Phait smiles at his comrades' replies. "Good company then." A former dockworker, perhaps a sailor? A devoted cleric. Marcus may have been a little pessimistic about the discovery, but hopefully there'd be something great. And it was a pleasure to have Brungir, a fellow dwarf from Neverwinter, along.
OOC: Let me know if this link works: Lost Mine of Phandelver PbP Maps.docx The Word document should theoretically update whenever I change the PPT slide. It has the map with tokens!
Sorry the map is low-quality. If you open it on the app, it should be better.
One goblin with a scruffy mop of hair fires a well-aimed arrow at Treela, dealing 5 piercing damage as it strikes her lower abdomen. Another whips its wicked curved blade towards Marcus, striking his arm for 3 slashing damage whilst a third snarls, revealing horrifyingly sharpened teeth, before loosing an arrow towards Marcus, dealing 5 piercing damage. Finally, another goblin, with bone ornaments dangling from its slimy locks of hair, strikes with his scimitar at Seraphine, but, in the chaos of the moment, merely meets chain mail.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Brungir lets out a loud curse in dwarven as the goblins appear from the surrounding bushes, moving to press against side of the cart for cover. Raising his eye over the side he braces the crossbow against the wagon and takes aim at the goblin holding the bow. "Damned things ruined a fine day!"
Marcus lets out a cry of pain that comes out as more of a snarl as the goblin's blade slices across his arm and an arrow sprouts from his shoulder. He bares his pointed teeth at the goblin as he draws a handaxe from his waist and swings it towards the creature's torso (13 to hit for 4 slashing damage). "Not doing so hot over here!"
Treela feels the responsibility of keeping everyone alive, but to do that she has to keep herself alive! And one more shot like that would be the end of her.
She starts off by taking the the air, flying high enough to be out of reach of their melee weapons so she only has to worry about archers. She points at the archer she thinks shot her while saying a short prayer, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment from the Toll the Dead spell she just cast.
DC 13 WIS save to avoid 5 necrotic damage (assuming it wasn't already damage, else it's a D12 damage)
Treela then casts a healing word on herself to restore 4 HP
[[ If memory serves, the goblin Brugnir hit was probably hit and killed. And the goblin Marcus attacked was probably a miss, unless there's no shield. ]]
Phait stands up in the cart. "Moradin's beard!" he exclaimed in Dwarvish as the swarm of goblins came into view. After the surprise wore of he raises his staff and chants an invocation, letting a spectral hand fly across the battelfield and towards the archer Treela cast her own spell.
Brungir's crossbow bolt slices through the goblin's cruel, black heart causing the goblin to fall to the ground, dead. Marcus' handaxe bangs against the goblin's metallic gauntlet, clanging against it and dealing no damage. Another goblin just manages to resist the toll of the dead (19-1=18 WIS save) as Treela whispers a healing word and regains her strength, vanquising her physical wounds. The frightening vision of a spectral hand crosses the battlefield towards the goblin archer that just seconds ago loosed an arrow at Treela, filling it with the deadly power of necromancy and bringing it to its knees in pain. The final goblin dodges Seraphine's strike with terrifying ease.
OOC: I finally figured out how to post a screenshot! (thanks corvaxl1)
The injured goblin uses his final burst of strength to fire a well-placed arrow at Brungir, dealing 5 piercing damage as it spears his shoulder! Then, the goblin next to Seraphine makes another attempt on her life, slashing at her with his shortsword but only bringing a clanging sound as it is blocked by her chain mail. The final goblin fires an arrow at Phait, seeing him as the biggest threat after he nearly killed his closest goblin friend but misses as he is blinded by anger.
Brungir does his best to not show pain from the arrow in his shoulder, ripping it out as he moves to use ready his crossbow to fire again. Taking aim at the goblin that fired at him, he presses the trigger of the weapon before a bolt flies out towards the goblin. Not even checking if the bolt struck true he moves to the front of the wagon and hunkers against it for cover.
The bolt bounces off the goblin's spiked gauntlet (using instead of a shield; same effect), causing it to stagger but it manages to maintain its footing.
Marcus watches the goblin in front of him fall and, seeing another arrow go flying towards the dwarves in the cart from just off the path, runs up to the northernmost bow goblin and slashes at it with his axe (9 to hit but at least he'll have disadvantage now).
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Treela stays up out of reach of swords as she flys over the battlefield. She points at the injured goblin and again Tolls the Dead. That goblin hears the bell ringing its doom.
DC 13 WIS save to avoid 12 necrotic damage.
Although there are a couple of her teammates injured, Treela holds off on casting healing for the moment, so that she can revive anyone who goes down with her last healing spell for the day.
Marcus' axe clashes against the goblin's gauntlet but Treela causes the injured goblin to hear the bell that would spell his doom as necromantic energy races through him and he collapses onto the floor, dead.
Phaits jumps out of the cart and down to the ground, rushing towards the frontline to get a better view.
Move: NE->E->E->E->E (1 N of Treela)
He then lets out another spectral hand, sending it towards the goblin near Seraphina. [[ not sure if the bushes will give it 1/2 cover or something. ]]
4 goblins leap out of the brush on either side of the road!
[[ prior to ambush ]]
Phait smiles at his comrades' replies. "Good company then." A former dockworker, perhaps a sailor? A devoted cleric. Marcus may have been a little pessimistic about the discovery, but hopefully there'd be something great. And it was a pleasure to have Brungir, a fellow dwarf from Neverwinter, along.
