Once the fire burns out, Brand comes out of his spot in the trees, walks over to the goblins an salvages whatever is usable and looks up at his companions.
Job well done, would have been better if more came out but that's 2 less to worry about. Theqen, as you wished, let's go explore the cave and finish off whoever is there. How shall we proceed inside? I think Ollanius is the only one of us who isn't able to see in the dark.
Brand walks up to the thicket and peers inside to see if anything else is there.
You’re not wrong Brand. I’m going to hang out here and keep watch until you lot have an idea at least that the cave is clear for me to come in with the torch. I’ll be blind as a bat otherwise.
Theqen moves ahead into the cave for a look, moving slowly. He walks back to the others.
There's a cavern off to the right where the howls and barks were coming from. They stopped as I got close, didn't think I smelled THAT good.
It's bright enough for the first bit in there big man. Even your pretty little eyes will be able to see. A bit after that room, the cave floor goes up up up. That's when she gets dark. How I like it.
The gang head into the mouth of the cave, Ollanius with torch in hand should the light give out.
Just inside the cave mouth, a few uneven stone steps lead up to a small, dank chamber on the east side of the passage. The cave narrows to a steep fissure at the far end, and is filled with the stench of animals. Savage snarls and the sounds of rattling chains greet your ears where three wolves are chained up just inside the opening. Each wolf’s chain leads to an iron rod driven into the base of a stalagmite.
Two of the wolves are calmed by Brand's actions and sniff his palms. The third snarls at him but a quick bark from the biggest puts it in it's place. It's ears pinned back against it's head, it retreats to the wall. All three lie down and watch the group
Brand looks at Ollanius thankful for his help and seeing an opportunity to enlighten the lost, he then takes out a Holy symbol and makes the sign of the Everlasting Sun.
"If they attack us, then so be it, but they have been chained up by the goblins so why give them any further cruelty? Also, we haven't decided on who the leader of our party is, so I'm just following the teachings of my station and doing what I must. We see all equal in this. For the Lord Horus-Re, blessed be his name, said that his clerics and paladins should smite evil where ever they find it but take pity on those abused by said evil. We are but instruments of his divine will and I am one of his chosen warriors. Blessed is the hammer of the Sun God, for they shine his light where his light cannot reach. Blessed are the none believers who turn and follow the path of the life bringing Sun, despite their ignorance of his teachings....."
Brand breaks off into a sermon, feeling that his woefully lost companions deserve to know of the brilliance and divine teachings of his God and deliverer, the Awesome Horus-Re. When Brand gets like this he won’t stop preaching for hours on end.
The two work together to pull out the stakes, hearing a tut over their shoulder from Theqen. The wolves wait for a few seconds for the strikes and kicks that never come and then trot off out of the cavern and toward the mouth of the cave itself.
The base of the fissure at the far end of the cavern is covered in discarded rubbish which, from the distribution of it, looks like it has bounced down from above
The main passage from the cave mouth climbs steeply upward, the stream plunging and splashing down its west side. In the shadows, a side passage leads west across the other side of the stream. In the shadows of the ceiling to the north, you can just make out the dim shape of a rickety bridge of wood and rope crossing over the passage ahead of you. Another passage intersects this one, twenty feet above the floor.
In the far distance on the rickety bridge, you make out the shape of a lone goblin keeping watch. He doesn't appear to have picked out Ollanius' torch light against the light coming in from the cave mouth yet
The arrow lodges in the back of the goblin's neck and he falls into the burning oil as it slowly burns out
Once the fire burns out, Brand comes out of his spot in the trees, walks over to the goblins an salvages whatever is usable and looks up at his companions.
Job well done, would have been better if more came out but that's 2 less to worry about. Theqen, as you wished, let's go explore the cave and finish off whoever is there. How shall we proceed inside? I think Ollanius is the only one of us who isn't able to see in the dark.
Brand walks up to the thicket and peers inside to see if anything else is there.
Perception check 26
Survival check 5
There is no one inside the thicket. There are a few rudimentary stools. It is likely used as a watch post.
The goblins bodies have but a few arrowheads and some burnt chunks of bread remaining.
