Not really worthy of being hunted but the ends justify the means i guess. Greyface wont see this coming!...
Theqen, poised and aiming at the cave entrance, can see the very un-sexy sight of a Goblin looking perplexed by a third rate bell. Theqen aims for the little gap between the eyes of the Goblin and let's his arrow loose!
The arrow hits home with a shlorp. There is a woosh as the flames hungrily feed on the oil and spread quickly around the goblins, setting both of their threadbare loincloths aflame
You now hear three howls and barks from within the cave.
One of the goblins steps forward and taps the still ringing bell with the end of his bow. He looks puzzled
Ol indicates to Thequin and Lucius to take the goblins out.
Not really worthy of being hunted but the ends justify the means i guess. Greyface wont see this coming!...
Theqen, poised and aiming at the cave entrance, can see the very un-sexy sight of a Goblin looking perplexed by a third rate bell. Theqen aims for the little gap between the eyes of the Goblin and let's his arrow loose!
Attack to hit
Sneak attack:
Ol watching the attack unfold prepares a lit arrow aware the trap is sprung.
Ol sees the miss and realising that his high ground initiative is likely lost shoots at ground in front of the nearest goblin
The arrow hits home with a shlorp. There is a woosh as the flames hungrily feed on the oil and spread quickly around the goblins, setting both of their threadbare loincloths aflame
Both goblins scream and take 5 damage each
Brand seeing an opportunity to help end the fight casts Sacred Flame. On one Goblin.
If Sacred Flame works
5 damage to goblin.
The searing light burns and dries the goblin's flesh and the flames take it into that long good goblin night
Lucius takes aim with his crossbow and targets the remaining goblin scum. Lucius aims for the neck of the goblin and lets loose the bolt.
To hit:
The crossbow bolt whistles past the goblin and bounces off the cave mouth
Initiative check
Initiative check
Initiative check
Theqen initiative
Stupid ******* crossbow! Lucius curses before placing it down and casts Eldritch Blast at the goblin.
To hit:
Lucius' crossbow based fury clouds his mind and the blast misses the mark
Ol rolls his eyes racks another bow and lets fly.