, making them think it's another set of unsuspecting travelers and then ambush them.
Brand thinks for a moment, clearly impressed by the idea of his companion.
Rather than damaging your clothes, you can have a sheet of parchment to use instead or you can use that lit torch in your hand and throw it instead. I must say that is a much better idea than mine of us marching into a cave without knowing who is inside.
Brand holds up a sheet of parchment to Ol.
I'm on board with Ol's idea as it has a much better chance of survival and it is likely that the only ones left in the cave will be their leader and the ones guarding the prisoners. That'll make it a fairer fight in the end and if we are quick enough we could free the prisoners and they could help us fight what remains. Not too shabby Ol, not too shabby at all.
Theqen ponders for a few seconds of the possibility of all the chaos he could get up the cave. Theqen slowly let out a smile.and looked towards the rest of the group
Hmmmmmm I suppose I'll go along with the ruse but this better be fun or...I'll make it fun for us all!
Brand heads back into the woods 50ft from the entrance and hides waiting for the bell he knows to move forward if nothing comes out.
Thequin and pours oil just beyond the cave entrance and on the path creating a large area before moving to cover the ground with his arrow.
Lucius moves to the opposite flank from Thequin and cast mage hand to ring the bell.
Ol hides above the cave mouth with his lit torch and an arrow primed so not to give the game away, and suddenly hopes there better not be a worg or two in their.
The board is set, and the group waits for their quarry.
The bell rings high and loud, the clapper striking the sides wildly. There is a howl from inside the cave. After a few seconds, two goblins run out from the opening on the right and walk towards the front of the cave, bows levelled for threats. Their unnaturally sharp teeth glint as they emerge from the mouth of the cave
Ol checks over the horses for anything that can be recovered and looks for drag marks from their previous riders.
An inspection of the area reveals that the creatures have been using this place to stage ambushes for some time. A trail hidden behind thickets on the north side of the road leads northwest. Brand discerns that about a dozen goblins have come and gone along the trail, as well as noting signs of two human-sized bodies having been hauled away from the ambush site.
After the Short rest, Brand says
As for the loot, my suggestions is that I think Ol and I should take a Potion each as we are our front line. It also means I can save my heals for whoever else gets injured as opposed to using it on myself. The arrows, scimitars and shortbows can be kept for sale when we are in a town. Any other suggestions?
Once everyone has agreed to the splitting of the loot, Brand walks over to the path where the goblin and human tracks go. He stoops down, picks up some dirt and rubs it between his fingers. Brand then says to the others.
Shall we make a move then? The unlucky ones that have been hauled off may still be alive. If we are too late, we can at least rid the world of these raiders and make these roads safe for travelers. Theqen can you scout ahead of the group with your stealth and warn us of any ambushes?
Lucius sitting against a tree stump in the shade of the tree remarks to Brand and the group.
I have no objection to that, you did me solid in that fight Brand after that goblin slashed me so I'm happy for you to have the potion. I call dibs on the next though.
Lucius walks back over to the horses and looks at the saddle bags.
Those horses belonged to Gundren, could be he was the one who found trouble on the road. We best follow these tracks to find him, hopefully alive.
Lucius searches the saddlebags to see if anything is there.
yeah Brand, I think it's best if I scout ahead to avoid the embarrassment of what just happened happening again. Wouldn't want another higher lower life form to send us to the afterlife prematurely.
Theqen jumps into the trees and begins scouting ahead.
The party steer the wagon away from the road and tie off the oxen. They follow the trail Brand discovered as it runs northwest.
After around 10 minutes of walking with Theqen giving updates from the treetops with an agreed noise, he signals to them to stop. A snare that would have suspended an unwary walker upside down has been concealed on the path. It would seem the goblins have set traps to thwart pursuers.
All even more alert now, you continue along the path. After another 10 minutes or so of careful travel, Brand stops suddenly. Just in time to avoid stepping on to a pit the goblins have camouflaged. Brand is able to discern where the edges are and lead the group through the scrub to get around it.