You’re not wrong Brand. I’m going to hang out here and keep watch until you lot have an idea at least that the cave is clear for me to come in with the torch. I’ll be blind as a bat otherwise.
Theqen moves ahead into the cave for a look, moving slowly. He walks back to the others.
There's a cavern off to the right where the howls and barks were coming from. They stopped as I got close, didn't think I smelled THAT good.
It's bright enough for the first bit in there big man. Even your pretty little eyes will be able to see. A bit after that room, the cave floor goes up up up. That's when she gets dark. How I like it.
Come on then. No point putting off the inevitable.
Can’t let you lot get to the pelts before me now ‘cane’ I?
Ol looks around for appreciation at his ‘on point’ terrible old warrior humour and abuse of Latin.
The gang head into the mouth of the cave, Ollanius with torch in hand should the light give out.
Just inside the cave mouth, a few uneven stone steps lead up to a small, dank chamber on the east side of the passage. The cave narrows to a steep fissure at the far end, and is filled with the stench of animals. Savage snarls and the sounds of rattling chains greet your ears where three wolves are chained up just inside the opening. Each wolf’s chain leads to an iron rod driven into the base of a stalagmite.
Brand arches an eyebrow at Ol's joke, not getting it. Brand regrets his tiny village upbringing.
Looking at the wolves Brand lifts his empty palms and approaches slowly, trying to calm them. Brand says to his companions
"Maybe if I can get them to settle down and like me, we won't have to kill them."
animal handling check
Two of the wolves are calmed by Brand's actions and sniff his palms. The third snarls at him but a quick bark from the biggest puts it in it's place. It's ears pinned back against it's head, it retreats to the wall. All three lie down and watch the group
Brand gives all the wolves some ear scratches and asks Ol for help
"Ol can you help be break these chains and free the wolves?"
athletics check
"If we fail Theqen or Lucius can either of you pick the locks?"
errrrrm. I’d rather take their pelts for warmth or to sell on. But because it’s you Brand….
“Thank you Ol.”
Brand looks at Ollanius thankful for his help and seeing an opportunity to enlighten the lost, he then takes out a Holy symbol and makes the sign of the Everlasting Sun.
"If they attack us, then so be it, but they have been chained up by the goblins so why give them any further cruelty? Also, we haven't decided on who the leader of our party is, so I'm just following the teachings of my station and doing what I must. We see all equal in this. For the Lord Horus-Re, blessed be his name, said that his clerics and paladins should smite evil where ever they find it but take pity on those abused by said evil. We are but instruments of his divine will and I am one of his chosen warriors. Blessed is the hammer of the Sun God, for they shine his light where his light cannot reach. Blessed are the none believers who turn and follow the path of the life bringing Sun, despite their ignorance of his teachings....."
Brand breaks off into a sermon, feeling that his woefully lost companions deserve to know of the brilliance and divine teachings of his God and deliverer, the Awesome Horus-Re. When Brand gets like this he won’t stop preaching for hours on end.
The two work together to pull out the stakes, hearing a tut over their shoulder from Theqen. The wolves wait for a few seconds for the strikes and kicks that never come and then trot off out of the cavern and toward the mouth of the cave itself.
The base of the fissure at the far end of the cavern is covered in discarded rubbish which, from the distribution of it, looks like it has bounced down from above
The main passage from the cave mouth climbs steeply upward, the stream plunging and splashing down its west side. In the shadows, a side passage leads west across the other side of the stream. In the shadows of the ceiling to the north, you can just make out the dim shape of a rickety bridge of wood and rope crossing over the passage ahead of you. Another passage intersects this one, twenty feet above the floor.
Let’s get moving. We still have not found what we were looking for.
Ol starts to walk with the torch to explore the cave with his Scimitar drawn.
Perception Check
In the far distance on the rickety bridge, you make out the shape of a lone goblin keeping watch. He doesn't appear to have picked out Ollanius' torch light against the light coming in from the cave mouth yet
As Ollanius has walked off, Brand rounds off the sermon and puts away his Holy symbol.
Brand walks over to Ollanius as he has noticed that Ollanius has stopped and is peering up at the bridge.
"What is it?" Brand squits his eyes trying to make out what Ollanius is looking st.