[[ starting with ambush ]]
Phait Initiative: 8+2 = 10
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
Treela: Initiative 15
OOC: Let me know if this link works: Lost Mine of Phandelver PbP Maps.docx The Word document should theoretically update whenever I change the PPT slide. It has the map with tokens!
Sorry the map is low-quality. If you open it on the app, it should be better.
One goblin with a scruffy mop of hair fires a well-aimed arrow at Treela, dealing 5 piercing damage as it strikes her lower abdomen. Another whips its wicked curved blade towards Marcus, striking his arm for 3 slashing damage whilst a third snarls, revealing horrifyingly sharpened teeth, before loosing an arrow towards Marcus, dealing 5 piercing damage. Finally, another goblin, with bone ornaments dangling from its slimy locks of hair, strikes with his scimitar at Seraphine, but, in the chaos of the moment, merely meets chain mail.
Next: Brungir
Brungir lets out a loud curse in dwarven as the goblins appear from the surrounding bushes, moving to press against side of the cart for cover. Raising his eye over the side he braces the crossbow against the wagon and takes aim at the goblin holding the bow. "Damned things ruined a fine day!"
Crossbow: Attack: 17 Damage: 7
Marcus lets out a cry of pain that comes out as more of a snarl as the goblin's blade slices across his arm and an arrow sprouts from his shoulder. He bares his pointed teeth at the goblin as he draws a handaxe from his waist and swings it towards the creature's torso (13 to hit for 4 slashing damage). "Not doing so hot over here!"
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
Treela feels the responsibility of keeping everyone alive, but to do that she has to keep herself alive! And one more shot like that would be the end of her.
She starts off by taking the the air, flying high enough to be out of reach of their melee weapons so she only has to worry about archers. She points at the archer she thinks shot her while saying a short prayer, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment from the Toll the Dead spell she just cast.
DC 13 WIS save to avoid 5 necrotic damage (assuming it wasn't already damage, else it's a D12 damage)
Treela then casts a healing word on herself to restore 4 HP
[[ If memory serves, the goblin Brugnir hit was probably hit and killed. And the goblin Marcus attacked was probably a miss, unless there's no shield. ]]
Phait stands up in the cart. "Moradin's beard!" he exclaimed in Dwarvish as the swarm of goblins came into view. After the surprise wore of he raises his staff and chants an invocation, letting a spectral hand fly across the battelfield and towards the archer Treela cast her own spell.
Chill Touch @ Goblin Archer
To-Hit: 16+5 = 21
Damage: 6 necrotic
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
Seraphine struggles to stay calm, instinctively worried about the others. Drawing her shortsword, she swings for the goblin closest to her.
To hit: 11, Damage: 6
Brungir's crossbow bolt slices through the goblin's cruel, black heart causing the goblin to fall to the ground, dead. Marcus' handaxe bangs against the goblin's metallic gauntlet, clanging against it and dealing no damage. Another goblin just manages to resist the toll of the dead (19-1=18 WIS save) as Treela whispers a healing word and regains her strength, vanquising her physical wounds. The frightening vision of a spectral hand crosses the battlefield towards the goblin archer that just seconds ago loosed an arrow at Treela, filling it with the deadly power of necromancy and bringing it to its knees in pain. The final goblin dodges Seraphine's strike with terrifying ease.
NEXT: Goblins
OOC: I finally figured out how to post a screenshot! (thanks corvaxl1)
The injured goblin uses his final burst of strength to fire a well-placed arrow at Brungir, dealing 5 piercing damage as it spears his shoulder! Then, the goblin next to Seraphine makes another attempt on her life, slashing at her with his shortsword but only bringing a clanging sound as it is blocked by her chain mail. The final goblin fires an arrow at Phait, seeing him as the biggest threat after he nearly killed his closest goblin friend but misses as he is blinded by anger.
Next: Brungir
Brungir does his best to not show pain from the arrow in his shoulder, ripping it out as he moves to use ready his crossbow to fire again. Taking aim at the goblin that fired at him, he presses the trigger of the weapon before a bolt flies out towards the goblin. Not even checking if the bolt struck true he moves to the front of the wagon and hunkers against it for cover.
Attack: 10 Damage: 9
The bolt bounces off the goblin's spiked gauntlet (using instead of a shield; same effect), causing it to stagger but it manages to maintain its footing.
Next: Marcus
Marcus watches the goblin in front of him fall and, seeing another arrow go flying towards the dwarves in the cart from just off the path, runs up to the northernmost bow goblin and slashes at it with his axe (9 to hit but at least he'll have disadvantage now).
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
Treela stays up out of reach of swords as she flys over the battlefield. She points at the injured goblin and again Tolls the Dead. That goblin hears the bell ringing its doom.
DC 13 WIS save to avoid 12 necrotic damage.
Although there are a couple of her teammates injured, Treela holds off on casting healing for the moment, so that she can revive anyone who goes down with her last healing spell for the day.
Marcus' axe clashes against the goblin's gauntlet but Treela causes the injured goblin to hear the bell that would spell his doom as necromantic energy races through him and he collapses onto the floor, dead.
Next: Phait
Phaits jumps out of the cart and down to the ground, rushing towards the frontline to get a better view.
Move: NE->E->E->E->E (1 N of Treela)
He then lets out another spectral hand, sending it towards the goblin near Seraphina.
[[ not sure if the bushes will give it 1/2 cover or something. ]]
Chill Touch
To-Hit: 15+5 = 20
Damage: 3 necrotic
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
The goblin begins shivering intensely as the spectral hand latches on and refuses to let go. It takes 3 necrotic damage.
Next: Seraphine