Shortly after the pit trap, the party arrives at a cave mouth at the foot of a large hill. There are more signs of things being dragged within in the dirt in front of the cave
Brand stoops down in front of the cave mouth, touches the dirt and then looks around the mouth of the cave trying to ascertain the number of enemies within from the footprints at the entrance and whether they are all goblins or if there are other creatures as well. Survival check - 12
Brand also looks around the mouth of the cave for any traps. Perception check - 23
Brand looks at each his companions faces, trying to read their emotions and states flatly. Insight check - 23
Personally, I would like to go inside and stomp out the evil that has taken root here. I can't do this on my own, so I would like your honest opinions as to whether we should venture inside or not. What are your thoughts?
Brand detects no traps at the mouth of the cave.
He is able to discern s
At least two sets of goblin tracks but it is unclear how many sets of prints there are as many overlay each other. It is a well travelled entrance. He can see the trail of two heavy things having been dragged recently. He can just about make out larger prints from something else but cannot tell what they are.
He awaits a reply from anyone else to his question
Ol looks at his companions and drawing his schimitar and lighting a torch.
Lets do this.
Hang on. How about we treat them to a little suprise?. This is after all the perfect place to ambush a goblin!
We could smoke them out? Or set a rope ambush?
A shallow stream flows out of the cave mouth, which is screened by dense briar thickets. A narrow dry path leads into the cave on the right-hand side of the stream.
Looking inside, you can see an opening to the right and another path leading further in
Brand. Use Thequin’s bell to bait them out. No one can resist a bell - not even Goblins. Keep in cover though!
Thequin, Lucius cover the entrance and ground ahead with your arrows.
i’ll use thequins oil to cover the ground on the path away from the stream in front of the cave. I’ll light it with one of these goblin arrows and a bit of rag from my clothes.
i can cover from above the cave entrance. We should thin them out with a nice little Kill Box.
would rather that, than face them on their ground. I’d put coin on their greed drawing them out to that bell.
Rather than walking into the cave, we draw them out with noise, making them think it's another set of unsuspecting travelers and then ambush them.
Brand thinks for a moment, clearly impressed by the idea of his companion.
Rather than damaging your clothes, you can have a sheet of parchment to use instead or you can use that lit torch in your hand and throw it instead. I must say that is a much better idea than mine of us marching into a cave without knowing who is inside.
Brand holds up a sheet of parchment to Ol.
I'm on board with Ol's idea as it has a much better chance of survival and it is likely that the only ones left in the cave will be their leader and the ones guarding the prisoners. That'll make it a fairer fight in the end and if we are quick enough we could free the prisoners and they could help us fight what remains. Not too shabby Ol, not too shabby at all.
Theqen and Lucius, are you in?
Theqen ponders for a few seconds of the possibility of all the chaos he could get up the cave. Theqen slowly let out a smile.and looked towards the rest of the group
Hmmmmmm I suppose I'll go along with the ruse but this better be fun or...I'll make it fun for us all!
Slaughtering some filthy Goblins... Count me in! It's a cunning plan Ol, I like it, playing the Gobbos at their own game.
Lucius casts Mage Hand with a spectral hand manifesting in front of everyone.
I'll use this to ring the bell so we can stay in our hiding spots for the ambush. Don't wanna be caught in the open.
Brand heads back into the woods 50ft from the entrance and hides waiting for the bell he knows to move forward if nothing comes out.
Thequin and pours oil just beyond the cave entrance and on the path creating a large area before moving to cover the ground with his arrow.
Lucius moves to the opposite flank from Thequin and cast mage hand to ring the bell.
Ol hides above the cave mouth with his lit torch and an arrow primed so not to give the game away, and suddenly hopes there better not be a worg or two in their.
The board is set, and the group waits for their quarry.
The bell rings high and loud, the clapper striking the sides wildly. There is a howl from inside the cave. After a few seconds, two goblins run out from the opening on the right and walk towards the front of the cave, bows levelled for threats. Their unnaturally sharp teeth glint as they emerge from the mouth of the cave
No one moves. The bell continues to ring.